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December 07, 1891 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1891-12-07

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~Ij It. of A.Wip

VOL. I-No. 54.


What the University of Michigan-
Will Do to Aid the Movement.
President Angell has issued a cir-
cular announcement of the courses
and lectures that the University will
offer to those desiring to take ad-
vantage of the Uniiversity extension
movement, The foloiWlng is a list
oif the courses svhich mnenbers- of the
Facrutty are ready to give oninvmets-
tiou, in cities and tonsrnot too re-
mote from Arbor:
Creek Life antI Literature, Profes-
sors D)'Ooge anti Pattengill; Romnan
Art and Literature, Professors Kel-
sey aisd Rolfe; Assyriology and its
hearings, Professor Belser; French
Literature, Professor Walter; Ger-
muauniLiterature, Professor Thaomas,
English Language, Professor F-tempt;
Rhetoric anid Art Criticisms, Profes-
sor Scott; En glinusLiterature, Pro-
fessor t)en inisHistory, Professors
I lodson anit ici aughlin; Philoso-
ply, tic.Ltoyd; Science ad Art of
leacliiiig, Pirofessor iBrosvii; Politi-
'It EscoiioimyIProfessorAdaiiss andt

selves for tine quizzes or the final Freshman Election.
exansination, wilt he admitted to the
lectures on payment of" the regutarI Saturday, the freshsnen met for 'OuIZ
fee.tile second time to elect class officers.
~l'ne'~nieritycanotnisertkeIn tine forenoon the indepenidents
to organize .the classes or societies setacusaidnmd sef-
lowing tce:PresidnVn y; E
to which lectures are to he given,. ikt-.. Vnat E
Locl mnagrs r asocatins ustvice-president, Mliss Taylor; secre-
do thnat work, and niust make all the trGntii;tesrr ivs
orator, Holt; iistorian, Miss Grimes;,
aragmnsfor mcelmtinte ex- pohtsMs ot otsMs PRICE
tacu~ ~ ~~ ~~~1 ' se of conducting the courses. It oaees isPs;IolsMs
is suggested that in advance a gtuar- Crisnian. Thsey agreeti to nomiin-
anty fund he raised, or that tickets ate lisa fraternity caindidate for toast-
enougis he sol to ensure thse neces- master, Mr. Russell, if tine fraternity I LIST
nien wotultd support the rest of the
nary suns. The arrangements as to dd k
tinseden extent, alnd expenses of each i pnctticket.
course must for the present he umade ustnafeontitcssntt
hthe local mnanagers withs the lee- ing vas catted to order by Chiairmnii
tinter. Davis. Aftei tine rtading of tine _____
It wilt be generally desirable tlnat minutes, it was nmoved slut carritd W
thet lectures be giveln on Fridtay even- athesctrybinruedo
ing, or at some tinme on Saturday or cast a vote fon tine entire ticket as
Saturday evening. For furthner in- greed upon in tine nonning. After
formation, inquiries. may tie made of Mr. VfanTnnyl nail taktn tineuchan
Professor Mi. L. lihtoge, lDeann of and a vote of th-anks had heeti ven
theLierryFaulyto Mr. iDavis, M\r. Wtnie, tin ecanter wine,,yvan,
tine iterry Fcult', _of tine "frats,"' movec en ncnonsider- in Sht~sn n
Hase~all aptain. ntinin of tine fonrnner vmote, andn by line
______aid of a5 coinsidlerabile botly of rode- .

Mailed to You
Through Your
W'iU13I1, K' aU.
H nn lnrieis oif inest Plain
and Jewelled :satiety IBadgen.
want the5.Litest Meitropolinan styles
lila ti $ln anpirlens tlinn n Arbori
-icesseind Inc Cniniloieeito
(. (

