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VOL. II.-No. 4.
A Description of the New Head-
quarters of the S. C. A.
We devote the greater part of this
issue of the DAILY to a description
cf Newberry Hall, the headquarters
of the Students' Christian Associa-
tion, and to a sketch of the origin
and growth of the Association.
This Association differs from most
organizations of its kind, in that it
is composed of young ladies as well
as of young men, and is also the
oldest Christian Association in the
country. It began its existence in
r8 8, as the successor of a society
called at that time the "Society of
Religious Inquiry." The Associa-
tion owes its existence chiefly to the
prayerful interest of a pious old
Scotch lady, Mrs. Spence, the
mother of Prof. Spence, of the Fisk
University, in Nashville. Impressed
with the zeal and work of the rising
organization known as the Y. M. C.
A., she suggested the change of or-
ganization by which a broader scope
of usefulness and greater results for
good could be secured, and when
the Association threw open its doors
it was to young women as well as to
young men. Since that time the As-
sociation has included among its
leading members many prominent
and influential men and women,
among whom may be mentioned
President Adams, of Cornell Uni-
versity, Gen. B. M. Cutcheon, Rev.
E. B. Little, Regent Cocker, Presi-
dent Rogers, of Northwestern Uni-
versity, and Mrs. Alice Freeman
Palmer. Last year the Association
had a membership of nearly five
hundred students, who represent all'
the departments of the University.
It conducts meetings in the hospitals,
religious services at the county
house, and temperance meetings,
while under its auspices all religious
work in the University is carried on,
such as prayer-meetings, bible insti-
tutes, preaching and missionary ser-
vices. It has no test of membership
except such as is required of all"
Christian Associations, and it affili-
ates with all evangelical churches.
on equal terms. It has a librarylof
reliious books and periodicals
which is open to all thg students;.
h egood work'accomplished by this
org ization, is-almost beyond tkq
power of words to describe, and its
influence is steadily on the gain.
In 1883 the initial step toward erect-
ing the present structure was taken,
on its being suggested that its ac-;
commodations were too small, and
a committee was appointed to select
a suitable site for a new building.
The Association was at first unde-
cided as to whether the building
should be placed on the campus,
but finally the majority favored
some other place and the present
site on the west side of State street,
opposite the main building, was
purchased. The plans as first sub-
mitted were very insignificant as
compared with those of the present
structure, the estimated cost of the
building being about $13,000. In
1888, owing largely to the solicita-
tion of Mr. Jennings, the financial
agent of the association, Mrs. Helen
Newberry, a benevolent lady of De-
troit, gave $15,000 toward the fund.
Since that time about $25,000 more
has been raised through the efforts
of the friends of the Association,
and the construction of the present
structure was made possible. The
building is constructed of boulder
stone, two stories high above the
basement and 6ox9o feet outside
measurement. On the first floor
are reception rooms, a library, a
room for prayer meetings and one
for larger services. All these rooms
can be thrown open so as to form
one continuous suite of apartments,
admirably adapted to social gather-
ings. The second story is mainly
devoted to an audience room, which
has a capacity of about 6o persons.
Leading out of this auditorium are
two small rooms for the use of com-
mittees. The building, while no-
where showing extravagant outlay is
a very-handsome structure. It is
thepurpose of the Board of Trustees
to nmake it thecenterof-thereligious,
moral and social life of the Univer-
sity, and we can give no better
'-OFYQUR -:--.-
Mailedto You -:- -:-
-- -- Through Your
Upon - -
advice to new students than to tell ManufaiscturerssioinestPvi
ad JewetiedISociety iBadges.
them to early become acquainted ! DETROIT, - - MICH.
and interested in the work of the I
Association. BES
President Angell's Talk.
In his usual yearlytalk at the
chapel yesterday, President Angell
gave some very useful advice to the
new comers, and pointed out to the H E
student body in general their duties
for the coming year. He said that when youwant theLatest Metropolitan Styles
the students should exercise and in Shoes at 50e to $i a pair less than Ann Arbor
sleep sufficiently, and if possible get prices, send for catalogue to
enough to eat. As the facilities for R. IH. FYFE & ( ,
exercise are deficient still, there is
strong reason for believing that be- IETROIT, MICI.
fore winter comes ground will be
broken for the "gym." He said Chap. Speller & l .
that the moral tone of the Universi- University Outfitters,
ty is improving every year but he 201 SouTH STATE ST., ANN ARBOR.
thought last year was a step back-
ward. An unusual amount of petty Neckwear,
gambling and carousingwas indulged Dress Shirts, Gloves,
in for which a number of students
were returned to their legal guardi- Underwear,
ans. President Angell gave warning * GENTS' FURNISHINGS, QtBest
that such influences were extremely
pernicious andwould not be tolerat- "FOOT B IL R GOODS,
ed in the University. He also stated
that students are not expected to go English Mackintoshes,
to Ypsilanti via the motor line for Athletic and .
the purpose of doing things unbe- . Gymnasium Goods,
coming to gentlemen and which OF EVERY DEScRIPTION.
lower the dignity of the University. SASE TIME MID MONE
Although the majority of students
are perfectly trustworthy, still there By Buying your
are some who have no self-control
and who bring their alma mater into
disrepute. The aid of the Univer-
sity was invoked to discountenance
these bad influences by its disap- of us while we are here.
proval. He finished by inviting all
present to attend chapel during the CALLAGHAN & CO.,
coming year.
The students at. Princeton are
raising money to purchase a -new r14 Monroe St., Chicago.
athletic field, as a memorial to Bro-
kaw, who was drowned this summer. 50 S. State St., Ann Arbor.