Palished Daily (Sunays excepted) durin
the College ear, at
OriOEn: Times building, 79t . Main St. be
twern Liberty and William Ss.
;J. F. TOA, 97.
F. S. SIMoNS, '8.
11. B. SaiULtbAN, ''L..
0. I. 1Baw, '1
F. L. Onisut, '58 L. . A. CArsen.L, '0.
F. A. Fua, '18 E. A. CAPEuL, '5.
G. 1). BUDwe, '0. T. Rt. WoDnuow, '8.
Duvan Lao, 'it. . D. JNoNsass99~M.
The sbscription priero the Dily ios.V-50
fr the colrge year, with a regular delivery
befare noon earls day. Notics, eommunica-
tions, and other matter intended for public-
tion must be haded i at the Daily office be-
fae S p. i., or mailed to the editor before'i
p. in., of the day preious to that on whch
they are epected to a pear.
Ssbscriptions may be left at The Daily
Office, Illyr's or Stollets Newtand, or
with lBusiness 1M1anger Suberibers sill co-
fer a favor by reportig promptly at this
office anv failure of carriers to deliver paper.
'The folloswing is a holsO liiii 111
tile DIshtenaw05Timeics, aicharaceris-
icably feminiielcc it ofne of11 il,,
Miay beis al coce-rts
"Miss tSpncr niho5wa15 hindoomeily
diressesd in pink stin and nho naes
t iep earand~~lce, possessis a rich
contlrlto voice ithat she landcs wll;
and AMrs. Wood, lokig supebill
white satin, rnderd lie solo, "At
l'atria AM," ill Illefective 1a11dliiu-
sical malnlner, the wailig oboe obligto
giving bie needed todches of foling
aind s'iotin,''
Tilt'Wiscolshll Cadial iiall isth'
after -the recent oatorical 'cotes
printed the folloswig ediorially:
"Satrday's I. of 'A. Diiy says
bPraiseo is dle asa 10 hard swork of thei
Oratorical As~ocidtii antdt the util-
tiling fors of Professr'Trlottsod
for the entbusiasmn and support 111at
enableddstur oraor to wni the pri'
again for "Michigan,
"It isundobtdlytrethIlatc ws
becauossoof Professor rubloos'sun-
tiring efforts lia) Miclfgaii was
awvardied ist pla1c, adotiesi' cr~s
wvere nobsholy dircted to oratorical
Thit o cwardly ininaion woldh 101
ave been allowed to go uncallengd
this long 0111y for tie fact that Wis-
consin did not send to tie Dily t,
issue -cotaining i, aind it just -0om151
ts stur notice throtugh the Cicag
There can be tt one ecpilanaioti for
this nieans allsio, NWisconsin is
snv.ari'ng unuder rpeaited defeas anl
slhes to ast ellctills pon Mci
igu's victories, If AWiscousilhs li ly
charges to make let 11r conc ot opu-
ly and give them instead of going
abot iinl tthilscowardly way, Mlich-
igan is ready uanit willitg to defed
its.,entire _conduct n tibs conet is
well s any of the previos ones. Out'
orators :have gone to ever college n
the league and hrave contested -wit-
out challenging the jdges secured by
those colleges, and in the contest held
here not a judge waso allowed to tite
part whlo was objected to by any cl-
lcge. We will cter no furtier 1110
the miatte, bt rspecfnly ak thast
the Cardinal explaiii its commliets. It
it is thncnicessary we will lattclmpt
fo shows' Miciigall ad Wsolsit ii
thi r tue light.
'rheicom-anselcits frisintheiCh(ucago
w's-kly are ini noticabli' contrast to
thsefom f '011 isoisisiiAt the nd o_
a long editorial thec wkly sys
''At any rle wi' clllgrdtuibiie' our
rsepresentative on te solwigglie
msadse, ansI istsgaui on bs'rut'selarl-
cl victory, tasurinig liii'that we' i'-
tcti 110 1ha111fselings."
Yale's Famous Mascot,
"Yale i oiriing helolss of hr
grea1tiasscot, "ItansdsomeioDan," wIi
sieidrcently ill Elanbdi. Dan 'aslo.
bsulldolg id wnecthe be rbblifr
Yasl'. tic nas alwas- vtkn to cans's
in a ceash, till the Htarsvarsfostal
teami oswecdis xisililie foea~isrs I
ilhs'falct that liie roe held.
'Te Philade'lphtiat trcssketc-11's. tse
log's aeei-r s follows To all lers
of dogs4 tiioiigsonttheli'conry, an:'.
ill Yale miiicsc'ssially, uce1new"'sof the,
deat dliof lionsomses'DniniLnon
ssil hi-tg- lotsk ,acrows) of memoisrss.
