The Coast Linre to MACKINAC ceded by his brother. It also addso
-TAKE THE- ~ that Prof. Trueblood was asked if iso
bad any relatives at Iichmondl and
that he dened it, tt later adnittst' 66*
that e ad, and theyloU thele GCsdisfAl h
onreodan charging a college lror-
esowih"downright falsehood,"
IVI /ACKINAC n what mut have tben to themnreW or d K
PETOSKEY tearsay.
CHICAGO ho0w, the large itself that a statle a w nf
New Steel Passenger Steamers senator or judlge of the idiaa a-
The Greatest Perfection yet attained in ieiate court wmonid be tssttn1etk1( , o OrNnt~e
Bat Contrctin-Luxurious Equipment,Ou'Nnt-en
Artistic Furnishing, Deortionan ed FCict'faor McellbeCaneehe ipr'oesor Comnplte Line @of
tent Service, insurinthe thigst dgreesof
COMFORT, SPEED AND SAFETY 05f oratoy sat Miheligan has ai rthis l
r FOURTIso EKBToar W EEOcsNs ,s a sioail college slitside of lhii'
Toledo, Detroit and Mackinac hisltts tasbsrd. Prof. Tttt'hlooo l ,®
PEOSKEY, "THE hO," MARQUETTE iever taugh1t st 1ilielssssoetsIndits.1;1'
LOW lRATEt~cnrnn M zknnna sot iobests cosstsee td wills i a c t isses Frcoan
Cleveland,, $S; from Toledo, fi5; train i" mVas sa tsdest lthe se 2 L1) yeis
Detroit, $
DAY AND NIDHT hERVICE, sg, 555th is(:IS estiely stssstiTtlasitstel ar th
Between Detroit and Cleveland sieith sller Sster kl Siely or Itisdge'
Coneascasisng a Ceveolsadl ih arsea
Trisforeal otits La 5 stSotand South- tolsist . It'sof. Trasle'osl s11sl.up em
wesanatlDetroittfor anpontssNorth anU
SnaTrpJeuyAugs n et ny 11(Spstvl htIewsntakEEY YBETWEEN e'1 if hiso saPcash lsiv attieRttssuls
ClevelandPt-in=Bay. -Toledo ssndllater 5t1555i51sd 1tolseessoitar Of Our
ASenor titlsusau5ds'Paphlet. Addresso Is tl- (telsss tt sss s-
A. A. SCHANTZ, . n. n., DETT r, s. M. 1 W.01y (te il yid 111 1A
rye D8ilol Ilint S lea 113 . -. o syseearoso-ssot',O ot i C'
Fusttoss, ressi t hlistts~l. to sol X
Its' 7 he of cousss e sssioovsre'il i tn'5 livc
P.M. L t T 2 (RviedsEulslis11' r atop[ilvs-tov oual-'Sendl for Cataloge. NWTIK LNO
ETi.eableslReie) Feb 7, WS.155. ia5.-atrst u UA . n c lyn
PM.Maill and Ex-- -34 N. Y. Specil._- so 30 'oti siihu s stssg tss lisss sin lt it
NY. Specil-4.P8 Miu-------8 431 ednn uucn tmsfradc f1oae ~y
Attc. Expr-s 1 50N .Cmte.-. 9-Uait .tt ilh~ t1 . 0arsd llMOatng 'iA sfoHRsU.l CyaMoanh -
Atate >-HO 'c eg~ 11 5M 'Ilhe 1iss-o l sihtt_;e, mtlre ss 5-1;1 j Le URcharson ad Walr Jns. RglaSi t ss a rd~c ss.
