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June 12, 1897 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-06-12

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t + cle ~ tutiri to l trotae as « trInt
I fO 34 Ei11*t~itt fLor t lles 1jottiltl'ti ttoat
Pubolished Daily l(Sundays excepted) durieg ttot t.ty ale tillttg to itetihe Ait-
thleCollect year, at lti Ator~iito t trtl ip. if it
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, rrluo, riten ILolL itor.
DFFCE:rTiamesbauiding, 79 0. Atana at. be- bAotter reasothttimikes it Be-
twreea Littoty and It'illiam Sts.
ii tN. GIUGEDITDO R -rtrilo eto reduce lte odni--rion fee is
J. F. TtOMArtS, 97. thte tvrl-krtoo to tootlt ritt Ciliroho
ASSIT tIAwAGIN(4 oEDITOR tord osate of tt oertiltrrloie etieto
--- rntttOL tttibsbl r tan be s-err itt it erfecthon
5,l. r. rtotLAN, 0 L. (for 21', thit of tot rltrr-e, 1ter-itroti too '-
lUIX tN S I O liN itFt it t the~t llittolttI 0 t'.
EDTstORS 3 tire lteAtihietic Assrocit 1fr .ttit if(t wicit
E, . 5 .AiStro, otto tA. CA ;BEiret .tto
10. A. tIra, '93F. A. teecto.1~L,9 - is.th tier at highib ce fr thre itoutillt
to. D. HtcTrTrs,'00. T. It. WOODROtW, , i Soi-Trit non of Vtooing att tire aouotr~t
3ueTeLooseAM, '0.1. C. to. JOtNirittototoAI
CYtioto of ofiersr-; oandif lily tittot-
4o R- ilto iii it tint reriurcdr~tri-ri)
to be otniuledIby till?ircs-eeoioo o.i
The sibseriptiontpriceoelthe Dairt Isi.'.
tor the coliege yeae, tith a regular delivery 1ieirberirits ticket, it D'Ceci-ititro tire
before 0000 eath tort. Noticees,cotrtlare."
Lioar, and ottrmcatter ittnoed tot pubi falslro i ter ot11trig ot tit.50 forra teaitoin
tioe mart be hraded te at the Draiiy officebe-
fore 5 p. in., or matted to the edirt before I o tttr3btrui tgitir ortt
p. in., at the day ireevtoas to that oa whirth
they are exeterestooapear. ltke rUt for te foTtrott gSubcrpttnsmtebtlett footiy
Offie, tieyetsor at rieta's tiortaat e peu or 'u terYatoire tirebcreits
with Basiness lManager, Saberbers witlcae
fer a tavr by reportin rom paty at this tot rite Atirieriic ASoooiotiott. Pra3ries 1110
office anytfilrriae o1 carrierto deivee rraecr, rt y or(trrriUrotcolc oS
Communication. L. ., ardrthr oer eritirrlly 'rilittrtorts
Erirtor LT.of ASi. li: I tr-oy tie tigtrtittg irretyofinie-thei
Ato tore are rairtoto eag r trlit--cose ore itttnrirrro itre iwto tree roittg tot
of anthier cotlege yearralnd oilert1
4Ert-ril, i rosy Dirt be 0li Orflile rrt T snnmn nani~yti f.~~ ,I

Ott every tight rrtd nmedium.l Colored Sut tito
? s stock. A genuitne reduction, something you do
riot aliways gel loot$0.00 orits for $9.99),itie
rinot orstylIe. Wren toe iorak rerductionavoue
eor cn feel assurerd youtore gettirng jutst what youa
10 OPo l Hius Irilor ,rldtorode tri
": E ~rlgtortrrel inir ttevery e
4 t" rtiis - ti-st stit-I)i i
$15.00 pa tterirt,Fod s t-kdaYs
$12.00 " ou't - jtt grade .0
^ , i I ari, maost of tirerdifferenc ire trii irrtrtg.
X1000(Hus tooli Itstorcl as 7
$ .0 the $t2.b0 Sittr ,50

