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May 08, 1897 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-05-08

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Received a full line of Novel
ties for Spring Suits
and Trouserings
ill disappear i you take our
Beef. Iron and Wine fr
a spring tonic. We make it.
and know it's good. Ittomes
# in 50 cent bottles.
Light Weights!
The Shoes we are selling now
re the lighter weights - the
kinds you will wnt to wear
through the summer months-
and we have providd them in
Black and in all the newest Cho
colate shades and Green Colors
-sines and widths to fit any foot
normally and naturally-prices
to fit any purse.
Better ;
r Last year woos our firl eper-
tote in stlling sds water. Wer
know better how now. We hovt
bets experimenting eer sincelast
r July, trying to make our drinksj
omutt palatable, more satsatory.
We think we bows suceeded. S
will you when yu try them. Wej
a re ready for you.
9 j
Just received another lot of
that fine U. of M. Monogram
Paper, the popular shades
Bloc and White; also a New
Stock of the oVarious High
Grade Correspondence Paper.
Visiting Cards Engraved, and

sion at Evanston, Ill., wilts Vice Pres3i- iary; Molrss Fannie Davis, University
denat Remsch in flit chair and tie £ ol- of Iowa, treasures'.
lowing -repreoetatives present. Ann This contest was won by F. P. Sad-
Arbor, J. E. Roberts, It. L. Tiobelo, N. ler, of Michigan,,second place going to
J1. MefGuire; University of Wisconsini. A. B. 'Smith, of Wisconsin.
J. F. A. Pyre, J. H. Turner and H. W. At te neeting of the lea: ue am
Freeman; Northwestern, A. L. Mason., Iowa ('ity, Iowa, May I, '9a. Vie Pre
H. TI. Ecklin and 1.. N. Roll oterliis. blent Brooks, of Iviitgan, occuipieu
A.H. Corrner, A.2Il. Ingraham and H. tilechair owinig to the absence of Pros
caI. Jones; University of Iowsa, Geo. idenst Henning. 'The following repro-
Beardsley, L.tH. tFuller and V. XV. selitatives were present: Eli P. Usco.
Kayt. After the first bossiniess meet- nett, John C. Singleton, Chas. H. F~ah.:,
lagk President Iteinoch presideud; West- Norihwvestern; H. F.. Atsvood, A. Bow-
'eli Reserve's application for admiso- rs, W. 0. Wilson, Chicago; C. kRex-
;,ion wa-s lald sn the table; e-)iistite- ford, Benj. F. Stami lso, Oberlin Coi-
lion amnded so that the orator repre- lege; B. A. Elwvard, A. [H. S °hmidt.
Sentinig tihe iiistitstiY where cotntest Wisconsin; H1.XV. 1-lansen, Perey I.
is held is to speak first. Kayt, WX. B. Gutlie, towa; J. I.
The following officers owert eleced Mays, F. L. Ingraliani. J. B. Brooks.


