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June 11, 1897 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-06-11

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The Alpha No So ety willi met t-T
night and present the following pro-
Pubished Daiy (Sundays excepted) during gram: Piano duet, Misses Wright and
the College ear atOneeylgtadmdu CordSitn
TEUIRITOFMCIA. Mallory; debate, "Rtesolved, That theOnerylgtadm iu CordSitn
TEUIEST DFMCIA. tariff shold be regnlated by it nn- s stock. A genuine reduction, something you do
Oric: Times building, 79 S. Main t. be-
teaLiberty and William Sts. ptiftian commission," affirimaive, r.notalysgt(o $1.0uisfr90),t'
DIANAGING EDITOR Sinmons a2nd Mr. Srenble, negative, not our style. When we make a reduction you
J. F. TuoMAs, 97. Mr. Webster and Sadeat, aading, Mr. can feel assured you are getting just what you
E. L. 0115Mba, 's L. Fiebachi; piano duet, Mlisses "Wight ,seavetsd
ATHLETIC EDITOR and Mllory; debate, "Rteoolved, That $
R. .SIuLMsA,'55 7. the stale dispensry systems as it e- $18.00 Suts-tailored mde 35Q
BUtSINESS MANAGER lists in South Crolina is the best eth- garments in every
o. H, BANS,'55 respect.
EIOITORSod of promoting telperoce rorn,' $
F. S. SluoN, '158 7. A. AIroLo, '00. aid rmative,[Ar. HtI toni and Mr. $j ' uits - mst tstylish 15
F. A. FUCi, 50 F. A. CsrmPBLn.h Wells, negative, 'Mr. 'Carmdy and Mr. t "" pattern-., god assort-
G. D. BcnNETT,'5. T. R. WOOnROW . n55.
BUTE1 bAsM,'vs . .JENI~NGS-.'99M 1H. Geisne; citc's rebot, Mr'. C-1.met
.~1 00 Sits - just a grade 9 0
The 'Webster Society -ill hoflf its '~12 lower thau the $15.00 9 0
___________________last reguar meeting tonight, at -Whiichl kind, most of the differece ini the trimming.
The subscription price of the Daily is 2.0! the fubilosing rr' ilber-
for the college year, with a regular delivery psgtm wllb r- - $] cosSits look as well as
before noon each day. Notices, comnc-__te $75Qedig r ho e .ote$2.0dn;adohe atritnddfrpbia
tion mst be handed in at the Daily office be- tbtd; essay, Mr. Tumoer; or'iginal
lose 0 p. i., or mailed to the editor before 0
p. i., of the day previous to that on which pe r luion i~rmt,' '
they are epected to appear. peM.Hsttu;iurmio r
Subcriptions may be left at The Doly Tisdal;db'e Rs'leTa hr r'>
office, Meyers or Stoffet's Newsand, or dae!eae Rsovd htnr
with Business Manager. Su crisrs will con-isnimeatprpetorlctr i
fer ' n a favor by reporting poopl at this 1- ' 444 e
office any faliure of carriers to deiver paper. The present 'csmmterial deresion~l
The decisioos of the junior law class tiouh federal leisation, Otlima
to return 't the sidpan of issuing a 'tire, Mr. Wilkes n mr. tRyan nga-
so atote l'asv depori eent ann0101ndiv-e, r. Sheldon and ar. tlshhins.
w tscwigtersi~sifo ie The Jffeisonian S;ociely v ill ti0lci a ____
Mie'higanen'ian befre tie news- isbn "G'oilme silent Prsgrsia" Stunloty
has bee n gisen a fair ttal, is to be night. It is annlouced s folo-ws:
re rented. The Mliciw ne liar tliis Reling, Mtr. Saner; essay, Mr. Tuck;/
year as an anual of the entire Uil- di.Wte speiyte M\ - cor
veisity was an experimnt, and w hile irsiet;oiile p0:1irbtsce ~v 7 3i-
it inay have been a disappotmtnet to rc;nuisrl c mco;is
loiny, fit should nt be troted s a
lcolptu ciscussoosafhcsslelis-r, dr
failure wtthott another tiioll, whichiLcngtsM. xoy eae i
would be under inre favorable Or- "Ilesol-etd,T'fat ttsc dvolleemeit and
esst-0.Tie aw deparnment 1 is oserity of the Unieds Stats-s los III
without doubt able to spport a pit- be;selssttvtnisri ecees V
icatistsanoilthre is no reasonn wvhy- nis es o soll li, iuis
tise sints elss ofthe dpoctii-tr, dr. Wilitam~s andel1dr. Cros, tig-
sissld ot osu ouccoos yar;tntaive, 'r. Abbot aiddr. Iagley. -
hr sides ennemibers of the 1a ev:d _________
paitusentthIle ows slo~i i essesbr MItCHIGiAN IN SUIIEt.
