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July 01, 1897 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-07-01

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f j,, aeleristic of our busy, hlustling ger~er-
II" f attou, which sacrifices everytinlg else
-- for gaia1.
Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during "The remiedy is tile recovery of the
the College year, at
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. 1Ia. ID <a word, thle great piublic' work
Celsiso: Times building, 79 0. Alain S1. be- ettido iielkl olecy
tween Liberty and William Sts. creel by the duiratioii of your lives will
1ItNAGING EDITOR be that of legislative. judiicial ared ad
J. F'. THOMAS, 57.
- iiittrtitive reforni. It is a warlk to
E. L. DEISEs, 'Is L. whticih you stay well ttevote the beat
ATHOLETIC EDITOR elelgics of your lives. It to a woirtk
Ii. u.Osessssasto5 h.i viidh you caii scarcely frail to doe
ISUSINESS MANAGER rt hs nr"(sc l hc o
0. H. DASO, 'v9shoeecgi iwitt o
EDITORSto cat titof(lgigtl's.
F. S. Sisoois, '93 1. A. CAMPELLc, '0O. fective if you toive taken inaso I 5a15
F. A. Fusmr, '593F.. A. CAasEneL, '(.
C. D. liDNsetT, '00. T. R. WoonROnse, sure you hive, tilt true slirit of flii
BULABcsoh'sn0O. 0. D. JoaNNGstos aMsmite' iiiivs'rsity."
lii1closiiig liii'oratoi' soaid:
"(dct'aga51n, iwe love bail a notatle'
The sbscriplion price of Ike Daily is X2.5s antd a istiblec latribosttion fronltsie
for she college year, with a regulor delivery
beforecnoseachebday. -Notices, eoimmsiis- IctitstlsitteIltlsof Mtdhiga it o tilt'-l
tions, anti tther matte's intesndedi Str ooublica-
tisn mast tie handed insatithile lDaily aos be- tli~tsl)tif ti1e co)llti. Ales-c omr
fose 06p. 101., Qr nmtirit to lbs editor before 3
is. in., of theo day preeciosts that on which oliter state Mtt'tttgatis ,coasiitot
they are expsected 10osf55555'.
Subscriptiosimay be loftsO The Dailty'forl teliishty woerlesite11hastatic' to
DOc, SMeye's sr Stoflet's Neitatnd, or
will sisoness issnager. Subertter'sill stir.- lirisititts1111 ttgla itirdly clt.sri: eritoi
fer a furor by repsorting prostliy at this
sffise ass ftaiure of carrieri s oldeiver mpar. the iternicy of leatin hg, andtot(
catryci'lte' ttliftil isg lellcecs if high1
11'Ittodesay's issue Awee cud tte a , tic Lo o h ~ydor-o
it' et'b7.alion itmolii'tvOryirsttirelof til
Ill'pelie. Is tieetine a itiso ,i il
its history the LDily is free trotsE104 it rcllle h vihtl hssp
tuit acaste ookfist vs rtolit1aytar illic(t
site's"Jttrttlltletliher' .splenwit Ituliii' tHe
fattiilts'tii 151115.aMayoniteions. tuedis
we~vcac fto'1hlii ifeatttiocy Il (tr°t5 gltil
the e creu lst nce an Av''itl( e and prtie i''at 1 lt1 tic ct-i limo t'hat
tisietly ig~liaCdtilt yearlyti rlty11)01
telitestllt she ofsptct and thtc tlatittdeiof
itosinriots itand'«sits (six'-tat st t
irstittiins of tilenioan. W'ife cei

i -__

The 18197 BEN-HIUE BICYCLES embody more new and genuine improvetresit:
is i'structlisn than bynslisherbisyslesowrbefsre (lie psbic.eter befoeshave
osc excelle'st values been sffered for the mossey. Osr osew lire, ciosisting of eigti
ssiussrtsimosdels at $0, 1(75and $r25 for sisigle suscines, sadSlid0 fsr Itt etilt
ti vari05ousiotionisiofered, is such that the msst exacting purshater totsbeto tourc

