If 7 ouAre Thinkin~g of 3uyiing a
(10 not neglect looking over our immense large line of the choicest garments made in this country. 'We know that there isn't a better
and more complete line of
in this city and we claim that most of the merchant tailors cannot give you near as good a fit although they will charge you double the prie-
Our Suits at from ,15 to x+20 are simply elegant, noting in the readyinade lin to match them. H~ammerslough Bros.' Overcoas
are the swellest made and only handled by uis. You will want one of these.
RJCHIGANGENThAL F S u oo s old 11e New Players to the Front.
Tieme Table (Reised)i Spt. 27, 1896, on ai at n tl aijg
P.M. A.M AND SPOTTED CLOTHES 1.ul l~ fthl6eaduiest
Mal end Ex 1 5 3 7 N. Y. Special.... 7 3 4 divnsitsy r i htn1Ble1 f
N. Y. Special_ 4 ....5 o Mail - S__ dl_ __-.843.xIdetify the mae who Ses n~S 1 I ht t i~r; rie.''~*
Eastern Ex -1___0 17 N. S. Lmited....925 1 r .,not se n. a 111tli l~ )117tilld Es
All M.i FP12 ac.ict I. :.5111rI llJn 1 2 07 lioithe001hl gs. 11a1nd neri.
O.lN.iEx ese.. ass Wsters E s.....i Ias 11SIDS PAR E UNIIN ,
6. R. Express _.11 12 CIA. Nt. Ex__ 1 9S111 In 15li lc-slltl( /fil sep
G. h.Ex_--- _- 5 5I i ecuse the arler has a pe- to lust a c-eter portion of oul istold ia---
0. W. RIteESee, H. 1V. HAYs, cc;,adi re otl iI 'cIes
. P. & T. Age, Chicago. Ag. Ass ArbrteutrvedlTubulasriFeeilwlhich, -
Smakes it impossible frikt I i ise 0(11 11)0l ii' subiill1115.yale nei
h eth le cp or cer teseedge, lrin(-ltlls le noieesrlwlefo ill s 1
f ltecozle whes he pe i srIV 1 112 ny of tiihe ls1lcr clle ge'1157s
f '-f ' _=" } + r in the po let. Apee that will liaveIteenciibligiio' n@l(W 11( n
rl " do tins, ad feed thle iik per-i s111 IS 1115
fectly lwles essnted issorths experienlcedlcl lli 15o ll ltheh l."
t.;'gettn aciiuited with._________
RAILROAD. / Don't YouI Think SoP Grand Opera House.
Time TabeSeIpt. (, 55. The Way so.' i rOaN IGHT ONLY
'°tt.. sa m J. ,,c, FREUD, '9, 47 S UNIV. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24Th.
7:305a . as i04 In
5:ls p. m.s7:I in I v _oice lsioun : 1toc p.m. Lincoln J. Carter's grand
",0:u p. m. "8551p m.stcenicproductionl
Icsisayley ibetweesi Tlil edo n a-iiD O TH B U H S
*riii ciepero betwesn oledoen TO T B U H S " he Fast Mail'7
Presifert. Tayecp udy en sets of special sener-
. s. IL7SORE, Agent Thatlis htiiwte102willdtif±yo011lbuy tone 1f us that does I Plight of 1116 Fat Aail,
W. . BENNETT 0. P. A. Teldo . Niagara Fals y luoonight, etie.
Inot prove .tisfalttory,290e2will give you a newone010for it. I Pie 6,Sc n c.
ANN ARBOR &YPSiLANTI ST. Y l unm iy~ D u ' tr,1 ~sigo.Tcets forsaltat teIs. . S. xtresoce
Time Table, Nay 17. 1896
Least Ypsilantteerm Cngressedt., St0 ib Mate Railroad Control. li in st c~111il. but11is 111 bes ' 'El e Js L civditLrg ndEegn
ad 11:90 a. i.; 12:45, 2:00, ::0,l:W, 6:45, 8:"12.01 !rn 0 c~n (sliellils ll ocibIis las Illhis 11b1een~w ~ -pe
Les s re s~l :0 :i s liiiiiitsIcro~1121i t 'iiC.. f NewiLave j Htand ICold Leeches at alt her'1 Agee-.,
11:3ol a. inn ro ucin 0,83 n .; 1:1, 2:t, 4:00, 530 7:15, 9.10ad, - 1:0;;1'111 a Ieisthrll liy ('occv 0 o.Icni olit eatle ,os Illsylrs asdo Wll iL la s ad t~rers -Lo. 'e
104 s 1ok il, lstJ 11d Jwk yIt. 'chlae~te Bein Bes.
