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May 15, 1897 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-05-15

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Ar Allk
Ila IV

VOL VII. No. 170.



Received a full line of Novel-
ties for Spring Suits
and Trouserings
$ w , SW ET T
Lowney's and Plows' Cho-
colates either in bulk or
pound and half pound
# Packages, strictly fresh, 30
j Cents a pound.
0 46 S. STATE ST.
Tasty Tan Ties!
Newvest arrived-Ten mnore case
of those popular ties which were
made to sell at $3.50, but which
we got at a price of our own
inakiiig. All styles and sizes in
this lot, to goo at $2.48 a pair.

- A,
Second and Third Concerts 1361-
hiant Successes.
'lie seelut 0i(1 titd Cocerts'11of the
Ma testival sel ico w«ere -gfreill'i'r_
doe yto ao1iees Whic aclti tim, er
oleeE le ledtilehbaIt.
'fur afteliooi troeraiol wvas a)03G'm-
iioll0' (o11io,'lt ClloI51)r 11, .01r11g1
cohers. nimbers fromi Spotir. Alleoio('
000110 sold iWeble. 1-r1%St 'tijotry'tp
O:2ale to appeacr zherbily;'ef0 it 'r
('01(1. bt M 1issolss, Sitewrt. 1',1 : o-
I)leok in11ll'0l11 1'111). SheoWa 0500111
toile(Ito10 esionol10 i11ll~I. X
I) vii olbs.orflth' school of t osi,,
ilolyelt - an110o oeto, A 101111n.r, n
ldere vvski.
Tlleo 0111110110 hot i orork wbiltl
(101111 1111tt illcii-enle0i1i lt, orell's-
t1raliolllner the baton ef iDirector
Mttso'lhail'r wowasIeti n-1ig ftoti(to.
I 5' 00 1111101' ('011('11'1,1 00110. of 1011'f0".
ho ''.0a0t 1alve.1'Tile , fr oilly ofh
11)i- ii.115'It 1111 ' l rili ;:ii ;001 1 th
k. of 110 )' :sormil, A 11'. -, 1101

i ,.

Trois Petites Pieces pour Orchestra Hand Book of Graduate Courses.
-Th. Dubois (Format Suite de-
Concert) The fourthi anneal issue of the hand-
Aria, "Vieni the poi sereno"--Gluck hock giring the list of gradoate
Mrs. Bloodgood. coorses of instruction for 1897-198 at
Act IV. (Mfad scene), Hamlet, toc leading American unliversitie's is
Thonmas-Mlle. Calve.
Etude, Novacke-Played by alt the 1.00'in press and will be ready for
First Violins.I delivry early in j one. This lttl'
Benedictus, Mackenzie's Siegmund's bosh, whichl is sold at 5 entsf, 1is11i1
Love Song from "Die Walkuere," atoie ulcto fteFd~
Wagner-MVr. Bertloald. ' ttridpbtatnofheIecr-
Schoerzo Wallz-Moskowski. tieo of tieletate Oluts andt is titelt
Aria from "La Perle du Brazil," F by C. A. Doniu'-ay, of tIlllsflitd. It
David-Mlle. Calve (Flute obli- tllts 0d0l need students aibolli:
gato by Mr. Choarles K. North. 1. 'rho institutions a0111 111ofessol°s (of-
Starch 3-eroiejti-Saint Sasus.
-_____ fering couirses inl the' 01tl('-'Os tlt'y
Church Servioes Tomorrow. Nvish to Pursue.
Fi~t A. '',chu-1, KL.ll:Elry, - h'iate~lde ('1110rio 1n111the
1)lso.1 S.. t . lilei l t I. nle' ' ,
subjct, The 11-3. Tiocseeil facilities for study i
1.():3) a. 11.tiocrni)eoc l delsartoocunts.
(1t0''OiOOO o f Irooto(ltt 'r' 32 Ill.. 10111-th se cnto ah
+!<, shol; 5:0 . ll, I:'hN oth 4. 't'toe Illnollllt of titole olc ~ at
1 (1 .i(;1 t ) 11'..ciosil 0020 to. 11 t loos'ot
5. 'Tohe lumbtoe of ges ll.,e siso(leois
"'I'Sila' of __Notoloe ttillood' till'seee
re.'0'stl1'01t ill1110 slot-cif l i).toant,'ll.
1)111 00ritlon to o 10111.1'011'oil ''Y01lllg-
._ U(1 . 'ie eeocllireo1eelts of ad:ohssi 011 to
.! i l l 0t1F' 1010 1 i -ll.'" Silelihl llOlril'
ads15';lelo1ot clltes <m1l for a0011'iOO'0'd
ouib 'ft.l i tlel. 1.0011 500111t1(1 ill-
do frees.
If 1.]"1) 1 } 11.101" ]t.
Sh1C511hi105. fl Ol I s, Iot
other lscelilil y I( 11050)1.-I 1o thlell.
?!>. ;) a. 1I.. t, tleo 11.+)t'lltr"Solv
01:lois l lec01101c'iltel p tll 1 aef 0 -'l e'
{ it!11 1 1 .12 Il.. 1 '11o 11flt 0.!!n' S, of
t!o( . 1 ' . t. " . 2 Il. St1. 1 11 ('1 l ! t
.1 t la1of istrdentor01 : I l ei0'I,1
1100t~re aolllllrl'rti. ll r,1501' .
001'I'5.11'l.l'g0!e :s'rlP'11.. 1!1.,rlo ,' o'x
by '101111 0 110 )o--ll5111101 110em
ft' o' Iet I.'' I) eo '1 1(0't )' t h ) t01 1. 1111. lce f i1S r o l 3
il1l' olletbO:. k i1lclsiog 1111 .Osfot. er
yolrlillg 010(f01, sotjoet. i ll.O( iioesi Oaoy
01101101onill 0111l011111 'l10011211i'0011 Chicago Weehix-
O 1t t rlfc''.: 01s tth e l'M o1rooiIs" Sxl imos e n j11,0t osra ua ei ul ;ses'e' o ll r tiehi-
12 '1.So( l t .lA t1'(1101 1N":'o10. t1). al. 10 001 1(0 01 011 1011 011, s
5. o'.l 12.; 7.2010. 111, 1111.11slrio'ilute otess e ti OrLeatoe o
110tre ll C rsi ilteolof Ihec . .' '1. . 0. (Chicagl~, o 'o eeklic.) l 111
SI.Antentreroflll"W. C.To. lt'1\31'1 1)tl sotto'beltor ora 115 111111(ilf
Tt'l00 11 lrtlol. 1115'. heno 1e 'P. tI10"- oslster11 oelol(gI' rtltlto'11.or tt)ch llse
ton1, all it~ilt. 7::110. 1II., 011(10 (>0111' 1110 atlllosololllre at _.51110Arbor is 1er"I

