Published Daily (Sudays exepted during
the College ear, at
0reCe: Times building, 7 S. Mtai St. be-
tween Liberty and William Sts.
J. F. THOMAS, 1.
P. L. Gelssn,'i L.
11. B. SKILLiAN, '118t.
0. II. II AS, '15
. S. SwONS, 'Ia . A. Catwpreo,.'0.
F. A. 1'tt-c, '9 E. A. CAsroeLt~,'i.
G. D. Brner, 's. T. 11.I Wooow, 'l.
BTLER LAM, 'lid . D . JEssests '9 31I
The sbsriptio price afth Daily is 52.9
for the college yrs, with a rglar deiery
hrfwre nooteawai day. Natices, cmmnica-
tions, ad ather matate intended Cr pubica-
tiansrmst e handed is t he Daily oalter e-
foe 6 p. a., r mailed to the editr beore I
p. i., of the day preios to that as which
they are espetad tapapiear.
Sbsarptios may be tall at The Daily
Office, Mlyer's we Stoflfet's Newstnd, or
swith Business liaager. Sueriers sill co-
fee a furor by reportiag promptly at this
ffice asy failure of crier to delier ppe.
Two thloud eight ihundreda ns
seventy-eight students froiiiAicigani
aoight to be in Detroit, Sausrday, to sit'
that 'Chicargo is disposcsd of prsierly.
Moniday will be a holiday in he lt
versity 55 pesstreofatwok5sholdilitic
no excuse fr nt giving the xartns
teams your sppliort in Detroit. Tet
ailorts will more tian repay' fr the
The Daily wishes to again urge Up1-
on the literary societies at the U niver-
ally the importance at arranging, be-
fore tho eteter coss, an inter-
socetnychedule aofdebate ortoenext
year. The contests in the Central De-
bating League will fer inducements
ini debating that have never been held
ear, before anldAichigan ought to
Chike adx'antage of the oppioruity and11
win the first annual contest. To do
thils the latent material in the Uiiver-
sity ;must be developed and tis Can
ho acotmplishedl only by arousing
greater enthusiasni ver debaing
than ow exists. tatersociety de-
bates would create a healthy spirit of
rivalry and would furnisih trainig of
untold value to those who are to repre
sent the Univerity in inter-oilcet'te
battles. Michigan will win if she be-
gins early enaugh and tere it oit
time earlier than now.
Won the First Contest.
.A . Goritley, '3 L, has clangedi
111s location to Great Falls, Montana.
Mlr. Gomley won the heast contest of
the Northern Oratoical League fr
Michigan while in college and has
beeii very succestui in te practice
of his prfesion since gradatiiig.
The Pennsylvanian, Pensy vania'
daily, -supendied Iulaiona fr this
year on May 2. A commencement
supplement xeill be issued on the1
morning of commlencemet, June 9.1
Shakespearean Print,
An enterttainent of is novel as wl
a)s interesting and insttuctve char-
rater is to be given in Univetsity Nalal,
Friday eveting. Mlay 2. t Nwill csi-
blt of sereoptican viewa relioded'
froni engavings, mst at vitih are
founinit the eriestb editiotss i
Slsxkestear's wrks. h'or sote time
ti-tt Dr. Sosheri, tro. Dmiton ad
'Sr Styatti'thaie, switi cotsiderable
difficulty, been coletiig tieee-it cgr'as-
i gs sanaiprearig ar-sitiestl-ecrop-
tcott plates. Te .'sttike-itoara ris
in ith iad11t11w lihiraris have bit
>tar'iutd tot' iterestingand h ataca-
Among the vietss to hi'exhibitecd
.ore a numibr at rpiroducttnsoof lit
egr1isigs relrsetitratttiforid-iu-
As oti an11the GSbeshi'1eatre;als sev-
eral latiraits of the iot. 'Te titli
lage anti fronttispiece of stitte of teit
earliest eitiontts seill ftrmitiary i-
tterostitg fealtre. Sixten very- comi-
ial illstratioits, in waich 1-sls~aft
figures, swill be given friti Kig
hetry IT',.anid Merry Wives at Nvind
ot, tush a nutmtber of fatstic- ie-1
tilt's from Xldstitiittet' NUil 'a
tDri-ami. The Temipest wiltbeilts-
tittlea by oe-a dozin ilews, iliel-
lug a very ineresting studay of ~al-
11a11. Pt-f. Drittion will leadalthi-
tarts to swhichteewtess rter.
