Pablished Daily (Sundays excepted) dring
the Collieeyar, by
Subcription price 2.50 pe year, invariably
inedanse inge cos 3 cets. O sale at
dsnersa's and Post tOie ews stand at 12
o'clock, nbo. Subsriptios may be cift at
the ofihce at the DI~aL, Opera Hue blck, at
Sheeha's, at Soltet's, or with ay of the
Coainatiois hold reach the office by
7 o'clochi..Mali thy are to apprs the et
day. Address alt matter intended oe pibica
tion to the Managing Editor. All business
commsunicatios should be et to the Busi-
ness Manager.
Ann Aror. Xin.
RtALHa SvNs, '2 Maagiig Edior.
S. W. CoTSaS, 'B., Assist. Managigcffditor.
G. . AroMAx.'2,. Asist. Managing Editor.
J. C. TAVSs, '2, Biusiness Manager.
F. . JANTacTE, '3dAsist.Bisss Manaer.
C. W. RIttanTIS,94 Assist. Bsinss Mang.
H. D. JRW5LL. . . 5V.H.DLLsNBACK.'92
. 1D OFIERN, '2. . E. Ru oiES.'2.
B'. Y. PAiiatii,'0. J. I. A saEsiL1,,'3.
G. It. Dyert. '101 . E1'. WastLni.'4.
55. . Mrivtoimc.'t3.1 tiAs. lAst,'9.
THE seats in tie ampbitheaer of
the necw hospial ae a bgiear to
thc btuiding. 'i'ie seas ayc nothing
more tian commniot benihes, and
tihree hundllred ihave been crowdd
into a pace only) large enotgh for one
ihundlreti aisd fifty. 'lie result in
th1101hliseats iave beeni isade only
tine icies wide andsics lihan twen-
ty incises fromithis back of oest a
to list back of list seat in front.
T1he backs of tie sas ave scarcely
any itcline, so tat tlistuotdnt is
obliged to il erect on a nine-inch
board witii only eleven inches in
front for in feet and knees, wih no
arms 10 ret on and very lille room
for shifting his posiion. After a
senior medic has remained on thoue
seats for four hours and a hal, as 1st
is usually obliged to, besides the
three hours in the morning al the
Medical building, his ambition to
bone for three or four hours in the
evening will be paralyzed. We
would suggest and strongly urge
that list present seas be renoved at
list earliest opportunity and ta
some form of opera chair replace
them, such as are used inthis clini-
cal amphsiteatres in list easterts
hospitals. 'Thiere are never one
hundred and fitly stsdensts at a clinic
and out hundred and seventy-five
chairs would seal it comfortably and
more than supply list needs.
DECEMBER 2, '91.
Editors I. on' . DAILY:
In an item in to-day's issue of the
DAILY referring to the'93 Lit-High
School game, there is a slur on the
High School team that is as unjust
as it is contemptible. The item
was evidently inspired by a miember
of the N. A. A. team, and surely
must have crept into the columnss of
lilt DAILY without editorial super-
vision. Everyone wo as watched
list High School games knows that
list Higi S cool played a squart
game as aeli as a good game. It is
singuliar thlat no other eans but the
N. A. A. team has a charge of tisi
sort to nake. Every other team is
willing to witness to list fair work of
list Higih School ean.T'eistsusssof
the matter is tat lihtN. A. A. can-
not play foot-bal, and is sore over
its defeat at the hands of list High
School lean.
I haveio doubt that tihis ciarge
sas made 10 satisfy a personal
grudge entertained by certains mem-
bers of list N. A. A. eans against
onet (rtwvonenbers of list High
Scisool tams. 'Thier is no dishonor
ill not bin g able to play foo-bal.
But11on11'certalinliyexpects ltat mien
wcho ace ireisaring to eads have laid
aside ltheipety 111t51115t55tof cild-
hood. IU. Or M. STUENT.
['fie camssnoe in yestertay's
Dmslls, commenltlsing nion list play--
ing f lthe'9 Lit. and A. A. H. S.
teams, ws cliped fromnstheVpi
lantianis.-i'.SDIAIY. ]
'lil toal receiptsof list Princeton
lase Bali Associations for lilt last
year were $7,504.69; of tis $6,627.-
66 were gatreceips. 'iTetotal ex-
penditures were $7,213.58, wics
leaves a balance of $219.11.
INotices inserted in this comma at te rate
at 0 cents per line. Special rates tor lnger
time, and exra lines trnished by applying at
the DAILY ashie.]
For IHoliday Goods. Beautiful Hand
Painted Articles. cheapest Plush Goods
in the city, and uany useul and ora-
mental things, go to Mrs. M. Poisd's
State street store. Gandl opeig01n
Wednesday aisd Thursday.
Don't forget we keep sweaters, et
quality, $.50 to $4.25. Mack & Sclmid.
Ludies' Mackintoahes us beautiful
varieties, just received at Mack &
lit ansd told baths 10 cests, at Post
Office Barber Shop.
Full lissesew style tollars, 4 ply, 1St
or 2 for 2. Mack & Shimid.
$1.95-500 silk umbrellas worth $3.50
to $450, marked $1.95 at Mack &
Sel itd's.
