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November 17, 1891 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1891-11-17

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'I . f 'M T a p Dr. Mary Smith, '91, medic is vis-
Oj. " "1" itng in the city for a few days.
Published Daily (Sundays excepied) during D.M Smt,'3 edchaa-
the College sear, by cepted a position as traveling sales-
THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION man for a Chicago firm.
---Susoription price $12.501 per year, invariably Dr. Macgregor.
in ads-acow Single copies 3 crats. On tale at-_ _
Snernun s nnd Putt Office newes tand at 12 The Sositnerville Gazette. speaking
ocock, noon. Subscriptions may be left at of Mr. MacGregor's oratory, says:
the office of the DAILY, Opera House block, nt "For glowing imagery, gorgeotis
Sheehans, at Stoffietos, or'with any of the. 'or(-plininltg, lofty conceptions aisd
editors, brilliant hetorieai climaxes, Ite lisa
Communications should reach the0 office by probably never beein equalled by any
7 o'clock r. na. ifthIey arc to appear the next lecturer ill Sotnerville. Blishiop Simp-
day. Address all mtter intended for publica- Son1's fervid and beautiful language,
lion to the Managing Editor. All buoineos xxwhet at his best, is freqtuently opokeii
communications should ho sent to she Hasi- of us the acme of eloquencee; hot this
neon Manager. young man, scareely Ileartd of yet in
THE U6 o f X. DAILY, the world, has at his command anld
Ann Arbor, Mich. withinti Iis granid ideas, lan~gulage an~d
elocutionary powers Ilardly secon~d to
EDITORS. Blishiop Simpsool."
RtALPH STONEc, '92, SMunagitng Editor.
S. xv. Cons-aSS, '92, Assist. Managing Editor. Grand Opera House.
G.5L. CuArstAs, '92, Assist. Managing Editor.-
J. c. TRAs-IS. '91,Husiness Matiuger. What promises to be one of the best
P. E. JAsNETTc,'91, Assist.Businssanagsuer. attractionls of the season will be givenl
C. xv. RicxEoS-I,'54, Assist. Blusines Man'gr.lit the opera hlouse niext Friday nilght.
H. 0. JEWooL. P. G. w.H.DELLFI3csKar,'92 Linicoln J. Carter's snagniiicetit sceinic
F. 1) Oscos, so. P. E. ts-noicS, 'W. producltion~, the "Fast MAail." This is
xv. P. PARKE0, 93. J.R. AI,L,93.i5. sitobaluodtn ofnrelai
0. . Oger. 91. j I. P Wooc, '4. ordinary meirits, while the scenic anid
Mlechanlicail effects equal alnytinig that
TEn.ARQS UBLIn.SnINOS. . lidis exv e llengiventinisthis city. There
-" - - i rpresenltation oft allen~ginle 10011
WV have hecard a number of com- 011 a Alississippi steamelOr, sh1ow5inlgthle
furnlaces u1nd1ev the boilers ill active
plaints because- of tihe absence of operation... realistic trainl of cars
foot ligihtson~ the platform in .ini- shloots acrfoss the stage withl xwondelrful1
effect. Thle sfc110 representinig tihe
versity I-all. Thc audience wvas u111 Niagara Falls is said to challenge crit-
able to see the facial changes of AMr. icislin 1119 beggairs descriptioll. Thle
mlonligh~t 0n the Falls, a11d the 1roa11-
Powers (lurin~g his entertainmelnt. ing of the plunlging xxaters, the mist
Tils fact detracted lnt a little fromt arisin~g from thie secthing cu~rrenlt mlake
tile scene as1 realistic as it xwouldlibc
the success of his efforts. It is cus- possiblc to malke it. Tile play 11119al1
tinary anti necessary 11120 the fea- albsoirbinlg plot 1a1191tile linles 1110 all
stron~g. 'There is pllenity of humlor to
lures of tile speaker ibe plainly seen, relieve the paithos, anid altogethler it is
therefore, xe advorate a newl set of hard to get a play of more perfect
symimetry. The amembers of tile pro.
foot-lights. dulcinlg company are said to shiosva
+---- good conceeptionl of the authlor's ideas,
THE clooe score in the Cornell- and they portray xxithi commenldable
Princeton game last Saturday is aptacucy *-_
to cause a feeling that Michigan will BUSINESS LOCALS.

