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October 03, 1891 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1891-10-03

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plaed owe inTan. tan heNor- -
~IX of ~ ~mal student. Notwithstanding the
PbihdDiycertificate heretofore given has beenew
PbihdDiy(Sundays excepted) during palvi a°enme fU fV " 'Q" ff 8"
the College year, by naryvodalagnubroU.og z AN &Q. t e ,
THE U. OF M, INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION M.mnaebligIepnil o have received for toe opening of college 201,000 Books, new and second
_____sitions in the schools throughout the band of all kinds, Greek, Latin, French, German, Law and Medical Books,
Subscription price $2.5e per year, invariably country. There is no reason why which they will sell at Greatly Reduced Prices.
in advancerSingle copiea a rents. On sate at Mathematical Instruments and Laboratory supplies. See our Note Books
Sneenana5 and Pest Office noes stand at 12 the University should not turn out for 189t-2.
o'clock, aeon. Subscriptions may tieet at as good if not a better class of teach-
the effice of the DAILYv, Opera Reuse bleek, at
Sheehan's, at StofItet's, or with any of ihe ers and superintendents than the ' "
editors.j Normal School.
Communieations should reach she office by ~tclsc
7oclotkhP.t. if they are to appear the next l3 a h i
dsy. Address sit matter intended Cor plijee- By achangeintiheWelsyG
tion to the Managing Editer. Ail business library regulations, students of that
neesnge.cmmunicatiens sheuld be senite the tulas- college are peritdt-da ok
nsMaae.on Saturday afternoons for use in ui Is the LEADING, SCHOOL ef HUSINSESS.
THE U. of X. DAILY, their rooms over Sundays. - o eatet-omr,Ittetbo
AnnArbrI~teba ~or manuseript wortk-&Sngish. Shorthand and
Just fifty years ago this montbh 5 Penmanship. Elecant buildtng, large at-
thefiTORS.det f t heUniversity o - s endanceeffentcosinsttucitoshrs hoe-
firtItudntofShe ofoathltving expenses extremely lose $2.25sso
RIALPH STONE, '91, Managiog Editor. M Niclhigan presented himself at the $2'50 peeriseek; students assisted to positions.
S. Wv. Cssrcsss, '91, A ssist. ManagingEditoe. old north wing for admission. TbeFocalgudresPR.CEYrsint
G. L. CnarxIxx, '52, Assist. Munaging Editor. gentlteman is stilt a usefulo citizen of , ....-... N ANT
J. C. TRAS, 'l92, Business Manager. Grand Rapids. y , _____ IENT. .
Wv. P. PARKERs, 'El, Assist.lBusiness Manager. -4 "The Ma da FallsRot.
C. Wv. HtcKnETTS, 94, Assist. tBasiness Mange.
H. D. JEWELL. P. G. .H.OeLsENexttIse cr2 Robert Downing. JS. M. STAFFORD, I
P. D.GbaIn, '52. F. E. RoncoES,'10. TIME TABLE (REVISED) JUNE, 28, 1891.
P. E.JAxxETTE, '93t. J. R. AHEeItL,1o. Robert llowiuiig, the w01.-knolloiJ.M.SAFRI CN ALTND DTME
0. B. Dygert, . 10 C. F. WELLEs, '94. Atnerican tllgecilill, wsill appear at the I___J__Al._STAFFORD_!_CENTRALSTANDARDTIME.
TH RU PaLrtO os. GandilOpera Itouse to-nsighit, illhis /~J ~Te LoeaderESnA
great lilasterptiece, "The Gladiator." 1IF1' I LJ +N'
M'.r. Doivniiigs inipersonlation of the . STATONS Maidnay Shre NY 'xNil I Ail. KE
On ;Monday wvexiii publish the pairt lls wxon for tutn both fante atnd in Fashilotsisn tExp Lim Pap _Iax.nEp Ace.
nae n oeaddressex of allthe fortune, atndlhas placed his im t the A a a . rP a.P.enP,.'PM A
hieadtoflils priifessioin asan expotietnt (0TT 'l MerchanttTail- Chictgo, Ls. 17015900 II10 53los'Sto1010 05
junior law students. TPhe lint xiii of the robst characters of the stage. ljJ T 1 3 5tn. Is4, x Sl5ds090
M.Diilgwlha bo r ittng.FitneChelsea.....3 F 3;7 1' 42
be contplete. If any copies are do- M.Donngwl hb upportedby his noater......4 154a72,! 955
own companiy of play ers, which is Dfelhi11. Sill,...430 7s 2 ds10 1 .
sired beyond what are needed for headed by that beautiful wosman attd l(lineofPe1eAN >0 a. 4215512209505 r1 51121
chrigactress, Eugenie Blair, 67 a>0;
our subscribers, orders should be clly1g r oxtigspofesioialGoods to select!,Wayne. Jane sN.A.ntlone.
left at the news stand or at the DAILYx career lie has been the recipioent of as frDl al o etroitAr . 615)- 11
ofc.- catidid and genuine prailse asivas ever ' A.nN.ala.I A R tx. N.eI.1. 1
enjoyed and11aceordeid to 1a1American
actor. "Uncotiditionally lie is (lie ain ittlWESTWARD.
The citizens and the htudents- of "Amnericanlt'Tragediats," anii of him the( suit. Chi. N'sh
Ann Arbor are to be treated to a counttry cani well be proud. The part snoSTAOSa. Bets Chi. Liu Eve. Shre Pac. Mai
of the Gladiator requires ati actor of 19 S. MAIN ST., 1 I Noot19np sp SaEp. tim En. Ace.
first-clasIpresentationt of "The Glad- Ixwonderfull cotisttitution antd physique, A. M. A. M . A. s. . .. -A..
lator," one of Salvini's strongest and Mr. Downitig is said to be the only .a ufl,.... 12n,.6r30 en.51t4.Ies2s.0-6.
g man peculiarly adapted to such a part ANN4RBOR,.'slIe. S. Alainl Street. Ba aA.MA.P.F. X.0..610 '.2P,4At.250 m0
roles, at the Opera House this even- -in fact, the only man to fill the place WayneJane sot0...... 51...9154 2519
ing Robert Downing is rapidly made vacanlt by our late lamented Jtto. Ypsianti...119 52 10 2 05 8 471.10 155040
g g , , ,McCulloughl.AN RSL.9 5) 839 2 15 9 18 lu 19S10on5s5

