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October 05, 1896 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-10-05

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per a pb1I.P itwg of brc tiv ,11they 100y HAVE YOU SEEN OUR FALL STYLES
-t " lhtl eR~d oc1upnte alec
Published Dlly (Suedays excepted durug 0 ti' .l ei~t
the Clleo ear, at1' f oittnte, ht till thile t hank.i~i
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. him for his good ileiilio l but have
Gese: Times building, 79 S. lin St. le- 11(1use1'' fr is weis . If lis palmi$r
tenLbryaWiiaSt lives, few Avill le le Irse for ii, ; If not give us a call.
MA0.NAGINGI EDTOR anit i it dies, we srmlise lihatle wil
1b ceoos 9 e the hef ioliclncr. eal s Shoe Store,
v.Ii DoS, '9". Pin for College Republcans. 6 H. MAIN. OPP . COURT HOUSE
J . 'f ao rS, '7, Assistant.
ASSOIATE EDITORS 91917ii ccetre
L. GeseAT .R C ldeeo,'98. Comlililee ()c'i AL A ND
F' M1 Loemi', "10IF.S. SimonssS.the0 . 'ca y F /] 1 0 ~ 5
C.9.Green, 91. G. hB. ilrrison,p'1 L. 1111 Aicrle"
W. W. I3 i.hes, '93. .if. Smith, '97. tellti 1rC aLl ' J j j
B. B. 9ethety, '9. Luin Dodge, '9. I - °'s
uola. 1 Dietinson, '1911. I.I. Sillion, '9 f.Col e L a.
W. R' Morrill, 'is. H. Co win'99 gil'h19s 1a11111- IN SUITS, OVERCOATS, GENTLEMEN'S
A. 9.Soth, '7.
- d s (lie' oiieal pidle 1o Ii won lIlils - FURNISHINGS, HATS AND CAPS,
C.IRCUI'ATOUS fail leg ils 9011ln epbleicni il('llers
Butler Lamh, W. F. Whitomb. S ETR N AKNOH S
3a S. Thayer 0. lctlo l ilint te cuntry, ali'penn in i '~ETR N AKN HS
Honurs at Doly offic from 1.0 10 80 p. m. eii~rildsglt ii cl'e11151. . . A D lll'p't'S
Co.: 111101h 1(0111 119ili e olh'e IiImon and
Th sberpi - nir fth-Dly s7' iiii'i. T'elin111is ladein i10 g'dil Noble's :Star :Clothing :Horse.
for the eollege y-ewth is reglae delivery bforenoonhlt Noticsflomli 1 nidoeslwinlle Tolii'
iones,nd other r tematter iteded fopblic a- '1,,11)e of jc~iillcy onis fcei', h l
tione mst e handed in at tie Dily etbe be- bShoenitias .P. CF . aToss th
fete 6 p., , rmailed to the eitor beorel ii ' iii~i .1.1.1.acs li
p. inreo the day e pe o p o apsr .to eliat on which
the ae rod ndTh dsin bocby 'he 3 9c Sh irt Sa /le ! ,98c.
A 071r1y c0p11o' a. paper callied "The (1r11, f Seies i' nt >11, Wis., ail a One Week Only, October 6t(h to 11th, Inclusive.
Stuent_ ~ cgstiilasialln lnde st 11 ltlat theUivecrsity of Chicaigo. Colored Bosomhs Fancy and Plain, warranted not to fade,
our 1101101. It eeris 10olbe iiliii,llti 911'. ltod J. leunlilg, of the Vol .2,$- 1. 50 and $.75~ SHIRTS------------------------- -980.
Reithe rlll''lir f i l)b tsoto e cAiiAtod Iiyo isosn ~i 11$lr' A fine line of White ad Fancy Bosom Shirts all Laundred ((
ofgitr, 11r0hetoct I' Naiiiii inlcol llogeCampallilgn, Ils were 75c, this week - - - - - 3c
etltioi o 1111pater.Wh 11*s ilei (5 llli'll'il110 lcadlulleo i elt'Corresponding Redction in other Wite Shirts.
at "Ollldet' af" 11u11, 5islratlr dficlt ol~Amliric'aiiRepuliclan f'ilhheI("l-ige-
to dtermine. it lhasot07the Ailti"5t in ( hit agoal the111Allitrn Htl® E /RR BN&ofialcneinwthheUvrsyrmwihpaetiollicalpll1111nd F A'P
sio far 00 wve are iblde to 'lsiover It eiiigil lieraure will bei'uplie'id . . . Gents' Furnishers and Hatters
is nelther manageitid by sudents nortll h clegs of telIt Unid Sice, 44 Sou'th State St., .Anun .A.r'bor.
