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May 29, 1897 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-05-29

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Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during
the ollege vear, at
OFFICE: Times building, 79 S Aatn Stbe-
tween iaberty ant ilTlam Sts
J. F. TOMASs, 97.
F. L. GEsnen, 'W L.
TLi. i.SILMAN, '8Lt.
F. S. Soos,'to . A. CvEnoi., 't.
F. A. ue, 'ii E. A. AMrEsL,'il.
G. D. HUscsre, 00. T. R., WOtOOW, '1.
BUaTER LAMBt, '00. GI. JEsesaNGS '91fI
Tbhesubseeription price of the Daiy is ,)_L50
fer the cllee year, witb a reglr delisery
brfore non each day. Notices, cmmnica-
tions, and ther mtter intended for pblia-
tione must heeIhanded in at te Daily office be-
fore 6 p. i., or mailed to the editor beore3
p.i,,o the day preious in that n wbohc
they are esipeted be afpear.
Suboriptions may be left at The Daily
Oflee, Ieyrro or Stt~ffet' Newsd, or
with Business Manager. Suberibers willeon-
fer a favor by reporting promptly sttis
office anyfoiliate of carriers to deirsepatper.
Tihere will be ioissuo~e of te Dily
on ntity onlaciiult of itobitg r
legal iiolidtiy.
Our reltesinl ives inIteamstoeto1
be icotigratulatedn l eetIi titl'tCt itt
sowsin~g they male is yorly'o
iatchits inisintles ose 1 11011hemtole0'
flly ile iii cubitof liie tiore t xie r-
iiet'tiitayerofroiiiCIcg. i
cotldll hartdly be execed tat in
dvubles our lplayers, woliave pc i o
tegether btitoohrt tlime, sonliittil-
plaiy as brilliant teamilwork athIle
Chicaogo Players~.
A Worthy Cause.
A little ver to year ago tie lm-ial
Circle of tie KingosDughiterosuas
orgailzed uneder atoitntitutli, tie
otjcct of svicli was t toirotidehelp
forineetdypatiteits at (leliositial.le-
cx lse ailiongbh iodilial atendatnlce
it free, there is a fee of Dove dlars a
soeLoi chargegd by the state four biiardl
end lnring. Cassnieediig stiehia-
sitance loose toime tines and agai
to the noticle of tle different ilys-
ciill, anlatienthtve come fretn
vtirious buts of the sate ivithi in-
stiflcienit ftunes to keepo theiiithe 0nec-
esary lenigth of time, or iii somie ass.
thinking that they will be at no e-
pene after tey nrivo.
Ini eider to ieet 1this3emergeny, tile
Hiopital Circle wtos called into exis-
tence, and whiein there is noricieleii
money to mneet the deianits, no
ss etisy ase s:weher belonging to
slate, conty or tovn itutrnei awaly.
The Circle is identified witli the In
ternatioinal Order of tie Kings
Daughters and Ses, and extends an
earnest invitation to all nenbers of
the order, or all wheoioh to besnme
soeisberI t joi thenmat any noeeting,
netices of svhichi are given in te pa-
The money to utain thiosork in

ctollected entirely by -voluntary coo-
tilbntions. The variotus circles of the
itugs Datughtersthtrougihout tile
stale have been atppealed to amimanitly
individutals hietaring of the goodl being
critne, have sent donotonis. Tile fol-
lowinlg statement by~ the treasuret'
showtheii-'selins receivedland exitenl-
Rleelv-ed frem cicles in the statc,
anid ouit of town friendis:
Oingo sBurdens Beiarers, Detroit,
$24 01ti0
(hldenic Rule, Oloas,,..... 3 1111 0
Sitirtiutie Circle. . . ., OWi
l" i iisonville Circle'. . 10 DO1
Mlemotrial Tell, Detreoi.. till

Al.11-M ary DoeDicthlnes....
,.,ioce o le bFrienidso
iit. John Circle..........
fEty City Fri-ndis. .