for 1893: Geo. P. Hills, Northwestera,
isresident;:Cleo. Beardsley, to .ea, first
rice psresident; .1. B. Johnonsi. An.n Ar-
bsr, second vice isresident; F. '-\. Jaick-
sen, Wiseolisin, secretary, atii .. r..
15. IHart, Oberlin, treasurer.
A. L. Ma.-son. of Northwvestern,. w01
lirst at thits contest and J. F. A. tyre.
oif XWisonsin. second.
President Hill called the mintoI
order at Oberlin, Ohio, May 5tll, 18W.
fT follosving delegates wvere preseti:
P, S. 1H-aven and E. I. Goshleni, Norilh-
western; AL. F. Iilbkan, .WVRhiil
aiid C. It. Raymiond, of Oberlin; H. H.
Jacobis, ..P. Doherty and F. 11..lack.
c:ii. of Wisconsin; H. P. iWillia-s~s, C.
C'. Fracker, 0. .It. L.. Mason, of losa;
X V. It. Evans, J. B. Nelson asdl L. (x.
long. AMIll Arbor. Chicago University
vas 5adittled to contest in '94.
Till folloseill officers were elected
Ior 1894: B. tG.)Mattsonl, lltrin,
presidient; 11'. XW. XWedeoc'yei'. AllI
.ki'bor, vice'presid-lnt; J. F. RIobsrts,
Northwestern. second vice lpresidle'nt;
a1. E. ttavceoft, Chicago, thirid vi.
plies-Idelt.; Miss Zul,:,m 1a tstoIllllsky,
Ieswa niv-ersilty, secretoiry; 1B. Hetn-
iig. XAistonsin CUnive'rsityli-caslier,
P. 0,. Long, of Michigan received l
fiest honor in the cotest aol II.
laeobs, of Wisconsin, second.
'Te onvention of '94 nic May 4th
at Madison, XWisoesin. 'Thleeommit- I
t 01n credentils aploinleel by t"re-si.
dent 'Mattson rl'lcrftedtheliii' inlilto f
the following delegates: G. C. Frack-
er, P. L. Ksaye and S. D. Riniker. Ilo-st
University; F'. P. Sadlier, B. I.. tlivee
landl XW. XV. Wsedemneyer, Michilgan PLO.
s-elsily; B . {l attson, S. D. Callen-
ter, thicagotUniversity; E. -A. Lake,
E. X'. Pierce andI J. IC. Ilsie, Obterlin
('ollege; .'More Eriseon, E. J. 04cosliesi
slid C. A. Ramsety, Northwsestern,: Al-
onzo H. Slmithl, Eobt. Reinao and E.

'['le following oftlcers were elected:
I'. XV. Becknman. Iowa. University.
prersident; A. B. Konivels, Northwvest-
era, first vice-presidenit; S. P. Ortbi,
tOberlini, seecoid vice-plresienet; A. B.
Schmiidi. XWisconsin, third vice-presi-
lent; J. H. Quarles, Miechigan, seere-
tlly; A. Bowvers. C'hilago, treasurer.
IFiest and second places in the roll-
ltsoert giveni to J. H. MllIo-5. of
Michigan, anid It. A. Elvard, of Wis-
cousin, respectively.
The League malt mu (llago May I
mnd 2. '91;, presided over by Acting
PresidentiH. TXV. HanisonlofIowa(01..'lilt
rpresentaltives present were: C. L.1I
Itassiveiler, tC. [I. Ring, B. . Ward,
Northweistern; IC. B. Dowo,NI. J. Gil-
lenl, A. H. Schit, Xisonssin; I. A.
Sllebbins, E. X'. Crahill. Oberlin; E. C.
M1001, J. !JI. Wsilson,. X. C. Reeler,
Iowa; 11. F. Atwesd, wV. r. Wvilson.
A. Gtover, Chiceago;J.RH. Qularles, W.
.. Mert,IC. L. [ngrahani. Michliganl.
The' officers elected oert as folloows:
H-. F-. Atwvood. Chicao, presidenst:
G. [C. aynor, Oberlin. first vice-plresi-
d1e1t; F. B. Dole. XWisconisil, seColid
vcee-presidenl; WX. C. Kteefer, [owa.
ta.iid vicet-presideni; E. H.tlutcins.
Northlwestern, seeretary; C. W. Sea-
bury, .Michigan. trelasurer.
-. tL. Ingr~aam, of 'Mieliigaai, re-
ceived first place on lilt contest andt
B. IC. Waird. of Nortlioestern.seond.
'flit league niet yesterday afternson
i Alpha. ll hall to transact the reg-
ular business for 189T. President At-
uxonod, of C'hicago, called the meeting
to order with the follsowing repre.
sentatives present: Northwoestern, S.
M. Fegiley, orator; E. D. Hutcihins,
delegate; S. P. Hart, alternate; Ober-
101, WN. L. Washington, orator; C. K.
'racy, alternate; H. K. Hawley. dele-
gate; XWisconsin, Robert Wild, orator;
Iowas, H. Xv. Hanson, orator; E. C.

