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May 27, 1897 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-05-27

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'VOL. VII. No. 180.


T{CI lN\SHT OUT errors by WVoWf, a passed ball and a Prof. Levi T. Griffin.
'aerdee Inthesixh sinser aneProf. Levi T. Griffin, one of the
IllinOiS' Wins ti yS Game a i, Wrisnfdot051 1 oldest instruetors in the law deisart-
Receied a fril lin of Yesterday's Sculergeiiing tooseond. Me-
Reevdafulln fNoe-ole sesirmnt, deiivered hio last lecture -yes-
by aScon of -0. G ill then came to last and just as t
ties for Spring Suits byaSoe f30 trday, thsoseverinsg his connection
Schbuler started so steal tlirtdlita
and. Trouserings lses ill errors, togethser wilhlns so c with the University. lailttohtPcer!cil -oudroHad.erdgt ewsbrnnCitnOia
is$tMlYt httiist r aslsn. cd tgrew ssder totrd ferd H asbrni CilosnOed
(b :c cci-tifscause of llMli'a2' s i eistsev cil se tO t os-eossey, New Yore, llssy 23, 1837, at
toss iss Iusn tlsrssss559I sosse, catching
cut atitheiih' ds o f iIllinois yesterday , " thes'age of 1 ie senitered thse iUiver-
8lesr 1andcosspletissg a shoable pl-o
t10 2 2 WASUINSTON ST. NARMAIN. -"'<I te fircsticeet sustainedl cnitbe c-ity, ansd these misaiinedl a good
E. e lĀ« 111 tile csos'eslis l isiings Illinois'
islilO_-1ound tisibseson0 . Thes e 155pI oi i is is classes uiisl 18557 svi-n
ofbisi nists+ssosid (1t sota lmsotin ords'.Isograduiated. 1He issine-istel c atl' n ftelitilllInsolt ry en-
CIGAR TO1BRN the Illinois tessms s'sturned house
l~tt-c oo, .IIiILtll fo boh siesbuttesceltse office of Mloore & Blacleisore,
C1~ARS T BURN..k1Wis(sOb F i s issssktisge isIs l iebit o ih. Oiieseeolle te f Detroit, as a law sudent. Tisroisgi
carry all tiele ladsl o e- 11ni's Ito score thsees'rusoassd sllsgislosnytohoes exertions of _Mr. :10cca dissini-
ar brassds ansd ca n it'ssittoi ia i rob s t111 . iss a s oil ti ers'tisssea-tiilelssssbro ueb ,li'n '-
yonr taste. Cigarettes slid sx011s ssiadesicssanys- teesils. Ilinois
Tohaccos, too. .i' i s 11155 i, ed 'sl hre i' 1 s sea-I lssi~~' i'ssstasst 'U . S istrict attoessey-, ise s2-
1 it ro e. us t2te ('Istrgs.l s
--s- - nI o le in5110 II5ost of liihe tint(-cusresd tse ,stploilslsseit of court
PALMER'S PHAER-.11ACY. iii is, the ,2'i)(1isnisc p lil 1slsl gil. losst s sts u Mdepiiuws, 15 t t y lli. W'it ts ist nanssciasl sssst-
11510clc soud tihstl soclssltentte wil lie
46 S. STATE ST. is lI s ii e"e'iss ssl',ter fess slsiaseis o-s be ogst li5 nl
i , ' I sil isto'sintsittiss for stecisd-a e he as bl togt hrus:.th
- ' -!,"?eoe I sills isshonors5sasouth eqse I. fitst yesar of isstsudsy. During itse
JtI '11510 ate fosil s' s i lls " timse lie wso-h sccuotosnosl to 5110ep ini
0-sireFisis'sIF Z iThsescre follissthie office on a bed iniproised 300 ila-'
SEasBesATY i on115' is 55355f:1Ile Miisgsur.iv51s, ~ifA.occasion. lHe wassadisteittistuse
is seenin ssevery hair isa this stolk S5Oislt ldslisi'lfii iiARD It IHO0A L us ~i'2,13. fe ioissls
nso ilatter ow-hat thssprice. The 10 l ci Issi s b c l o'lf, s - 4 f 3 4 -
senoarhable featsure of (iso shoes o('( r. Is i itlsrls tiny itc ii li Ills0 Con- onIsisi, 0'0-t 1o 4 2t1t ii',e!sreoesd 1o Grsand IiiIS su is
we sllae hs seltodiily 'i051t'atlli' tltih-r- sieiill 1l I2s- - ( 4 1 s oordilissefnsilsLarys Pi e-
Isrcesis isir esselslhiiiler--1 1 2 is iliiesibmIt h' rn Ills 5 "- --......3 0 ti 2 2 0 son for souse years else of te bs
and slick finish. 'rie $2.00 shsses ills iin 1hei ooild bei-tg ci tall IlllO - 4 I 1Elioyr noooes tcsgss
look as pretty as nas ;I X3.0d esiO. IIx, i t 15isis. Fsre Oliolsigssus. lHear tl'sdii - 3 1 0.Heo lesisaselsill 00 rss
'rseea.00 ones look worth Ilis i d-t bsislsXse5.02000.t 1is5rtsiss s Dies a~ sssos
-s iiil2?; 5 ''i on, at i r lst tis, a l]suit 0 e p .......3 0 0( 0 0 11),ls c'onnection -thlsMoore ind l lsi-
J. LL7Asll l listedt . ho-I assos-syedIIIiexcs-a Coer.f .....l0 0 00 0lose'where lie reminaedlsntil 1802,
ln ri 5515. 5thei' lilr l l sssiisg Soeiat soBichis e te 1rn rsi f
i3 WASHINGTON ST., ANN AFRBOR. -.sttls-------31 0 3l'24 14 6K", - - t Gifine-wasformed.ripo
lisle '-11110 of woildsi trisesi. Iii it'hooe IItLINOISi.fsmsi
siilis. it 's'i 55 s s It iii lLNHe. leonteredlthe ariny in thse aliurm
00 -ge1 ceB II Irveihanes ithutIf lt1862 as 5a comissiioned'l silices'.asod
m N o icy cle 5 5sit15F50'it5515 ol iloll i- - )0 liiii'ii iosesicibaliiii-
0 d i1111ilsed f 40 40 1 uc t 11 July 1, 13003, savinug beenl
Ohse 1 l i cosieanl ssto sit first,. oi --Johston 3b - 4 0 0 I.550 lcltclisao fsoosicsteg0
I ii i hibrevetted's'majohis'ofsevolushte-- 4rs)for 3 - - - -

