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May 20, 1897 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-05-20

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Publiahed Daily (Seadays excepted) during
the College vear, at

Records Smashed.
At the third an111u1aldual omeet be-
weeL the Uiviersity of -Miinsotaol
,ul1 the Y. 1. C. A., lheld at-MIiono-

THE ol oldI OoeUNIVERSITY Of MICHISAN O l OlII3,tO O iCllt1101colj
OFror: Times building, 79 S. falaSt. be- lgoeeorowr rk.Ntoi
twees Liberty and William Ste. t niiv e'190 ii stnil 101Othliii' 111C-
CC ill 3) 1-5 secon32ds . <illkio4 1iltt r'et
J. F. THOoMS, It.
ASS'T MANAGING EDtTOR o1dncebyIdi, lhiz-
i. L.dEcoSERo, 'It CL. a1t Ciianotbyrtwo-fifthsof sIt.oseto.
ATHLETIC EDITOR Di: iel. 11the miiit Wllhtr, also ilbroe
11.0B. SILt.5AN ,'It L.. 1 ~lit-ll'te111( f7
1J SINES OAAhOIOI l 721. 0 11 lii
0. 11,. lloo, 'to 11 11nlillec l osif,11T'S. ee ~:
F. S. SIIONS, 'Is 1. A. C WrBEet,tI* oE'llllni('l.
F. A. Feels, '93E. A. CAAPrEeLo, 'II. _______
G. DI. hoes 0tT, '00. T. R. IWooDROW. '93 Among the Colleges.
BUTLRLAMs, 'tO. GC D. JE1NNG1100 111
ha, aC Cols o il I '0 ite 1),inl
lWar erlCIistooio ol ('1C11");-)1foot-
Thersubscription price alfteDaily is $2.50
for te toilege yte, with a 10g01ar delivetry 1.111 Candidalots1in11h1i1 spring ilne l '0,
before 10000 tacht Say. Notiles, coomnia
tn, sod othoer motter' intendted leortoblita- 1't O1£ 0090 Ali IF:troio 1, t'e
tiens te handeed 10 at the Dily otel tale- C :011111 Ae oolotic al I'epill1li:.!
foie0S . 1m., or mailed to the editor beforeIc37