Thie'stereoiticon i-ews- swtibe own-ti
i'd bly the Womei's Leaigue, and thIe
patoceeds rotm their exhiiton tre t
ta aes-sed to te yi. buitlditntg ftll)(.
It is Dr. Msher's pianIsocdit his
collection frot timtistitte antl tius
eveintually firtmta colletion it geatt
saute h aelltseren tudy111.
Ticests tsrthis eteraintitro wvilt
lie 251 cents tatu cait be procaeat5
Sheehan's Bookstare, tGtodyear's Drug
Store, anal awill also e oii sle at the
maitn entance to Lniversity 771111
evety day rain 12 1o 2:3t.
Philosophical Essay Prize,
Mliss Emitly Ptililiips, oat liiadleit
a sister at the itot. fhenr it 1. Phillips,
deiceased, presented to the Atriati
tPhilososphictlsi ociety heli at 'iiita-
delpia for promtoting useful itnas-
edge the sum of 5,ootl tr the estab-
lishmuent and endtowmsient of a punzo
toad, in ietory at her decasei
birothier, who uas n hnoretlner-
her at the society.
Tiesociety has anounced ton alt
awvard at this prie will e made dtr-
tng the year 19; essrys fill the samue
to be in the ptossession of the sciety
before the fist dlay at M1ay, 189.
The subject tpn which essays ara-
to be furnished by copetitrs ;s:
'The development of the law'. as il-
lustrated by the decisions relating tot
the police power of the tate
Tue essay shall nt contain mnre
titan 100,000 words, excluding nt~s.
The prize fr lhe crowned essay wiii
ha $,000 award. -The essays mtst be E
shent, -addressed to Frederick Fraley,
Te1897 B3EN-HUtR BICYCLES embody more new and genuine improvemets
in construction than any' otber bicyeles now before Ite public. Never before have
tins excellent values bean ofrered for the money. Our nesw line, consitineg of eigt
superb snadelt at $60, $751 and $121 for single maectines, and $150 for tamndems, sctth
ite various options offered, is such that the most exaeting porchaser can be entirely
Students and Teachers
can secutre pleaisanut and profitable wark introducing our-
Public Libraries .......
inttowels anilcounltry aitalfuoruitag bReating Cltihs. Jus.
tthexc omit tsr Sistaittu, 'T(eachers addMintisteis.
Managers ..................
We also want a .'w rlnlgrt e field mastagere. State agr
an ittext et truce Ilnhouth xrt irk.
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sf 10 atsE.a samtple to
any adtdrs.rsces: t(
Aft pound, t.0O; qssr. +
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TiHe tLsrres Line of Bicycles, Sun-
dries and Supplies an
Makes to order Womon and S'en's triepuhase No. 0. One door East of Ameri-
Easy Fitting Shoes in all the can Bone.
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S. ai - Upstairs. funlstenAug. as,1is7. Cnureeinclsdes as lectures Pg
__________________________ SJd utiel.mmrhan, sfU S. Supeme Court, Foe
f atmugue, addess B C MINOR, Secetaluy,
. Y is ~s y0 nIi~ Chsarltsille, xVa.
np uM-ATN Funeral Director, Cloth
THE PER I RSE EW LER, 20tins.andietlugc Caskets and Fine Grade
iruiurn CollnsEmbalming a Specialty. No. 17 S.
iFourth ave.
Can furnish you weith a fiest-clusn Fountaien ___________________
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--G IE HIM A CALL. Subscribe for the Daily.