ItA1I1 1 1 < li.; )w10..a l. 1 ,11 1 11'.11 1
W J. P I s, 1 1InkIli'15 111111 51010110'1off1.t1l0
03 WASHINGTON ST., ANN _ARBOR C 0 i-laxerg1o0t-c' oftfh110'eye'. ~"0 0'
c' 111111t' 'ea u ( .lilttoss of111it
0 aaaua'aaaees~ea-.aamaaraaraamacao0
IN nicy Cie~ '0N1t1'5.i, 11100'aSMllo'.( a151oeiOlton-
0 11151111 i110,'e 111111t 0110.' 10. 121001' Aftem
is. 15 ompJilete g~ al?"t' Ws l hlo,1lllooind 111lllgrllgilO-
d Y , .1 3 y 1'Etc1 51(1.111 slIc 1( 010011101ll
We lhave Caimeias tnhat are6$0 orkse tt. 1 ilet' 01011'Of ro'llre o 101'
c specially adapted for locy c 0 1.t1tovwl'otby 1111'irresisotiblce0011110Inof
°elers at $5.00 to $2.030.8010('11.
wilget a good onie.Ask '(it'efl'ot'1( ( lllit lfollows:
for Catalogue.1O iAyel'~m~~o
K I'1l005lARA.
---' -Syimphoioy, "Consecration of Tones"
r CALI I St '- PA C1 Aria, "Be thiocofaithful unto deatho"
rDDS~u1 (St. Patel), Mendelssohn - Mr.
* _______________________ McKinley.
--AT- Pisto Concerto, A minor. Paderewv-
ug lSchoerzo froni F iuajor synmphony-
Just receive 1 another lot of Stanley.
thtfine U. of M. Monogranm 1RIIOAY F5'VENING.
Paper, tho popular sha-des Calve Concert.
Bluo anti Whito; also a Now Soloits-
Stocki of the Various High M11(-. Calve, Soprano.
GIrado Correspondence Paiper. Mrs. Katherimie Roodgood, Con-
VisiingCard Enrave, .and tralto.
Visiing ardsEngrvedand Mr. Barron Berthiald, Tenor.
PlatelPrinting. Mr. Heinrich Meyn, Blaritone.
W AHR'S BOOK STORE Overture, "Die Meistersinger" -
Up Twn Iows ows Wagner.

s(ioot 01111 IfvttCI' 'hsa; .11). Ill., 0I'r1'-
rico' at Fcostios, Somota)'seltool at1 10101
01105 4:30 tp. 111., meectinog of till'roter-
hoo010 of Si. Anodrow; 7:30 p. mi..,15111-
i1=g prile' nsr 1111 o-1oo.
Athletic Notes
'Theicelh'idar as core'tcd u110o 10 ionI
givs, '5the remised cbosebalhlOrlitle.
BI'siles the gamoes ailreadyt3's-.'lio'd'
it is quite porobaoble t(loa retuirn gameo
ss'itli e tohi'ecl sithIlinois here 3103'
There wvill he ino game todlay bhe-
tween Mlcloigan and an outside teani,
hout instead a. practice gamie wll be
played this afternoon, weather 011d
rounds tpermitting.

Iii 13'ooodlil'1' 1toeratory,'.buot simply13
b(ralse too' rozpieeseniiie100501100'' o-
ltlat Ic heI'lritioil Coo viinioo'. itis
useess for lutist(menl to Iiter 10 eolO-
test ifier emnly two or 011ree mionthslO
1repa1t10ionl too i tiemop' osn 1)1i'. idbenn rai-fo'molre thiloa
year.01'. et all 011'e111'en f i lis 111110.1-
0113' oshose 11013' sootitiaos or soy
ability ini the home of oratory,'.tgot-11
gethle bc'otye toes100of 01110 olitoitr',
.anmd formi ~n or-gmiiitio for hoc'ier
feetinog of thocmsets-coi010tlios i(n..
Studoy thocnuore a01111strotreti of aii
oration; bcg'iio sr 110g noow,ws-itle
there is still plhemty' of timoe for mes
samry'changes (01011correetion. tTI.- -
by the time of to'e mxt contest, cach
mian's orationi sill hoave bcomeo a 101rt
of trimo, Nvill stamoc for the best mm omme
swhole year of hotslitfe. Wilosasha
group of contestants to select Crom00,
thoere eon be 'no doubt so-literer .1s. to
thme result of time outcoime.

S. Sate st.
Ann Arbor

Opposite Oort Rouse '"zognes Ascaces 'k e .1r(05 clmsm.. -
Main s. t sr)-Wagner.

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