School of Applied Ethics. sentatives of different professions in England and America, in which r(OF YOUR s
li hsatcew ieabifvarions parts of the country. At special attention was given to the OUJ
Ithsatcewgieabifthe next convention of the Ethical gradnal rise of those practical prob-O f 00 1.JUL
sketcti of the School of Applied Eth- Societies, held in New York, De- lemns in the labor world, iwhich cause v0L a"
ics aad Prof. Henry C. Adams' work cember, 1890, the project was again so much anxiety and discussion to- Mailed to You --
ini connection with it. -broughut forward and endorsed at a day. The subjects of the lectures N Through Your
Tihe following, taken from the public meeting by President E. Benj. in this course were as follows: FT Ap
secretary's report, describes the or- Andresvs, Rev. Lymsan Abbott, Pro- Thse lModerin Social Movement, snd C ti B~
toi and purposes of the institution: fessor Daniel C. Brinton, Rev. R. the Trsue Methiusi of Stndy. Thie Mato iiii Up
Tise School of Applied Ethics 1-teber Newton, Dr. A. S. tsaacs, cnsideedi is the Unit sit Agrciultural 7RC , f UponATO
tilt its first sessioii at Plymouth, and Professor Adler. ,Definite ac- sstyi nlllus Ii osi
glass., from July i to August i 2, lion tosvarcds the realizatiou of the igisid s the isi F ut M siiuil. Tii(rr- (
,891. this svas an experimental pcoject svas taken in the folloswiig 1Blac Deathi soil Tyler's Eebellioii 11 ¢I UI I liii (1
und~ertaking, anid the first step resolution, passed by the consn ciLoIs iderin 1 thii Insdustiat (Conse- I .ST
towardls the carrying out of a large lion: isienees. 1The limes of Iteniry VIll sl Jseileiof sisie Bges,
assd inmportant educational project, af-ssoTa teEcitv n d Elizabeth eonisideredl ss Inieslisi- KDETROIT, - - MICH.
Resoree, Tat he xectiv Con sing Moderns Ideais of Caspital. The
ltii fouiiscing of a fully-eqippecd mitten be emposweredi toi I vie 4 00(0 toSpltoNaoslim sepeselI
School of Applied Ethics in connec- establis a Sumsmer School of Ethsies Indiustrial Legislationi of the Seven-
tion withb sonie large university. It for oiie yeiar, slut to hiand 05ver its man-51 teents id igliteenti Centurlies. Lib l
is proposecd, not toi fouind ainother ageenlt to a committee of ninie, thiree eat Writers of the Eighsteenthi Cenitu-
schooiil similar to antI as a rival of utwsn lsllbyetrs ols ti conisidereid wviths Espeecil Rfee
usr colsarayeitn u i cit Societies. enice to the Industrial Libesalisni of
us-lara dctoa edb i In consertuence of this resolution Adam1 Smsith. Induostri-sl suit Social Y F
ae e a r e a li e s v asti n a ane e di t c s v h s sc-R e s u l t s o f t hs e D~ e e l o p en s t s it Te x t l e
nshiing systemnatic instruictioii iii a aiomte a ponewihMchisnery.ttu Analysis sit the
nlti ewYrMacc,181-ild ot investigationi sot espcal lect of Ma inron Wages. hniiuhi
seclt ITherc iw-rc present P rofessoi IJ t. tsias l -ue Soil Results of thse Dev elop-i iie uri sossnuuiietsest meropsolitans sies
prosvised fur ini estabilishedi iiistst-
osus Adani, of the tUniversitv of stuclis meit of Sti115N us gat. t M-ll'1s sOit ini siuusate aas iii r insi tni Aini Arbsor
,,ii, Professor C. 1-ITsy, iof 1Hausrval ic 1 Eoinomsy, cosidseced -is thie most rce sa ior Ctiieu toii
'Tlue exlperimieint of last summesir PIeris-ct Expresioun ofi the Indilustrial
pcrvedso i scscecssful that it has becn Uniiserstty, Professor IFelix sAiler, Isletsol Ihui \Iuulslase ht .", irs (( I sis t
sleciutes to holdh s sisiliar scssiosn otta 'EccooknoesmeitFlesj ousuisIi isosnep lt ilns, (h1 il'
-uileyeeu tuesus tsu utkue s, sit ],Towns I nnvisists:y, i I'ro ltuin ofi 1,-' usnt toi liiir' s 171 sC-tOhlIT, hI hll.
fiii uu 1 uusgr stcIsi essor Moirris lhssrusus J r., ofsc "iuiess niouuss iulieuld istlieii uis
pl ce and he maa~eishope hat n usia s Sil itil suofi thu I 'iluuucne
snot suiythpue siummser schosol, bust C s eusil'u i\s Ii utls uiusuisS5 0 h ap.t SpellIe r &c
S. ~unsWeto, f IIrlaelpha i luunus's tus Solutionu ofi the
alsoi tie pecrmsanecnt schoolu refer redh l ssust ss s itai tiu Monoipolyui Quei sin Ani Instu hit - Uniji-nsity Outfitters,
to uswitl tbe suicccssuily cstaiblishedh I ic trsust smltecd by thec aibove c I cio osrs i the 'nt Miii ussn ofi Ou (sr to1. Si-is STAirls 8' ANN < Illt10ll.
