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May 05, 1897 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-05-05

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VOL. VII. No. 161.



Received a full line of Novel-
ties for Spring Suits
and Trouserings
$ will disappear if you take our $
Beef, Iron anti Wine for$
a spring tonic. We stake it,
adbrow it's good. It tosses
is 30Ocenat bottles.$
* 465S. STATE ST.
Are these Green and Chocolate
Colored Shoes for Spring and
Somsmer wear. The summer
girl will not find it hsard to get
just the shade of shoe or oxford
her fancy dictates or her costume
requires if she comes here for it.
v 0
Soda Water!
iC Lost year was oar fSrst experi-t
oace in setling codttester. We p
knootsbetter bowe, sow. We bass
e been experimenting eveor sintce last0
0 July, trying to make ens drinks 0
stmore palatable, more satisfactory.
N We think cweaeintoeded. S
sawil yea when youtrtshalens We 0
are ready for yost.
Just receivedI another lot of
that fine U. of M. Monogram
Paper, the popuilar shades

Concerning Inter-Class Athletic
Tue followving are thse rsules goverti-
lug inter-class athlletic contstos adospt-
cd Stycte Athletic Board:
1. As, to gamtes, officials, protests,
1. All btasebtall gamies slicill Ste slayed
icc cordinig to else sedusle establishetd
by She btasebtall conmmiittee of tise Ati-
ileicBosard, a11d1shlsslnot Ibegint earlier
Sta Ste seodwseek after the spsritg
2. All footbll gams shaciill Ste ilayed
Atccosrding So te scheuecle estalishedt
bty the foortball commtiittee of the Ath-
letic Boa d, adishtall nat be-giti eartlier
ShltitNovember 1.
I'Tuie officials sf the tbasebtall nuil
footbacll conlcsts shtall Ste aipointedl by
tl-,Ccl estleuht of teo Atletic Ascocut-
tioa, sttndshall miretite (tlcitrtvaltlsf
site cattalints of te celsting Setis.
-S. Etthlcattin~l shall itrt'sest to te
captasin of She cpptosing tella,t, ieasS
fosur daiys before a game, ts list of t
is ises of all te layers on iris team':
aannoiy plttyershost' ntaile shoes ntit
aalis'r c ucts ilist hdollnt lain1
r. .Ail protttsts shll it' tuati" itslasrit-
! t5 gaS t'leat theeday's b'area a~lt'
t~y thiitiaiger or osiptati af tiii" 'o1t.-
t~s:*.g teatmtantl sill lie deliv~eed
dstI e ed, atwuith tomi ic tit"I clo-
ssshall riot.
St. 'Themsnager of lit' .bli-kresliii nsv lt mshlbeafstyars
utah, erctedSty te Athlletic Board
t it lter thtan titer-';sisr )toc'i'ti ii" Slt
JoI Ittlry to Iholdsoffie Sill tthe lfit zy
ef Site followcitug Jutly. 'Tis rttle etlttl
seopserativre October 1. 1.897.
7. 'ritenantager of the All-Frau h~it
footbatll te'attushiall Ste a secondsl ti
ftird y'eatr115a1, elected Styt'e Ath-
letic Board at the first reg ular .noeS-
img after te sptrinig election So holl
otficet' ill tehe trtshy of ithe folios'-
itng Jtanuar'y, anudlie shill Ste a hrts-
ber of the board. 'T'iis rule s1ltall Ste
opertivle Octobter 1, 5597.
St. As to eligibility of tilaye 's:
t. A pilay-er shall cotipete ca-ithte

The Oratorical Content.
Great interest is Sting aroused tolIthe
oratorical contest for Friday evenitng.
The University students huave a5seical
pide and interest in te Nss'theru'
Oratorical Leagute. 'Thle movelisetit Stir
its organization was starletd Sy otte
Kocine .association under Ptrof. True-
hlood's direction, andtin ittSt six con-
teosslueld, Michtigau has lice tome.
wttu firstltottors.
'The fist contest held itt Ann A, .or
iii 1891 scas avon for Mitchigan hsy
Attstin C. Gormtley, irks is now <a lessI-
hlt- lassyer -of W'tie Slphuitl'rtr

Press Reports Enthusiastic in
Their Praise.
Thte Daily continues te rss11-
tices of te dilfecent soloists of Silo
May Festival:
The evening -'as ba de notabtle Sty-
te first appearance ini Philatlelpitia
of 'Gui seppe Catupanari, a Saritone,
wh-Io had 'been enthusiastically receiv-
ed in New' York City. His voite is
wonderfully strong, yet 14iibSle and

