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November 21, 1891 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1891-11-21

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______NEW GOODS.
SEE THE NEW LINE of________
The 4. T. 'Jacobs Co.,
-Overco at '-I The J. T. Jacobs Co.,
The ~J. T. Jacobs Co.,
-2'r=r=== r=-=7 0-2.,2xfS N. B-We still have a nice assortment of Light Weight')vercoats
z.. BIT1Z, to be closed osut at Greatly Reduced Prices.

ARAIR Io R ER lllT C(O(AL. GEORGE L. 1MOORE, MoSrccessor o
WORK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED. FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL. A Call Linesof aslCsllege Text Boos,inacluding Last and Medical Baohe, by the slotks.
CALL oN Cheapest plaee foe Note Book sod Fountainafes in the city. Freshmen crewel in. Csome along
SPECAL ATESTO TUDNTS. N=_Sr );.E37,R, eld friends. I new have my entice stock at ay store en PNO. 6 S. M 4IN ST.
Office. - 23 South Fourth Ave. NO. 11 WEST WASHINGTON STREET. GE0-L. OR


Evey Sudet wll avemo y blbying Unliversity Text-Books anti alt supplies at IHeadqsiarters. We allow Orders fer trains, parties, weddings, ec.,
special dlisct onlt LAW BOOKS, MEDICAL BIOOKS, DENTAL BOOKS, is short, every Book lused in the' Tleho empIolly at .( ,. PIst.fie
UnIiversity. 5,000 Blank Books alt lowest pices. MISJDT GRV ,
(4=EC ]EL4C1-E] L .111. iget PIANIST-
r HighestOrades Taught. Apply at Wilsecy-.
LEADING BOOK STOIIE IN IlE:i CITY. _____ Msie Stere. ____
l0Ihmond Straight Qcit. THE CAMPUS. Aloha Ru.Hsalte mrvdmachiner,and isopCe..
No. 1 ,Iicsta nbieadktun( eecdz'>
CIGARETTES. The Moslem University at Cairo tile laiiso'progrno this ecinllg1.10 1 ,root.A:je och coachPpeltr. N
Cigarette Smohers who hs sudnsani wiii be: I0 .ATN
are willing to nay a littln 0,0 30pr-Essay.lPoetry as a CloteArt--_--------IIDALERIINl
more than the pricerfSoS ----- isMr 1ba ClothCakt, eali
05charged frethe oscdiary esr.Ms aySahclC ses teai
-v trade Cigarettes, will find The treasurer's report of the liar- Solo -------.----------is~ls Vsllsntl AND COMIMON COFFINS.
THI BRANDsunperior to Recaitatison... Mise---- C. Undrrweetd
Cu o ' all others. StagtvrJC-oeaieSceysios.ASsy- - -isAaOr A. POLHEM US.
*U The Richmond Srih adC-prtv oit hw tr ____________isAaGrc i T
CtN.ICigarettes are made from the bright- ntpoi f$,6. Recitatis'- --_________Miss Anna Trainor -J. .V .f.i.t..
est, mast delicately Slavored and highent castnt poi fX,6 4 Essay. The Perfect Triadcl--Mias1B. Carlen At.SO 'BUS HALE AND IIAGGAG E LINE.
hold Leat grown in Virginia. Thin iothe Old Memorial Hall at Harvard, by a Solo.- -__---ian Velland Nerth Slain Street.
and Original Brand or Straight Cat Cigarettes,' "------------
adanrghotyineyals. new system of service, caters to SOnO eiair.Cdl~on istlrinecl RINSEY & SEABOLT,
Besware o1 imitations, and observe that the Ilitio.liioaSry MnuutIahraddeers
firm name as belosw is an every pachage. students instead of 50 as formerly BoakeMissVola nd , dvoealr nd ed
Ot the American Tobacco Cn., BrownJuneritora Llle w 6aElection.ngonSt
Manufacturers, -.-Richmond. Virginia. wnUnvesiyoasfaleLiaw- ElecustS.ioninnoS
Aline in admitting co-educatton. 'ihis J.- H A L L E R,
