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July 01, 1897 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-07-01

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The Coast Line to MACKINAC Interviews the President. A. A. & YPSI. ST. RAILWAY. GRUMMONI1D'S
-TAKE THE~ A staff correspondent of the Raa- TIME TABLE. DETROIT AND CLEVELAND
niazoo Telegraph writes as follo-tsl Taking Effect May 17, 18917
"I had the pleasure of catting Sat- Leaves Congress street, Ypsilanti, at - - - -Line of Steamers.-
urday en Presidlent Ansgll of Miclii 0:00, 7:10, S2:2{), 9:40, 11:10 a. in., tandl
f cgan Unirsity anti the now ininioter 12:40, 2:20, 3:40, 5:00, 6:30, 7:10, 1:10
to Trke. Th dotor' hose Na=3and 10:20 tp. in.
Mn o VACKINAC t uky At otrs os isLeaves court itouseat01Ann .Arbor at
DERI le DETOIT b tins pacd in renlilesfor a retell-lt:35, 7:15,9:00, 10:20,.111:10 a. tu., OttdIVC l v e anII(
PETOSKEY tion lii it eniig and everytinig wis 1:20, :t:00, 4:21), 5:i0, 7:10, 8:30, 9:50. ADlghflMonihtTi
OHIAO u intoe or lesconfuieoni. 'The ti.,sryc, t 1:0Is.tt.Across Lake Erie.
New Steel Passenger Steamers is theiten'wrtsiii SUNDAY TIMtE.
The Grceatest Perfection yet attained in V DsV OATTmAL/!t:QP
Boat Construction-Luxurlius Equipteent, ticilos-. It fatces th t h n at evs-piat t00 n 0"
ieint Service, insuriega ihe highst ldegree a of a tug, aid -fa'tttiitii. bow l io n Ni ! 0.i., slid 12:10, 1:10, 3:10, 4:30, :.i0 Biye2s Carried Free.
COMFORT,-SPEED AND SAFETY l's i:i10, 0ttandr9:50si p. ie 1:1, . .GRn.OD
Toledo, DetroiJandLvackinac lIs of boioks en shelv-es. Ilighi till a. nit 1.and1)0, :3c?, 3t50n. 10t:30;i.i. er'sosnar-ti3.
PETOSKEY, "THE tOO," MARQUETTE itsiote'Cotinei is a 1'ietlre of tolus 7:10, 1:11) ansi 10:30 t..'en. PhloneNo. 12 is) noneanilDock, tootlei set St
AN5 DULUTH. 'oni, whileoppo~lcit.'ilea tteruiilt ' -DI'.TRrnc, -anaCa.
LÂİWRATEtoPictresqeMackiaafld S1'it'It'ItlAINi '1 0 iL;D0. iokots for sate at Coo, R. Koiyo
Rteturn, including fleats ad Berths. From Don Diclinsesi Di(,ketis Ilsls C 33 E. HurnS~Anrb.
Cievelad, $i8; fromi Toleo, $15; from Miadat1, tIdly 1111. tile .taiiArtur- tO StAn rb .
Detroit, $5ops.piesat oaus itt 100 s5it lx),Ahl l' ti. ff' railroad chill rein sa special tin itoI
Between Detroit and Cleveland .tmiteltlie'is ltent .tNiti eries otfTedo 'aid ceticit. Atbig clracolBaSLCnetn tCeeadwt alet ahi euriir elIh rept foa-11
Tatisiforalsl in s ii ,sietha EnSou d ilth- '- ' t 't t ltre of illoi isill liea.si t ii 1L
Sunday Trips tone, July, August and Set. Only )tilict -; tnd olt hfi ail ii )s t 1.1'EVERY11Y,11TEEN, I cia i lilseila. See b '"sigr le.
l Aobca edsAY OETWEEN re alts.ltl SUPPIin.
Cleveland,Put=in=Bay KToledo -SAlu'rUPPLiIE'SiiItl ii1111ttes Ol.sii
OcSend'or Illustreatedl 5aiapliel. Atidees s Siti ateant hiss ito cmt,'')it edclitt- lerS t'sc ct-A irtat.l ii
A. A. SCHANTZ sa. . ~ EnTROal. MCHv2riseleosti"- 'ut-rae' .1. Di-. ist~
1 ,1 Aisgi ersd. Dr - ll i Oplirn -Lea ue Pail,111te, liners, e(
lit 5 ta:st-v a tOld IMissioin, Mli'( ticuin I(Il ' Iila' cEs~sisL cl c ese a
Ulifil RI 'RB aii Na u lii e snittrltets:11.1 ut lisl. hilt ). ,applly lt 'itt. Inrc', fit. J.:11 - s 00tGo lfC its. etr c eedtFld, yin.'T a-
ilit dotIsitlsitent o issail fu ichit.slies Equ eil nts coil autfis-, Complete
C1GHGA G66A iiI tlts tree. "The lsase rtees(rittie"
__ Time Tb Revised)l it e <15, 189 Ie rtop 0 isail fromits est Yirtk Bicyle ae ling! A. G.SPALDING & BR OS.,
P.M.AtM, titsy17. 1 jutst rs' 'sirrd ilist letftOlttl Plaits or Mntrbehized. Any color or Now Fork, Ciircago, Phlitisitet lit
N. Y. OSpcisl--- 4is8 51 ,N.Y5'' Ci - r12 1tion ltlsy."'style. All workti g rasiteerl.
*N. S. Lism ied... 1 so laii -..---------- 8 is
Easten Es....--1.5 P . M. ''Donyilt sitilol'sip liiplesanctilsts'.1" A O.Al "'L5O1{.N
A. MIt.lesternEx_-s.... 1 5
AtlaniclaEx-_.._t7:'0 1. i. . 1.Es. __ 55 " teein c>ia: s rral ts a, te Tue2 nis-
0. N. Eopress.... 5 10 Cliel.Nt. Fs--...9040 'i With Tuckeer s& Co., 18 N. 1 oetrhi lve
G: R: Exepeesa ___11 55 Pacific Es -..1..i30soe ustill of coutrse' be' arrrvem,'detit' ________________-ehssaei e y
*Noetle Shoooe Ltmitediis a asar Isse in I issaelar. ev
In b i citiece ol43500 ioNee Yoark tteasill' 011c'adtit' rltililecwiiilishvt o oIs"Pw T G A H
othee tresinss.T G P
0.O . 5etto sUOF, i.cv. ssnxsts, lit ils osrefitits - It is aI uti on.'lt ofli
G. 1'. & T. Aol., thic:ano. Agt. Ant AeborAse. ical pro11011 'lm1it'ol tii ---Spilrtsl to Sc enioes see for. the Grand Opera
in-h lsei '. 1ltottiittio' 10a '5 ry ans
t' ____ ( uuici ityintiv ~+ Bery air' S Stret House.
TinseTable Sundy, M cityEtCREAMeSODA'andTA N E S I
ThoseubtnHy A No 0-She ' E lbedF- R-.S. dries .=-
'A L , . D r 1 1 i l n t r tu n t n r p a A " a ftim ait s e u n d a, Al ater re s de i b orR F ru it C E M S D A M T A6E 'S Y C E E PO I M
NOa TH SOUTH.y Iasa. TolpttoeaM.oCoolear door Etiet oPIASen-
except15oda. m 125a l.ta.I e i s 5~lein sse 1tta le loi n selgs
4 E60 p. m8L40ipR , AgTt ' it 5Tit(ceieitli nste'Ilso i BB 55Liao ie y . r-
THEun KINDEReARToeandBILAD A lsnd lIsis tfnderiic il'ieia' serdRtitusit T. EMINTOTYERITERSYCLE UPPLIE
owl. T ohs ces. itl soutfiliet1o I
rin udayconlT.cleeoshoudler twarsd at.y l.ilsitiurc',jsilntll-alI H UIMNTF W ge os
exceptSunday o. tns. HeTriiafllll Tlli nthllh. F TlephonetN. S. - O neirEs o m