Wo havo Caimeras thiat are
specisilly adsspted for bicy c-
lers at $5.0d to $21.09. $80
wvill get a good onse. Ask
for Catalogue.

I 'siihdsui4sos-ill suit 15555 foldlsties5 1i
I .11"L'1s1151 hf1to Iilt. Bearsid sseiict
t1o5'toIs.scsod. swhossllssssWent-sot
iit ioisaipassed bsill. billitosn gelt
h' i - nse oniiitialls .11It:stohe s'-sEliih.
vV ts twoiout saind itwos'onIsIcs ltil-
1 is' 1:11111' t ma I t si iihuhrp1slsel-is fsor
sls sleds g'oh, lust tile hi-st, lie
coldldio wssto snook ss grosundesr lto
'i'toiSioithrews im sout st first. Is
Vie sl'cslisl.afte Siseashssd goileo on
froms ssca lihi'tolir sst,Mh-te hit sfe-

____________________________________________ e s i -10sis ltsecconid.Il~e 55555 lif,1t
_--AT- 1?-rth 505rt 1 5 u;5115to b;t es iisi
Just rotieloansother lot of ;. al g o si-c osmd liiiWeroil isl's
tO t finU. of M. Monsogram ero.H-fstolse third, isut ovs loll
s- ,t _..--7..-- _]._: 7 isis-es-, . is 050 {' 'ii".i an sr lgs r,515 5550 f

