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November 21, 1891 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1891-11-21

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Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during
the College ear, by
Subscription price $2.50 per year, invariably
in eadvance single copies acents. On sale at
Seenan s and Post Office news stand at 12
o'clock, noon. Subscriptions may be left at
the office of the DALY, Opera House block, at
Sheehan's, at Stoflet's, or with any of the
Communications should reach the office by
7 o'clock P. M. it they are to appear the next
day. Address all matter intended for publica-
tion to the Managing Editor. All business
communications should be sent to the Busi-
ness Manager
Ann Arbor, Mich.
RALPH STONE, '2, Mnagne Editor.
S. W. CURTIss, '92, Assist. Managing Editor.
G. L. CHAPMAN, ', Assist. Managing Editor.
J. C. TAVS, '2, Bsiness Manger.
F. E. JANETTE, '9E, Assist.Bsiness Manager.
C. W. CKETs, '94, Assist. Business Mangr.
. 0 Goot, '2. y,.oE.OIGGLS, '2
W. P. PAnRKEs o, I J. H, AtsosLL, '.
G-. B. Dygert 'E. I C. F WsLLE,a'4.
W. E. McENCROE, '93. CHAS. BARD,'5.
ra "nou nu''an'-- nous.-
THE news that Professor Scott and
other members of the faculty are
making determined efforts to im
prove and increase the present mea-
gre art collection of the University,
and to secure the establishment of a
department of art, will be welcomed
with delight, not only by those stu-
dents who are interested in the
study of art and in art criticism, but
by those who welcome every im-
provement in the character of the
courses offered in the University.
The University of Michigan has al-
ways possessed a reputation as a uni-
versity where advanced instruction
can be obtained in special branches,
and where opportunities and facili-
ties for orignal work are offered.
The success of the scheme depends
entirely upon the generosity of the
alumni and friends of the Univer-
sity, and we urge them to respond
promptly and liberally to Professor
Scott's appeal. Before any altera-
tion in the courses of study can be
made, it is, of course, absolutely
necessary that the material for study,
in the shape of an adequate art col-
lection, be secured,
Most of the works of art now be-
longing to the University are placed
in the galleries of the library build-
ing. Quite a number of them are
not available for the courses which
Professor Scott wishes to establish.
One of the most useful collections,
the Lewis collection of works of art,
is located at Coldwater, Mich., and
cannot, therefore, be used for prac-
tical work. What is particularly
needed is adequate space in which to
gather all of the art works now be-
longing the University, and those

which Professor Scotthopes 1o col-
lect for the prospective courses of
It will be seen from an article in
another column, that Professor
Scott's first effort will be to collect
material for the study of the Old
Masters. A series of lectures will
be given to his class in aesthelics
soon after the Christmas vacation,
upon two of the more celebrated of
the painters of the period of the Re-
naissance. We earnestly urge those
among the alumni or friends of the
University who are able to assist by
contributing material, to correspond
immediately with Professor Scott.
The Cap and Gown at Yale.
Last year the Senior class at Yale
wore the cap and gown for the first
time at their commencement exer-
cises, but this year's class is seriously
considering the matter of wearing
them throughout the year, on all
class occasions, and to chapel on
Sundays. Ihe innovation will prob-
ably be adopted, as the faculty are
greatly in favor of the idea, and
President Dwight, in speaking of the
matter after commencement last
June, said that he believed and hoped
that the custom had come to Yale to
fNotices inserted in this column at the rate
of 10 cents per line. Special rates for longer
time, and extra ines furished by applying at
the DAILY office.
LosT-Tuesday evening, between
Main Hall and 21 S. State st., a pair of
gold-rimmed eye-glasses. Return to 21
S. State.
Very desirable suite of Rooms to
rent at No. 5 Monroe. Rooms opening
to the south; furnace heat, and use of
bath. Price reduced,
Don't forget we keep sweaters, best
quality, $3.50 to $4.25. Mack & Schmid.
Don't go it blindly again. You want
a TRIBUNE (Detroit) Sunday, to get a
well-written up account of the U. of
M.-Cornell Foot-Ball Game in Detroit
Ladies' Mackintoshes in beautiful
varieties, just received at Mack &
Hot and cold baths 10 cents, at Post
Office Barber Shop.
Full line new style collars, 4 ply, 15c
or 2 for 25. Mack & Schmid.
None of the patrons of our Opera
House need think it necessary to go to
Detroit to see Madam Rhea this sea-
son. She will play here in March next
without fail.
$1.95-800 silk umbrellas worth $3.50
to $4.50, marked $1.95 at Mack &
U. of M. Buttons, 50 cents each, and
with class year, 75 cents each. We are
the only makers of the three-eighth
inch button, with correct colors and
polished enamel. They don't fade or
soil, and last forever. Sent postpaid
upon receipt of price. Students are
invited to visit us when in town.
Roehm & Sons, Jewelers, Grand Circus
Park, 271 Woodward ave., Detroit.
Anew lineofNeckwear just received
and no better styles will be found in
town. You will say they are one-half
the price you pay for them elsewhere.
Mack & Schmid.