Ecte io - U u s IE __YI a AsisssttsIsut.M " l~ s c sM rh spr
O, .NExpres 5 50 DO Westers x- 1 55 s (,, ss osoesessffws--
C RExye 11 Chi-.NCoE.,.... 9 so'''ts' s3s0tss
. W. RonE, n1.s. IaAYa, frs l 1oi (.ea b io
. P. & T. At., t' ageo. Ao. An Arbor < s iligss'sssltssssst ______________
-~ -'~ ~t sis~eo~ ls @BOTH RIDESOF FIN. LINEN,
(I s' h-so"tira-s if It i IIsIs'- s1t- 1 THI-S COLLAR IS REVERSIBLE
auylhuIts'hit sssol isls e.lslel - SE.E TH-AT IT IS
-t i1~Otsssxtssttoweohs,1 st'l ai s'f MARK~ED
ht t'll oschs-Is-s hs''ussl ,,1i1l, - ire o B
RAiILROAD 1",ts toet -. ioss v's Iissutt1Is- osssi 77
Tiane Tbie, Sundaiy Day 41e ''i iRU 5 's' ls' hst I, I.. isilttilstoss1 -s
escuis ouajud ( s ts 5.00 i [ s t t.
5 i3n ci 5 i3 u ci t h l i t isisutlo ti-s h-att ' 5 iet-s . '
1501. , itz a m. sd 1 thse '''-oil1s' o teirss'
lhunes betweerss Ioledo andshiloss ni. Thssa41 aihiT
raie PSu day onily. All thera uaainsadaily Illhtiiis tintol yhat thisiash sositil-si8g6
hxep CunNTay.. Tldk0sii 5t e tiibit Woora ltndil l sI' o
EoeuAoa . K. H. ILMOCI.Agent ols tassitist lusts sorosh .
Ott.i BENNETTiG P.sAt Thotdil-so I uso'--hI
THE KINDERGARTEN BILLIARD HALL ,ossissisie, 1,,1ust hiss heto Il 7 7777a AR
tlilulto ssaying it o usi iiolotI'xsue ;GU R N
RAILROAD TICKET BROKERS ' o e Otersshl, s Prof.ins Tiso' -_____
Wholeoale Cigars, Tobaccos and yearso s io, id ie or os ittsit o-® ~- -. --- '
Cigarettes. hloots's (ssti'oos' sisbltows o uo l(d=-1c-Iof lssi (l ltlc to' Istol sy. I f. o
Cor. MaTin and Liberty Sts. sood itsss tiloil Ias slsvsyotivs-soe lis lisoss
osTe l a t 1l oso st'slookedup tt ormI,5 i-I' o-tb ftrit bs s euso (f Itis' n11'55t i-s
fecnesb t iosi IS . AI01.1(l)ne1Brit Ol(tou Iiioo ( a'tue t oo-so ti w' u
T INESTTA soc litht he ot isasol it lries thas oganizedl it o.isl osihyaIs-I os lie
Of THE CITY 1!~ onl eolsslloilnourom twajenp--u oe;- s i a tisuoll isseon LI S th
____________ I i h isnd o s the oihe tfron so 'is andUiu tO susl 00a00 te L.on510' dlrLuseo Bllumkes',
Sb isiso t a S jstst- osi hs'liss'eainluis risarsogsltoiordssforlessgc ts etes" lsa
S W. BuirchfielId, rtserved who come fromiiMist- inuiapology, F et i, aft opee
HURON ST, OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. ',rO a slrtjssui-Oed person it can- For tis- A a lou'yppce, No. ftRus-s A. G. ADISG& RS
aot lus t a>1iooitssthtthe objeetisseof igoss lalpesriles- insexc'sllent es sas- PLIN> B
thJ -oniI disl~e rssusa,-NoYork fhfcag, P'llacdihle,
theWisousn Crdial re rivlouion. AddsresoPBox 303, Cola,
p I'~Ladies Tailoring AnneX. Usnd talt. lsnistgal's estire aoaelissoand lMRIe gssalotIirelsi, 'leshS Bicycle Repairing!
_____ _______________all f Prof. ''rasaood's ifsrtosave () M.Malli CakesNaiFlne Ge
INTEROLLEIATEbeen entirelay fair aad for te instr-; ot'oae. 1 aami Vlt-taays ri e a is'ee. Sndioesi iunaepa: )ttom
Capa Hoowds. and W HIT S Confectionery Store, 8 N. FOURTH AVE. - ANN ABR
COTRELL& LEONARD, Ot[bou'uh Main Street, Telephone i.66.ALLA THE PHOTOGRAPHER Lwe' n lertisFmu hclt ras ahntnBok
A.MUlr. an ger.A
44KE. Wllam St Soda Water, Phophates and ernor'n Ganger Ale. Ann Arbor.