establishing a reputation tor high
class acting. It is very seldom that
performances of this kind come to
Ann Arbor, and we trust that Mr.
Downing will not be received in the
same manner an Booth and Barrett
were several years ago. It will be
remembered that Booth took offense
at the conduct of some of the stu-
dents and refused to come to Ann
Arbor again. We don't want to
drive away good actors to make
place for to, 20 and 3o-cent per-
IT is not generally known that the
University now gives a teacher's
diploma equal in every respect to
the Normal School certificate. This
law waa passed last winter and taken
immediate effect. The provisions
are as follows: t"With every Bache-
lor's or Doctor's degree a diploma
is given providing three courses have
been taken in the Pedagogical de-
parfrment; and some one'thacher"'s
course in another line of study.",
Among the faculty and students the
law meets with general approval, for
it has long .seemned i nconsistent that
the University graduate should be

LNstices inserted in this column at the rate
of 10 centi per line. Special rates for longer
time, and extra lines tarnished by applying at
the DAtLY office.?
One large suite of rooms, tticely fur-
nished, steam heated, at 261 Maynard
street, one block west of law building.
Students' clocks-every one war-
raitted. Watts' Jewvelry Store, t0 S.
At the Opera ,House News Depot
yost tcll get Chicago, Detroit, New
York, Cincinnati attd other -papers.
Subscribe now. F. STOFFLET.
A look through our line will convince
you that we are the house to purchase
your Clothing, Furnishing Goods and
Hata of. Call and see them. The
Two Sama.
Ask last year'a students whlere they
trade. All will say, at the Two Sams.
We have the novelties for you. The
Two Sams.
Hot anad cold bathas 181 cents, at Post
Office Barber Shop.
Mr. Marshall Pease, who has been
conducting a large and decidedly sue-
cessful class in voice culture since
April hast, will continue his work
throughs-the comineg year. A natural
and correct method of producing and
pbs ciseg the voice. Studio' with the
Allmendinger Pio 4Co.,'51 Main st.,
where all particulars may be obtained.
Voices tried free of charge:
Rtoom"- suite's withli furnace heat
antd uwe o6 bath'roomh'atNo.: OMonfe e.
, Depot, 1N. Main. ill-t e
leadlogpa pers. Promphdevi

Neteepapers, Magazines. Periodicals, Pine
Confectios, Cigars and Tobacco.
StalTurde ot seats a pe at the Posoase News
Si~nel, hursda tin~ .'

Deater ... 5 5. ... .. . 1. '
Chelsa. i....I()0. 9i9 .5 18
Jackmo...1100oo9 25 ltd4 10 25 11 15 11 41 615
C.hicesn, At. 7as5305 5 900 6 50 4 50 8 05 1115
tDaily. *Sunday excepted.
0. P. & T. A. Chicago. Ag't Ann Arbor
Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
Michigan Railway.
Time Tahle going lnto effect Septembher 13, 1691.
Arrival 01 teaisat AnArbor.
No. L. Through Mail and Express... 7 40 a. m.
No. 4. Ann Arhor & Toledo Aceom. .1150 a. m.
No. 0. Clare Pasienger....... 5 05 p. m.
Cot1. Clare and Toledo ALeeom.. 11 30 a. m.
No. t. Through Mail ... SN......9 0p. m.
No. a. Ann Arbor & Toledo Accom.. 1120a. m.
Teains 4 and I runs between Ass Arboe and
Toledo only.
Central Standard Time.
Alt Trains Daily except Sunday.
ben. Pam., Agent. Local Agent.

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