rea 19'StleI'ilO,110 5 1 Ili11110 .51111 s hi-soilol~lllos n' ~ell (ome in anti get your Shoes Shined'Free Every Day-l 1
pr1isec ollonuted for te(li f a-edh.l'lt Mli a1n11191flhoiindsof liii1i'Oof i-aui-
15r011119,of its toc ambilitiousplis 191h-119111 itealnre' 11nt119'nowli"went ,ANNUAI..A'oU cEvE T
it If the' firs o un511ill he' 11111'were ittdiy follll'hsll ialIcr
sigular, d0 that it rteadt "The'Su- tern In rspone to the' rt'illss froll - -=P-"--
dent's Regiser,"thelre miight lbe'somei' stdolntallvir th o O v Itr9, iwill A
jt~iiaiilllfor l t' illie ince lit heo le'thioe'ndevorrof the' ('lligo' e lge
very astut i1oirioor 1119 liiro tl o Illth ie Cillige campaheignl all ef- M!I 1
manl whio wries '07 after hils naie, to .ficive 111101 f te ntiol lclampaign1111 Chauncey M. Depew - - - - Oct. 10.
assist 11tlolaing t11e'ediorial clumn AVll wok thislear11'. tCollge' clbs Oare 19e- Leland '. Powers - - - - - INov. 30.
Ioolk dignifiehd. If the whileescheeng 19 organized inie-ery eucatioall il- Boston Ladies' Symphony Orchestra - - - - Dec. 11.
siltioll ile' Unied Sats.Charles AIDaa - - - - - Jan, 21.
of tie 1p1111r wre 110t s0 ludicrous, _________ Ex-Presidelt Harrison - - - Feb. 1.
Av hudssetits enterprlisinig a01- Unity Club Social. Luther Laflin Mills, (Chicugo Alumni Number) - Feb. 12.
veholsuietImperial Quatet-- - - - March 12.
Iller of tyinlg o start at rival to tile Oratorical Contest - - - - March 19.
T1he C'1i1y Club1 will give a scil Lucius Perry Hills - - - - April 2.
Dily, It is etily' posible that i1till the inltalianl churchi parlrs to- Joh~n Kendrick Bangs -1 - - - April 13.
wekl lteay ouna, rpelyco-nihtat7.0o'lok.AhrtmuiclGenera1 Admission"Tickets - $2.00
dncedts, mhight maintain ia sui-tlgg6liug trrypairnwilb gvn
exasteneillthe Universiy, althiuone1111fltear st intrting eill beslReser'ved~a ikt 2.50
oroiinis that thle fieldl of colge' f whihl will be ari~dings fvonil . SigleAd issionl - 500
jonronaiomhere is pretty eell covered'l liteohib Rile'y by Mr. harl tri . Single Ad
Bt this Inewl'venrtillris netat tlier.r)-nl1111,Bohlold andelnes s tuts 0al-c
journ~al sand is not connetced wihl tile or'a invited, Depew Number - - - $1.00
Unierity bt i a orinrylocl atuda's ams.Harrison Number - - - 1.0
Unee'iy lti l rinr oa audy ae.Oratorical Contest - - - .25
weekly nlew'spapetr '°rranged" fr Satutdays football gamnes resulted +. .- ~TCET O NSL
stneus.Ifthn -otll gutenanas follows: Chicago 43 MenIlottil 0; Reserved Tickets on SaleThursday, Oct. Sl, at Palmer's Drug Store,
had asked our advice, weecould have Cornell 22, Syracuse 0; Prineton 4-, State Street, and Wars Book Store, Main Stree.
assured im frotm the first that no Rtutgers 0; Illinois 3, Lake Fores 1; jemez 3H Pruitt
such out-of-date matter would have Harvard 6, Willialus 0; Pensylvana CrepnigSceay
any attraction for students. It s 40, Bucknel 0; Beloit 44, Armnur In- CrepnigSceay
1101 tba eehave any quartrel withl stitute 0; West Point 37, Tufts 0;_Ir
this new journalistic effort. We are DePauw 22, Indiana State Ulivrcty
4; innesota 1, Carleton College (3;m aes
simply srry to see a man 'ceder Purdue 34 Greet College 0.
out of his proper sphere, and waste a 4i.e
lo t o f e n e rg y o n a n a b s o lu te ly h o p e - A nyno t u e t n f i t l e I
less and useless and senseless ptrO in. oom24 ainH I, Xadu-da
e . W h e n t h e s t u d e n ts o f lM i big a n B e vjo Ma lng, Cc t u bt , st w oil o b e h e l
,university become in apable of runl- S. C. B.IIIS.

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