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May 04, 1897 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-05-04

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, .

VOL. VII. NO. 160.





IReceived a full line of Novel
ties for Spring Suits
and Trouserings
18 97 y

Seventh Annual Contst-Thle
Vjarious Speakers.
[helie Ol null ontest of the -North, J:1
(Isis trical League neenrs in Uice-i
11111allFriday evening,.,.5e*yi7
Tidei le1ague was formled at sheliga
ia of Mlichig-an Seenyeair ,, 11,l.1
is hutisi-Outeset'was held in Ansa kr-

tnese m)eeting at 2 is in. Fridayr and
a- 41). in. the vieleing delegatiast wdl
1,; the guests of tse Oratorical Asso-
(-latson at the Sophomocre-Freehosnr
lvd gaimes.
A Visit tifrnm the Capitol.
flieu-aye and mieans coammiittee of
tihe House of tlelires cntatives onex-
iwectedly drotpted into toesn yesterslay
Io loak 0ovor Cli needs ef the IJnir"-
sityec wih51501 sal reference to tliii- -

Baseball Added to the List of
Attractions at Their Meet.
Theo annual Soishasnore-leree;hisiiain
finch ansi(fieldiseetu-ill he hI-ld at
thie AI hlr-tie Field next T-iiday after-
noons, AMay 7, ansd if tile interest esoun
h~y the iseislle-o«'Inatraining- is 7a cri-
Iloisl, tle events are siche sti e etpirteds

~'- - - C i ~ ls -it-tFi asial c°nig; lis - -- - - - -lissi l Cossly3Tranteetedl. IBoth (l-lssee
i''THAT TIRED E ~ lstugoraut pansi aii isstd ' all 51ai5 siesislaticngtthe115111
ciisg yo tae s gieisterl:itl1 tsiis shestfu lsllriosstheoiifir -iiel-id
cciiie itionpoca lstrssgl1 s hesells-isolmsist fl;2-lt ee ;ortelin fact bos-tugl-ogr thsanshas ap-
Boof, Iron and Weefr io aa10 e-os11cllsgss Ca~llo ll1113 llelreseiIatte s-ly.Sisil, sasei llyiscecians year. lii- 0"wi-5-
at rll tonic. uWe massecit, It- s l p. *'Ileiis }yealrs struiggles- i - I' of11551 Co ts o hoe
S and know its good. It ces se-i tsobe tis- cluessi er 12et - il- t--i isssss. f is te1si-i. o twiof Iatl elsisec1 e teta l .eo tese
0 in 50 ceat botties. f$ Obcsctil lclofus Io i1~Iisril atic is ss(1 CllIi.-eusl o~lt 50Ie n
Th rp sn55ivsfr15 h (if5roi el sInsd cla-sselpirit is rsssiisg- ili 1.
IXpSPHARMACY. fs-A~ests-gs-e ass-;sofsllsssse: l Svasslssi es--.il sssi
PALI)%'S soils si lisle"liilesss iss ts lt-s otI ls iss-sdateofsiorais- al c-ageie h fisigto
'1-6 5. STATE ST. IllsUivrsity sf 1I isosssssilses s otel rtrca 'eaiebil ~
+ oet«il vt aor ll a I -- e tl-s Issai crTitsissil4 ccN-rve ti t I -110 Ig t of May 7iltse reloresel- ivc5
'Anlia Jinigo."' Mr. Atitl(1s1:s c i of Ills- differenisi tillsiicus ccill sall Is
I ulsi 1i11)lat ti lsslas siiilin Afisar
I E l 1 1 ~ S ! iss seesras l )i-l;llll l (]aolg 111155 lcsr i lslis-s hersslls. il5 55I i-il esaissifss- lhe psisIlo e of sfl"rst
1is o fr ths-Tlst foss-e y 1i esals. lis e l iise t-ure ls -sro-a1)ass ln ess i to- 15i15llen.it rys secii.s-sl so
Are these Gieeon and Chocolate fhe scon te si assl oratsssoric-al coto-t hlcl tueiseetsOnhis-s iba--luof S i~lr
us 11-11111 sleilon011 e o~l f ls1o sisi - -
Culoted Shsoes fol Spriiag aiad iiit s--sli .(3lss-isg sasiise flist ily -r~ ley iei-tsirititei
Suimmiei wear. The siassuaer sfts ixiiii.lii is or s.eilii 1 1 elt i -heis 1asse t endlse. s re i
girl ewill iiot find it ihard to got IIweresil we1151 llFleasceist andse eardiI 155 - tst C atet(<Ie;
r i. N'.Ilalsll eprs(11 tie Fllflloers: 1()() ysirilsdili.20 y-rsl
just the sade of shoue or oxford 1 s-llri-ccall-ilit -i lid~ it i
her fancy dictates or her costume usrvofw.Ls t -- -het,<I; 5 dsh oh nae-fosirth ls sie rsiis. cile-hsaif
r uie ifalso comes 1hoeefor t ilsi Nssclhirsi-llroisthe115i5 issilt' rsiu 2:
1wiesift llc scill rs-io thssiri-as-fudill-I ssuie r smie il, 2O lo
I I(two yssirosita es il-sss - ltlsnthies IN120 se ii-
Its se~~--a I uls In. Iss e lliliscd lllie s-lllsllyards- hig hssrdli- Ilta
10) os(Ilt eofIll-s- Ic;is; ios si II Ilsastsii giso st-c.lllll brhosadl Juislis ise sssi, lt
VVi'.atthywol bJ-a t A) RI pl vul,,tO
I((,it'Iths cou-ilisdoills ol 1l"th iii iles lils elce rasie. Iteidslco li a these3
13 WASHINGTON ST., ANN ARBOR. tIc 'ilieesly iof Iowasi silinsin 1501 la
(1110110111lilV seisii t-Is ay s I),, llb a ill a hO hcte-eeis llsheAll-
m11I ils Ic-lso fliialllnI. d 010low tise ar t( dI s lf
0 0 l is o Tss Iigiht of RItevoluion." -iil
0 e te J)tJ0 11 lll-itl1isii l-oi t ols- I se-lssesr-Iiis51ss-lal - o d lilO eiilf ie t- as eIl
0 p or -at this Cook lItise Ia: t iliti. lslisliilil551frt. Tict-,lce mar se I
oi{a"il lO ii is-IS l icin ilisiti i l ls ssllI s ei- Ila l re iilof eithe-r ' t 515 c I
mat i 10 scac spee-v0 ITll'oniliess t-,s--sssi tipe i lf tala 0 oueoar's Cym.un. 1, A]ien
0 0it 6i slA -'ssa sie res v lisle i111,l1" If ill senisli ic iN ecil 1'1i1i!1L .1 ci
Ones i-ill I siwlsl51 lilll-ll sessntil1 Illcltlle 111 f ll
0 sseaess" srsniat 0111 s(sils ie ifil. -iivilhiS.iun\'. l s h se sits-its Ill l ;Isll
0 0 Sp l es c id-O d Alst n s
oe inis- tlile soastisiat osyWe 0 IOlie t o ati'il- f Iisago liiOiflil4sslll-si iiClial 'leI i l .lam-' . 7 i rslli I
0 v-tiiss t ov ceeL -- si-iii~i~i 5 ' tlsiigs--,c-i s fsl -s-silof 1110Is lis elillji s-I fe iii-li lf_ lrC Ii lii- fSc(i
o ilsee n seimnic ng leersinnelat t150 0t il 1le lac

