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May 07, 1897 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-05-07

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VOL. VII. No. 163.



Received a full line of Novel-
ties for Spring Suits
and Trouserings
will disappear if you take onr
Beef, Iron anti Wine for
a a spring tonic. We moake it,
0( and know i's good. It comes
in 50 cetbtls
Are those Green and Chocolate
Colored Shoes for Spring and
Sumnoer wear. The summer
girl will not find it hard to get
jost the shade of shoe or oxford
her fancy dictates or her costume
requires if abe comes here for it.

Evens Up Matters With the Ohio
State University.
MIichigisi's string tof sitorirs 111u1
fir Shiloseasooiiis a sliost oisc.bttthe
sleolity or' bill play5ed yesterd-
pio ntises 0 111ch leinger osne before tilt
-:Cas15 on 01ove. AMielligin thad as op-
pileellthistOhio Stlate Uoisersity.Ali~o
1w01 liii' 01110 01n1the spting; trips by a
s1c100 (f 52 to 11, 11n11 the'iviy the
Ohiloansswesiselot-playe~d stidl ut-bit-
ted brousght 0s111e of ti's'olstime
C'1i 1 6-)111frss thle lllllll'0"'golt
celdLa55'sie a yardll sides'to oN't'r-
Wastkinos dShSieolds. 'lThe scort" wa1
11 10 4 1 intA.itlsicast faor~l.

Artrlgil,tc ......... 2 0 2 0
Toa0.........1.....1115 0 27 8
O.S. UitI. '. P.A.
Mclteer. r ...... .... .0 1 0 0.
Salyre,)......111 ..... . 0 0 2 5
Soobr, 1. f...........0 10 00
Boll. 1 ............1 0 11.
Magley, o.f ..........0 0 3 0
I runelm. 2 b.......... . .0.23
Tyer, ..............2 0 7 4
Gsilberton, p..........0 0 0 1
Bower, .5......... 0 5 23
Toa0.......15 .......1 4 27 12
ccInigs ....... 0 1 2.3 45 0 0 8 0
Mcia.......0152100200..T1........ 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0-


Earsrned us-A lilil. 7; Otlio3. Lerft 011
boors--\iliiglal. 51;1)11io1;. First tselon 11
Strulcklout-Icy SOieliar,115.J; ICutlbertsonl.4.
Stolilbaslos -liligcan,.1it;' tOhiss. 3.Iiild
dotll -lbellal. 'limeiof1 lI tw0100bour1n.
In Honor of the Orators.
Thelt thl1tic1 1 10 sttO lit Ittll tilt
2 .5tiotitore' 1111 lre-;lilsieu 'laos 's tis
arft t'issti igis I'llin 11ono000of tse tiele
tgt t's t,. t111e0 NolisetnO ratstorical
1.s'ssossc osnteot,.<1lid inicaltions poisnt

fi?.ll111wao in lt'e bosx 'ltotr ; <lli i ttt'o i eil . Si '55

and p5 titc'eds'aisiuperbs game51frotmtfirt
Iso slst t'H51155 steadyl alol tioosgt
aililwting only two baseon b1111s. and1
fitelded Isis poislttin p'rfetlyi Nvii n;tt
litesi' 1504. tHe'is cre dltes ichilin
sitriki' outs1.
t'Culetsonl.ftsr 01110o11d1d tot iJo)s0
Nvell, but pitichsdl ood silall ntillot
fwx0 sinings. lsg'l'55t55u,'ilt slfsair