have received for tie opening of college 20,000 Books, new and second
hand of all kinds, Greek, Latin, French, German, Law and Medical Books,
which they will sell at Greatly Reduced Prices.
Mathematical Instruments and Laboratory supplies. See our Note Books
for 1891-2.
Four departments-Commercial, No text-book
or manuscript work-&nglish. Shorthand and
- Penmanship. Ilegant building. hage at-
- tendance, efficient instructors, work thor-
-' ough, living expenses extremely low, M.5to
$2 50 per nek; students assisted o positions.
For catalogue, address P.R. CLEARY, President.
"The Niagara Falls Route."
in Fashions in STATIONs Mail Day SrO N Y Ni't Atl.Kal
Exp Lim Exp Ex. ExpAc.
UTT VUT M 'l Merchiant Tail- A.M A. M. .. P.M. P.M. P.M. A.M
J-l. ChlgcLsagsI'. 15 sec9122 310 925 101 451
oring. FIte xaoei . 5 5 4 ,5 87 4156 1 25
sexter......... 414. ...... .. 5 n3 725 l ;
line of Piece Delhi tills... 430. .......... 537s...
ANN A808.. 4215 25 6 22 9 45 5 4 7 951 s
1 .Ypsilanti 53 51 0 ... . 9W 5 601 80 1'
Gj ods to select Wayne 51 .. . 6 8
from. Call for Detroit,Ar - - 15 045 01 '1 192 10
a fine fittintg Siufoal......... 80 40 - OA P725 11160915
Suit. Cli. N -l'
Chi Nth
19 5. MAIN ST., No. 19 "T^A -sS. D Csehi. iss Rr. sre Pu.Maus
lEp Rp Ip sp. im E. Ac.
S.Mi Sre.A. M. A..A..A.. ..A.M.o
ANN ARBOR,- Mc. S. ain Street. Buffalo,........ 1200 630 945 340 1250 600
A. . ..P .P a. M ss nst. P.
DetritLv.. 2 1 4 saxN0t 925 915 dt
wayneJne900. .3, -955'Ja5II'
---+. -- Ypstlanati..... 9 22 8 25 1 900 . .. 10 15 5 40
ANN AI3I3.. 935 8i") 219 9 18 1l 1032 55
Delhi Mill.. 9 4..... 9 31.........
Dexter J a..... ...stee..... 94 ..10,52 617
Chelsea -.....1010...... . 515.......107 e18
Jacksn.....1 9035 410 5 1110 itt 6115
LEA E Y URORD RS Chicago, A. 7 55 355900 6 50 450 7 51115
LEAVE YOUR ORDERS tstgt o s o s 5 lil
P. 0. NEW S TAND G. P. & T. A. Chicago. A't Ann Arbor
Newspapers, Magzines Periodicals, Fine Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
Confections, Cigars and Tobacco.
Michigan Railway.
Time Table going Inte eifect September 13, 1891.
Arrival ofttrainsat Ann Arbor.
No. 2. Through Mail and Express... 7 40 a. m.
,No.4. Ann Arbor & Toledo Accom..1150 a. m.
NO. 12 W. HURON ST. No. 6. Clare Passenger.............. 505 p. m.
Ladies of the U. of M. will find it No1. CleandTledo Accom......1130 a.m.
Lais fthsU o . il No. 3. Through Mail ,.....920p.m.
greatly to their advantage to call ol 51s No.5. Ann Arbor & Toledo Accom.. 7 20 a. m.
when in need of Cloaks, Dress Goods Trains 4 and 5 run between Ann Arbor and
or Fancy Dry Goods. Mack & Schmid. Toledo only.
The Detroit Tribune is the only De- CentraSad5ardTie Sunday.
troit paper that interests itself in the W.HBEN
popular and healthful sports of the U. . H NETT, H. S. GREENWOOD,
of M. boys. Subscribe, or leave your Gen.,Pass. Agent. Local Agent.
orders at Opera House News Depot.
Do you need a new Suit or Overcoat?
If so, see the line of samples of the
Golden Eagle Clothing Co., Detroit, If
Tuesday, Nov. 16th. This firm have
made hundreds of suits for students
last year (to whom they refer). In
every case they guarantee perfect sat-
isfaction in point of style, cut make
and trimmings, and will save you at
least $10 on suit or overcoat. Leave
your address at Goodyear and St.
James', Main street, and Mr. Rosen-
garten will call on you at your conven-

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