E .or
, n. Wlail .
VOL. II.-No. 42.
University Extension.
Tine annual meeting of the Amer-
ican Society for the extension of
University Teaching was held Tues-
day evening, in Philadelphia, and
was an occasion of interest to all
friends of. higher education and the
movement for imparting its benefits
to the people. The University Ex-
tension project is comparatively new,
but the progress it has already made
shows how strong a hold it has taken
upon the popular mind. The peo-
ple were ripe for it. The American
Society is in receipt of inquiries
regarding the matter, even -from so
distant a part of the world as India;
and it is regarded as the chief bureau
of information on the subject for
the United States and Canada. The
demands for lecturers are constant
and great. To meet them in some
of the smaller towns circuits have
been arranged whereby a lecturer
may visit six different places on the
evenings of one week, thus conserv-
ing energy and reducing traveling
expense. A token of progress is
shown in the fact that some towns
which enjoyed a single course of
lectures last winter have now ar-
ranged for four courses. Altogether,
the University Extension movement
is one of the most promising signs
in this country and in England.
Sad Suicide of a Former U. of M.
A very sad and startling suicide
occurred at the U. of P. the n1th
inst. John T. Scott, a medical stu-
dent, was found dead in his room
with his throat cut. Last spring
Mr. Scott was hit on the head by a
batted ball which felled him to the
ground, unconscious. It is suppos-
ed that this accident caused a fit of
temporary insanity, in- whichl ie
took his own life, though his friends
have noticed nothing strange in his
actions since. During '88 and '89,
.Mlr. Scott was in the literary depart-
ment of the University of Michigan.
In the fall he played right end on
the 'Varsity eleven, and in spring
short-stop on the nine. While here,
Mr. Scot was a general. favorite.
Being a member of the Psi U. fra-
ternity, adstading high in athletic
circlep. he was well: knor ;ee.
his many friends are; dee ly grieved
at his sad and unexpected death.
Princeton 6, Cornell O. Jnnior Medic Banquet.
Cornell played a very strong game Saturday evening the junior used- R
against a demoralized Princeton 1 ics held their second annual banquet
eleven on Saturday, and managed to at the Cook house.
keep the orange and black from The fore part of the evening was
scoring until the last ten seconds of spent in the parlors in a sociable NEW
the game, when Flint was pushed manner, several fine selections of
through the line for a touch-down. music being rendered by diferent
Princeton put up a much weaker de- members of the class. Later they
fensive game than against Pennsyl- assembled iu the dining room where PRICE
vania, some of the men not being a sumptuous repast was spread. The
able to get into good condition after parlors and dining room were finely
that game. Cornell's strong work decorated and the tables profusely LIST
was manifested particularly in their adorned with flowers. Dr. Camp-'
ability to get rush and swing in bell, accompanied by his wife, was
work. The Princeton line is about the representative from the faculty.
twelve pounds lighter than Michi- A very pleasant time was enjoyed E
gan's, and it is hardly probable that by all.
Cornell will be able to make much The Mathematical Club.
ground against our eleven by that
kind of work. The second meeting of the club
' .4 *. , was held last Saturday evening. A
Even Chicago Scores Him. paper was given by Mr. Mann on '
"Malley played hard, but spoiled "Euclid, his Life and Works," The
his play by indiscriminate slugging. Paper briefly stated the results at- when you N
Malley was not a partisan, and tained by the Greek geometers be- in shoesit .
showed no favoritism whatever fore the time of Euclid, after which pri
when Ie mistook a rusher for a sand followed a masterly account of the R IHL
bag and took a little exercise. He latter's life, and a detailed descrip-
did mst even forget Isis owin team, tion of the various books making up
but he played a strong game aside the so-called Euclid geometry.
from his more than questionable Mr. Maul then proposed and sole- h
tackling.'"-Chicago Tribune. ed the following problem: " In
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Manufacturers of Finest Plain
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wantthe Latest Metropolitan Styles
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a - university Outitters
* what curve must a track be laid in 204 Sou'Trl S-I-ATE S-T., ANN AiRlOR1 .
The Castalian. order that a person seated in a mov-
The contributions for '92's Cas- ing car may constantly keep the eye Neckwear,
talian go to the judges to-day, so on a fixed object outside without Dress ShirtsGloves
that none will be received after this changing Iis position?"
evening. The Castalian will be Underwear,
esFoot-Ball Scores.
printed on extra heavy enameled 1 GENTS' FURNISHINGS, n°f he
paper, size 9 by io, with flexible Yale 48, U. of P. o; Harvard 51,
covers. It will appear about Feb- Boston A. A. 12; Rutgers 24, West "FOOT-31L O D "
ruary 1st, the contract for printing Point 6; Wesleyan 38, Worcester
having already been given to the Tech. 6; Trinity 22, Technology o; Etnglishs Mackintoshes,
Register Publishing Co. Amherst 38, Stevens o; Princeton 6, Athletic and .
I Cornell o; Crescents 18, N. Y. A. . ' Gymrnsasius Goods,
Next Saturday's Game. C. o; Naval Cadets 34, Dickinson o5 EVERY DESCRIPTION.
The tickets for the Michigan-Cor - 4; Tufts 34, Brown 12; Bucknell 70,
nell game are on sale and can be Haverford o; Williams 14, Dart. SAYE TIME AND MONEY
obtained from an ' of the din I-r ..-.f.1,..
vuauulvt gy IM ecors.
The price is $1.25, which includes
fare for the round trip and admis-
sion to the game. The train will
probably leave at 11:30 o'clock, and
if a sufficient number buy tickets,
an early train maybe run. Although
Cornell is putting up a very fine
game, the same can be said also of
Michigan. The team will be very
much, strengthened by the changes.
announced yesterday. It will be a
game well worth witnessing, even,-if
Michigan does not win.
mouth 6b; warthtmore 2o, Franklin
and Marshall 6.
Dr. Abel has organized a new so-
ciety in the medical department.
Its membership is confined strictly
to the junior class. It is a Thera-
peutic club, andits object is to keep
its members abreast with the thera-
peutic advancement of the day. All
therapeutic journalsd and. literature
will be read, and the pith of the ar-
ticles given at the ,meetings which
are held every forSnight.
of us while we are here.
14. Monroe St., Chioago
50 S. State St., Ann Arbor.