THE IJMIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. lOSv KOLLAUF& CO, Points toF TArILORZS. Fine Black Suits a specialty. 10 E. Wasbington St. Up Stairs. _PHOTOGRAPHS ---Special rates to Seniors at B erryman's E. Huron Street Bicycle Enameling! "Plain, or Marbelized. Any color or style. All work guaranteed. 1 A. CANTLwON. Vith Tucker & Co., 18 N. Fourth ave I-IA \CQ LD''' Ann -Arbc DO 20 Pittsburg sto.girs Cor---- 16 La Princess Stogies for--- 16 'iest National Stogiles Car-- 6 YucatanStogies Car _--- 11 Alfonso Cigarsfor----.-- 6Star Clgassftr------ 6 ItacordtBreakiers Car---- 3Birunsawick C 44 South M~ain Street. Remenber The Inland Press Dr. Angell is Mitnister to Turkey. DOES WORK WITH Prof. Hutchins is President Pro Tent. Neatness and Dispatch We Wll ave n Eectrlc io ltin- plnt.Give Chema acall. We Wll avean lecricLigtin plnt. COBR HRON ST, ADFOURTH AVE. Ton can rout your Piano for next year now ________________ Yotu can btuy a Guitar cheap 1n0. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS DANK You can buy a Mandoliti cheap now. Capital Stock, $50,00 Surplus,.$150,000. For further infortmation ask Orgasized ander the General Backlog Laws of hisStae. ecevesdeposits, bays and /(' Co., 21All-) 3 UIAST sells exchange oc the priecipal cities at the ) ' I~U~iC Co.,WAHINiGTON S T. United States. Drafts cashed apse proper identification. Safety deposit Poses to reel, OFFReSoChrlistian Mock Ores.; W. D. N Zdarrimas, V icezOrs;sCaus E. tliacock, N S oEm Casier: M..7. FOitz Assistant Cashier. , f )'M 1 ------25cnt s 1g1BedCiarss toe----------- cents ~FIRST NATIONAL BANK Or- an Arbor orgaied 1868 ______2 entas560 aro Ci eaC ars o------------ 5cccis Capiltal, $100,00. Surplies and Prochts, X40,00 ------------- 25 conts 6ParadiecCigars Car--- il---- 5cents Transacts a general baianeg basiness. ----------- -5cents I La Gloss Cigars Car--- Il----2censcFocreignexechange boughtaed sold. Furnish -- ----------_2 cenis 4 Harry Clays ior---------25 cents letters at credit. ------------- 25 cents 4Oat Boqiuets Car-----9----2 ceets E. 0. KINNE, Ores. HARRISON POULE, .___--25 cents 3 Royal Banners Car- ----cects---w-----25icents tics Ores iars tsr-------------------2 en ts S.W ~1KO.Cashier. i -L L 1LN'JU J 1JJln i a - I ~ DCleoCba ieieasi ec cdi IU la Doe. lain a0cC isarac tree ColegeColrs- t1 ilaanddevlopd i aln hates. (Capial : tO. Sarplus $90,01. Transact ii li 1t b tis l' tiieil foslonab l ins. genraIbankisig basirness CE CREAM SODhe tii i-co lois aso.a dioliog-llil i--C rli 11k' l oei i - -i lishO rbs. CE. GisNCskie Pes S Strawberries clit-ci y- succra em-ilis-liiicesloc-e,-o0 P Ir - S { \V11il l-eciloc r ii SouliltHolyoke one cf the ewco-F" 3.Scleede, A ud :I1e ill 41111)'_0 E'ifi~ls !o]' (1111-I l') li~+: ANCE," tlsiese organ at tlsis SValis scTrty.inIslaadDre - 215AMI T.se1icebysepae.Adrs Ad e tsln h al '1AG ~ E R & O 2 . M-A N S d S itiebdCaien Buldingt,Etech