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October 23, 1896 - Image 4

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-10-23

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not C A~ma m ammmammm 16N T1 mT AI LOR IN C -!^/'s PATRONIZE HOL.MES'IVERY
H rin s o andge the best service.
"P$25.00 S5uit for $2.5.00OfieadStb,32Frs
Xa e rvi.fthn eg bttedCld fie nSale 2Frs
od thn7edi7ls Style, Quality and Fit Guaranteed. Ave. Telephone 106 .
sprits. That is because wes Branch Office at Palmers' Pharmacy
are ns>a uisted with good D. . TINKER SON THE ANN ABRSVNSBN
enougbh., 0ABO AINSBN
P Capital Stck, $50,000. Surplus, $510,010.
Were sew trying just aso Halters, :Fine Furnishers and Tailors. Sole Agents, Royal Tailors. Resosces, i,00,00.
0 ardl on hrot drinks. P Oraied under the Geeal Bakig Lass
a9u rm r nta od P Youmnan's Hats, RuopHats and Waterhouse Neckwear of tis State. Receies deposits, bys ad
'Ordrns c m sgood sells echageeas the pricipal cities of the
astea0rg-teUren.9 iited States. Drats cashed pas raper
. asthL verae,-tey re 0No. SouthMinMain et Street, AroAnn icArborifiatich.Saetyestost bxaties..beSafety OrrdepositChrbasesA to Prs restD
Halirima, Vice-Pes.: Chs E. Hiscc,
iHot CWR e-, THot Chocolate, 9o®a9Ioa aY o awacaaa® ac eowmcc.om Cashier:M. J. hellz Asistnt Cashier.
Pwesilssadls receip ~s fAsAb
. 7 of l s~O si. a ss.ple. An Abr
'HtClam Juice, Etc. P® aaa eu. i4 s: FIRST NAIONAL BN grne16
_ P gf''~~tersad, O rt. apital, $100,0. Surplusad Preofis00
P00 .iii Pr<rItolias Trasacts a geeal baking,
gry p~gs ste ewYok. Fo rigs exhage bought adsold. j ]st
CALKI S PHARMACY. _lttrorei.
d H Monly...i .. IN, Pes. HARRISON SUL,
_____________________S. W. CL.ARIOS{ON. Cashier.
T~lEi.Mte" XCELENT ~F. J. itis, tle Sate Street Tilor. latest
Styles. Bet (Gods Iside Pries. Wer o
-Ctcltsand BnDonS every thiniou er lia. tleai::. pre ise
hclATs Bn A G nlm ns U b el e soeehto please. 20S. State .tree.ie:
atgs'~ rfor's uasall.
'Only places: slyw'iee you caa get tlhem. Close Roll -Silk Case--Fast Color. Lowney's Chocolates.
Also 3 .0 (IshIl s .Deliroit Finse®/
Conf ctionery aid IRochiester 9 , nS Hot Lunches.
4 auly Works.
ti ocoIUMlatesa~Hn onBonSS., G IP4 ,Ea F ® @ 0 0 TUTTLE'S. 45 S. State St.
..A tnl ~ -fl present and future use at our
A. o a1efe 5,OP M CALENDAR. wslllave his :' ii::' s :i-:lo11he' so:sk Ii 4.
$5 tl.Stltt'~a3OSia_____' i: i ol:':1 i: lii:s1:i:L.Iow~est :P'rces
Frdo. rc.22 1 l. i..in :'"
in R ila n Eph sschSuita Casest 'I:' acli 'tSor t11:r'l e t csiy Of We shall be here for a low
SNLO'I ' LS'i'U.ES. is ullo b'2:'':ii:a 1' 1 ::) oi 1:::' :1' :tss:':o l ::: I f1' ll:':. days oily.... .. .. .. .
'rrcu lks Iand 1 s o e i d Neatup and isset o1'Or:'s. Pro.i'::l' l. 1:):'' to : ::0f::l1:1tb: 115'1)':'
00 5 it st Oilrilos. tiur. .l: i :' i:) ii; ac: ':l:C'I': 5')~ Callagh'an & Co.,
o"tii 5i o ! 'uda tii .ii'21., . il.. A 1:1:11iv LAW PUBLISHERS CHICAGO
Hi've you een t s nby Llelti AlI Ir c hmitoteI ':m: ss. D1trot'::: i" deb.ll).scet1y lhas 1ker11 At Sheede's 50 South Stte at
ths oiJ ihSchoo:l. __or_____dil_1__helw_________________h_
MZEILWARD A0 State St.OwIh m liss ol:)' t -TABLE KETTLES.
Ill"."0't'~il I'. I, liirr Faoslent':I :,le,:' s'. iri ll d1: .t:: n 0 d 1':::'' ii: i: 1A iudo e lic so
PHOTO>i'C7HLb.PHER lister a.:li iicl:1 11.in .n\lAbo sil) lii:r nlsi:' l the ''0A1ha1dso1e(lie .
