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June 12, 1897 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-06-12

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VOL. VII. NO. t193. N NAl

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Received a full line of Novel.-
ties for Spring Suits
and Trouserings
The Original
0 Chocolates $
0 4 . STATE ST.
If ti-he Maker
Wishes to Lose-.!
For a time, ooe-third, in order
to introduce these hand-welt
Shoes - it's your gain anti
ours too, because wve know
their value.

CORNELL TODAY. Lectur-e en Fly Wheels. Not Vet Settled.
La--F ulli4hisLDetroit Meal b ail
Michigan Plays lier Last Game Sc t1110 i ilesil li Itefe16ce a- tIimay- ri -vlalilin DPITS--
of the Season. ili ili -e e ciea nt l I., P Ii -P- r' IC leto Turey:
'i'-ale li0,1:1;-11Et.ini-ie BZeillClnt,el
A wi-li- 1eeiieli-waEdI' lvierini
II i-i elitei Eli-i}11Sai- e1°t iii Cl O ii tiilC~ie - oteeF ti
- O r. Ailiull will ln otoiInTurite l=i,
ii-ai. lii- t Fet lv Citel~C Ci 1 i i ; u l l iilt wii ll1eelsbul ireteril l'itI
't.liy"wil t ts: lml, v~l ~wC il~l iirl ieie t lii-pa -- iii hetiretlwl
ii nd ti- ii- i-c e nii li 1 i 1 1 l I is t a ll end mr~ Ci-u.b al r-ii-.
liii- ieuslieo aitilt.e'-ke. nevellie
1ly le- e n of B e lilit-d -1 t 1 nn1 ilie-Is it ive a d nei tnIe.lilinldg wli-- -Is tani xd o o ~ ll n Eileulaiol sale. b e°'i','Ie e a
-71stale, antI-tfirst oilielab ehei-lii d'li
die tole lv tlls C iEnie ile li iiil - au. offeiclil t ilvi II 5 ntae ei
liololtleilh l uf lad l( i Csal t ia u ll - u 5ie O uiI
I1:n- s els n oflie e V ariy lvi ii 111 i -atlelleii bt iylllii li. C
ii i --- lid ieli l °Iii thileg-111l Iu e al h
siii~C ilth- isii lieli o ICliitlh ug tt- - - - - - trlts ii nk- 11M .
CI-liShermanelns-il etFohieI1soyielli. itliu, -yilli paiiidn
Its liii hal l ii'I e-leN si\ i eie. ni iavlelin si-s llicl hlayedl Cs-i-s'IIiiiashthe tellit-s i' s to
l stii li e xeli l t L'aidi55 l e k11ettl t le oF iulieodti. iiiJo sli
ailItii in gee-C sil. WtlltIee- slii i- 115 i.e r
.silzlititlilily shop 1i-il lu line 'ilino ' Cliia- el i
lvi dlit il ltteliI-otrll-i ilt r Ci
.;ties. Il tuc itinii as eF plinis d-i andi
it ,b stiN1,1illarl Ito ,illite cay . w d c-iti u s'lns. N d o
Cuilli-in, lb~ luluuen, ~. ~ ~ ll Itie e b y lieci ho F xsll.
I til lee. o0:. f L dlo br. - kow teliase ofrlChe lio', litil ti l
hatl itle lbrok e l 1l'IcePhull Mi- i le llti-c'caFnd t5li' 1 t-iiii-i sr -- a 1"elblts t hgllalTereee W i e n e
110111.iil I; I a l ii i; At ib. et siilil is ki-lelire C liii 115 111il gs li is b ie .
1ise. tri;iBoi-O1w ale,1.to Spl' dl-- , 11 15 ie lltsu- 11 ulI liiioutir iweill-eec is-iea ls llili


1U ol- an't 6
0 0

tr It . f.
i i l.-rat; Yoiiuii. t I lii \uaioiuiu

a eill-WaC i LisrIcI.)I lt.I 1 Iiii Cilt, lilt- steCI 1; ii l stVuC -Zielltuuul ibi-ir

o 0
o 0
0 to Spendit your sui-annecr va-
0 cation withoutt a elinucrli,o
S epecilly wheni $5.00 to 0
0 0
0 $10.00 will get a very satils-
0 factory one. Conic and se5e
0 us about tbern. Canilogs
0 0
Your name engraved on Copper
Plate, latest style anid 100 En-
graved Clards, hest quality.
For 90c
100 Engraved Cards fromc your
own plate.