for them.
Cut hates to All Pointss
Cor. Main and Liberty Sts.
S. W. Burchfield,
Ladies Tailoring Annex.
4" Caps. Gowns and
.' Hoods.
Albany, N. Y.
V. MRSLoan-E.,Manager.
44-E. William St

CAT.RNTDAks. It. is general ly conceded thalistlussringed is-
______ strumenutisto stna solisutse secessity. To
secure thte grossest einjoymettfromothe
Thursdaiy, Jly- 1-CNIIIteiueteunue1tipuechsee t tebest your 'teney swilt afford.
expert judgmaent1pionousces the. "Bay
its till deluartlnlos of tlie Ut iversity. State" intlucments te inest to the wsorld
On cni~nen eoneiA cly, uly1st to Ac escellent instrumact is Ike
ii-ueamslicacesutirodsulicuu'to it BAY' STATE $10.00
pa5tons5 goingtogDin oits, the Aiiii-
guts Central still tilt a, srowiel traiin, B.1 ..I JI' O .
letising AitnsArbuor sit 4:3tO1p. iii. De- ' we luaven t steelsceapeer hanjs
'hiss this, bu uloasusltsanti. servic-
Ireil 1551550ide't5are resiuesteelto tae ' tio einstrsument, ustis leow pot 'a, tn
thistran o thi dae a thee ll itier itnstrumett aufactusred can
flit tran e thi dste s flrse ill compare with it.
hi' no extra 'nsiradatloiiss 'nufts' Sacd far illustrsated catologue,
4:5uS train. JOHN C. IAYNES 11 CO.,
TO IENT-Fi'nislsed rooms fo 453-de3S'6aoihicgton Stret, J1e sins.
aunnuer or ocehool year for young A L al
ladies. Inquire 1022 5. State. I AdUvertise in 'he D i

Copyin,Reporlting andiimeographing.
of Ellihart, InS.,
wish to secue a few energetic students' tie-
represent them duringItihesummnerontch s.
Rig monsey and splesdid opportunity if taktn
at once. Futt tnforatsion can be obtained;
Isy enclosinf 2c stuaip to above asddress.
Bicycle Repairingl.
Isnt alrasnehes neatly and pnoarptly dune
P'rices reasoablae. Sundries at ruth bottom
Win.. J. Wenger,
ful toAce, 3i, 1897. Courm nclutdms36ctures bll
anr JuisticeeHarlan, ofU 0. lspee Couert.oes
jIaigce, addemcs IR. MINOR. Scr~a
Charlottesville, Va..


WHITE'S Confectionery Store,
10 South Main Street. Telephone 1ee.
Lowney's and Allegretti's Famous Chocolate Creams.
Soda Water, Phosphates and Vernor's Ginger Ale.



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