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October 05, 1896 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-10-05

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Vol,. VIE. No. 4.


Leading Tailor State Normal Eleven Were De-
feated Saturday 18-0.
A.ND II P TER . 'in' '1arolly 0111011 hfol oI ll
s1.00 asl 111d 1 i' l ( ' eing11 hr our L-
FULL 1W SS SITS A SPECIALTY,. 111 (11 e IA' IS Isto) 1ifieen 1u11t
_____________ ____ 1'11o 'gilline 11110 ihI1j10l} ' "
N0. 2 E. W 'siNi13T33ST. tGA 1 4.;, It.o ga e,1'il11(1 Ibl I 1 .Aer o.2tf 11 7111
Jos 1V Kol l ll i i rainigriathe wnll ' gt~ ie
Merchant Tailor, iiMlle11'ame111at11.l11,md11 (f11hese' ('a rr
1011(1ZI '11111 11f P ' 1110 l110011' 111110t
Vhwe iey Nwell. CoVl in esnle a
in line of G~oods and is t ItMiI'111g111(wiil11deve'loplve111
Make of Gentlemen's
C0lEothi IgO± t .1y10 hVSI' 1111,1eiig11 befo1r111111h1
111 ST~tRS~ 111 I1-0 I:lo I illgston esile0011001111
.+ ,," . 11111 y~, ,ar ^% ill' 11'-11e. 111151111 10 tfrill bark.
Vrill be pusre aisdfresh 111 1'll1edt lare ' W'oilleor, 1Palmer,1
and the prices will be 0 ' t'ngr '1' (' 1011111Seel.
right at our store. We TleNrnskiedf'
S would like to show youi '1hoNoniia1t011( he111'be
ou0r stock of CombsIgnigoth lleTe' aiy
S Brushes, Soaps, etc., etc. Iil n g (cif11 ill' Jl''aol
Yosir money back if 11 1 rob'ilgiing i~elit 01101
you're not satisfied. }111.1ful ed, b i d t111 e11'firs o l1li'lodllIit

Pres. Angel's Address. WORD OF THE BIBLE CHAIRS
Pre'sjientAnlgell delivred Ille1011111
fns; add~ress o 1th111'tuden11s' c('11015(1111Rev. G. P. Coler Will Organize
Assocoiattin1 yl'010(11to11all 51111111101' Classes 'This Week
w11111 ll the lil'aditoin1l of 5011-
11115 10a11. Ille' gave t le r easoowhy- '''1111ss10 ill 111e' 111111'C'110110will
11 IWioil'gl' 0n10not a buirden. ('1101r, 11111will bein 11 osin 1, New'-
('11110110110 111101 11 1e1(111hIled110s1bound1 The'-ib1111 (h1ii' 11d11aloriginlated 1with
1},-ill, gives of,001111(0 o 1111111e111 <i'11r1"bol.l1'OefcI'5011. As 1111y is 104122
Jaktis wollly Irr 1101101101111( 1111' 1111011el('11' 1110111110 leh (Chairs 11n
oftenif<1lol lii 1 1111'it 110-oe' l>thi conne(111(11on1 with11the Uiver~'1sity of lii-
'1-105s111of Chriist :10 0111)011n1to 011t('011101 1110 11110acted 111pon1, and
b0' 12 plOtiloi'('lbeause it; is :;Nell toliillligh the1i-lea (If having Bibl'
o17fliealnni~~s Tounnt owoke ir1ibS in.forhsl (1r1to5(If lJeffeirsity
wit(111 d;s t :(1 111 1111' ('IIthe losst 111 10 0' in 111'w s Bvr e lze n i h ' . 'll i'
111(Iesi 1ftli'111ii111 11 he iiiull 01"so ibleiu C(If lit's111er'Chois lit lo'
illrie wil thofer"'B.leill rI' 111 i-1111(( y ailg'ilad: 'heWil feof11(11 i

46e S. STATE ST.
Not because youl are afraid of
the Bull1 Dog, bat simuply to
get a pair of those
Bull Dog Toe Shoes
The past high reputationl of this
house means good goods at reason-
able prices.

