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June 11, 1897 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-06-11

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Received a full line of Novel-
ties for Spring Suits
and Trouserings
i The Original
$ 46 S. STATE ST.
If the Maker
Wishes to Lose I
For a time, one-third, in order
to introduce these hand-welt
Shoes - it's your gain and
ours too, because we know
their value.
You: Can't
i to spend your summer va-
r cation without a camera,-
; especially when $5.00ti o
s10e00 will get a very satis-
0 factory one. Come. and see.
us about them. Catalogs
i free.
Fo Your name engraved on CoppE
Plate, latest style and 100 En,
graved Cards, best quality.

TO AROUSE THE ALUMNI. mittee representing the different de-
- lopartmients was appoiunted to propose
Secretary Writes Concerning the plaus for a uit iocgaiaation, and to
present the whole matter to their re-
Steps Being Taken. spctive sorieties. The cenif tee
-stands as follows: itettaty°, Messrs.
'the felline-log it tier ft--a the s c-re Parhour, ttespl add 'Beal; Mledical,
tory' of te'tirchigan Alumni Assoema-
Drs. Huler, Darling and Benn; Law,
ion to the Mlictigau lu mnus is oe-Mtessrs. Coole;~, Joahnson, Thomnpson
tht s hould he of interest to cveryattSon;PrmcD.Si-tr,
etcothr f te Uivrsiy 5 tc-sacc- ickerson and Palmer; Homenapathic,
tiv-e ratitiaies, °and we ptutblii tir e r- Drs. Clot-k. Coiolac-land Ryan; Den-'

ly in l fell:
To every alutluswh lo hos donie atty
iontit of thinking titothte suiC-i,
too fiects mtittatind u t Nciiith tmtuc-t
It-titneti c. Fcic-sl, tttat tteUtitiver-
ily 't in ticed of hiclit, hatlitn ire-
an tti sc-alt itic ttc-ta; scecnid, ti ttheii
Igreat btotty of altt it(14,0010 strolls)
is, Itttccti-l giving tier no tid whatt-
evc-r. 'lil n atiacc-do adt pr ittai
a syiiotltsis of the thtiversitys tieedts,
itoris sa at iSsynopcssc-cc-n nec'esairy.
thle gc-ot tqtestioni is, " hamt ,ore wec
doit1- for outr Altta Mte'?
Tu~jt tulit-c-hrscot argtttiitti'tit tf
alilontistthe eccitipts isciiniac-ganic-
tttlse, is reucogiie-i ty att. T'tit iii
ci tttlttto arc-micaJsIisC-a Ie tn-otto
ite a perft orglltnc force, titd ini
hmrntioniy with ite great body of talumt-
nii in stir cities and toistis, is titouti-t
by-c all to be a ttos.ait~il'ity. Thec- tittaits
of accontplishling- this titost ttiutirtant
-taisk is a ittohlemtiwo"rthy of the heat
i tlcltou tr Attic :dtte-r tcs sc-itot
ofiotit'ter -walls.
a TIttinis to "a strotig tutd actiie c-oi-
aI ti-tc-c, hoc-Red tj itctii 1 resaidettciof
toc-c- ssacittisti. 'the isic-Its for aitnit
aorg-ti iioti tavoready betict bt t.
To bliing beicre i-our mtindtl itpl its
o ofithits comtitttee so tihat yctt still Ic-
0aric-dy to ac-i upon tieniatthic-Jtine-
00a imetioiiis the mom Inc-Ic-se Of ti~s
°lettet. On ithc night 'Of Julie 1, tie
voticcosof athe diffcr°enttlutitni socie-
0 ts mti in ite pre.>idenit's offic-e tc
a tI-Ictiss bliree aain questions: 1.. A
a lituircisocietiy- 2. An onitoal fee. lt.
i . paid secretary.
i '1T- iecetiung woo aitost l loiioti'
i"tld ac-ive one. Es-ery offic-er and ox-
otic-er were of ihe sant pion, i.e.
the union of alt the soc-icties shah ic-(
or tied, ftatliere chtil b'a- an ainuia
fee, aitt that there c- l-lbe a patid sc-
Thle follosting enitilineti imotion pre
1. 'That ,Al deluArtinentlil socic-tic-
shiall heo-sie one united body.
>> That there sghall ho an annual fist
3t. That 'there Mtoll he a paid sec-ri

101l, Dc-s. Hall, HIoi dle and tiu-ail.
thhe tire,,idei tand secretary of the
saciely of alcitini :were -aiftioriz-ed to
titc-tuc-c-for toitiaiti -leitic- of alt so-
cietie-,, to b helc-d on AWednesday i~ti
of cte c-ottttc-tccnwittweek.
Let tis letter be -ott 'invitaion Ic
c-sery alumnus of our groad old Uiii-
verisity to conic-.to tis, or tier, detoari-
itttti socilty anti;then Ia 'tle genecral
ittias itec-ting on 'tednesaytiight.
Nitt is the tittic to do your ditty to-
wird theinstiittion vtich i-ottlove