lo up stusciiiijuitu stions usas assceptced by thecmi-iune-docup ntn an ismssrsant Ihe isollwncipd o h
liii cti seiuauostiiiss ee, ands planus wsere p rcsestcih andi IleIolius SIiici scs iiI~~i\'a
T lid psropoisitions to citabishi a adohpted ifor a summessesc ssions of tide is -sI I ossuu
isIuststisiih iiceicr rcksclstcticcccsiturstofthc C hisiasii Rcgister showsus that liIress Shirts, IlIiioxes,
Ettcsists0 i rsuetosu~sIconoss Hus Iistory of Reliiss, o iai us sschli scius Underwear,
suchdetl Ir ine Ioncto roftho I cuu d reputiationis ai510 poiiral di (ii-
sosie sari- university, has benu-h dEhis rfso enyC Orisi'
itAodci 1yas sauss ivas msadhe hisectr1 of the dec ruist sit theicsts ranuk: GENTS' FURNISHMNS, (gnaie-t
de dliscussionrsevcralyas At- ThcierC titerest iii this sch Iisi --
icntionus fitrst caslhcd to thie neccd hpartmsent of I crooics hisrofessour sems tos luaun cesiter rui ini thse Deparst- c< FO T B/ O( V
C. H.Toy, sit Histor y of Religiosusi isnt oii I iOiiiulii tesui tilt tos the /''-~'~"' f
sisuh soul, in si~ ut utso 1alikso puli tidic gurwig spreci-autsin oi tinc profoundss- -
itsess us Bouston, is 1Profsessior F ci idPoesrFlxAlr fFt Iy vitasl Issansner us ishichi thin gre-st E Iuglisin Msm~kitoshes,
phuiug Mytropier. It i-as decidled that thie of- socials topaics ot thin timies tusuir h us all.Aheian
killer, duigthec a anivecrsarc tHere iwere numibers sit pseople gahee Ais;ic i
sic-ck of x87g. Thue project wass lre of D~eans shuouhld be buntedus rota- Itoguethuer ushos sash liesisse tutud ohfi thin G ytmnatsissms G:oods,
aftlerwarits discuusced isn thse Indiex lion by thse hecads of thue ilepartmsents :csirn,-suls oftfered bsy usarurow-muiinded mis- ir' tVER tuD'SCRT~IOu'N.
Ithusissts, sut less thsans hieartsick siof _________________________
I er in the orsder givess, anit professor the soucisil wronigs aul misesriisshich
iris othuer psapers; bust tie plans w cerse I ucau t asstueshro itu il ls iuu xsec l AETM N OE
stlt too indefinite and psublic luse Adm eae]cno h colbigti ls noeitne n A ETM N OE
forth frs yarstetsely aniouus fsir sosues teachintg
est was not suiffciently awvakenseid torsfit yer whuichi swouul poiunt out cleaur lasnid-
the importance of the undertaking, Thle first session openued J uly u Ituasrks. Onty thue existesnce of this By~ Bhuingurs i
feelisng of esrniest lotngitug for some
The subject wsas next brought to at Lyceuns Hall, Plymuouth, Mass., mseasoure of authoritative expositioni
publc ntic, ad ina mre efiitewillsuli addresses by Professors can aiccoiunt for thue enithusiasni 'whicih j C7T
hsttendied the ecotsomic course. It l !
shuape at thse third consvention of thae Adams, Toy, and Adlcr on thin work Prof. Adams, this departmetnt hiss had
Etiayoiteiel i liae-t be done in .their respective for its directour stud chief expositor a (tumwi eaetes
Ethical Soceties,, hed in F hildel- to toaster mnsd. Apart frotm thin interest ofiswieearhr.
pias, January, 1889~. It was thse branches. Thse regular daily lectures of the subject, it would be impossible
topi ofa secil pblicmeeing an bean hursayJul wit a oodto listetn withut keen satisfactionts
tpcfaspcapulcmeig,>n ea rusaJl ,wlsago his rigid analysis aitd lucid explana- CALLAG HI A N & CO.,
addresses were mrade by Professor attendance. tions of a subject which is, for the
most of us, wraipped its rchaos and
Adler, Mr.: Thomas. Davidson, 1Pro- In, the departmsent of ecotsonmics preulngt"Po.AasfnlPs~'xrs
fessor Royce, Rev. Win. J. Potter, the main course consisted of a'series ectnre, summrin p~ -the economic
ad others. Numerous letters en- of sixteen lectures by Professor Ad- teaching of the school during ti e six
by weeks' course, was one of rare inert. u54 Monroe St., Chicago.
dorsing the. proposed -school. were sins, on thne History of Industrial Ie was at once overwhelnsed with
recevedfro ditinuishd rpre Soiet andEcoomi rs inrequests for its psiblication, to which
reevdfoaitnuse epe oit n Eooi octrine hnle hias consented." 50 S. State St., Ann Arbor.