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May 20, 1897 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-05-20

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Received a full lire of Novel-
ties for Spring Suits
and 'Trouserings

List of Drawings for Singles and
The tiulourig' are the drawvings for
the first Class tournamient to itigist to-
d sv:
lituAie's-iit(' azitd3'Wrigt 11l-ve

Prelimirnary i omit-harvey vs. Rtk-
er;("torsr . Drito; s ynront vs-
J si11 taint',Danfortli vs. lRussell. IBautr-
h owney's arnd Plows' Ohs- riot Iriotshasvetbyes'.
colates either in hillk or DiIr'-ItridMl-'grry.
1 baind traif posund otisbse n
Packages, strictly frosts, li0 Gorue anrd Ililey Nys. Wigtt rrsr
Csnts a pounrid. lit sr t irrrick arrst lars vs. Dm- l
--- ---fortr'rth I- ~ill. R u. t ssett rird tittleyt
1 6 S. STATE ST. Pingrr will btri iat i3 o'slockis i
I'^ft tic r irilte fr,-trlty rirrrts. ; irrglc
APRILL'S SHOES IN DEMANDODUR- n ill he piayed citcly.
INHG RAIN OR SHINE, International Law Scholarship.
Orrr busonoos is continualty furs-,
gotrng athead, rno isatter sghat tire O it trl e remremrtberd hiat rtltr
finsanreial conditions rrmay ibo. tsrriir'rrnenrst tHron. yrr M. Ditriri-
In rain our shroos are prepared. be-
cause thsoy aro known to he mrade of irs , of Dtiroit, u orrre'itort thr Do-
weather resisting msaterirrls. si rut Alurrir Associartirr on s rrtit tir
In shiiu or at any tirssouor' storo is
crowded, beause it is known uthat 'the stetis tisurirds tiere edttrlistrrr'rtI
ours are hy far tire bost, Iprettiest ()riĀ° iltirterrnat I irnri triowttrrinrrr ilr
andf chorrirest stress in Ion.
Fud iescirofrsedit Iirs r-.tiistr-
~" i' rtibe sd for tire sirllrt 'if
W J. r"'Ywolwn reirir c -i rrlcrt if tire Urni
13 WASHINGTON ST., AN N A RBD:3 N-ritry wtio is sliecirriitrg tsrltriter-
va~ma~a~ar aa~~a raaaaroxmvsx ad it:i isrnrrltLs v. T'le c ir iirit ee cs.f ti..'
0 -~T .-~. ~ Alerriri Aisciitioniito cwiririr ist wsrk
No Bicycle ~ of proviting for tis fundit sas err-
19 l ir- toliard o tettepeopterst rresL irr lwi
e tori' in the irtter atSns isear. re
i0 ! irs n nti e i r la l hne otil ecree 'ci ir
specirllyiaaaotedrerire.cTire carlyrbetthes falli
r m
1 orC0 tloge.The nuatin' n i asofrsrh-isIntere
10 X--- 0 is rl~ni ese 1rii i e uthan co o re-sofu ly
X~e aveOamras 1r t oae 0ttoetiltri irigir, rteirisscitili rrb
spwa~aecra aityaaptfra bier c 0 a sa lily bei s ill. ithedl ote
will-geT god rs sk ~ ohrmdsauicaDrl ongr Benrlin.o
for Orsttogire iare sentirrl situdingrf inuroe truer
1 1 siBO K SrRE, itav itfgbsofetilte n d cnthe t5-
Just receive)I anotlher lot of crtrttetr as Michiigant's retires 'natise.
that fiue U. of M. Monogr aum IiDr.tro ,ig l ta rn to beg in Ilrs
Paper, the popular shadtes work in thre University once Br
Blue atrd White; also a New nexit October.
Stock of the Various High
Grade Correspondence Paper. iTire students of lire Univ'ersrty of
Visiting Cards Engraved, anti ",'g"narsi's isking an efiort to raise
Plate Printing, a sttins sufficient to procuire -a bronze
____________,b ust of E+ dger Alien Pee, to be un-
g veiled on tire senmi-centennial of his
dlH ' OO T R doritli, October 7, 1599, -and to be tilac-
lip Town Pawe Tows ed in their noey library. Poe was at
S. Sate st. Opposite Cosrt Houses
Ass Arbor Maln st. 1 oe time a student at Virginia.