'Danil sas allmagnificnt tsitisi o
ti110 English butlsdsg, sandlfoi s'-eral
yiars lhas lglrclrsgulairly as t'
Yale mlascsst at all tie )sin fotall
ands)baseball gamelss iinhis-liYaletihs
plyied. Oesotldneidi ly011t'oi
gla lce 0511' lthe'athltics-re-tor) 'f tl
unliv'sity to apprec-iats'tie 11,51sitio
O lush Daii holss ill the iarts of Ys ti
tHe wasi(leirosof thir liroec ians
tIlls' aan'titic ofhis battlesca-,rres
countenanllce of thei'fooilliedItllneveri
fsiled to Illan- forth a slier,
'Dan was lorn-uscnyars ago, and
wa1s boughtsn-lin a ptuppiy by Adi-,
tdiraves, at Ylegadulat' of 103. A
favorite tinchnwas to tell 111111 to
spei'aklto Harvarsd. He' wold bak
fci ociollly 111san ork Ihislf itlts ildy-
steal confortions of rgeiii's-r before
dre''amedcs of by a dosg. Dali was pee.-
lar to himilsl in one thing-ito wouli
let-er latssctels'itthialiy oiebillsill
dents, Dal impilanlltedtshiiiself mlor
fily in the hearts of Yalt' sttisoitss
thin aiiylmalSsot hail ver doe befose,
ails' wasi51a primelOfavoirite witti ovi-
s-us'in cllege.'-
Satnrday eventng, 3tay 1, te Pi-
versity School of Datcig will give it
protgrami party, with orchestra titsi.
The' dancinlg sill begin immneiateloy
after the cotcertamiii conine util 2
o'clock, The usual adtnission tof 50c
a couple will be charged,
Sororities atid fraternities 's-Io de-
sitetobtyor -orent wsill o'well to I
see -r.:.D Care for houses furnisheda
or unfurnished. Oice Savings Ratale
Subscribe for the Daly. j
Te1897 BEN-HIUR BICYCLES embody more new and genuine improvements
in csnstruction than any ether bicycles now before the public. Never before hang
suich excetlent values been offered for the money. Our new hine, consistiiig of ru-t,
esuierb models at slot $75 und $t125 for stogie inachsines, tand $150 for taissdems, w:tll
lie various options offered, is nuch that the most exacting purchaaer can be enliesly
Students and Teachers
caln secure pleasant aiid profitable work initroducinig onr
Public Libraries .......
iii town-ts atid countiry atid fortniig-Redinig Clubs. Just
theivork fsoi'tdetsl, 'Teachers stud SIllisters.
We also wanlS a foty-cenergetic field mnagers. State age
atid experienice inlhootk'work.
Address Dept. «S" RAND, McNALLY & CO., Chicago.
Weitlsntduon receipt
any address. FPrice:1
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SOSOItB.J, i59 Fulions
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I Nmmmm
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A. A, & YPSI. ST. RII~LW A .
Leaves Congress street, Ypsilatii oh
7:00, 8s20, 9:40, and. 11:00 a.um.itad
12:40, 1:20, 3:40, 5:00, 6:30, 7:5), 9:10
and 10:20 p. so. S P L
Leaves conrt house at Ann Arbor at S P L E
:40 9:0, 0:20and11:0 a.m.,and Simldieg Lesague Sai, 11 its, 'Masas, etc
1:20, 3:00, 4:20, 5:40, 7:10. 8s30, 9:30 ithanagers shouldl send for samples and
sp~ecil rates, Every requisite for Tennis,
and 11:00 p. m., Doll, Criceeb.Track sod Field, Gymna-
sium Equipments and outfits. Complete
SUNDY TIIECataogue of Spring and Summer. Sports
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Leaves Ypsilanti at 0:20 itnd to-hA .- P .L IG RO .
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7:10, 8:30 land 9:50 p, so,
Leaves Ann Arbar at 10:00 and 11:20 INTERCOLLEGIATE
a. in., and 12:50, 2:30, 3:50, 3:10, 6:30, BRA O
7:30, 9:t0 and 10:30 p. mo. 6RA,
Caps. Gowns and
TO RENT--A numober, of boato ai x Hoods.
U. of I, boat honse by boulr or dlay. COTRELL & LEONARD,
Albany, N., Y.
RENT' sHLEII.- YV.leNPIe0,T, Ianager.
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anlyoAgil,1897:C~aosouluds 36 lectures by ;-IQ Pen tt" .!
lC Jsie Han, aofilU.Sa preeCourt. Far
ctalngue, address R . QMINORSecr~tary, Toe Largest Line of Ilirycles, sun-
Charltsvilll, Va.., drieasand Suppilna a
"and Metalice Caskets and Flse Grade
Cofins. EmbalmIng a Specialty, Na. i7 S. I Telephone No. S. One duet East og Ameni-
Fourth a-re. Ican IHoune.