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June 16, 1897 - Image 4

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-06-16

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lOSv KOLLAUF& CO, Points toF
Fine Black Suits a specialty.

10 E. Wasbington St. Up Stairs.
---Special rates to Seniors at
B erryman's
E. Huron Street
Bicycle Enameling!
"Plain, or Marbelized. Any color or
style. All work guaranteed. 1
Vith Tucker & Co., 18 N. Fourth ave
I-IA \CQ LD'''

Ann -Arbc
20 Pittsburg sto.girs Cor----
16 La Princess Stogies for---
16 'iest National Stogiles Car--
6 YucatanStogies Car _---
11 Alfonso Cigarsfor----.--
6Star Clgassftr------
6 ItacordtBreakiers Car----
3Birunsawick C
44 South M~ain Street.

Remenber The Inland Press
Dr. Angell is Mitnister to Turkey. DOES WORK WITH
Prof. Hutchins is President Pro Tent. Neatness and Dispatch
We Wll ave n Eectrlc io ltin- plnt.Give Chema acall.
We Wll avean lecricLigtin plnt. COBR HRON ST, ADFOURTH AVE.
Ton can rout your Piano for next year now ________________
Yotu can btuy a Guitar cheap 1n0. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS DANK
You can buy a Mandoliti cheap now. Capital Stock, $50,00 Surplus,.$150,000.
For further infortmation ask Orgasized ander the General Backlog Laws
of hisStae. ecevesdeposits, bays and
/(' Co., 21All-) 3 UIAST sells exchange oc the priecipal cities at the
) ' I~U~iC Co.,WAHINiGTON S T. United States. Drafts cashed apse proper
identification. Safety deposit Poses to reel,
OFFReSoChrlistian Mock Ores.; W. D.
N Zdarrimas, V icezOrs;sCaus E. tliacock,
N S oEm Casier: M..7. FOitz Assistant Cashier. , f )'M 1
------25cnt s 1g1BedCiarss toe----------- cents ~FIRST NATIONAL BANK Or- an Arbor
orgaied 1868
______2 entas560 aro Ci eaC ars o------------ 5cccis Capiltal, $100,00. Surplies and Prochts, X40,00
------------- 25 conts 6ParadiecCigars Car--- il---- 5cents Transacts a general baianeg basiness.
----------- -5cents I La Gloss Cigars Car--- Il----2censcFocreignexechange boughtaed sold. Furnish
-- ----------_2 cenis 4 Harry Clays ior---------25 cents letters at credit.
------------- 25 cents 4Oat Boqiuets Car-----9----2 ceets E. 0. KINNE, Ores. HARRISON POULE,
.___--25 cents 3 Royal Banners Car- ----cects---w-----25icents tics Ores
iars tsr-------------------2 en ts S.W ~1KO.Cashier.


