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November 13, 1891 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1891-11-13

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{C. W . ' ~t pwerful attack on opening chords.
of l Such fire, such a tone, such color-
it was marvelous' Fannie Bloom-
Pubied Daily (Sundays excepted) during field is still very young. She is
the Colege tear, by
married to Sigismund Zeisler, a
THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION well-known and able lawyer of Chi-

Subscription price $2.50 per yenr, invariably
in adteance Single copisc eets. On sale at
sneraca s and[Poset 01fcrcete stand at 12
o'clock, noun. Subncriptions may be left at
the otfier of the DALYa, Opera Route block, at
Sheehan's, at Stoflet's, or with any of the
Cotmmunicatios should reach the office by
s'clock r. M. if they are to appear the neat
tlay. Addrenn all etatter intended foe publics-
tion to the Managing Editor. All bsiness
cnmmunication should be nent to the tBusi'
Anns Arbor, Mink.
RtALPH T ONEsi, '02. Managing 1Edtor.
S. W'. CURIceS, '52. Aesist. Managinlg Editor.
0. L. CHaPMNs, 'lO. Assist. Macaging Editor.
J. C>. TRAVIS, '92, Busliness Manager.
F'. E. JANETcE, '91, Assit.nBusinesMaager.
C. W.. RICan-coo.'9i. Assist. Business Man'gr.
H. D.. JFnwEI..P. (0. (.H.DnnsEcsnACu,'9t
P. D GREENs,.50 F. E. tuiLts. '52.
W. P. PARnuca, '03. J. 0R. Auscete . li
0. B. Dygort. '93. I C. F. WELLEa. 'li4.
INunices insertedl in tisi colsumn at thle rate
tf 10 cents perlinse. Special rates for songer
1time' and extra lae furnisht'd by applying at
the DAuLYofficc.lI
'THE Hlarvard Cimson states that
"The work of tihe School of Phay-
mary of thetUiversity (If Michigan
is more than covered liy the work of
the Chcniical couyse offered in thse
college here."
Dloes the Harvard Cyrinson intend
to puhlish statements that are 1rni0-
leading ? Or is its staff ignorant of
the truth ? We wiul only take one
of the numerous branches taught in
the school of pharmacy as an illus-
tration, viz.: Pharmacy. This suh-
ject alone requires 150 hours of class
work, and 300 hours of laboratory
work. We no not find that their
catalogue even mentions a course in
pharmacy. A course in chemistry
cannot compare to a course in phar-
macyt any more than to a course in
This Evening's Musical Treat.
The following description of Fanny
Bloonsfield- Zeisler is taken from an
editorial in the New York Musical
Courier: "No picture can do her
justice for floe emotional and intel-
lectual face, with its variety of ex-
pression, defies the photographer's
art. I will never forget the first
night I heard her piay. It was in
'85 at the Academy of Music in this
city. I had heard little of Bloom-
field's abilities except some vague
runiors and a hearty endorsement
from Dr. William Mason, so when a
frail girl stepped out on the stage, I
was, I confess, surprised. The Ru-
binstein D minor concerto was her
selection, and my surprise deepened
into astonishment when I heard the

cago. She wax a pupil of Leschet-
itsky. She has played with Essipoff
10 ILondoii anti has niade a wonderful
record in her numierous appearances
withs Nikiscls. Mr. Zeisler's style is
hroadl and impassionesd. She has a
wonilerful temperanment, real genius
in fact. Shle is a cousin of the great
pianist, Moritz. Rosenthal, and her
interpretations are warmer and niore
luminous than his.
'h~e 9:50 msotor will he held till
T-: rthis evn.nin~rcfor te ao-en

Lihtve received for tue opening of college 20,000 Books, new and seeond
hand of all ksnds, Greek, Latin, French, German. Law aiid Medical Books,
wthich they will sell at Greatly Reduced Prices.
Mathenatical Instrumnents dud Laboratoiy supplies. See nut -Note Boos
tot 1801-2.
IetheLF4.O5INf3SCHOOL nt5b um.Ec.
- a Pour depariments-Commnerctal, No text-book
Soremnuscript work-&englith.Shot hand and
Penmanship. Elegant building, latge.aat
-- - - - teedatcecisict instauctortsethorkthor-
- oughsliig expenses extrely loInto2.51to
V25'S per weer;s' tudents assstto npositits.
Fur catalogue, address P. R. CLE'ARY, President.

rnodation of those people in Ypsi- 4 MICHIGA.N ENTR.A
lasti who wish to attend the Choral"Te1iaaFhlRul"
Unsion concert. lAS. + ISTAF'FOID, I{ "h igr al ot.
if TIME TABLE (REVSED) JU'NE, 28, 1501.
'The Highs School elesein will play J. At. STAFFORII CENTRAL STANDARD TIMSE.
the seam of the 'Michigan Military, F1N. The Tender EASTWARD.
lorateil at O rchiard Lake, at the fair INil,
oitids atudayin Fasionin ST ~ ATONaStMal Dty Slre E PNil 'All. Rd
groud 1312tudaafternoon. Sub Li in Exi- I-sx.<EapaAcc.
-+ +i------ f "7 \( M erehistt ail- d. ' i A. '.c n. M ... . .M.A
Grand Opera House. u t 1JI-Chicago,- Lvst a,5 1on2-87 Jr1 53 ako.... 5 5 5.0847' d4es ISi)FO0