I~r icks hiIa 'Ptusic I nofessor Stain- 'Tniaonas I:. Robinison,'( ' IIi ni is pennieinta tin'e mottiin asicarriet. '1I JrJF U
ey; Pitinst andiiooksLibrnarninan was tlectetd 0n Saturila aftnoon iIiiiia w s ahiii move(nid (dliiieditht i DIETROTf', SIIt.
Davs; a Mainni tns lProfessonrstie- captalis of tine bse-bl nteitamifur (ech ii intiitt iihes iotidforisea-
sn Colt,/iwvet, n r ke;n exttt cyear. the tires atuChlobttI! atily.hetii i ttopitlte1r i tatthis eChap. peler 6
Ieea CtsiathIemistryiProfsfaorIFreettI 'ich.,ianst atendled ltivtu Cotllegewan e cau e aitdtralifctIini i
'ii ti 1110") N 05' ~0 Ii lin iSC' o SC. iimitt lncr 1Sf lilli'ltilltlta 5 15 P55 li Unl-elsty (IIIteeei
BceilgProfessornov; 'a ro'8,3t ,18. heter fthin eenens asdisaistl t 0' --rTHSTATIE ST.,.\AN
lar Atronomlily, \ir.Hluissey; (Geol-tie aitchneud,four years, ftor tint(Sheet wni i l~iit t thenomieeifriortor,\Mr. --
ivy \I r. Sueceer' /oolgy, I ofes iibise bail tenon.-Duct"rin;te seasons I mu aiiisahto elct 1\t ~n ity, Ieek ear,
c ';fsor I iealool Sireyg, saf 8i9 tie pitched for tine"track''whovhinadlruin second to IMllt iii tin DesShrsei
l'rf'sso Iruelocl ureyigansateur Seattle (Washington) nie, cauncunsin tine ftorenoon.ii Xtislr \ ei hrt, l
Pro sfesssor Dis;~aw ini" anti Iross tint finest annateur team nnistine Pa- Davis inn tine chair tine class iproceed- ,u nder-v
leit e tit Iroftssor Dcenson;i-c-\ifinc toast. He enteredt the phiar- eI to bsallot foar presidenit, andiit Mi GENTS' UNSIG
cainns i I'ineerin",IProfessors Iiniacyrdeipartmnst of tithe Univrity Van'ruyl seas unianimsoulsly elected. -'
Wager Coi~Soley, Taylor unit Ilcini- f iaf higan in tinefal of i i9o.tic Aftershe hind bueens tlledi in onice,:1 O T 3/LLGO
slon, j ptnched fine of line twelvet-("alies Inst tine class lay separatahnbaltots unni-
It should be1d1sttntincttly sunderstrussstseasons, ithn a batting average ofmaf oinsty elected Miss 'iayltr vice- lish i~hi bckiitoslI(
thti wh aile these lectures, it is hoo~pc~l 458 leacing tieta',adia nihngirsrenat; Mr. Goodtrichn, secretary' Athlicntd11h
will be interesting to line hearers, average tnt .$57. Last asunmmer hisa ndsnt r. Daiusstreasnurer. Whuesn it : -'-( inbnasiiuln
thyare not itnddfor m peittcnedit nasaority of the aeeOVleRYctin" i-io
amnusemsent or entertainment, tait playetd by tine Detroit Athnletic Cush. , themrsewas preciitated a fierce far-'
fnor tine purpose of serious instruc- i He also played left fieint. He ted tional fighitneiicinlastetd sit tie after- CAVE TTIME ANID YM
tion. A tarinted syllnaus of tine tee- tine iD. A. C. ninne ins battinag ansd nooss, asnd seas entict onsly biy-tile
tunres wiii betroeidetd, with refer- with receive a unedal fromnatie leurb cleeatnrte cuigtnai iBy uyin'gansi
ences for collateral reading, auth a as_ a recognition of his batItiung a- tuning off tine gas. The snpport- ~
fintl exansination in writing of su1ch bility. era of iHandy had a majority, but LA W pv
pnersons as desire to receive certi- - ' temioiyfe-s-ton-lutb
rates of proficiency- wsll be made by The Political Science Association adotin a policy of obstruction ofuitswhile we are here.
the lectnarer. Such_ certificates are elected the following officers for the thney were enabled to bring business
not to be regarded as entitling the coming year: President, Dr. F. C. almost to a standstill. After a fight CALLAG HI X N &
holder to any crgdit on the books of Hicks; vice-president, Mr. J. M. of several hoslrs without either party
the Uliiversity'- There may be oral Coleman; secretary and treasurer; electing theirsuman, President Angel 'e e°r rf~rec etr r .H io"eeuiecm PUBLISHERS,
quzhn eo fe ahlcuc M.F ~Dxn xctv os came in and compelled the class to
on the subject-Qf the preceding let-, ,rnittee,, the three officers and Pro- adjourn. The election will be con-54MnoStCia.
tore. It is x-peeled -that persons fessors McLaflghhlin 'and Adams and tinned next Saturday morning at 8
who do not wish to present them- Miss Bundy. o'clock. 50 5. State St., Ann

of, lest


n Arbor.

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