- 001
13 l00
? 0i

,i'oal. . . . .9i101
Rieceisend frsomiiCircltes stId
i-riendits iniAim Abbot x.i 21_
Toal151 112' 1BETTER T HAN EE,
St sS. . . . . .110() The 1817 BEN-HUR BICYCLES embody snore new and genuine improvements
,llss D. . . . 1 in construction than any ether bicycles nosr betore the public. Never beoe hase
00 ti0liurh elient values been effered for the money. Our new line, consisting of eightl
--- tsperbi models at$60, $75an$15frsgl maclines, anid $150 fee tanesniu. oni
Total ,.........$1115 10) tse vtioseaoptiossofferedu is such that the most exacting purchaser cuss be emtulety1
ZSI-. Z.. . .2 Rale. CENTRAL CYCLE MFG. CO.,
2to t . . . 1 C~l NeARDEN STREET. INDIANA PO1,0IN- .l
To'tlal. . . . . It f10
Toituil pidtifor pIatelit . 1$ll(; ->i)s'
At the upresentot hue h'.tere atoto itints'slf .
lieil it the liusuital si-lt un' eis-
peises atioinsPu'net lu,'tlte 'ir-li'.
Boh a reislehot 1ors woul11 Ollenu. anu
liluur slit'cion te ruliesveul l 1iili
timei. Fur this iculo1tn he Ci' irct'leutasdeidtoapltoteeoe
Arbior fno'soliiutzuy'conil isnlitiuut'it °
bth p atientstth 110 is tie, Ilalpteil In
ie nn' ,Ai Arbor i' oseuis ily o-uoituruhuu-i
-ltulusilossever .'mail, still Pteinot
Itankfullyr' o eeti.
She lmlnney' taniibii'setltolt'etieas
ue, i re. Iou1s oP. Hill, 1322 Hill 51.. _IF

or t anly' othenr olloer. Sire. Wait,
leatoter; Slisstirguiret Slusoss, sucre-
tary'; Siss JSI-Kuly, correspionin stg i
rtaruyx;Sliss Carsrlus , ussistat col'-
respionintg ts'cretary'; liss Stimls,
Chtlis-mainiof visiting c'oumm itee.
Thue sioceilldesire of thie circle is to
tbtain yearly plendges, lines fouciuiu
ai susvuiug fud sswhichicaunPu' is-gi-
lurly depsendtetdupons, ttus asoitinug
peursonasl aalsao.
Cornell Daily Sun.
Thue Cerniell Daily Sins is runiisg a
series of articesoen Itie different tie-
porunsensoof Ness'Yook's great unsi-
versity. Theoe articles are to be illns-
trtitedi ssith etitsofohcollege busildlungs
aund alogethe r it tseis teotoo the smost
uniusodepartrle of tile yearh liecet-
lege joursialisni authcollects great
credit sin tne of the best college piper-,
A whbite silk fan wvas lnost at thie
itenny Social in Oils' tterouous (ymina-
tsis it is tiiought. If the persast-li
fousnd it wsill delisve'r it to Dr. Slosluer,
the owner wtill be niset grateful,

Students and Teachers
caii secure lpleasantl sautiprofitab~le vork introducing our
Public Libraries -......
ii towsu-land coutiry asidlforuoiglRe-adinug Clubs. Ins.
the -stork ton Studenuts'letuchiert amid Ministers.
We almso asut a fewvesergotic field mnaugert. State age
andtiexperirlico in buok svork.
Address Dept. "IS" RAND, McNALLY & 00., Chicage.
This space is reserved T Bet!
for the Grand Opera The Largest Line oif DtyclrR, Sun-
can Houte.
_____________________ RENT', 7iHLl R,
Cas furnish youwnub a fCst-class Fousntains luhysto Aug,31,1897~. Couse inces36se ichases by
Pen. Pen and 'ing repairisugausepeci'alty. ,UrJusticeH'rlaa, of U S. Supree Court For
Iatalogue, address RtiC INOR,. Seceryi-
--GIVE HIM A CALL., CharlevlleRya.

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