. e FRIIDAY, MAY 7, 1897. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. VOL. VII. No. 163. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, I Received a full line of Novel- ties for Spring Suits and Trouserings 1897 NO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN. 1 THAT TIRED FEELING" will disappear if you take onr Beef, Iron anti Wine for a a spring tonic. We moake it, 0( and know i's good. It comes in 50 cetbtls PALMER'S PHARMACY. 4S.STATE ST. IDEAL SHOES! Are those Green and Chocolate Colored Shoes for Spring and Sumnoer wear. The summer girl will not find it hard to get jost the shade of shoe or oxford her fancy dictates or her costume requires if abe comes here for it. MICHIGAN AWINS. Evens Up Matters With the Ohio State University. MIichigisi's string tof sitorirs 111u1 fir Shiloseasooiiis a sliost oisc.bttthe sleolity or' bill play5ed yesterd- pio ntises 0 111ch leinger osne before tilt -:Cas15 on 01ove. AMielligin thad as op- pileellthistOhio Stlate Uoisersity.Ali~o 1w01 liii' 01110 01n1the spting; trips by a s1c100 (f 52 to 11, 11n11 the'iviy the Ohiloansswesiselot-playe~d stidl ut-bit- ted brousght 0s111e of ti's'olstime C'1i 1 6-)111frss thle lllllll'0"'golt celdLa55'sie a yardll sides'to oN't'r- Wastkinos dShSieolds. 'lThe scort" wa1 11 10 4 1 intA.itlsicast faor~l. Artrlgil,tc ......... 2 0 2 0 Toa0.........1.....1115 0 27 8 O.S. UitI. '. P.A. Mclteer. r ...... .... .0 1 0 0. Salyre,)......111 ..... . 0 0 2 5 Soobr, 1. f...........0 10 00 Boll. 1 ............1 0 11. Magley, o.f ..........0 0 3 0 I runelm. 2 b.......... . .0.23 Tyer, ..............2 0 7 4 Gsilberton, p..........0 0 0 1 Bower, .5......... 0 5 23 Toa0.......15 .......1 4 27 12 ccInigs ....... 0 1 2.3 45 0 0 8 0 Mcia.......0152100200..T1........ 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0- 0 3 E 0 a 0 1 0 0 1 1 i Al -4 Earsrned us-A lilil. 7; Otlio3. Lerft 011 boors--\iliiglal. 51;1)11io1;. First tselon 11 Strulcklout-Icy SOieliar,115.J; ICutlbertsonl.4. Stolilbaslos -liligcan,.1it;' tOhiss. 3.Iiild dotll -lbellal. 'limeiof1 lI tw0100bour1n. In Honor of the Orators. Thelt thl1tic1 1 10 sttO lit Ittll tilt 2 .5tiotitore' 1111 lre-;lilsieu 'laos 's tis arft t'issti igis I'llin 11ono000of tse tiele tgt t's t,. t111e0 NolisetnO ratstorical 1.s'ssossc osnteot,.<1lid inicaltions poisnt fi?.ll111wao in lt'e bosx 'ltotr ;