r seutatit es or both crosses are rrr 110ou

,a.is cuhs 'yler fist (. it. UI'.,i
H - 1 1111 05 11ta 501we k.escia.iltly i t'ttw -
W. J A rRI L.L, Iitig to biss. I Etii ee of this is t'e
13 WASHINGTON ST., ANN ARBOR. fic t 111 _lsiganlistuol11icc'lsthasni
5 1;ss. ''rttt'sigis's ctch ellof 0 lis''
list fitcnter i'ldis nd55L5do'ls'
0 A-A 0 istiig werefs'stusres. For 0. I'. I.
BetterP'''~ 0 teibest piysis ta tpss'fectthriows'
0 0 It 111 cete i ells btyl11' Iagi's'. el'llillg
Soda XWater ! 1111 ~ h
LaOst yercwi'. ourfirst esperi- 1101 I'lt 115 srioisls'ssh
0 eusce in selling soda water. Woe 'sitIsiis 111ht ss g0c
0 knoiw better hein. ai.We bssh:a"ve b' 0 l'05 vieijtt loi
0~~~~ to Souc011i st ose11, Ball bliockedtsill,
0 been rxperimenting ever since lost a 100 iti' rl 111 sl.re s t
0 Je~ly, trying to miake oar drinks
0 more palatable, more satisfactory. 0 'tlilll0i1resioissl45
0 tWe thinki oe base succeeded. So 505tilcoltOIelei.BlIil
s will you wken you try them. Wec 0 oitsnslf hisosed for thit st.
0 are ready for you. 0 iM" iciganorgotot' rtniill liha oer'osts
0alantSfiv'e s is ie thirod OILsix stoleni
a --x"'--- baits"to sab ses en1101l0, all error
i0 1antlhit'bys «I 11ff, (Condton.BtllI 5s
CU LMIS PAR AC ,0 ge anistiwitright. To store ster
00 0'Icddeill i the onext on kits by C'oiio
__________________________________________ andsi O ads is Vsolisoreso1100bass asnss
--AT- allcirsos.Asiother 5run wa00 s00red1 Si
thisthadto ill theoeighthlin
W AHR'S BOOK STORE. i10Th f s cn i ltii.a srifice < 100er
Just received another lot of 0.S .gtosl 0 100t io '
that fineU. of M. onogram iBot four issing's. In the ifthl
thatfin U. f M Mongra lisyscoroed osse 011 alilt,110 erros', sod
Paper, tho popiular shados Silt by pitches ll0. Onoe ron tasS
Bitue aild White; also a New add.iun i each fthe sixth, -sev'enthi ald
Stock of the o2Various High 'ighlthinnusings. On lsoth the ceighith
Grade Correspondence Paper. slid ninfhisnnisings eeiscos sruckeli1
Visiting Cards Engraved, and twonesi.
PlatelPrinting. Assllrury follosws:
MICHIGOANs B. 11. F. A. E.
Woelf, s ............. 25 0 11
hieardi2... _1
WAHR'SJ BOOK STORE Bodn . ........:.
Bute r.f.. ..50 2 2505
U Tow DownTown Sulivani3 b.. .5....01 5 5 1
lpAwsOw on Ludlow, 1. ........30 5 0 5
S. Sate st. Opposite ConsetHouse Magrc '... 5..... 5...0 1 10 501
Ann Arbor Min sut. Secehap .....I . 5..... 5 0 05 05

shsspie. t'Iles' ilos. will endeavor' ~ ~tol
riesain use ostrs'sss,'giined at tiie
de1trmined lto revs','" t'e 1order of
things. Tllhootirst's'ettwsill be IslletS
isrossi t s4oilock. TFe110 sllionll
ills stoeen 1 p 'l 111t 5 <11110. hidiel'h
free. Thelis' dustof ev'ts10n1111ontiest
1uer, Bords iois Lilom's, '99.iss 'sl
IO'e-quarter'liils'-t'slbs. latit1114( 1,
'505: Kl'it. ;Stein, 's)t
220'Uldash-Avier, Thsompssons",19ItS l-
its'. Bc'nsonii 'r "sot ls. '010.
Ont)-shal titsllA"ilt'ils t's'111
5ihtisn. '0.
Alils' tlun-.Olitleso'5'. )ts 1:11, Oh"
Ie's'.'9t); Woodi hlsoh'ssi.'L h:.sst
22(s a ~ sold0 llilO-Ayrtss.aRest, 'Slit;
MctLeansa, 00O1'St.
Bishl. 'Turner'i, Ysok, '01), (To hbe!tilit
S~hsst iic-Joyte', I 'sil, 'T'ryons.v;);s
.tsttnle's'. Hodlgmans, '0(1.
Hamm110er' thiow -'SlliltI, itighit,
'%lyou, '990; .lultsss'r, ll'eoLia, Os).
Palie vaut-ood, A-(Lasi, T00r1y'n1,
!leadl, Osavis. '00).
Bsroad jump-sic-itlcits', '599; S'tt'atu.I
Hligh 51111151-AJso e, su.'S9S;. Davis,
tffl'als isoe110 follossvs:
S'ilrter-'Dr. hiilltlli'O'.
't'i1000--DO, Ftzgralsd, ltt'sld, lot.
Judilges at lI iis---Pr1f.. Welsiey'
"tCounst" Hll . IS. IGIosslimog
F'ield Jssdges-Ht'ssninsger, it.seI'oss.
L. tHubsbasrd.
('herb of Course-WNXeisste.1
Assistanst Clers-o-Ferbert, Browni.
Th~e ball gisoobetwveenstise Sopho-
iose and Al-Ftreshman teamis wilh be
called at 4 o'clock also,