.A. MARBOR. fMIbCH'. 'I'le' Iil 01:: :: 140') 1 Ol:'isils 1:1tera' :11;' h1 t 1 ':s:i'ae Te'm WMpRNDlEAIGeEELR
'Ti ' 1 AN i 51'"I 01 1(01101 "~tttils ~sI s::';',l'Ie tn.ay110 invited:1'1. 'FREDERICK J. SCHLEEDE
- - ~~~~A et5'i-n c1'lub:'l i rl 11 till lit ' :112:Il i:1:::1111:::::: litis I':o':i5'':I: il t t I" UNIVERSITY BOOK BINDERY.
~)a iteti 'ty cv':'iiii' ui'xl Ili' .t', .Salclda5''I.,11ro' ind 1:1ip 11 :1111:1 11ati one,: I tinds;:' Booksds fBoks fr 5 12 'cis upwartds.
KI s ar. iof t', rooIl Opera h toui'.: sill l'r:'thl ie s'ill lte lei for tilt, 1'' 11'so:1 . :11CNls.2.:11) oIsolio " t' ee10ctlO
"1I: st)p' p '0 for'ii:'hCoedli[ \o\'. ('silo. elstoid toldlTl Pttallill I':'tlsfor $I11,)su.
5 aclis i if it~t~llil .. 'iii v its"'::::1 De ln il 1n::111ibl 1:1' Nvs. :.or fro . 50 . S'''B S'"
'or bi~eIt :,sat, eIifst,) butiineve r' I:m0o.ni'it 'i t \ t.I i i 3" of t' 0. i. 1. A.wihll asi :111)-:- - 'l) L I L IJL .
fi'u otis flax-,' , l:' 1 Ma1r:1 A. I 101i1 e:'111 )11 :'''s ::Ii PIANO AND COMPOSITION.
R0tss' s 'toc iilIena ':shf I:' 01:.5 :: I I 11I) I i ::) (0:1:11 2 1:)l1. toi'ay rota . atosH . 0 1cestom ple51:
- soil ot1s5' so dati s fuss l i ze:' l oit' co-115 5 t- I'nu t t 1 ,his: 11)Ills'om1:1t::111 10 e Fr m 4ls lrt l sstterv tlo l 01Gitma old
fil Cot-ethetuxof I eoltfro t~ 2SodDokeOtST.
ad oi'S rstandi st Wi:'le aerIA grei 1a'tir lt:. tss o;:11 'cv :1 '. Of21. iii l ilt11uli 02 . i sr ily M . es GaesofHad n
botste i as g ns'sofhiatara nden-tlen t takei111ngt sls:;efrm:an 1.vv Gll e i y 1: gt-s Ililu.1s1
=msss itsfsloils';tifn 5o0isssinanil11a"o bellidYssds 11to'tloRkelat 1114
Xpos iog ten rriicf' cet ge C~ alt 1 thel et- esuli 01: 111.0:. 1:sl. '10 atI T o M inn T llt s' Lborl. T E ER
most a i)itn t e aunlthelure is a great of thI u:'()i ' I t flt's-'elels era,,,iin s: roclus.k2 .0 net,' 51)k. 22
ius) sf ftiu Crt c i t ihitheI ss'ai~ttinl t 11'c'iy fivosmuSafu ::'ui t i 1)101 lily. A fts' issssra:' b':110 1:: 11 sl1o(lrte::
shffed~s. Aslissrial ar for ths eee'y is l igt pIct tli,' i l's f:::llal 1:1:5- issor )boardi nt S> V. lul':su i. 15
ande evtb 1ery l')il is ecarefully pls'o. t ''ic s very': sw'lli plsetis: silli 1 1'::ums's .A rliabt1le' mua: to loop ;t TsIh :.f
laukeal o i it stablge pioducio of ii)'el tO~t sbIC 11t1:1 the teIls'b'il. talsd Ioflu :''nc. L2k .-,r l R 5t
los , Inay.
1"or l x<is W ashbulrn 101. G1uiai-. A N A 'j shat have perfect combustion and do notI FOOTBALL SUPPLIES
lJA ;out - tita. s'ithuras. ('heap. ..tC VJ. J.5t.Jsmoke or smell:
Eveythig for tth p ple' -Tics,~
?dres , o f \t. Daily. 25 The Newv Rochester, The Yale,)10 The New Royal, Thle Perfec Soes Stes tigs Jersys Shin 1s t ids
ec ptlgsio - s t Ii htecl li te,
TO H "NrT-Ons parlor suite, very ion Student, The Pirincess Stdent The Empress Studen, all Poos Ht Ot.oici lipyioptesrby teIe ter-
large E rtcvha, lght aod bath, nickel platedwithi latest improv ement. We sell wshat we ad- tgeFl n itrsprsfe.'TeS.Name the Guaratee."
at $.,2; S. Ing all.st. vertise aiid guarantee qulity of goods ansd are never undersold.A.GSALIG&BO,
tIiHE ;\0L3i 'vti class iliC('s isAG If.N &BRS.
'- ime i ro cr de'ost oElribsy, DEAN & CO1il PANY'. News Yok Chiiagi, thiiadeshia*
Ot t. s a iP . 44So Lath Main Street. Subscribe for Ie Daily.

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