that they are members of the Iniver- Ntstiern dmich~ganIas!uscefrsii ill's
sity, and 1hat if an aunsiol Iotlisied poularity asa pltce for 'smmeing,
by the Seniors of all thle depactients not only on account of the lillntc
v-il -tnd o dvelp s stonor ~ coidition, but because 'It provides
wiltedto7 e lp 't111c Cn-snit ha vaietyrof 1leasure ftrr ucis a-
verity spiit and knithe-tile sdnts If asity of iisle. Wth .th'e 'opfr
dfferent dpa Illento cissr together, tsintieAso0g Ntltfor 'tle enoyment of
they should not refuse their support. songeoi society, the 'fishng, oitine. - mAiNu
The ios, however, are not wiltout batling, tie excelence of -ths hotels 'J9BETTER *fGIu L~
ther reasons for their action, ansi if ai lbtecmot - otg ie The 1897 BEN-LiI BICYCLES embody mre new and genuine imprvemens
there is no c'hance tsr :no-ldtoily.Te In construction than any other biylen now before the public. Never before hae
the independents, and especially thse elalsite, Owing to the jroxioty of tne such excellent values been offered for the money. Our new line, consisting of eight
fraternities of the litrary department great akes and the litfitude, 'is no superb models at $80, $75 and $125 for single macines, and $150 for tandems, wills
somc-far uor li- shiire equaled f or the linvigoration of the various optisns offered, is ich that the mot exacting purchaser can be entirey
will ettetin itm mn'tmoeli-lvsited.
cIa policy in the arrangements for tired and worn out huma-nity CENTRAL CYCLE MFG. CO,_
redfopsesout. e citlv !a '2GADN TEE.INDIANAPOLIS, INN.
the 1itchiganenion and the -- Su egn formlutatedn -descripthivmt.. ARE TET
an'on on it, the lawsa sill without .fereut -'pits, liSs of Ino0teis', -a ies of ________________________________________
dout reconsider the 'matter and lend tor'e and tain service of he Gailt unsand T ah r
their 'aid to the project of a 'repro- Roptlido & tniadtna R'y, the line reachi- u e t a dT ah r
etaive Eniverity aiiual. tug 'all he rsomit, the route of the can secure pleasant and proitable work introducing our
______________ Northern Express, ithe fat vestibued -
trairnc'arr'Ving through sleepers fromn Public Libraries. . .
A nove1 volume has just been 'issued S' Lous, Cinelanauti Louisville, In- ini towns and country and forming eading Clubs. Jus.,~
by!- P'tams-ors ettldianapols aud Chicago to Petoskey the work for Students, Teachers and Ministers.
isdmefi'don War Baliadsand tyrics," ad'laknw drs'.
is a cllc tion of the songs aid tgl-C.LLOIM0D We also want a few energetic feld managers. State agc
bP n .t. ad's tff She rcoloal wars, the Ievdu t. .an T_ and experience in ook work.
io, the was of 1812-15, the !War wt 'V Address Dept. 'IS" $,AND, McNALLY & CO., Chicago.
Mexico and i-le Civil Wair. The col- There WIll be a meeting of the fot-
Iittou will withoi't donbt be a val- bll squtad of lnas year and prospective ? ENTHI.HLER, Summ~tER. LAW L.ECTURES
n bs additiontis hstrien~rt fiigas c'ndidate foc net ,year's teame at 3 A i ~,M il I UNiVE5stY Oy vlloifxA.
PHO OC1 nhn l~~. ~i toiAug 11,197. CuseinOdsis etresb
reflecting theg sprit o'the timces -ht p n., Suay, Jne 13 at 7 Voland Er OCiL {is sies Harlan, af u . sureme CssriFoFs"
prodlu'ed themaW.WGIlS. ANN ARBOR. MICH. chtalogevue, .MNR.e al

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