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November 13, 1891 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1891-11-13

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VOL. I.-No. 39.


The Inlander.
The November number of the
Inlander appears this morning. Its
fifty pages of reading matter present
a great variety of interesting subjects.
The leading article, "A Perversion
of History," by Henry A. Chaney,
lit'69 and law '71, is somewhat sen-
sational in character. It investigates
the circumstances under which the
famous "Ordinance of '87" was
passed and comes to several conclu-
sions that will be a revelation to
students of history. Mr. Chaney
has evidently made the inside histo-
ry of the framing of the "Ordinance
of '87'' the subject of personal in-
vestigation and research continued
through several years. His argu-
ments are clear and convincing, and
arranged in lawyer-like fashion. His
conclusions, though at direct vari-
ance with the commonly received
account, as well as the ingenious
theory of the erudite author of
Poole's Index, are unquestionably a
valuable contribution to history.
The frontispiece is a photo-en-
sravin" of Congressman William C.
I aybury. The accompanying bio-
graphical sketch is witty and enter-
taining. W/ie are glad to see the
Inlander begin a series of articles
oin our older and more prominent
alumni. The Inlander is certainly
the only place for such a series.,
Our alumni should receive more
attention in this line than they have
in times past. "Cicero as a Wit,''
by Prof. Kelsey, is full of the bright
and sparkling humor of the witty
Roman orator. "Carlyle in Lilli-
put" is an excellent review of Dr.
Filucgel's bloc/li/remon Carlyle, which
has been recently translated by Miss
Jessica G. Tyler, the daughter oi
Prof. Moses Coit Tyler, of Cornell,
who formerly occupied the chair of
English Literature at Ann Arbor.
"Lacune in our College Curricu-
lum, I" is evidently the first of a
series of parodies or burlesques. It
ridicules certain methods of scientific
investigation. "The Wall Flower"
is a little poem written in "Ted"
Smith's happiest vein. "The Forg-
ing of a Phrase" is a bit of interest-
ing research. Such original investi-
gations on the part of students are
greatly to be commended. "The
Ballad of Foot-ball" is a clever and
witty poem by Edwin T. Miller.
The story "What Luck," by Miss

Ellen E. Garrigues, is long drawn '93 Lit. Defeats '94 Lit.
out, and lacks unity of conception, c
__ __ he class game between 904 lit. i

0 UR

as well as dramatic movement. It
is not up to her usual standard.
The poem "On a Worn-out Fan" by2
Elsie Jones Cooley, is a very pretty
little idea worked out in delicate 1
and graceful verse. heon J. Rich- t
ardson has done wel l with one of the
less well-known classical stories, in,
a poein called Biton and Cleobis.
But the feature of the Inlander
that pleases us most is the Michigan ,
Verse. It has often been spoken of,
with regret that the U. of l. has not
of late turned out good verse, of a
light character, such as has made the
Brunonian a national favorite among
college papers. The Michigan verse
in the November Inlander shows
conclusively that Ann Arbor stu-
dents are capable of writing as goodt
verse as any college students in
America; that the talent has been
here all along but the medium of
expression has been lacking. The
poems of Arthur H1. Holmes show
great skill in verse making; Kent1
Dunlap's "Song'' should be set to

.i - ----- --ll. l' Y I:t l i ,

and '94 lit. was played on the camp-
us yesterday afternon. It was a
spirited game, and after the first fif-
teen minutes was closely contested, NEW
honors being about evenly divided.
Shields captained '94 and Nicholson
the '9; team. The game was called
in the middle of the second half on PRICE
account of darkness. The first
touch-down was made by Cleverdon.
ihe ball was rushed by '93 within LIST
'94's 25-yard line. Nicholson kick-1
ed it over the goal line on three
downs. Williams fumbled the ball-
and Cleverdon fell upon it. the
ball was punted out inside 94 s five-__
yard line. Score, 4-0. Shields
was forced to make a safety in the
next scrimmage. 6-o. Soon after,
Conklin made a touch-down around
the right end.-so-o. No goal.
By a series of short rushes, Parker
scored the third touchdown for whieiiyou,
,93, and the goal was kicked.-r6- in Shoes at
o. This was the last scoring done pr
by ' 93. Dhe sophomores braced R.
after this, and rushed the ball past *