t Schedule of Class Games.
Tire sceduolet of tie class ga1ri'o tis
teen adtepted. There are six tass in
thiel ndtromfthor ie ctirarctr of tie
piracicie gamieiswhinch have already
ti-rtplaryedithtie contest othie clirir-
i'otistritidbos fair to e a hot our.
Thle rarnes wiii be played at tie At-
tle it i il, anrrt hr' Iigi Sctrot amae
il bie plyrd in tie siorninrgtbecartse
if tire 'rrsity fid iet whinch tkes
riace in tire afternoon. 'lie fliirtv
is i'escherduile a rssraned:
htsiv 2t-'99 vs.l'()0.
Met' 22 a. r.-tlighr School vs. ' 99 '.
it-s27f-'94SL vs. '98.
.trrrs' ie -'fi'rsrr of frst gino vs.
iMinri' of seconidi.
'fur'dite for tie firal grmerc so t
tsr-rixi yet. 'lireor'casso grrs
rc alwanys ery intresting, andrwilevii
ill rmarny ases tie laying is of ie
11!t'rstr'ry vrriety, tie eopportnsity to
lit off anittrl- crrss ttllrrsinrorr isai
predantrt y eve'iyonei.
Inter-High School Meet.
''fie tIller-tlghr SholSl eet is to be
rilit in Ann Arbor, June 4 nd 5,
i i'iO' witl be ibicycle't racs, raik
evs, n, in allii proabitiliy ri ibas-
sll inns'. '1The'ire'n is to thave tlhs
irs its' r ii''iriirtrrferturerariotittis
is rhin, rucs-ugoisitarry lit' teot-
trisiririfor hoLnivrsiy Tin' rising
young atlresuitt be tetd.'-'ditiii
conr cobs of lie tocc'tr rndsowvn lt
tire best pintrrs of tie college. Ithis
tery tin' good rathlees of trio stat ll vi
rtlitrlly tuim to :ihilganr s-irn tie
t ire conies for 'themr to choose an
Atihur inter, It is cc tnathrus kit ie'os
Iha tihlie Athletic Borrd hsloanei
Riegients' 1-tld. A soker is beitg ar-
rniged forrarbot tie same iasic.Tin'
GleeClurb ctncert, wch wt sill cotme
abosut rue sairie tne, wilralso treut
lire goiod work along.
Athletic Notes
Tuesday's colege genes resulted as
fellowvs: Chicago 12, Oak Prk 6;
Northwsvstern 9, Ne'braka 4 Beloit 13,
tRshrMedico 5; ornel G, Pennyl.
setia 2; Dartmtouthr 9, Bowdoint 5;
Wabrashr 1i, Indiana 1.
Tire Unriversity of Illinois defeated
Pardiue itn a dual track mot Tuesday
by a score of 81 to 39. Records tmde
wre only fair.
Tie baseball earn and tie track
catrdidates were photographed at tie
Coeld Tuesday by Rentcher.
At Pennsylvania hoods are worn at
comrmnencement and are rned by the
registrar for a nominal sum.

Prof. Russell on Mountain Clming
Prof. Israel . Russell yserday en-
eraited aiparty of exlorers, wto
were srely Citted out itt I'iiladl
Inn-, and are nosy on their way ti.
Alaska to clritb to tie summit of Mt.
hi. ElitesTie party is led by Henry
G. Bry-ant, of Phiiladlphia. tile hep-
es are . B. Lrtharncland S. J. DErie
kiti, troth of Artic fame.
P'rof. tRusseltade iattexpeditiotn to
liii rrourntainr itscmmnru d of a party
sent out by tire United States grigi-
cal survey end tie Amrirican Ge-
grairhical ;Society. Tie tronrtrisis
13,03 feet high, arro the tRtssel x-
pedition reached sithight of 1,00 feet,
tih' highest oont yet attsrrned. Prof.
tRussel spetn t dasobee tie stow
ire,tHe woulidhlie-"rtacbeitheitsp,
fir, ire says, the clib itself isnet i-
tossihle, but for lie territile sass--
stor'rrs. One of these lasted 12 days,
csviredithtie tett anit at lst cortroled
tire intny to rte.
Another party lis been ii corres-
poendencee scthlt trof. tRussl for sores
timre, itrit csill e troighr here in a
fies dtays, Thins hrecitesesrgin tin Italy,
arnd is led by Prine Luigi.rnephewc
if this Iitintking.
It wsill lease Stulsomeir'dtnys lter.
thranthie Bryatt exlioiiirn, iththeti
intuietonr of clirrintg bothr Mt. tcgan
un. Ali. Sth. Elis.
Reception to President Angel.
- it
''h~e Stutdents' Christin Associationn
w5ill li-ic' a fnrewsell recetionr to tresi-
dett and Mrs. Angel net Friday
e'vetring at Nistberry al. Tins Asso-
clrtiotn regrets that because of lack of
rsomutey csill be obliged to restrict
lire attendani'e to members of te as-
socianthen. TIhereceptiottnill be s-ry
informanl, giving iis friends a chance
to grerr't thin'Priesirte't and wishn lrlt
God-speed ont his journey. Besides
President Angell, Dr. Prescottll vi
spteak, and thenoUiversity Glee Club
uill sing. Admission swil be by card;
aymremnbers of the association wio
lie' failed to receive their cards nmay
get thnem by caniling at tie office at
\Nc'berry Ral.
School of Music Concert.
Tine faculty of the School of Musts
will give their nst concet in Univer-
sity Hail, May 27. Tie ;rogra'rn ciii
ecusist of organi music ty Prof. Stan-
ley anud Mr. L. L. Reuswirk, ant a vio-
lin concerta 5withiro.gnrnaccompani-
roent by Mr. Zeitz. Tickets to the
source of Fnaculty 'Concerts ciii admi
to this entertainumen.
Track Xeet Saturday, 3 p.
mn., at Athletic Field.

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