Ills' pilpe )f tierc tenderc'd bty asir en-
vioris tisval, tlts Wrinkls', tui1 lask itll
scorn upons our echo, tie Senldent
tiegister. 'thaninig balls mierchatnts
audstudlsesnts far litberal supprtt ste
wit isniil neixt yettr to misse goad alut
promise by sdeeds.
(Continued from First Page.)
in~ lg dosvn. It is bsreakinig idossni be-
casuie legislttiv'e action ia govrned bsy
caurce anti by inovrthsy stistsa-
lions, asid attludecd by tustiult and ills.

fordsItic'sirsisigeot troofat 111. the
ft .dsti es of tse (thy shtai1slat lto
st'o peoles'lsilsnssure"
after sites iissttion s'ase .iitit'c
rhig of d(egrets .antd tt'e oississs i -
ils1t litii'e, anitu he tFearl''1196.9(7 wss
The Clans.
'Tiso ;"est's class uittiolir 451, dli-
viied sofoilliows: -A. itt., bomopiatbis
< ;I. tiL5., 40; B. _S., illii liisc, 14; is
I'll. B.. 48: 13. A t.'9; lsti-sif lettesic'

roar. It is breaking cdown isesause (ts'1 lttro cerc,1 atro hl
esactuseils are so nuerous aniii so scllit, 11; mast5er of airts, 16: doctor

inivolved (list test cait comttprehsend
tbem. It is brcaleisg dosvn because;
tbe lawn tare not evessly silO spseetdsly
"A friendless stretch strels as over-
coat and in a test dtsys is 05n isis way
to prison for it; another stretch mis-
apiies a bait mnillion. dollars of the
funds sf a otate univeritsy sodi is ac-
quitted. 'fie objeet lesson is a sorry
Numerous other illustrations stare
gjven to sowthIll causeo for the ox-
istouse of this spirit of :dissatisfaction
.among the masses, The responsibility
for this condition of afftir's is at te
door of vast business interests acting
under the pressure of 1s-rsparalleletf
enterprise, sot unprecedented growth,
cnd of that unxppeasahle zeal char.

of science, 2; doctor sit tptisssslsy, 2;
B, L., 51; mster sit letters, 10; B. S.,
in electrictil engineer'ing, 151;is civil
enigineerinig, 7; master of science iss
esogineirsimig, 1; eletrictalresgisseerinig,
1; miec'hanical engisseeriug, 1; civil en-
gineering, 2; doctor of medicine, (64;
iittsiiaceuticsl rheisist, 21; B. S., in
phlarmacry, 2; doctor of denttil surgery.
LOST-Friday, between Calkins' usil
.Medical Enuilding, a Pah11 F. Wirt
fountain pen, In'b'lack leatiser eaoe
with blue 'pencil. Please return to 10
N. ,Division st. and ollige.
WkANTII D-Four ,bright, Energetic
Studonts to fill position as saloemen.
Modt be stjing to travel on road,
iApply Wednesday utter p. m. Geo.
B. Lrpdogrove, 75 E. W aphingu'ton st.

Students and Teachers
cansecure pleasaiit anid profitable wsork introducing our
Public Libraries........
in townis and country and formsing Readinig Clubs, Jus.
the stork tor Students, Teachers and Minlisters.
We also want a few energetic field managers. State age
anti experience in book work.
Address Dept. "5" RAND, McNALLY & CO., Chicago,
Teexaminiatsion in the sw-rneiWahintonBlock,
coiurse in Physiological Clieriiry isill Wsigo
ho given insuecilately at the close of Ann Arbor.
the course, and rot in October, as
Iretiously annotincecl. A sclif MI MARTIN, Funeral Director, Cloth
O"J and Metall ic Cankets and Fine Drade
curse in food analysis still also be Coffins. Embalming a Specialty, No. 17 S.
offered. Fourth ae.
Ebeiabaeh & Son cordially invite all WANT WORK TI SUMMER
graduating P~hysicians; Cheiists and HI

Pharmacists, to call and exaine
their. stock of Chemnicals, Glasswsare
and complete outfits for Cheusical,
Physical Bacteriological and other,
laboratories, We make a specially of
Colors, Stains, Rteagents and Mount-
ing Material for lbs Microscope.

To Raise Next Ynar's Noney?
Donn't want tonassa books or
coffee puts. eb? D~ont blame you.
Don't have to. something better.
Thirty to ooe hundred aod sixty dol-
lars in 10 weeks sant possibly ttilon
too, If you have tact and push.

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