t~' '..p. ., of tie day 0000v0010to that 00 whichhasi be11e1n1appo11ited1t10 II:v' cant.0pr)-iCO
they are ex110110010 appear. * * ,
Susriptions may elefeliat TheDFily #Itosorolilp in liie A0111er ii lSchool of T ER H ma V
Ofice, IMeyetsor Stofflets Neottasd, or 1Iilttsf(110 ~rlt
with Busies ltO5II'g5r.Suberibers oill tee- Casc idis tAhn,, for tho.u
fer a fCor by reporting promiptly atthitsilr t '1173:. Te19 E-U IYLSebd oenwadgnieipoo
office aev lailure of carriers to detiver paper. Te_89_BN-URBIYLEeboyornwngnune____met
in construetion than any ether bicycles nose before the public. Nerer before hose
1A\\ ( 1 i1C'I'f1.\'I'. 0su11 eacellenot aists been offered for the money. Or newr line, consisting of eight
The Corne'll g.l~eturday011 09111tt' In Qitder t t hate00slarge' a rjoss-.l:t:tsuperb Itmodels at $110, $75 and $125 for tingle machines, and $1.50 for tandlemos,silli
oe tof tilot' 10 imtalnt ofilt sea- possle t: iitill' '11 r113ty Hachile t'e.' it tOousttionsi offered, is such that the moat exacting purchater cato be euioeoiy
so ndag o ed-toff 11010111 beSaturldaly tebado ietr CENTYRAL CYCLE MFG. CO.,
gissiite i~l. 2'el t'tfhas titdeided1to111pt OtliliO-":tll Ido'51nlt. 2 tARDEN STREET.IDA POS.is-
very rood pantha.igit ho .1be 2 ciio.'fit ' tlto3 OURk 1 0FINE P OSTER CATALO GUE MAILED FOR TWO 2-CENT STAMPS.
,lv ltg l heteli riiiyight. loeh 1 1 0 ollit ord'ernitl CIi's113Ilt -l in ii
aosrltooli r'Cr103niii.ltI'tI 09001 1 trlo l leeil 1crteStudents and Teachers
every 'griO lletdet' t he l rtelmlt'C a 1610 1 oili mseet Chictgo a.01 tiu pil, 1L
.hod wat s noRn ,s e~nlp~sInet- t~b. hi il betheony ral p-call seeture pleasan1t a01111ita~lehlwork introdocinur11
ig-.Sonogs areO sun1gspeceICn11111' 1: Cport Lu it t311111'tliltiraiini r'for:' ;Public L bs'arr s ..........
.1111 inilli10'i nt hu1111iasm011 tcla td. 111 itC 111 'C' 1111 ol 1inl toils 101111 tr y1C'nd111form tig liesdinig Clubs. Jtist
sh11d1e01 hean1d101to 00. ivt"''llll iteItie wiolkIfor SttdeIiits., Teacheorsan111Minilsters.
Siliilti0101 ltllttC iltllllO'i~~l. flt ftli'Manage rs. ..........
fosr iil~tlI 1100 es'o'lillg oill hgili 0 1 is.iii. ,1111e'salso1 wt"ntr a 11e0 5 e1011geo fos'fenegetic ield noliagrS.aStte ag
wouold be 1a goodtim011110 trIy ilt' a'ovetlt'C Olilt ii free. Thit'1band1 5will 've till 11nd11 Ci t. illt1 ill Pooit work.
1111.'ltI~ llO iCll~wudto .1 ii t1ot t 11i1 ftl'0111 Address Dept. 'IS"' RAND, MCNA LLY & CO., Chicago
beldt il nol 1 t1hel ir h i re gathering 101111Corinell atIthacaowill5 i b e 1111- _________________ ________________
0111111 mrchtlo the 111110010 to tatW sise on cip
IlOIll.. Letlteathiletic 1Bard p1111011 s I.P Po lo irdt00lto gee..
scheme a trial. 18 North Fourth Ave.
We carry a full line of op-to-dale
Northwestern as Life Sayers., iyl tldis n at onai
Students of the NortIss eslern C'iihes ~ndOea "
Also Repair Wheels at 11iv110 prices. OENIH OL
verolly Ca t Estl~oniae cthIltroled iltGive uiiicie. n ed1fan hig ON IGTONYLL
over ltenosycivil service rules for the in our llfr ne.o ayhigTUESDAY, MAY 2, 897. 0$ ~
governmlent life-las-log servicesonOl te ______,____M__________jI5,.
lake, swhichipractically precludes thell. The Man in the Moon By~ Frank Dumnt11 r, onogenoent
moay not he Chilrsty, bu f ewreh wudAID . Field. SU PP.IES
The stu ent hae erne falle for ........cll t. 'r.e. he.s. otS 5aGentuine Soithltrlo Netrtoet, oL i leeting
The 5iltle~5 itoe eareti 101110 10. .S11toers, WiltleBckt andoiWing f)D:ttrs.
Pntte55h. ark~ieis Corner Store, Irte eo Stih's 100110at1011Souhr Band. -~d.gLetrPoh lis lals
n"tHearrthe operaticl' iettsc o le r it 5 at1 t iana.Sloetrrs slo:t15 trenSfor samsplrs aod
Tile building is011 tie camnpus, a.101 STATE ST. AND N. UNIVERSITY AVE 1 pt eOsrpltllulworarIl'd105 Ot~et aes. Every requisiterforeTennis,
and get an Ice Cr0e11 Sodaoro some of his slated ty Win, Rcoain, ittroducoing Min:.tGolt, Criotet, Tracko tnd Field, Gymna-
S"s gane ilsniertontat teother Soft Drik ao. Cordellia, Pimaona01:; dirs. Sam tLuctas, Coo- 01011m0101'qm'ois1100 outfit-. Complete
grantd inconsdero~n li hittralto; Lawrenese,- tlllte.STnor: Aie .)ao. ,9Catlogue of Sprinog atd Soimmer Sports
crow he students. This has heen s o r alGm ~est.Orts;Oa lDso an free, "'t'le Name the Guarantee."
1101t, Itnl. andPealtuts. Chorus of 50Voites.
sinCe 1876. The lease hosexps.1ied, and. ries 2 A. G. SPALDING & BROS.,.
11he buitding muttbe remtte(]1 Tilt A E~sNewF ToeS. i, Cicgo, Phlals phiao.
thllilng reading. It has twice recois- THE OPERA HOUSE JEWELER, e letin fCnrs o ail STUDENT'S ROOM, BUREAU FOR
rOletylso ogeofrsctgCow furnish yaw with a fSet-class Fountinw
life.- t ?si '01 on.Pen. 1henasS king repaling a spcaly It is genterally conteded that a tinged n Catpw, Gowns and
strumeni ltmost an absolut enecessityTo}Hds
SeirCasTx -GIVE HIMl A CALL, secure the greate'st enjoymet 11frIoreHoods.Q EO
purchase tet the best ,your Iot w tilafford.
Texpert tjudgmlent pr ottcesther '11y"OIELI3&LLUIAIl
Rf1 eircasIl etidi i' ENT'ryH IJ4R, State" iwsteuments the ietnth11 e swold a^Albany, N, V.
Thesenor las 'net estrda- at iV. MuRRTusr., Miager.
noon ina toioniC aol fixeod teclass I O 0 MtA Z nAs excellent insteumtent 1s tht Od44E. I1illiom St
tax at $5.00. The' "XIm'vS cf tilt ANN ARBOR. MICH. BAY STATE $10. 00m A N I ' M
CI~cell±IoO will Ile p l );b' ttI10Is .MARtTIN, IFuneral I1ihector, Cloth 1 BAiIJO. ~ t~~ A .
front the sale of ritk. is. It w so - 1CaowffiWe.110bal1instooSpcitiolty.banjos7'S.'0 I er
cided 1o devote l'fl3-bflt inoieof Fourth ave. has itis, Cu foe a substanil.sevic-"
eneei ~b f te tiususrraied so'hgable instrulmentat a how prieeno10'Fhe Loeg~iest Litneoi cycles, Sun-
lIe-igth ofthe l.m 'Ell risd1yte SUMIKER LAW (LECTURES mIother instrumenatmanufactured caO dries and Supplies at
Fax to the class anein hsatfion UNIVERISITY OF VIRGIINIA.coprwiht.
ra tots htoos Il too051- ali Aug 1,18150.couse eInlels 36lectsesb3y Senct far illustrated catalogue, M. STA ELERS CYCLE EMPORIUM,
wa ~ i(n e.0011t. a w0re 0r utieHarlaof U ES. Sureme Curt Foe JOHN C. HAYNES A& CO., TlpoeS.SIw Sa ato wel
daced from $8,100 11o ,.,)). :wialagas, addrees RC. 5MINOR. Secreary.TlpoeN.8 n orEsefAei
Ctaelaiielrille, Va. 463-463 Washisgton Street, Reston. cawniHouse.

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