toil. IC k1 L t.x~ i ) li i t l ii cl pint fr 1111 cl-orii -alt- .'' , IC lea~eilt he 111it lileli din. At~u ii
11'lilpli'e, P~l be:'t C.i Acho li-enu(,l vzdlucitlatiget l siiedielArll1-ietii. i :las ulelie
Adelphi Banquet.: t 11,tt )'C1-1i1v~l'te1ttl~I7l
i- Ct: i 1i>>1tit.iltil lueiuuiuii Ill 11iit l ii i lluic li eelli . tseulleii1ll~ u ea lect By a idi dote d.ii i
IT1o.A11 )liiofithifel j atlii. l 111111 1y0 lltl1 13(,- el1 ( tl)t11 -e ii c il tl Eeaiuu iir n a in-daleasldi-l
_i-~tcii i ieydii1 e iIi e~ui ii t Baseball Pitching Gun,
liii li'-lti'.ulls 11,1 iratiI-A e C o iIleIi ollo"ed I t Fth e I liiew1 aei-lldIi Ciiillltg ge 15c-
1 -li{1 he ettii- il mii eii jiiy e li tiiiil-llii>iilt I e n lii- .1-iby I'rot. tlilioc )' of 1Pri1n :)lu
nThe I- iillle't i-ie1 l ll iii ii i hg- 1? llet ii'iO be hell 115 it e --: . 11', 1" 1- l l l '1 i- il '1i ' tll ' 11 in C g1lli
j o = l tt5 iI7-eistiil5-iIc il ?il ii-t:i-iiii liif:nul- ci11 ll-Ii 11s-H
'98 Dents Win. itli uitl I-li tIilvl
Ci le1). J. 7. leiiiiec-l' iii- I ti lt 11) ll 1I:;i.llttoofP I
ia-eii-r uhel t 'lie Cit)!Iitli of :tiC il I 111dilil lihi '1 )'it iiil it-i l tl'-1.I itill.-- Ia C 111,-] ! til li, cio c
Iis L: i-i his5Ftip C -i~ l Ci ch }t ilel-il<115 tlitllCli{iIlil 1el l a rh- 11.t-.'- ol b ll. lll lte 1)i'tii i l folly
1I,11110CSiii - -I- . CilidiC id nie iby l tesi-lre oif1.7ito1.ill es i thi eilieerd lirae ltihde
liiiile WtLieis - I.d itl
Aililillee- - - -- -t. luyunle'riilt1. lln eftihic 11101s iiiIi i Tieciilvls i 1.1iviita
lhii1jliurlilie ?C)'tii -.. .;J l..Fon liii I xli-ti 11 111 I-iitlilii iid liiihe litlaili-' c1i. i. is-io, ii ll d.ly forc lii- 1111 Cc
..Ai i- - -. . iiHundio t'Ile teDeals, iile lu iiaiw-nih ~u ti iiie, hictu-dc, slts lilllli li lu(-t- ril
Srtoresnid Do-terc- - - -i-r liii- IC-eS Whelur, Ii reiiuss il(i niel-el-htiig- liii C, Conii-i-heiiyOs-ne
-. A. II.liurill 111 v"lhonicip(niihull i iler-1 a t55 i iitte Cci.-ur of lithe ini. Thie
tztVcraiSo-11l1rze. .lliiiieF i. dulyti ihe Iig Cshau O1d1 hulli ithiluh'the ,ball is throwrn
Out Ccuiii- - vit '1ic 1Ph,dand 'oftenuafteir inulekun - den - s is g-IMatedilbliv roillirlcd aph ir, 1md
lNiehililucslRecrd....tI . 1B. XViiihueoi'swse,1e'fly- bhiuftedislo e;-rs- ii liiilikc lil-ljeetorstreni It ae ecannon'S
Yeliouw alidBluc -... In rllill Ic l. ni th'1impart a inlets- -.bll Ic the
Vlcal sole- - 11. 31 lOve i -- --.- -
.. . .. . , rt~, .,..- .. _.'1 nn i r li: .._. __." x CeocuciveenlY~fl d7ioriiuil.n .. iiiiiOee~.2 rl ,..g. it.

ry- Special to the Daily,
r ~i~ eerli1 ieOll ~h

Oberlin sas tlioll the Obeili lcauii ii-
W~lllin gayst5*t ii i'etetIColliell yselby 7 tolie .~h
01111 lliiiis selil atlilve ;pt 1'noon Iolay
Up Town Down Town andt Will malke the Cook 1-ouse licail-
0, Sate St. Opposite Court Hlouse'-
Ann Arbor Main at. - I lnarlero.

Tnie Isinners, Ini1;'l l liies-i-till play1
for the crbalnllionshscitlcr nexvt .;Tc~-
daly or Tuesilay.
JdmnCR. IReluitelier lims just pre-I
senteil ts Vassar College a library et
2700 'hooks, retcently purchlased in

curs-c in aniy iliruetici , i-al-iing CIS
t piositioni cf the lltoijo iig Isreags
is -lhlnguti.
Thelre is but one scrious detect iunlime
oleraition ,of the mulilime i let n-illiiue-
ventl its use inlgaluius,aold Iliat is the
long tine requiredl far reloading.

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