'Thieatre goers will be fat-ored fhis
somethf~in~g lfn-elwft tin tiamsciilit linte,
in the 1perso ofMatler Willard Mse-
Kay, agdl 14 yeasr, twihiss the name1[
of be'iiig a Wondlerfitulny Mesnierist.
'Ihe irices are ti'ry hiss, i25, -),an 50
ber of pele lsul tie iresent.
LOT.-Ill Clinical Amphitheatre,
01n Monsday, a gold-hieaided uinbrella,
'with H. F. engraved on head. Valit-
able to ownier as a gift. A rewarsd will
he given for its return to Htospital dis-
Non of the patrons of our Oper'a
House need think it necessary to go to
Detroit to see Madam Rhea this sea-
non. She will play hereini March next
Ladies' Mackintoshes in beautiful
varieties, just received at Mack &
$1.9.5-800l silk umbrellas worth $3.50
to $4.50, marked $1.905 at Mack &
U. of M. Buttons, 50 cents each, and
twith elass year, 75 cents each. We are
thle only niakers of the three-eighth
inchlibuttotn,'with correct eolors ansi
polished etinimel. They don't fade or
soil, and loot forever. Setit postpaid
ulpon receipt of price. Students are
invited to visit tts whets in towns.
Rloehm &V Sonis, Jewelers, Gratid Circus
Fork, 271 Wttodward ave., Detroit.
A new title of Neckwear juist received
and 110 better styles will be found in
towni.Youa will sasy they ore onie-half
the price yoti pay for them else'whlere.
Macek & Sfbmid.
Don't forget twe keep sweatera, best
quality, $3.50 to $4.25. Mack & Schimid.
Hot and cold baths 10 cenits, at Poat
Office Barber Shop.
Full line new style collars, 4 ply, 15 e
or 2 for 25. Mack & Schmid.
DANCIN.-Mrs. Annie Ward Foster
will open a class in dancing, also in
Delsarte in November. Also will haye
evening assemblys after class.
_Ladies of the U. of M. will find it
greatly to their advsntage to call on us
when in neesd of Cloaks, Dresa Goods
or Fancy Dry Goods. Mack & Sehmid.

oI i ii . r ie
;litl osf Piece4
L~ Goods to slc
ft'om. ('all for
ia ine fittinig

fhelsa..... - - --°9. 5 80 7M' 9 42
DeIl Sills*4 301... . .7 3
ANNS ABOR..442'6-2, 62 sos5l6ii 7 45 ly
Ypilati 2:5 35t0O..029 6i 2 8010 32
Wayne Jane527 ...;......lid47 8u11010
DesoAr 6012 11452 7 201011452;7:12I92(1s1125
A ,A A. -M .2 . I .'12.t',42
Buffalo .... 1( 400 7'121;,3s1o60... _

huit S.MI-T. S ) lsoalse Cbi. Nth --
- TAIOS.-erChi. iito fo. bbre Par Mal
.130. '.2501 gp ap xp. Lien Ex Ace.
ANNi ARBtOR,. MICH. S. Min~t Street. Buaffalu,..... 12 01 630 940i 342 125 et0
A. M. A.M . in. in. 5. r.u nM . .V
1 D~~etroitLv... 82'.71i 10 7245'Si92415 4 45
WayneJune 9it0n...- 8-251-----90545010
"-'-oH'-"" 7Ypsilanti ...952810 25 841..10 15 540
ANNIARBOR.. 9050 9 219 9 18iIs 19530 0 52
Jc ~~ ~~~Delhi Mills.. 9 43 ...-...915 ......
Chle ,. 1 0. ! 9.... 618
_______________________ Jacsksn..in1o009 25 3aid 10225 1ill5 1145 ass
LEAVE YOUR ORDERS Chitana. Ar. 755 35n5900 650 450s5nt11 15
-AT- tDaily. aSunday excepted.
-FR- 0. P. A T. A. Chicagu. Ag't Aan A rbor
Newapapera, Magaaines, Periodicals, Pint
Coafectinsa, Cigarasad Tsbacco. Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
Michigan Railway.
5 ,Lo - TimeaTabla gaiag itlfetsSeptember 13, 1891.
Arrivaloft Irains at Anen Arbour.
NO. 2 W.HURO ST. No. 2. Through Mail and Express... 2 40 a. in.
NO.12 . HRONST. Mu. AnsArbor &aToledu Aeellm..150 a. im.
No. S. Clare Passenger...... 505 p.mi.
so1.Caread Tuledo Accom.3. 1 30 a. at.
No. 3. Through Mail..........9 20p.mi.
MASTER No. 5. Ana Arbsor &2 Tsledo Aecom.. 720l s. in.
r T Trais4 ad 56unettwcseenAnn Arbtrand
WYILLARD MCKAY, JR. Txledo ar Tie.Sunay
The Wonderful Mesmerist, aonlyAwl T.itnsETDril05.x5.ptREnWOD,
14 Years Old. W.HBENT, RS.GEWOD
Gea. Pasa. Agest. Lscsl Agent.
Master McKay han made more subjects
than ay other Meameriat liv'ing is the time
he has bees hefore the public. The medical
profession are curdially invited to teat this l /
acenece. Don't fail to see this boy as you may
sot get the chanee agais as his tour is this 4111
country is limited.
Friday and Saturday Nights!
Admisslon. 25, 25 and SO Cents,
Reservad Seat at P. 0.ews Stand. J

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