OF YOUR -: --
Masled to Ynu --
Through Your
W111Iif11T, KHY k (00
Mni factitueo f 51 'ne55 Plin
asid t YJesellue -Se ty adges
50e to t a pair less than Ann Arbor
ices, send for Catalo ue to
I FYFE & -

music. It deserves a place among the middle of the ield. It was lost IDETIIOI', M1 It'II.
our CarsmiiniaU. of . l.It needs ' to '9(3 on fotir downs. The juniors
only the inspiration of Prof. Stan- sere unable to gaul on three dos . pe er
ley' s music to make it a popular The ball was poorly passed to Nich-
ctillege long,- itlsont for a kick. Shields boke1 Uiversity Outfitters,
e 20,1 SosTis STATE Si., ANN AEIORI.
On the whole, the November through the line, secured the ball,
number of the Inlander is something dodget Nichtolso, and with a clear Neckwear,
of which every loyal U. of Al. man field before him, covered the neces-
should be proud. sary 45 yards and scored '94's first Dress Shirts, Gloves,
r r -r touch-down. No goal.-16-4. End Underwear,
Program of the First Choral Union
Concert. of the first half. The playing after GENTS' FURNISHINGSo est
a -- r i this was was very spirited. I'he sFRI NG *
I. W Olfg ang A<madeus Mozart.Qaete Je-9TL R M
in D major. Aliegretto, andante, e - sophomores, by superior rush line
tetto,alegretto-..-- - -- work carried the ball towards '93's
(a) Gluck-St.Ses.Caprice i hiemes goal, and Shields scored their second Enls Mackntosles,
from "Alceste." (b)Chopin. Ballade, touch-down by a beautiful dash Athletic aid .
G ininor. . . . ..------
Mr.. an.it .snoocfieZeisier through the opening in '94's wedge. . . . Gynasium Goods,
3. (a) Ernest R- Kroeger. Prelude. (b) The game ended with the score, 16i OF EVER DESCRIPTION.
Anton Rubinstein. Allegro----- to in the juniors' favor. H.
Detroit PhilharmonSc Club pt i n was j rsfr. H. l.
4. Songs -with piano ...------------ Prettyman was referee, and Ralph SAVE TIME AND MONEY

Mr. E. 0. Spalding,
a. tiszt. (a) ondoliera. "blonaise,
E major ............. .
Mrs.Fannie e liil Zeisier
Robernto Schuann. Qintett ear piano,
two violins, viola, violnceio, Op. 44.
Allegro Briiiiante. In mondaot'nit
mareia-un o argamente. Scherz
(Motto Virace). Ailegro ma non troppo.
'93 Law versus High School.
The class team of '93 law and the
High School will play a scheduled
game in the class championship
series this afternoon, on the campus.
Mr. E. Leroy Miller, '94 medic,
is the father of a bouncing baby boy.

Stone umpire. The teas lined up
as follows: By Buying yoiu
Whitehead..__...._git end.......--Hwor 1 9
CMnki.i..-.......right tacki-Wentworth rightguard.....-.Mulliken
Hart---------- centre -------Long
Mason-------left gard- Adler of us while we are here.
Cleverdon..... left tackle----.----Neilson
Southworth-i.....left end--...--..-.....Smith
~Harmon-....-.-quarter-back.--......-Cadwell CALLAG H A N & CO.
Smeltzer.-.........left-half --.........-...Shaw
Nicholson. -full-back- WilliamsP-
Ladies and gentlemen ! You are 114 Monroe St., Chicago.
invited. Fine programme at Alpha
Nu hall, Saturday evening. 50 S. State St., Ann Arbor.

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