~ir ~- ~ ~ + t oeeddel ian among the class tcams
*f4I f* e and,'llet every strident wihs wises io
See -lichi- al will join ino the search.
Pubished Daily (Sundays excepted) dauing Futhermore, lot every Itoan with the
the College year, at least ability come 0ut 00 his ownlsini-
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. dative aod try for the position.
OFFrCE: Times beuiding, i9 S. Mole St. be- 'Coach W1alkito wZill he toore than gist1
twee Liberty and William Ste.
-- Is IN EITR ogive every ii lnwiltiio williry to
J. F. TnnMSo, 97. try a cihaice. If Stlilgton ts to wilin
ASS'T tANAGINGe EDITOR attythinog thtis yeatr, somethiing ilint:
E. L.OtloSMEe, '15 L. b laonino' 11tisir iectiond 0 u11s(00be
11. 13. SILLMoAN, '981..
0,. lIANO,'so Athletic Board Meeting.
.ke tS t lt-' ilteting of the Athltic
F. S. Snomas, 'IS t. A. 0 torS,L '0.b
F. A. luCia, '93 E. A. Cexeremo., Ott. BoardI lst itighlt a ritsoltolI las
G. 0. HOINtowe, '00. T. 0. WOOnDow, o so'98 hnigt. ~tottil tn
BUTLRnaLAMBs, 'U0. G. 0. Joti~iis o119A.510 e( akn he*18fole11tz
Irt ccit ng u to s toe request of tiii
no tong toaper onil te cosaltlls. fT'o
for h cee e s wih i eua eiey Fi0s 11101011uc. 111ke te 'Vacc~t
betore niontaohtdaty. Notices. commuitat-
(lout, and otheornmttter ititeitdetdtot pubulcti- Call'sthat atsadisoc tey xiii'r
leastmosl be htadt'din at the Diily office be-
fore IN t. in., or otailetd to te etittor beoeo31ithard lllyttigushlteht. It 1055 110011-
p. in., of the day orevious to that oa which
thrv art expected b to ilt. t'tl II) ltotmake thtWiscontsin gtttte titot'
Sabscriptions may be lett at Thto Dolly
Office, Styer's or Stoitet's Newstnd, or 2',t ititis' daiy-ittat is, till ldit's will
wti toi t ies titnagme.tSltoieitrstilt cot-
ter atfaorebyrporting pronmptly it (his 1 0 itltntttid free, <Ii111r1ion ofI te
office tint tailare it carretrs to deliver pa1p0r.
gratntdstant hbeittg rosetett-is u0dt.
Tlte WisousiO t'trtliottl h1s oplied Ailtefort xilutali e ottiticto keetp
to te reque11sl toftheIto tlitt tray tli''croutti of 0111z111 boy,, tit
itlt'etcl ciitits eltttes Otct)CC'tintgI 1'icu1flt' ar1otndtttile galte. A deii-
tliisiltag(?Illltfth(11 lt come~llst itoIt otis roaiedllltht ofresillUt 111
of (teorthernilOtlrattric'tl t,otttt '. t l' tt'llltl ttems 11vo lit'etitiosted
fewi-dayts. itng a graua to funttd whe111'eiy till
-tltitltlts of tile tUniversi ty Ii lt Ito
'iteouporfttttxltti'n thetachi lb'yton0111e0a life membethr of til t' .1111Itc
specc tatosat ttt the ball 11100esis 001- A,;eti uontiiti 1100 l enlt'ltof t<d5 it
ills "roolers'' Shlould bhoret'srained't. ohttitleilto bho sit asitlc'as a s.110 1'
This is prticularly trite of li otheot(i (llt'lgctlcy fundtl 111011which'lto (1il1tw.
that gathtirs ot the(l ers l'0 It till' A coittitt''apoited otto uiNiw'
sotuth rile Of tl the ild. Peona~bl Somelt'Sitolait,cotnsists of ittD, a-c
tatztttatndjers Iitoilt'llht'05 ittvisit- Mittrisolt, Poller 111111 .itli.