All the Orators Except One Are
Allthtie cdlegtes whio 010 to hlso
1101 ti the oraioricoalecontest tonight
ar'eo 01tgroundlcettcing te onet
fromOti rloin. H tr 00511'050115 115''V.
L. . Oosington. wtill 1011v0 af 1:25.
AsS tousso lookedoveOt: 0 iit'esitt' 14a11
andtS oimlIess tfliels s OWeloli cit'-
bied th Lits eottOldlluilticO .land ('dtt
feel, Conuidentocfsucceoss.
Mr. Alveosreril dfor tlst ottimles
Wftillsd.1S" 01i111t.1nd5sowed gesat
ii1551115'm000t 01110c l the Univteriy on-
tesf.,oatS if littfails to add iafolisecto
_Mittigans ' log lie of vitorits 1n
thiese cotsts, Irissdefeast oilsoees sbe
At theisolstImomient ffolbie'es,
100050 ill setlig jdgeo. t'sof sor
l"Ia11k0111111501'. 'f Oi'.eouisi. hst 0o-
je'ted S0tio s. t ohn L.tGrifihs, oso
of 0110 jugeson11delisvey. Judge
t'llalil'o, of Buffalo, was oplocsedt 1b
'DuissHutBctinsl, 011d1 Mr. Blkbsltliis
slotsendeaoIroing to setr 511111.but ir
rimylSbett'eclessary5'to go on with ti h1
to judlgeron01deleiery.
'h'iiontssest swill lbe opc'eds'ths . 1. 11.
shasis, 1101d00at t 110110tie(oo:s twll)
to' lockiedh uisndxciho' b eet looIkesd ex-
ceststtwee'usslecesl.0MSr. aoes, for
Slhe11glgsh, still oien 10til olllOs.
1il''ban11sue1t 5romisies to 'b 1 11100
ejoyableitanuS fusciossso011. It sill
bh' st ritly o ria dilt011 1, 0sc otbe 11
sg saffair 11'. 5. Chsandlerowitasst
10 SoaistiIst't 011dhtoasts swill bse
girush ise'lllit.tets. T IsotIus'
of 11thcontest sill ;alo sek.
Leave Tonight for Chicago.
'Tles'''itto' liyb~sseball ernliltod
hseav'e'at 1:1)0 't'iot'itonig ia thels
UitcligduhlCera~sl for ('kicago, wis'_e"
tile Uniestytoil'f Chiago soill bhoplay-.I
edSaudy oi11115.tn 5Monday they meet1100
XXttissii st lodiou don, ii 1 tefol-
lowingO'ednseosayagin la1115'Clego
os. Mlariall tFeld. This gamelt:s'k''s-
111d(5 tihilBeloit 11hasesien 1ca"nceled.
I'tesideloo Mansiget Atksinisons Asilstst
Mansager Oelfoi sh lLS ('00111Wakirut
1110 following playes sill siske up
ft'h11par's: Siller. ic'rsss, (Colur,
tHearsd. Wolff, SullivansLudslllotw, Bt-
ler, Andstons, atooseilit asd twso
oters fo besesle'uted thilssftsrioos.
W.I. C'handlet sll be toasniaster
at the Oratorial A.ssoeisoiosi banqutt
tosnight instead of S33r. Blaekburo's, s
statetSin us ~terdy's Daily.
Anl-Freshmen vs. Ann Ar-
bor High School at Athletic
Field Saturday, May 8, at
3:30 o'clock.

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