-L L 1LN'JU J 1JJln i a - I ~ DCleoCba ieieasi ec cdi IU la Doe. lain a0cC isarac tree
ColegeColrs- t1 ilaanddevlopd i aln hates. (Capial : tO. Sarplus $90,01. Transact
ii li 1t b tis l' tiieil foslonab l ins. genraIbankisig basirness
CE CREAM SODhe tii i-co lois aso.a dioliog-llil i--C rli 11k' l oei i - -i lishO rbs. CE. GisNCskie Pes
S Strawberries clit-ci y- succra em-ilis-liiicesloc-e,-o0 P
Ir - S { \V11il l-eciloc r ii SouliltHolyoke one cf the ewco-F" 3.Scleede,
A ud<ce'era Iiicooed desli-olawoul-I ciabte scie i eieadNieDmod 20 S. STATE STREET
R F u tIes11"0 3 i I- 3I llndeil y 11- or ccel l"ttie.-Ex- Sells a Solid Gold osactaislien at SioO
F lie-. 11Books Boand 25 cesis siilupsword.
E ie 0c i-iiuiled iite 11 eliaill-icTI. ofAt 1. Sceanad Profe-sors:31,'2lbs. Lie-
R r<cti e «]s r:Ilsil~tte inthe n!"renPaper toe 50 cens.
R Go,[ 9 F, Iq; l~ WSIGNSSII8t11 ie 05 Nco~ld il ie -uit (l-ic ,ocf 1 li l icocci .lX V li- Vtbits- iN. Note Books5Pcecniasad apwards.
iil it is Mill iiioisiist in ollii rl f~l c-uis-l uuc tgo
Elt3-cl s cc i oil 011 W eld- alieiiiooiL ox n yslo lts
IN1 THE EQUIPMIENT OF A .71cc 9e.fliolic9. culie-i l- - leToos at1-1<ti ohills Cur a jicioce andO (ted- Hot Lunches.
p f ii hIi ie not. I 'et b eI i gh lsllieoll11oai f Cii i 0 l1'l.1. : i- 'lace itio "Ipj)(vai
S TUJENT 'S ROOMj -t 11:i 1-01 1111 it iof~oli11'cIi i~ Nai-is tl ilnits110. All 110111 iiloosl,in TUTTLE'S 48 M Sate St.
Itis gcsnral y oncedld thast a stricei n - Isos. I tiila-c l ue1ei oIil Di-Icoit live : i'e s .
cotroscent isc ccct ansal soatceneccessity. Tico
secrerthc creotiestenjsioymen r omCas. lth l ole 11.i 11'a clo cciTO. iIi11 n N O IC E
palrc-uassr ic 1120lie-t yoirariiiery will aitiird.
exper ioucler1ient prenouces ert 5 Ba ly forte( ,sW enteewr1 l AT 1 1'-C m lt
stte,i 1 cteciuscitl. fit e st in 5hccworoldi 101 ci tc by otuh ie s-- jl, i tL f11 T lcoiI
Au osecili-ect icetraseesil is iytteo0 g-rc nt . lctii cosi-i- l 111-1 stolr,l, 11 di ' lti, ci.11l0 cioigl e cn so' u py y u w t
excelen intruentishhe liea ~ul hhci. I flue FRATERNIJ jTY PtN.
'BAY ST'ATE$10. 00 11r . ll c l- c ilh 01111oreIll, i 501eeor0ie1f m~is
,"aJ1)i ani i iiiid e cliii '' l li l iire gi[[r--jMARN LD EAIO pEELR
i t'h C) c et . itis he it-i(eall ech.our uffI. at 5 5I3 e1
oi'ici cur nih hr.(, I ' iuhu l ue to1-ldtlc 1c ,001 Vuslele ite fil toOF I)Al W 91
-lac rIcce uhi vo t i ne tckh e eae r bar, s; - 1w I (r i e cio 55 cii hlol l e I k . ilcuc' f r s r i e o f ee 01 ni ty.Aii-
10)1 til . n lft a -bl & tal srv c 9l.l -1 . ilIN OusicPr lic - 110s l 1u e
- -( --------t t . ~V 2' 8,11 : r ryiI - oI oulul loll hchii 0.1 1 D,.cueaI of NI.D 7 TomponStret
till 0 for ilustrateduct eileopiecilii le --ul I %Xil lc -c-o oo 01 li atleciiiic~ olOesi
-cairo. 1. 5 1 cc it)lcaehw C90orislNlsec e 1 1 11c11 or d. ',i l hI iihI Se 35 1 101 LiGpfFin.
'1 1 (1ccIiu uu-c-Cuchic chle ii - -- lleCO.b, i-91 Op.potsiteida (o ld 1 $8es 0iiua l i ayAg sts
tiu liyheocscc 00cli, ils aei0'esluss s'
tiu . Zt.in, ol 12- ,3 « d C cl 7, e-icclI 110ti l s ' s - e ii' -icc - i- Clse Iir ica ; Itioiiic s s . o ;.e
I I) S.R.l1-.tiJO LtZY t
frr , n 11r tl oh12.111 111011al Iii1111luld''elhlISSst~,cge 111
170.1 I.cT A1111 ita PiULiRand P t--
on il tponm nsfis ls.I N11e icy - l V Z-1-conlAT'l )- pIbes Dice~
Tl rtdan oe tcccihas Lais 1ti-I I - 'fo o A I fill a JstR cie aea dllgn
*t1s ,lc- cihIo7,slc130'SuStae- ~t"{io) ti-ro liuell ccliiile- ici 'rici' Iii ilfl-L n o P pte'tsIN!V
tI - lr 1a-.ll il t 1 i' u Cuuu- eiuit111111 tl 1 _S _l________________________ t ll
911,1,!~i~i. _____ ULLR &HIX o.
kiniiu' -c-lI10. 1111 Stl'{. t. lul ' i ii- t lo -:1'ewiii 'lcdiedlloiui=,rA Sin s Pare. Pa-s se
' Is1os iy ueuou tui'anl 111. es iic, 0 iiuie~ 11 o j hs 1 sl
V~c isoouu-i' ecllgusru-ouiccul lii(.icotucluourei IlPi.thpl . r RESS SUIS FO 25 ENT
i ci o~t t~31ilit Ow1 ~ltIlS0S. tat Oe St.Bat-yrsBlock.d ao
aV.- .' Ilers, orlwho ba1-wen animals, wet'will'conasfree,
.ucanIapplicatian, a copy at else "ALC4t-
WAGNER1'tt&t:CO.,t AI3ENTS,' C 1111RA Sie H H A TS uae b2'i1A FRE 1 EO
aY 1{ t i > :I1e ill 41111)'_0 E'ifi~ls !o]' (1111-I l') li~+: ANCE," tlsiese organ at tlsis SValis scTrty.inIslaadDre -
215AMI T.se1icebysepae.Adrs
Ad e tsln h al '1AG ~ E R & O 2 . M-A N S d S itiebdCaien Buldingt,Etech

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