tIIU Il~r'an i~ aI b lt. year for the first time in her history The annual election of officers in-ar =
Caitl.$5,00 Srpusan Poit, 1700.women are admitted, the Junior law class was held last , earn nsecialty. 46SOUTH_ AINST
Does a general Banhing businens. FPyastin- The first income received from the evening in the law lecture room. I JTTD. STIMSOTN STONS
teetDepooit Hoxen tar Rent. aft $1,000,000 bequeathed to Colgate Three candidates, representing as SttItee rcr
H. KEMPF, Pres. F. H. BELSER, Cashier. SaeSre rcr
BlankhovenSaturday evening. University last year, has been util- many states, entered the contest for Stdentsaplatrontage eapecially solicited,
An rorSvng akized by the establishment of several the presidency. The informal ballot' 24 5. STATE STREET.
Ann Arbor Mich. Capitaltstock, 5,SS, new professorships at the Univer- resulted as follows: J. W. Mc-
Surplus, $10,000.
Organied under the General Banhing Laws sity. Caughey (Cal.), 132; H. 0. Carson
cc thin ntate. ReceivenstDepositn, buys and Clee'N.L ' (en
selln exchange on the prineipat citien ot the Iowa Cleehass undertaken the (Mich.), 74; 1I. '.1Dvis(Pnn}
denicationtte. Offcera$cgse pnpoe noble but no less laborious task of 38. On motion, ,Mr. McCaulghey's
W. D. HARnIMAN, vice Pres.. ratsing subscriptions, with whichl to election was made unanimous. For
CHAS. N. HItOCa, Cashier, erect a Christian Association build- the office of vice-president, M. B.
'=Hm0E O2tIG1NAsT., ing. 1500of its students have already Bernhardt, of Indiana, was chosen; 71 Fort St.. West. - Detroit, Mich.
14' subscribed $6,575. second vice-president, Miss Mary E.-
Hon. F. F. Thompson, of New Benson, of Wisco sin; secretary, H . ToBALI. G A 'EWN i ll rfn the o
Wrm-. Arnold's, , York, has promised Wiliams three C. W ilcott, of Ohio; treasurer, F.fret Detroit anti return Saturday
.16Man sret, new laboratories. The chemical G. Rice, Kentucky; manager fith on any $5 purchase or over.
laboratory, nowbin built, is to sports, S. M~brs fMsor. GLE EAGLE CLOTHING Co.
AlA NT D A L cost$X45,,000. The other twvo are to ' -iNtOTICE. - Tlhe "1Elite Terpsi-
IN II ~~~ be finished before 1893. Thnsgvn Rt f chore " swill hold its first regular
S9 The building fund of the new To all students holding certificates mneeting on Tuesday evening, Nov.
FINE PHOTOGRAPHS. sgned by J. II. Wade, secty, the T. A. 1 24. Let every member be presenit
~1ILLINEY AND AR GOODS!Chicago University has been enlarged A. & N. M. R'l will' issue excursion'po tlat8'cck
IItat oosStes, recently by 5000 making a total tickets to points in its territory only,
30 Est uronStretby $00,00,at one slnd one-third fare for the tound NOTICE. 'There will be any
of$2,250,000. In addition to this trip. Tickets on sale Monday, Tugs- amount of college color ribbons and
SHOlRTHANDlTAKE A building fund is the endowment fund day and Wednesday,, Nov..211; 24 and flags on sale atheMC.dptS-
CURSE. 28, good toreturn up toAnhd including6teM .dptSt
IT WILL PAY YOU. Shorthand schnol, itew of $2,000,000 for the support of the Monday, Nov. 30th: Take the T. & urd Ly morning. Buy your colors
BUildingas South state street. professors, scholarships, etc. I A., Nx ys. ' there and patronize the boys.

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