11 ~.SUNDAY TIMIE. 0 e- l5,,oo lliiso ihai01 11116 11'11:12 1.t1c Ii:-the B .1 i7-V o
Lease Ypslantliterm Cesgrtssst.,1:M1,30, h I. Dixloonii ..... lior i isto.,., r e. ~ lll- lohlt li i i 111 0 lt tSgrRs
1.00:6 acidll:0p.m. ion Slte 7:iailoal Contl ii t 211111 15 1agr~lle&
Lease As Arhor Juncte, :0, 4:00,5:30, ticion.l for ilcnl bullsisss 1 ils TEKNERADNBLL DHL
Cars run en city time ar: single trip 11httr -teei of
cents read trptichets 2ees. i' I rk ha" iii -olliu iio l 'l h i11,I11-llll' 112 I 1 1 11
Wi. .PaasSProlfesso iis. 11.gisi117 1 nttlt ii,'ii: 111110',I 1u11 bRAILROAD TICKET BROKER..
Groceries Provisions hliitI~l lC111 SS ill~ic (f li111(rTIi:1utiliy Illf Dsc[i 5 2 huhilel 1111 11 NEYTO LOAN OfPROA.
I uiill0 oiil 11 is i:12ci ~lh1:1a 1 rueled is Ve11y 711it. P OPERCTY
E Iand all kinds of Sanitariulnlsl s hc hv ee locre
Ftoods for sale by Ilnilithg clit'uryi-li7for flieitoiI'17111llii No '99-98 L Game Wolesale Cigars'obacos aosj
St1 imsrJ~r Co., '7'1 0t ciihs etcnII( ot Cor. Main and Li.berty Sts,.
-i4 S. STATE ST. Slates. '1-rfcousr edam 110is op-psi 1luill 111111i lu, f 991ad,) 1 1 :.111 l)9 rysl U R h Am Alo i.tithsaS
Iso11:0111 1111 111112-Id itn111be-tlilellI i leRA tsiAnn Atbsellthfa I sihs ae~-,
A NOALLTHE PHOTOGRAPHER to havelul111e11111 uir illdIlatlrthe10, tieI'l Isll:ic llelioli.1111101 a tlead~ n,.d. Oaft
Wasingtonl Klock, biII'u l'I 511ul't,1twuld 1e d for is ''III-
Alln Arbor. - ' k Ii11c. I Ilili to lu vellil'tiiic ll'- +110S. Mauins Street. Auythi is eason
__________________________________ lli'll - Ii 1051iuldloo sIte l iii 11101111also ,the Flec a~ble BardS inucity, *.710
sl1Illlil iro 1111' i stt11i lidl hrt 11111ill per weth. Rcelarnisls T OPES-ICSAY
{ 1t '140 15~o . NiuieOpeu. Inbliili 011511 11111 po.1 ful 1 1111:11till AN Ncuc.1'. .s.-Do't oret -A spec-
O 1N rasuier Seiicli 151 iane- 'al1l 1111rpp ili-l-o. Tfolit i m Oerloftll saly of nesedey liGounlfuoreros. lbtl~uB to 2:jdo005. axnli b
'UT OP 1. SHAVING PARLOR and Bth- 1. Ii D i i ron le.1tdailedl lisory
mu roes. All appoitmets fSet class. ll'o IPent-ltit e oil o s, al
Imported and domestic cOgaesLadies' aris Of t111'comisi on s511 511111 1Ill 101:o f 01110, al
tic ha irdressing and lahineg parliirs, up miotlern ieon iellc. 40'.) 1_ uiver- ,
stairs. J. R. areissesskil, 3S. Ststee at. ll'1uliuig the-01- "Inu 1111deie-1ll'lop e t st 1es 7.if. B ll. ..t.p E
SI, SMARTIN, PuneralDiretor, Cleeb sith. t ir' elrsi sgir11l iilnte t. 13itt 2lIilu'-- RR ®
O asd Metallic askets and ine Grade F-or iLen-1u---I'1-isuis5 f rooms l i ihl
Clins. Embalmiga Specialty. N. 17 S st,161'1oniiltiiisoinli re1 ei ngii'iigt- 111 sll 1111.$.1) :1Tilil ,lc
iFenth ave. nlll iit it1. i pulltrt t11111 st1h1 at'iu111th, ________3_________________W__
avant-ed--A Stewrard. Call at 290E.7, ililllI Prt O1111(f 111'1-rassia bli T 'ltel--Nltly iurlicliI'Iilurlu"s C L
L b r y S .n s o f t e c u ry b n o t h t s b c t V e y r a o a fl - : 1 o n p o st 20St u d e n t s b u y t h e B e s t F o n n t a i n P e n i n t h e m a r k e t . E v e r y o n e G u a r a n t e e d .
STU ENT BO KST RE Crane's fine Stationery for polite correspondence. Best linen papers
STU EN S1OOK TO ,sold by thepud.Clig CardseEngr'aved.
SHEEHAN. & CO., -. STrATEr S'Th.