Itihigan, president; Robert Wile.
Wiisonsin, first vice-president; E. G
Copeland, towa, second vice-presdent;
M. . Gallagher, Chicago, third vice-
president; I. C. Guld, Oberlin, sec-
retary; J. B. Porter, Nortwestrn,
Several amendenes to the constitu-
tion in regard to the methods of se-
lectinig judges were proposed and re-
ferred to committees.
The treasurer's report showed a de-
fii-ency, and a motion was passed to
comnpel the universities inotthe League
to pay their back assesmentus witina
thity days.
Banquet to Viitor.°
Tile banuset leldl at Pretymuan's
after lie celneettnas a most enjoyable
affair. file orators anti repreeita-
tives of the diferent uniersitis .,at
dowsn to a most excellemt table amd
there pleasant ons rsltisl, toasts
anti 'frienidship lprevailed, wh-ile rialy
amno disappoinmnmt oser defeat os-ti
After the mienu wvas sereel th-~ gah--
ering resolved itself int a "smoe'n J hnlr tiittlskerf
trotnosler, caled on the secodlon-
or 'ilea Of the uniersities ts respond
to toasts. Charles Simos, of Mfihi-
gan in behalf of the home nsoiatin,
welconsedlth guests in a nst crdial
mianner.Otiher-tinsts oert respondel
to as followos: "tFraeniy of Col-
legsos," Edwsin S. HuIsthins, ol tilses-
ecm; "The O~atoe in College" Robert
Wild, Wiseosnoim; "Tie Oraor in1 Pol-
ities," C'... lyolIowa; "Tie Omatr
in tilt'Pulpllit"T. ,aemtem, Chigo;
'"Tilt' Oator -li;thle 'Table," C. K.
'filol-, Oberlin; "flit Ortor in Vieo', .I.Ae.Te vr l
gloven in ll easltlingE manmer and ier-
[Pmof. Fiakeleger, sf Wisconsin,
a11111Pof. Trumblood wore also called
111111 resisolidwaithi seehes ofsvolue-
to stmdentms of ortr. It swas in the'
snisall hoiurs of liemorneling tht the
jolly felowsshitp osas edraw1n1 to a las,
a11111tleidifferent colllege yells given
as a11 exsmesioml of the foefiig that
Pres. Angell in Wahington.
XWashington May h.-P[resident An-
gell, 'of Anni Arbor University, whoo
hiss arrived hee for cosultation with
till' president and state detartmentt
officials egareing his speial missionl
to 'Turkey, ow-nt to te whlit heuso
and the state department this morn-
tug and hiddia long conferele on the
slubject of his imloralt mad deliate
task. Ils interview swith the scrtary
of stlate lstedl moe than on hour ad
resulted ill 0 very thorougtundes-
standing Of the situation in Turkey;
and the special aimls that the new en-
voy is to keep in view.
Subscribe for the Dily.

W AHR'S BOOK STORE I1.t-tenning, Wisconoin tUivee-:ty.

Up Town Down Town
S. Sate st. Opposite C~ourt House
Ann Arbor Main st.
--Special rates to Seniors at
E. Huron Street

'The follsowing officers oert -"ierte' Copelanld, delegate; C. J. Lynchs, alter.-
for 1893: E. J. I-leaning, uive'tsity nate; Chicago, Mt. F. Gallagher. orator;
of XWisc-onsin, presisdent; XX. XX. IMadm- H. F. Atwood, delegite; It,. Iuutem,
so, Aorthw'eotern, first vice presidenlt, alternsate; ictihlgan, B. Ft. Aloes, ora-
J. B. Brooks, University of lieahgal. test;, C. Simons, alternate, F. A. Bow-
stcoldl vice president; J. A. Htawlesy, ers, delegate.
Oberlin, third vice presidenst; V. 0. The, following officers wtre unani-
XXilson, University of Chicago, seere- asosly elected: Stewart I. Talons,I

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