Montana. rich an1d welt controlled. Thet role
'T'e second cantest u-as swott lt which uwas his, that of Barnabta, a spy
Nortwesternt, Sttt inthile third year of the Inqstis'ition, u-as exacting and
too",presented a sharp test of his ability
Miciigas aain'arrod 17 ite as an actor a5scvell as violinist. The
'eprsentedl Sy' Lintdley Grant S. si. character is not one to admit of judg-
Itt 1894 IFrank Ptrathuer Sadle'r, w ho inu as to She sympathetic expression
is nots- atmemsber of the seconid yeat of which Catupanari is capabtle, lint
lawv class. againt brottghltt'e eltto ihis voice is so full, sonorotus antI in-
tensely Shrilling 'in its seemingly limm-
JlIciigati. itless penetrativepoethtw ma
''he next y'ear the fitst pla1c elI.1ttosvell Stelieve stim irresistibily sottlftul in
Jastse Henry Muayes, sc-Io grctdut'- quieter roles. His action was full of
fromttih~e law depatrtmettastt ye-tr. She fiery spirit of the ideally vindic-
Latst year She rcltrccttttive frimittivec spy'. Sn short, She part was fauilt-
lessly sung and played, and She and-
Jlicltigan awas Fred L.. Itngrttiam-. w lkee on a numlier of occasions Str-
agaio brotit: victory- to A :I a\~ 0 r. -camse almost uproarious in its entlstts-
Mr. Ittgrahuamtuis itocaitt charge ort tttciasttt over lils work.-Phuiladlelphsia
depaitrtmetclt of tee'loction el Evening Bttlletin.
Itteit at t'e ltigalt State Noro al. sItS KATHERINE BLOODGOODP.
Mrs. Bloostgood has a vselltatrtic
Unity Club Entertainment. quality and delightftlly masical. She
'Tt' lat of the Un--ity flusitst-rics of sings witht perfect tunefulness, and in
eteltrtasinmten'ts asill Sti giveti this ev-etn- point of sty-he and feeling, slur sanig
lir solos claruingy.-Boston a h ntra hrhpros -otnHeral.
lugatSit tlii~ra~uclttrlulialos, Mrs. Rhooclgood's alto nutmbers were
B-ig specil reqtuest ti' clu- ill rieteat given satiotfaetor"ily. Site sang u-itl-
lihe pec-fortiance oftifelurfare comtedy, ottt any' attenmpt at display, and per-
"Th liety-clers," written syc-hln lent- fornied 'her task ill a conscientions
lir-k Bantgs, anduth tat brig-t.ltle tmasntner Sthrotughout te evening-Bos-
ton Daily Glolir.
luece, "Six ('I-hs of Chola~te~c," sy-
Edit Jllhc5v.Thedraati elterTHE ORCHESTRA.
1-S~llt atusca- ''ht' uatutli ettte- 'FTe orelteotra. tunder the cdireetiont of
titteltt is to Ste followved b Itssocial. \I r. Otollenhaur, acconmpaniedciM
Aslotrission tmty bte'hudnbt Sheregttltar tRutel in a usost discreet auth sitia-
stotllicet'Sof the Unity Clttbiorttby ftactory nantner. Mr. Nikischtcolda
hsstyuts'lt oftrt cnts.study to huis adlvantagr sttch able eon-
dutetitug as 'Jtr. Molietuhuter did, ott
Great Sprinter Dead. this oeas-on-Warren Davrnport, in
thue Boston'Teavrir'.
Johstu11'. Cetiti, Gritnntll ColIlege' No little psraise is dute to te Boston
grat sprinter, died at Dro'Moinco yes- F~estivat otceusira.. Their work
Sc-elay' as Slurerstilt of alt olerdltid-flthroughottt thue Frotival loas bten of
'hpcrfot'metdchfor applendcicitis. Sil oc -tIe lhightrst order.-Washtington Post.
ot-d foe Slur 100 yards tuash was h.1-5- JENOSIE RAE SPENCER.
issSpne icssssawodr
set'., thec-atuatett e ucord. tied fitov 2 pnerpsess odr
fully good voice, attd sher aas a picture
yarss.25 4-5 see., She tiest recorid fe" in a dainty gown of delicate coloring.
th~e distance on a track withi a tri Site.has mtagnetismt, uafune stage rers-
MSr. 'C'etisvwas sweli liked Sty ese'-v yence, anld sings easily any' dittilt
boidy and asas espiecially popula:- score.-Bloston Post.
amn-t he -athletes from te diffoeett'The nosy and risicig favorite, Mliss
colleges sc-itopepteedagaitnst hlit Jennieho Mae Spetncor, wshio appeared
She 11'. I. A. A. A. uet.S in full Scorch costtce, sang 'Charlie
Mlachee" in the himost artistic msanner
Tile Regents weill nieet today aS DiE- and svith a sincerity that was indeed
tiolt aithSie appoinhrinent of an acting refreshing. Her number was inter.
president will Ste definitely made, preeled wvith admirable tendernass of
expression, and with an artistic grace
Michigan vs. 0. S. U. Thurs- and dramatic fervor that -won her
day, May 6, at 4:15 o'clock. hearty applause.-Boston 'Globe.

Blue and White; also a New te-nt of thse class in whichihte is regis-
Stock of the uVarious High t--erd. The L'ttivcrsity recoord shall be
Grade Correspondence Paper. fittal in till cosrs.
Visiting Cards Engraved, and 2. No pleson shall cottpete iu any
Plate!Printing. iraer-class "baseball or football con-
_______________ test sc-io is considered a membieL of thie
W AHR'S BOOK STORE cottespotiding .'Varsity team during
the sauteor.ason Styte manager antI
Up Town Down Town captain of that train.
S. Sate nt. OppositieCourt Bousen
Ann Arbor Cain 8t. h (Continued on 'third Page.)

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