hco DNESDAY, MAY 5, 1897. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. VOL. VII. No. 161. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WE c WLD Received a full line of Novel- ties for Spring Suits and Trouserings 1897 NO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN. "THAT TIRED FEELING" $ will disappear if you take our $ Beef, Iron anti Wine for$ a spring tonic. We stake it, adbrow it's good. It tosses is 30Ocenat bottles.$ $PALMER'S PHARMACY. * 465S. STATE ST. IDEAL SHOES ! Are these Green and Chocolate Colored Shoes for Spring and Somsmer wear. The summer girl will not find it hsard to get just the shade of shoe or oxford her fancy dictates or her costume requires if she comes here for it. W. J. APRILL, 13 WASHINGTON ST., ANN ARBOR. Better0 v 0 Soda Water! iC Lost year was oar fSrst experi-t oace in setling codttester. We p knootsbetter bowe, sow. We bass e been experimenting eveor sintce last0 0 July, trying to make ens drinks 0 stmore palatable, more satisfactory. N We think cweaeintoeded. S sawil yea when youtrtshalens We 0 are ready for yost. CALKINS'-- PHARMACY. --AT- WAHR'S BOOK STORE. Just receivedI another lot of that fine U. of M. Monogram Paper, the popuilar shades RULES AS ADOPTED Concerning Inter-Class Athletic Contests. Tue followving are thse rsules goverti- lug inter-class athlletic contstos adospt- cd Stycte Athletic Board: 1. As, to gamtes, officials, protests, etc.: 1. All btasebtall gamies slicill Ste slayed icc cordinig to else sedusle establishetd by She btasebtall conmmiittee of tise Ati- ileicBosard, a11d1shlsslnot Ibegint earlier Sta Ste seodwseek after the spsritg vatction. 2. All footbll gams shaciill Ste ilayed Atccosrding So te scheuecle estalishedt bty the foortball commtiittee of the Ath- letic Boa d, adishtall nat be-giti eartlier ShltitNovember 1. I'Tuie officials sf the tbasebtall nuil footbacll conlcsts shtall Ste aipointedl by tl-,Ccl estleuht of teo Atletic Ascocut- tioa, sttndshall miretite (tlcitrtvaltlsf site cattalints of te celsting Setis. -S. Etthlcattin~l shall itrt'sest to te captasin of She cpptosing tella,t, ieasS fosur daiys before a game, ts list of t is ises of all te layers on iris team': aannoiy plttyershost' ntaile shoes ntit aalis'r c ucts ilist hdollnt lain1 r. .Ail protttsts shll it' tuati" itslasrit- ! t5 gaS t'leat theeday's b'area a~lt' t~y thiitiaiger or osiptati af tiii" 'o1t.- t~s:*.g teatmtantl sill lie deliv~eed dstI e ed, atwuith tomi ic tit"I clo- ssshall riot. St. 'Themsnager of lit' .bli-kresliii nsv lt mshlbeafstyars utah, erctedSty te Athlletic Board t it lter thtan titer-';sisr )toc'i'ti ii" Slt JoI Ittlry to Iholdsoffie Sill tthe lfit zy ef Site followcitug Jutly. 'Tis rttle etlttl seopserativre October 1. 1.897. 7. 'ritenantager of the All-Frau h~it footbatll te'attushiall Ste a secondsl ti ftird y'eatr115a1, elected Styt'e Ath- letic Board at the first reg ular .noeS- img after te sptrinig election So holl otficet' ill tehe trtshy of ithe folios'- itng Jtanuar'y, anudlie shill Ste a hrts- ber of the board. 'T'iis rule s1ltall Ste opertivle Octobter 1, 5597. St. As to eligibility of tilaye 's: t. A pilay-er shall cotipete ca-ithte The Oratorical Content. Great interest is Sting aroused tolIthe oratorical contest for Friday evenitng. The University students huave a5seical pide and interest in te Nss'theru' Oratorical Leagute. 'Thle movelisetit Stir its organization was starletd Sy otte Kocine .association under Ptrof. True- hlood's direction, andtin ittSt six con- teosslueld, Michtigau has lice tome. wttu firstltottors. 'The fist contest held itt Ann A, .or iii 1891 scas avon for Mitchigan hsy Attstin C. Gormtley, irks is now