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November 16, 1891 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1891-11-16

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21.T r 'z'== r-r= f-GDDB8,

-. Overco ats



The J. T. Jacobs Co.,
The J. T. Jacobs Co.,
The ~J. T. Jacobs Co.,
N. B-We still have a nice assortment of Light Weight'Overcoats
to be closed out at Greatly Reduced Prices.



AnllAJIJor Stu Il1La1llily3 0 .k GEORGE L. MOORE,(Mucceser )
WORK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED.I FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL. A Fall tLine of alt College Teat Books, including Law aowl Mdical ot oks by the stocks.
CALL ,oN Cheapest place tor'vote Booktsod Fosntain Pestsin t the city. Freshmen crowd in. Cosse alsng
SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. M_ old frieds.I now have soy entice stoek at myp store on NO. 6 S. MB 41NST;'
Office, - 23 South Fourth Ave. NO. 1I WEST WASHINGTON STREET. M50~ .OORS-
],vryStden wllsavemoe by buyintg University Text-Books and all supplies at Hleadquarters. We allow, Orders ftrarins, parties, tcrdddicgo, etc.,
secial discount ont LAW BOOKS, MEDICAL BOOKS. DENTAL. BOOKS, inshot, every Book uised in the 'retepoeee' CS N Ese S. nd t o ttt
Uuiversity. 500 Black Books at lowest prices.MISJDT GRV ,
LEADING BOOK STOttE IN THE CITY. Highest G tesiracgc. A __ft:Wls
lRiQhflOfld Str'&igjht Qui.I Senior Lit. Election. Miss Julia A. Mlerrick was us- ni Has alt thim eprovted macheinery, ni pete.
__paored totusrn seut first, claesssework oil short no-
Net.5Iniouisly chosen as class poetess, as sire. Come rcsseeeilork Is I ere oulteedsaettedaey.
CIGARETTES. Saturday, at 1:30 p. 01. ein Room ws'tss.eatathothik (I'rees reastecatele t§at cde tleeeeee street.Net-
" w s 1Iis tla ah orhwik or le t oce 1nste c . A, . st1r' tty~,e sleect.
Cigarettocmones ros A, tihe electioni of the Seuior ILitsO.MMATN
acectcgtceylite k, , pro tbetess. Inthte election of see- . Maewiln.tMa altle11DARIN
score than the pricec! to stiace. loe Ideedetsrar teLEltinte nINndn
chargedfres r sdinssateoeetoetsreay, tesltiGheidpnetcoth Caskets, M~etallic
teaeeCigartes, wilt Bust came for a stroggie after the usualrakreutdithelconfid. NDCSONOFI.
Tesns BitAND superior to rnsrsle nteeeto fM. ADCMO o IS
ailtothers. fashionbeut contrary to all exprects-a i iruo hefaent ad- J.A. POLHEMUJS,
5 The Richmnond Straight I.I.Brnm aefrtrnt dni
cut No.1 Cigarettes arc nude from the bright- lion and recedencee the fraternity slate. On ite wvhole, the class 'is to Ti 11 ET -
cst, msot delcatetyflavored and highest roste
Gold Lest grown in Virginia. This is the Old nmembers of thte class canme without ALSO )BUS HACK AND BAGGAGE LINE,
and Original Brand of Steaight Cat Cigarettesb cogaute upnsltigNrhMuSre.
and was broughsoucbyus in the year 1870.' a ticket prepared and msinuts thte as- students of so much ability as its RINSEY & SEABOLT.
Beware or imitations, and ohserve that the
firmnam asbelo isan ver pacage cutome wa-pant.Bakers and dealers in
Te nALENatheINTRis raneyckaeutoe arpitepresentatives at class day. Groceries, Provisions, Flour and Feed,
Of the American TobaccouCo.. - Geo. Fitch, the secretary of the .0. -sand sE. vashington St.
Manufacturers,. Richmond, Virginia. class, lasa not returned to college changes in the Eleven'U.HA _ER
t4.1tarirs In 9,0ad.; 1 k this year, and C. D. Perrywas elect-
Caitl.SOSs.Nupusan Post ~s~, ed temporary secretary. It was Word has been received from
Does a general Banking buainess.Pyin moved and carried that all persons Manager Farrand that Captain Van Be-i-g-----oly(} orRstt se
terest on Saving Deposits. H as safety having belt40 hours to get off, and Inwagen has decided to make the J.D.STIMSONT SONS,
R. KEMPF, Pres. F. H. HELSER, Cashier, alligchne i h mk-u f Stt tre roes
Hank seen Satusrdav evening. al ters who would pledge them- fllwigchngsinthdmk-u en tateraeee rciarysolctd
selves that they would graduate wills the team: Grush and Rettinger will 'tulns.tregeSTEET.lyoiieh
nAnn Arbor Mcr ia Savings okBank X92, could haethte privilege of cot- play the halves, and Vanlnwagen - ----
Oraizdudrptheseera1Bashig0Lawin Mr. L. S. Taylor presented will play at end; Sherman will give
Ogthieataterecheven ealBsinbuys n gRss

sells exchange on the principal cities of the , h aeo r ' V h
United Stateu. tDrafts cashed supoprsper penntcdiaefrrsdn.
identification. Officers: indepnetcdiaefrrsdn.
w. D. HAass~iAw. Vice Fees. As no other name was suggested, it
CHAS. .Hisoct, Cashier. 'sas moved and carried that Mr.
You Probably htave some Broken A'rti- Ross be declared the unanimous
ele of choice of the class. Miss Maude
JEWELRY OR A WATCH OUT Forhan, and Mr. W. H. D~ellenback,
OF REPAIR, the independent candidates, respec-
WM. ARNOLD, 36 MAIN STREET, lively for vice-president and class
Is the Place to go. orator, were imilarly elected.
AANDAcg Vhen the nominations for historian
N D A were made, the fact was developed.
that several in the class were in
FINE PHOTOGRAPHS, favor of granting some of the offices
MILLINERY AND ART GOODS ! to the fraternities in consideration
o,0fast Hterno Stteet, for their kindness in not making a.
SHORTHAND:' TAKE-A struggle for everything. The vote
CURSE. resulted in the aelection of Mr. A.
IT WILL'PATTYOtT. Shtaial , Ness
Builditg, 20south state street.. ,- J. Tuttle, the fraternity candidate. }°

the signals. 'Ihis wili strentghen
tse ieam wonderfully.


Lawrence University of Wisconsin
dedicated their newv obscrvatory lasst I id hiadelpheeleto11a. isuscir en uhe
Friday. It is claimed that Ibis is-7U
probably the best observatory in thek BAPTIST CHURCH
country for sirictly students' usc.#
The telescope, which is the gift of --l IJESOA-
Senator Philetus Sawyer, has a ten
inch object glass ground by Kloan NOVEMBER 17, 1891.,
Clark's Sons. __
NOTICE-An election of a ,Junior STOJ c 'r-" The Graft and Gra"Icp'
Law and a Freshman Literary editor ofGreat Mfen and Great N a/ia,,.
for the vacancies on the staff of the
U. of M. DAIL.Y, will)se held next
Monday Evening, Novembher i,&,'at :Price of Admission, - 25 Cents.
I 'coc. APH Sin'otese, JTIis lectareisa a sterpieeand -Mr. Mae-
Mangig..iiorG~reoP ry ihat 5org}9.- Brooklyn Eagle.

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