in- ttamsO1ar1,entirely otefof lalc '1 to srrlangemenolts for' te';,A tits
is lttue thlat lclligtO's '01011 Ihave lhtd eolutlte. tAtuciters of ttthboatrd it so
tits to enduree at soetttl outsidte tickets ftorotilc' ot 01.211)fortl tb.' etiit
gtaoee-, hot thlat is non reaso wvhy tlip 11(altilissice 10111tut toIt.111.1
Te1007 BEN-IIUR BICYCLES embody more new and gennine improveents
in construetien than any ether bicycles now before the public. Never before1111e
such eellent vraluen been offered for the money. One newt tine, consisting of etiht-
supierti imtdeli at $t0, $75 and $1253 for ingle maechines, and $t50 for tandemtls, wot
thic varoopetions offered, ii each that the mont exacting purchaner catsbeho (olr
sitchicensurabtle ttietitc5 shiold le In-
tttroduetd soot ,iltiOroollie're'. The
priactice is yet yong and it shoultd be
killed in its inifancy.
The multltipliet errors o ne 11011101
cost Mictiigoon yesterd iy' galie. Thti
Dtaily believes ini hitltiorltig 'I arsity
teat to the latttitchl, butf there are
occaiosw rels upp 110 011 oriit me0(n11
holiest criticismi rather than otesitied
comeacndati orutrokolen silenice.
The present is smcii sonoccasiont ant
the Doily btut voices thte sentitment ot
the entire otudettt body when it sng-
gests to the tansagctnt titat atn et-
tor t be matde to britig outtntew mater-
il to fill the wteak: position.,'lTe
1)100e01 incnumbent baa done his be'st,
but, that best ie far frono good
enoughl. Aohakintgup imighit Sacie-
plish the dooired reoult, bitt if not,
there is sorely among three thiousantd
students one who could do better titan
has been done lpp to the present. Let
the management hunt for this sorely
Ittistitlil gttntos. Tito triitts lxileo,,vo
at 9 ainod11'clock;lt.atnttait, stiol t-
10111 tt S 'lan 22 o'clock. 'The tjeti°l
anotfheld oetints xwill begini at 1 :t0,
Detroit tine, amid the basebalt l.,t.'i
wtill be c111101 at 4:10. Tiockets cttti
tilslie obtaintedtat Sheehtan's, 1-lly's,
tCtlkins', Ptaltmer's atit Tuttot, o:t
Stite Sit., aatt tIto'ittpot.
Arranmentcts are rapittly g'oi'g for-
xvatrd for the masso-meetitng for Fi-
day' iiglt, andlt is e XIeO-tel to brimt
otut a great tteal -of enthusiastt. 'Toe
ttaintxxiiwils ly somni w pie110000for
thi" fiest titu'. Sonigs are in requesit,
.thioseset to til tunte of "Mttrettitg
'Thrush Georls" beitng "sleelally no-
ceptble, as lte banod hts tistutne in
its reliceteire. Tue Daily wxishos all
sotngs sent in . before Friday. Lot
everybody tttrn oust.
Don't forget to call on ue in enr new
anit large stores, Nos. 4, G1anod 5 E.
Litberty st. We anre showing a tavati-
fnl assortinent out Fnrniture, Carpete
and Draperies.
Students and Teacher
cati setmele lasatnl pttlrotil work inttroduicitag0010
into lwns andt country toil formngBeading Cluths. Jne.
the work for Stuodontis, Teachoere and intisters.
We alson lt a few enelg et c field manager.. State age
and experience in honk work.
Address Dept. «tS" RAND, YcNALLY & CO., Chicago.
This space is reserved
for the Grand Opera
TFo Tent!!!
flhe Laergest Line atfLIicycles, Sun-
dries and Supplies at
Telephone No. S. One dour Fast of Ameri-
eca ose.
A whiteosilky fan wa10s1101statt hi ANN ARBOR. MICfH.
ttrnny Social 011 the lWalerittn Ilyuton- SUlMMIER LAW LECTURES
silon it is thonght. If the person xviii ~ ves~~ s- tno
fond it smill deliverit to Dr. 1tosherisily IsoAtg, 311597.,Curnse ineltdes 36Beteures by
meIn:Jutce Heean, ef U 5. Supreme Court. so-
the swner oill he most gatfl, 1atalguaddes RCMeNcR, Secetary.
grt 1sl.ades Chalttesvlle, Vas.