tris 'time for one totoho is nt o tlii Ic
diiitrer rlcriit t rilteli ttt ;sos i
tonice to-- rottrselsso0f opinionoof .a
latrge urriber of testoudrent bo,
t i rrferento 1 te price of iodttts-
eston isote Atitleto ErU.1
it 'to toy-ag try toosayr titrt 'tire Oir-
decnito andltr ovristOf totrot'l[irs sholdrti
trtiiitort tile irrto-brii terlilt ind orilirr
college rrltlei-obuti it 'is ihtrrry-to ire
eiriiotedtht i itlie i rear-tn err. i-i
tiont of tillto-,ratoiry lirg. trrutnttr ctor
hr fondrrioto a re tvili'tito ri try dire
ad!ell tiiltofee to 'tite 1)Irt,'tIARIt.tott
it to telD it rr tllb d ttthtist istie ornly
1T'ittrilairlrrrr titioer in rite1 roil lily
tlt affoords rmyt rriporrtnilieo, of lirs-
viding tself-stipptort tor arr lI ot pter
rt of ictolstrdentsr,anditIt Oirng
too titofort atoditi-i iecorrrti Itiritry is
o1{.re tihe irrjoriy ot tile ritile oto
o to ttetrd'til i'stiituttottpore ott-
pretted to ecotrt..tlioe. If dlty ire r 1
i,fter is ro ltelf, shatre ill ttl rtil-
ing your athletic tard sinmilar titi.
lions, te ralls ripono themrtr mst Ibe
'imitlerdin otorrrlt.
to hrtoe ptok;eitoi a lorge nrroter o~f
welli, and tthe 1-rrirot ini-ero al ipiotoir
seceirrato he thtt2ac-is oailarge roslh
admtrission fee to tile kAtitltie gielrd.
It his eentsnoitdtoithir irrirt hr 11te
stndents ihere, on -account of our ric-
live isysiet and oft'her conrditionts, don't
hove timte to enthruse over atilltic-s,
tt'in .sipite of tis tarct it oust be
bot-ne ti irtd thaot throse irerstoinsu-Io
,tove otoereonre diffietltes oget rere,
are 'tire orot enerlgetic Lant i 'nrelligeirt
young people from ftheir conanslunitio-s
--peopile tvor fully appreciate the art-
toantalgee of physical development, .as
N-elt ae tuenlal-people ao 'are al-
ready mnany-eided, and who may ho

'ir totoltlitri to redutcedtol :w, irt
totittlto-erb- irgi (lv i rrreziltre . lttri-
Pift theiirei irtrio a kr .l eci to Ibte
aiti it I d1) 5ilcrctr'ig tMlee t totIle
rt ("atIivr. Whren rr1ipertonl11,sro gle
10 rlr oirir e ile feel- il'thatlite -rerott
to 1oto il;iti-ie rvlrts ltori-eetede-
topits rpletoftlit ille I~lt, ruin lttitl
o0 1'11ii ito iltit 'lielt rr-elirti aer ilfi
tritrrrrf i trite :go to .1te gr its,
tilt mitortli tloriofilthtie Iimrillenbie
itrlcr-ltotin itoiey-ilicit ilr'-Cr rii
--tot uoilyl' Irti utoullt ot it colorri
rtrrrrit, bit utlor brorilo eto ,'ato-
tii llt t 1le gitire feels ltatrte is
tzetiill "lutetio r-ere(A l.lndiris toni-
t'ltnd letoi ll(rifaddrtha tiscrd. ;s
it trot Ittorito tt I iltit of erittirin
it innstocbnllleottt. ttor 'i t Isto io to:11
ilrlll°itrrl ii I. anduis'lnliorg 'uttir
riicrrrultrotes P it canot -bProter-
cueoreInorte yerlr.
It tsos olttiite-ri tora redution of
the 111111T oinfr-ietotill tie to stoep llthCr
rilt tirltitn oit it 0111- fromirt oaitr,

BS T E H NThe 1897 BIEN-HUR BICYCLES embody more new and genuine imptutoumecris
in construction than any other bicycles note before the public. Never beforoe have
sacit excellent values been offeredh for the money. Our tretelite, consistinig of eightl
srbhlmiodels at $60, $75 end $125 for single machines, and X150 tar trandremsr, otittr
ha~ vrarious options offered, it each that the mail exacting purchaaer can hee-itilr~ly

liti al-tofromirartfillanlcilt ~trof5 ______________________
virtor. Students and Teachers,
Withli meusbers onth ie Athir-tie Asor' can sectree pleosantt and protitaoble work introduicing our
cirtioandnlBoard of Corrtrol torlio rtePulcLbais. ..
earnest, energetic atid perseveringo-. Lbais.....
and wto thie adoption of clarges th,.rt itt towns atid cotitry atnd forintg Reading Clubs. Jus,
the worktfor Students, Tecehers attd Ministers.
ate tohitirin the mteans of alit 11 is Ire-
ireved that tile athiletic leaa nr-oid tire Managers ........... ....... .
asson-tlatton Will ouefupy a stronger We also want a fewv energetic field totanagers. State age
arid experiencee in book work.
plaetan ever intthie hoatts of idol- Address Dept. "5S" RAND, McNALLY & CO., Chicago.
tetch'y people. IRespectfully, __________________________________________
Tire captain of te ball tea-m for nttlUNIVE'cRrY Ow VIRGINtA.
PHOTOC1U P E fu. Jlte Attaw3, 197aoustcud5 es36uer s byFo
yerwill 'be electeelat 'thc trinnrg Urisie aa, sU.S.istaw pemeCurt.t tor i
tble toniglit after te bgatuae. ANNAROR MCH j e, address aR C. MINOR. Serta,

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