Ladies of the U. of M. will find it
greatly to their advastage to all on us
whteninii ieed of Cloaks, Dres Goods
or Fancy Dry Goods. Mack & Scmsid.
U. of M. Butons, 50 cents each, and
with class year, 75 tents each. We are
flip only makers of the tree-eightlh
fuelshbutton, with correct colors and
polished enamel. They don't fade or
soil, anid last forever. Sent postpaid
sipon receipt of price. Students are
invited to visit us when ina town.
Roehm & Sons, Jewelers, Grand Circus
Park, 271 Woodward ave., Detroit.
Anew line of Neckwear just received
and no better styles will be found in
townl. You will say they are one-half
the price you pay for them elsewhere.
Mark & Shmid.
e IH + TA IN &-Qo-, e~fade 81.,
have received for tnn opessing of college 20,000 Books, new and second
hiand of all kinds, Greek, Latiss, French, Germass, Law asid Medical Books,
which they will sell at Gireatly Reduced Prices.
Mathematicai Inistrunments ansd Laboratory supplies. See our Note Books
for 1891-2.
I[fl! Is thebE 2.1)1210SCHOOL at CLaltNE~ca
F~ our departmernts-Comm~ercialNtext -btook
or masascript'oik- &nglith.Shorthandasd
-Penmanship. Elegant b~uilding, lamge at-
-___ tendasce. r elcent instrsictors, n-ailsthor-
oagh, living expenses raisemely tsr, to
ssistedin positios.
Far cataloguie, address P. R. CLEARY, President.
$2 50 per seerk; students as
. M. STAFFOID The lNiagara Falls Roafe.
.5t 1 1 I
- STATINuoStMall Day 51:re N V Nit Aul. Eel
in1 1FaIsbitoinll Sap Liu:: Eatx. Rssu Ace.
A~eICllal Tal-thinagaI.s. 705 Oa4.122 150 90 12 M 5P bib dbb
orung.)Chlsa..... F,..... ..... .....' 5 (80 71(0,u6
Dexter......... 4did1........... .. 5,3! 7 25 it, t'
lissle of Pinto Delti Stills... 481:01i.....'.. 4 53512 7237
11 ANN ARBOR.. 4 42: 56 ; 415431 7415 1
Oilani.. 13 50... 056 61 00,1 111
Goods fo select Wyne Jaune ..5 17' ........ ... 627is3113I0
fiosa. Call for I neall, ;Ar - 6 15 i645 7 20 1045;t7us51o92es1210
Buftalo.........1580'f 4:00::: 5; i- :Is 6o (5915
a fines fiffinug;
suit.AI S .,STTINS iDtrCh. L iEve. 1Slurs PusSMail
No 1.MAN9~ 1) hap ihep ExpPhap Lum Ea. Ass.
ANia ARBOR, Muon. !S. Mxiii Sfreet. Bnuffao. it... 12n 6130 9452340tilt500
A. M. A..e. M. P. a. .A.nM Pa. Ps..
l D~~tronit, L.. 820 34:. i2l8009015 9515 4 42
WayueJuna 900.....803 .. 9oss,51
-..sf 'a<a."" ) lYpsilanti . sit sin sos52 soc 00 .... 1 5 5 40
ANN ASEI 3 55854a 2 191u19015isis32i5 52
Delhi Mills..043. ........ 0 37 ........
________________55__.___r_!_ n.... 9 4045.....105 6(7
,XYIG il 1s helsa... 0105.... 9 0....... i 155 56 1$
__________________ J__acknan.. too1 toss 3r1440dsiis6u05
Chicago, Ac ,70553 55150 50 4 50 7115155
GRAND OPERA HOUSE ~G. P. & T. A. Chicago. .W ~ia. Aght Ann Arbor
ONE EIGHT ONLY. Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
0'H Micoiigan Railway.
Ii n l'saatsy eclig, ve. 5 , U-1 0
Positively the only pertortaane at this great
production in An Arbor. W. A. Bready's
Saperb Original Production at the
Alextander Dumas' Greatest Play.
AS IZA, She Bewitching, Handsnme.Model.
The Virgin-8:00 p ma; The Page-8:00 p m
The 3ode-9 :00 p m; The Bride-9: 15 p m;
The Wite-9:45 p m; The Sieen-0:5 p m.
Reigning Sensatoan oftheaworldI Directtfrom
she StandardTheatre, New York City with all
the IdenticalCasnt, Scenery and Eftects.
Prices, - 50, 75 and $1.00'
Scale on nse at P. O. News Sand.
Time Tahblening linonifect beptemtber 13, 18a1
Arrival at trains at Ann Arbor.
No. 2. Thtrough Sail and Express... 7 40 .,nm.
Na. 4. Ann Arbor & Toledo Accom. .11 50 a. m.
No. 0. Clar Passenger ......... 5 05p. m.
Na 1. Clare and Toledo Aceom . 11 30 a. m
No. 3. Through Mail ................ 9 0 p. m.
No. 5. Ann Arbor & Toledo Aeccm.. 73M a. m.
Trained and5 eiun breeuu Ann Arbor and
.Toleda only.
Central Standard Time.
All Trains Daily except Sunday.
Gen. Pasn. AgentL Local Agent.