''1. 'I''lien 11111'rhll' l had1 111(1hr'n11(1
CI.I I I l010iif lit' tls)' ore
fourni'niii'oof 0lay-. Abouti Six 1win1-
a loorlidowisaf111111' Shad m1aii~die a
11l1l1'a1111111111 (1f elf.o(11w ew 01-fi1e

the I 'teti;:y Tennis Club has kindij-
c.orisolited lo> have the touraam(_ zit.
played upoll its courts. If is c xlweted
Hurt by nett s.lirin sip zze« courts
Nv'ill be ready for use 110ar fhe t ynina-
simn. I:zitries for the fotzrn.1ment.
insist be made before c 1). in. Satur-
day, Oef. 10, to 11'alter D. IIeri'lek, Psi
1T ITonse. Only members of the Atli-
letie Association NvIll bc. allowed to
confer. Fifty confs will bt. c°har -;ed for

t i tr.:±llt' 111 t1C 11 cif t'ii ll. t't.!

F !1' l i 11 i.11 E'. 1.):111

Brown's Drlai.~g Store. In ll1th -'canter of 1111'field. '1111' lineup1
I t s t 0s y e auIn o t h i n u s D o no t n g e c t i .1 0 o l o
W-Ie invite every student to visit- - - - ir~o'l1
our stores. We have a large supple y I il I- --......g- ..Doxc r-1(ll('
of second hand Uniiversity Text ll'ntuillgi'..l'- -I- - -(111.. 00o~te
Books for all the departments. '<1lrlllalO ll - .- -ielIlilllld
Lew and Medical Books. Germn au~rs ~atr..tae~
and lDreiichiClassics. ' i a ro (~lrer-Wll(('alt.)
We sell tile boot stuldent Note (1'1031-' 1. ih---------Isi.lichr
Books 20 cents each. I'iilg erl'l - ii-------icrlei
' The host Linen Paper 20 cents per .1( - .~...
pound.Ste .. . . . ..1.,,. . ..I isn
W~e buy 5a10 exchansge secondti 1llli'e. Willn'. ib'fl'rl'l', (i'e
hand books. lf. Snl ;.litutes--tiliai Whit-
Agents for thle Waterman tNoun- nnlettce;Bntrihuad
Mathematical Tnstrtuments' and Aye'lrs, right 011111 )0111111l(', quarter01
tDrafting Supplies a specialty. hac1k; Vernion, left -half: Gordion, righit
The best prices to everybody. hlf;Hggi uliak
Give us a trial.ifItogfil111.
WA R'S BOOK STORE Dr. S. 11. Yutzy, instructlor in o-=
Up Towsn Down Tows teology and (11005011-, retuirned Satur-
20S. State St. Opposite Court noose.
Ann Arbor. Mlain st.' d(ay from 4an extended trip ini liii west.

'00 Oracle.
A111'0111ill' ill 11of1the ') 11b0a(le1 11:111-
ailig A11, i0.tII('mpbelll ils e''bted
to ofItl 1/e00of tIlldollars olll'toI
111 'ollege' students115for lt'elbest 0101y
1111 ('(slgIelife. Soillolnores 1101e1re-
11a 111 tis ibein0st1te1 befoly, will lbe a
hamps 1and1promlinent'lt hlite's. 'l'iie
il1ils'trationtlwill dtllillessly1-'be fuir-
ilied b 141-'h1s'', If (hileago.
Delivery. Free Today.

lili0lig 0111, students." tLast Jiune 1Mlr.
Bortz, trsicllno (fthii'Student,'
O hirb tit1iiA 000it'inl1l, 0111(d of tilt
Pr isl hre:iug111' 111111'r('ino olaoe
('0. ll ioflte01llo 1111' s 11111 set ill'-
11((1n fhrilyrol101010ghi)0111'khtoI'
trs." o herptrnl:e"r.l
Hoot NIoSstem, foriw '09dntM o
'1111'o1 not10know0110111,tebiblet11-0111
es.-'To'h1i of ndt'Xill~hlI>i tO is tob11-
01101 lllo hi e sil teliit'11101100
'l'llt'' wh(:11of 0ave111staished hi11no
Nvorkt. Ann' Arbor.-iknogw ss 'le :s
iii1y thaslt 11,111t1o111ell olland01011 ill
llieir. fnl er iiiils eio11111theilei
itd eharze subesful.opue ndbt

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