The Laws Withdraw.
The junior toaw class held a class
titeeting yesterday morning is dcc-de
what should he done nc-at year in ro-
gtitd to 'issuing an annual. 'rhe pres-
c-nt orittogonieni of uii-ting widetltthe
liberary cic-tttetitent atod tautyisliitg to
disltinc-tly Utiversiti annual wtcs titer-
onytily disc-ncst-tiatid a c-c-c-t amount
of itecrest arc-used. It svaainolty tde-
cidod itton ticotio,lnt to c-obitt
sc-it the titerary dcpaT nc-nt, hot to
roctutunto the old pthin of itlisaing
it' lIes Gesiac- as a sentor atcuil tif
rctasi that 't ' hss tidi .aceci fart-
ti nui;tote i- gthe 1Mic-hi-aic-tic-at
stas tiha,'.:te low-sNwere tnt given
equtatl c-qticrtttnttiiatcit itai tiard Astl
the itsi.
A fte-r the mtec-itg-mwiiy of the (lo so
c-attc-c-aa-temtsc-lvea a'- inifti ,Jr- of
eci t niig ite citicti c-f : tic- iititilsif

st-tlloatdss'tli i aitoune so tmttcht ,c'-" --' -- -
ac-it to 'totu' rihatgc-s in the lttc-5c-int
ftor youit. 'Tue titie 'Is c-atcitic, intl se
at'ranc-tcnt. intl will tuisottjctc-i i
-hopte 'itnc-ar it thandt, st-tic-ita z
tutul, cal'ii the Botird of tic-geots, trill view tv hetpresident ataisitied an ini-
- outltsictii' o t ccnr scilta
nti tand ttionlte britik of deottair 3t_ ic-: con mte t cn
afte yer, iiththeresonsiil''t o"CMmnittee tfrotnthe litetary deport-
afeierwtnh rsosbiiy ttnt. The claostrill probtably hold
at -restal'tnd t-vertrosvinc- Uuiterc-it
aother rotc-ting 'this aftc-rtoono, at
uiponi tctoir shoutliders, stwhile all arouind
tvli'ic-i tic-t the mtatter twill -i4tier toe
itti-th rele ;greai itd ittilft''iit
t'c-onsittert or the tiec- tipcc-cctto
lady of )alitnii. Fc-sknosv of lie
ilIcc- a baard of eitors to Itublisit a
strong hettotis tattd tinds of those isolt
ies Cc-attic- for next yetir.
an u st-lie ris-cltnaeaso swc-li utndttc-c-ir___sa_______h
tryingc- circ-ottaotceo. Let us hatve no The June Michigan Alumnus.
ic-ore of it. The 55tide thiig is c. Te ioinoeAtiint frJn
gI'bc-c-n c-el b~- ioi, boc-irss'ttird ofgc-ill-
lt-titlt-r, teliveiogzs i ttttian s-ilt-tiis ti
"'frittiic-tice itoatecxcellent ftih'i-pttge
.tic-it itroi~ghist our cittirec- c-tttri' -ctl of Btaytard Hi. Atoco, '97-, winer of
thettis--r-il sotld ics-cc-c-i bg-the -Noil-herti tiaorc-at Leaguec-con-
git.No uiverist-city ltas nobler heairts
ic-st. Folloswing it is a sorrt isisc--rtoaoy
thzta xit anInI ur luni. lIof 31r. 'tIc-c-. Besides tic- regitar dc-

Mlost rt-sttc-tfnh'I,
L. P. .IOC'I.
Processors Have the Fever.
Thiete still he anitereitig c-attic-of
boc-cball Eof the 'Aiht-tild next
Tuesdtay ofterntoon -at 4:15. The co-u
tec-tatt-still be a team fron thie Uni-

Itortileutnt' hltc-htare Ofid thits iionilti
st-it especitil y good tmattet, 'the fat-
I-lhst-ic-c-ictic-ics a otitttr: 'Our Unit--
sity During the War," by 0-. P.
Cittit, C'6u; "Thc- Sogic rtsv Tliey
Alunae Asc-(cniio-t of the Uis-er-
sity of Mliligan," hy Stoic-bc~ V. Pills;
B..Iooks,' 77 -A5; "The Utivex rsity 'of
Michigan Chliapter, The Uttuiyda of

For 90c
100 Engraved Cards from
own plate.


vertsity- senteleand anf-ther utade titp Beta 'Thetla Pi," by G.- 11. Chiudilet,
of uionibers of thec faculty of thte AinT.t ____________
AXrbor IHic-It Sclitoli. The Proceeds swill Class Game Today.
tefor It- beintfit of Ihe athlcetic- i50 Ths Atleuc
TeAheic-tod has loon soe-ured
cittions of thme Uuuivoocity andictHigh
and flue 'ItS Lr and Dc t ic-uts. will
Schboul. Prcof. Einhger ito macac-er of,
a'le Uivesoty tea andPrf. pri--play 'there ticis efleto.on at 4:15
or -of the I-light Sohtool s. Wtard Hughe, cc-oc-tk. 'The stinner 'of this c-ante wiill
'amid H. I. Wleinolelut ore thue iiuciail play 'the 'Jtt)SIc-c-ic-s for shoc- chipaiuion-
muani~gers. ship next Tueisday.
Prof. Iliu-dlale Is editing an loistori 'The violin reitol at 'the -Selucol of
,c-at so-lou of books, one voltume to Music -'"Vtil'be given' at .2p.0. tnoad
cac-h stale in timeunuien. - of at 4:30, as was announiced.

iou 5
WR AUR'S BPOOKSTORE All of 'iviuel shaill hbe rre~sitd te-
tltlYY "i- a. J4 ilte mospecetiv e organizatbions for ap-
Op TewnsDonewnWS pucsal.
S. Sate St. Oppotite CouatlHRuses
Ass Arbor 11ainmt. ,Upsa a motion to thht effeel, a coin-

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