O'erssalsss . f ... 1t- -4 )01 t tIls-i'gs'shto tihe fsossiF1ourth i fiollo
31 s-stll, c- - I I) It Cava-lry, thesregimsent 1th.t1csstlsrsd
tiaislsss1, n - 3 0 ' Is I Jff.Dovsat tse close of use scar.
\L-t'islstos, ~ - It 1 0 Hisireputasstion s-ibhsi'ers'gimoenstsoas
hisittll lb - 1 3 that of in "sible and gatlint otise.
iRetusrnsing sfter 1110 clos; of the so-sr,
'1Totsals- - -32 3 4 27 04 3 lie diis enstoresd ois uselrsc~etieof
1 2 3 4 5 d 7 3 J thie 11ivoust uin 1865ssoscisstJhiii-
31 islliĀ«gsss -.. tt).00 0 05015 0 S 0-'0sellfsoills ikon. Dani. 31. Dtcl~nssii.
litmus It i t 5) 5551- t'stf ' iffins lossbte-si s'sistust in the
Thics's'bssse lfti-hl-srd'sil. :solenicouss'i of hits tpolitical parsty, situ1
basses-Hlessrl, 0Sullisiva, Sbseesous, Ohc- -14 ssnosiisssut )y'it ius 1007sic) = oain-
Gee, O'srihaiu, Hlitt. Doiible tplay dtdate for lush[ -I' Of rlii Slpisssss
Hearsdslto Coindois Is McGee. IBases Cournt of Mishligau, but woascalciltck
oui balls-Bty Mc5'nllusu, 4. Struick oilt113 that honosed juno:~, Ha-n. .1Ist
By~ ltc:l'huis, 2. Passoud ball-Me- 10.Campstbell.
twee, 1it ill, 1. Tunse, 1:40. 1,s1o- Aftlr the resigtnatiotnsofAM". ret,
lire-DlouglssWOard. hletlter professor of lwv in the Uni-
A Small Fire. versity, Prsit. Griffins Owss apointed
Iis successor by unaninsons vole of
A ire tiat promised to do eonsstt- the Bosard of Reg-ents.
eable dsamnsge wass stsartedlits Prof. Ini the faill of 10113, Prof. Griffins seas
n tomuintied suit electesd rorcwsz'ta Lis's
hlisbe's private laboratory yesierday its Consgress of thse i-i:::*t ichigant
:sfternoon by tiso igiing of a five District.
posusnsibotlle stoftehe. Osswing o sthe Prof. Glriffins is a smats sf proinouncedl
huick work of the jsatiitar, "Dr. ?boy- indsividuiality and its -"faligsoblsits-
hey," wviths a Oire extingusishser, itiws stsry. His osecial subjects os-sre
pt ot before doing asny great daill- "IB videtice," "F~ederal Jurisisrssdetsce,"
age. Prof. Huber was wvsrking- ait te "Cotiion Lawv Ileadcing' tand "Per-
tilie of thue ire upnt h ie symnpahetic osinal Prsoperty." Its Prof. Grsffnlhse
nerve syslens. By his alertness lite lusvdepartmnt loses one of is
saved matlerial wrhichs te has been at 'brighitest lighs, and thue students one
work upsis for the last three years.' of their best advisors.

P'aper, tho popular sihados
B~luo and White; also a Now
Stock of the Various High
Grade Correspondence Pulper.
Vtsititng Cards Engraved, anld
Plate Printing.

and wassthrcownou1t trying og 0steai
setond.After thatsi OcCsillusin isd 110
alton a islut, Oiohilgss ithvlsotue ex-
soptiots goitngsut its one, two, three;
Illitnois wvas blalned in thue first, but

WAHR'SBOOK STORE scoseos i te e on nLudlhow,,,
Us Town Dowe Towe bssgo-r over center. In thse fiftheiuy
S. Sate st. Opposite Coort House"
Ann Arbor StainS. I scored toumoure a on isvsihxusabic

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