h~ave received for tihe opening of college 20,000 Books, new and second
hand of all kinds, Greek, Lat, Frencl, German, Law and Medical Books,
wxhich they will sell at Greatly Reduncedl Prices.
Mathematical Instruments and Laboratory supplies. See ousr Note IBooks
for 189i-2.
-, -Is titLEAS SINsSCHOOL ot CL'II .
our depatmesl-Commercil No textLo(k
Sor manuscritxok-,Oglisb 5Shothnd aol
ye ansip Eleant buldng lre at
L_ -_ - tend ncereficientsmtuctoes, obut-
_ ------ -- ouch tliing epes ooetrmly low 2.5 to
35 perxek; tdents assisted to postons.
oe catalogue, addes',P R.CLEARY Pesidet
______ t MIGAN GENTA~
"The Nligara Flls Rofe."
in1 Fashion's in1 aSAeTOSsMaiutDay SlrN Y NlitAl. IC'
6T / rchan lal - A M1Eu too MPo. pM Y.. RpA.
TJ ±( . hc, I 9091!22 19 97,1 115 4195
lJ 1 1 O r 1ngF1 nliie Jcsitn.1... 25.4 259<047 4490 19 ;9.59
g. lChels...... '(11 ( 531 71' 9q 0
of PeexDotr......414 1541799 999
lino ofDli Mils01 191 3
ANN 2111. 442 b 2 6 2 J ( t1f 108 09 91
Gxoods to cict IPalyoJunov517 b0 1. 6(lit811999
froni. ('ll for PeltA .961 49 72s 0(4i199,c9 020 11.r
a ff110 fitinig Puelo. 5199 &ir 400 75,1 i1e1
(0Ch. Nt
19 S. MAIN ST., ( NO. 19 SAcTOS. DetChi. Lie Esc. She. due Mar
Ex p ap hp. Lim E. Aie,
pia . II fao A. M.A.. .aM.. . P M. A.1.99
ANN ARBOR. MC.S 'anStreet. Bfao.... 1(900 30 41 349 1101 095
A.M.A.a. .. .Int. rM. (
DetritL.e 02571 1 21749 12515 4 4
Wayne jane 900....85 .. . 954 5199
"""-flS-:r "' pilanti 5..921C5192 09 8 47. tots10 5 51
AINAIR 3895 8 39 2 19 9 111Ile o 30590,
y Dlhi ills9 41...... 911 .
Ch________________ sts 5.. .2.. 097.. .
Chelam ...10 30..... i955... ..0 8
_________________________Jaks..t.. 11 91 9263 40 211 614155
hiea. Ar. 751 3955 9 00 50 40 8011 19
tDily. *Sunday excepted.
Q ""l . P. & T. A. Chicago. Ag't Ann A ror
Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
TI Fort St.. Wet, Detroit, Mich. Michigan Railway.
LEAVE YOUR ORDERS TimeTale gig intaeffect Septemtbe 13, 111
-AT- Anisal of (inains at An Aeor.
-FO- No 2Though ail and Express... 40a m.
Newspapes, Mgzines, PerodiclFie o. NO4 AssAror cToldo Acom.1t Ia.I.
Conetons Cigars and Tobacco No 6Cae Psenger...... 5 05 p..
No 1.Care and Toledo Accom.. 110 a. to.
4! ,' ~~No 3.Through Mains......SAIO3p. m.
I No.1.Atn Abor & Toledo Acom..720 a. mi.
J Tans 4ud5 runhbetwenAnnsArboscasd
"TV k 1 N~j RA Totedo only.
Central Standard Time.
All Trains Daily except Suady.
Gen. Pass. AgetL Lcl Agent.
Do you need a new Suit or Overcoat'.? ______
If so, see the line of samples of the
Goldens Eagle Clothing Co., Detroit, Aft
Tuesday, Nov. 16th. This firm have
made hundreds of suits for students ~I
lust year (to whom they refer). In '
every case they guarantee perfect sat- ,
isfactioss inon point of style,c cut make
and trimmings, and will save you at
least $10 on suit or overcoat. Leave '
your address at Goodyear and St. ' s
James', Main street, and Mr. l osen- 1 1
earten will call on you at your conven-

not he able to hold Cornell down to
last year's score, to say nothing of
defeating her. Such is a mistaken
idca. Thecre is nothing more uncer-
tain than foot-bali. Cornell is un-
doubtedly playing first-class foot-
ball, but her strength appears to he
in rushling, as her line is quite heavy
and xvell trained. But in Michigan's
line nbc will find worthy opponents.
Our line developed xwonderfuli
strength in the Chicago gamue, and
with, hard training tis week should
he able to weithsand Cornell's rush-
ing and swing in work. It is to be
hoped that a large numbher of s11u-
dcnts will go to Detroit, for nothing
xvill put vim and dash into a leans
more than the knowledge tihat ibe
spectators are felow students and
are ready to reward good xvork by'
applause and cheering. Our team
will go int the contest with deter-
mination, and we feel confident
that, even if victory in not earned
from their more experienced oppo-
nrts, they will, acquit themselves
with credit ' to the' university they
have been selected to represent.

tNotices inserted in this column at the rate
of 10 cents per liar. Speciul rates fur longer
time, atnd estra lines furnished hr applying at
the DAILY office.1
Hot atnd cold baths 10 cents, at Post
Office Blarber Shop.
Fiill line tiew style collars, 4 ply, 15e
or 2 for 20. Mack & Schimid.
Notse of the patrotis of our Opera
Htouse nleed think it nsecessary to go to
Detroit to see MaodaimRhea this sea-
soti. She xwill play here us March nsext
Ladies' Mackitntoshses its beasitifoul
varieties, jtist -receivetd at Mack &
$1.95-800 silk timbrellas worth $3.50
to $4.50, miarked $1.95 at Mack &
Laidies of the T.. of M. will fitid it
greatly to their advatitage Lu call on us
xvhien its tied of Cloaks, Dress Goods
or Faiicy Dty Goods. Mack & Schomid.
U. of M. Buttons, 30 cetnts each, and
xwith class yeair, 70 cents each. We are
the only matkers of the thsree-eighth
i button, with correct colors and
polishedietsamiel. They dun't fade or
soil, ausd last forever. Sent postpaid
upon receipt of price. Students are
inviteod to visit us when its town.
Rtoelsm & Sons, Jewelers, Grand Circus
Park, 271 Woodward ave., Detroit.
A new line of Neckwear just received
and no better styles will be found in
town. You will say they are one-half
the price you pay for them elsewhere.
Mack & Schmnid.
Don't forget we keep sweaters, best
quality, $3.50to $4.25. Mack & Schmid.

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