0 irereadly foe yenu.
ii 0!
0° T0
Just receive-I another lot of
that fiuo U. of M. iAonograin
Paper, the popular slhades
Blue and White; also a New
Stock of the OVarious High
Grade Correspondence Paper.
Visiting Cards Engraved, and
Up Town Dlows Tows
&. Sate ast Opposite Court House
Ass Arbor Main St. t

llz, sel ilt of ortioly hI' e esolt
3'15115. aisl l .isen-siadmililtsIdCso lhe
l1sii. Hti he solsisiisss liited u erato
1;1'lili-hagis taosI'svi- seint toi.11sy's-Isis-
lest. is orationlis15 litthle lsheNes-
Stlsial Spirli'-
A soissiesi oratoar, N'.W.IANWllehiigsil,
eti tl el :1feo- Oisorlinl. lie i issil le-
Vi glnli hund 15is llyilig lhis seas'
wonli 111111 ttem seconsd place heLeesi.
Iis s-oieis rich 1<111 caiirlliu 11t0
gamiit of expsresionu. ils orationsi up--
on 'FrisedDuglan" ountlines thie miii-
sities ss--iiiri Dotuglas re-prsents.
(lroin m orator, S.1I Amue;, a '!a-
use of itie Empire Stale, but nacw of
Dcinser, Colorasdon, eels iioiintroduti-
tioni. 5-ie oration is upon time fsiinoii
Si-anieli lReapublican, iCstelarl'"
All of the colleges represonlei lii
send delegations w-ithm headquarters at
the (took house..THere ewill lie a hus-

. . . Isul iss he1al - - - 5 i iT . I ,: 1 1111 lit{
L-isis Y1earParr511.0
C. WI.Msmore, tDeelt .... 25
Lusiser Ealliiu sdilesin]IS. IL.P 1 10th0
11 ii'IIietoniilSuds cty Ihslns1.1
ittsihisi';1 Tit - - --....I6.0)
flu-ese usake a total of $46480, cih
1111es but asi hort Nse- osw 0c-ir hIii p-
sIleini if Shedebet.
1111 tIWonmis a ilague s-omiiiisieo
h i; shgissfuildill c.i-e hasici lull
ass s-ltti-Ii'nenie to ial>'Ie*- iiiii-. lbe-
lin thsgliat it se-bttler 1o gisielt
iulilc a reot.
Professor Wonley Honored.
Pio-fossor Weinhoy issbeens invitetd
to give tile tni-i BelataallAiddress0ill
conncthion scwitli111ileUounuienceent,
Exerces of Northlwestern Ulniveisity.
lHe u-ill also give the omnmencemeont
,Vddlfess at the Stbate Nornmal St-heel,

IllI; si 'z slhIi llleIC o is' sila 1:155zi
tiC li publrss5ictlli 111-feldxv 1 Ills
Issis 1sf thss-boi. Thle it' lus cio'
piilly- s'aiiishsi (lilitnor osstinie-hil
hias he--in Oil 11110 liIellfor z l(-ais- --m
Mountaineering in Alaska.
Thisen'I~ing at S pus11iiiisl t-e(111n-
guei-il l,11 il ilillIIProf. I. C. 1)tsieeU.
ss111 delis-er a lectuire eiled el lfeu-
tllm inlg in l tsl sl Mt. St.Eli-is'
The entert'ainmnit i gisi 1111110liiith
asices i00of the To.-lig Stlen's Cilil.
Whlile oiltheirlveitholtt0hue Omalul
tIg44-i School PurAfessors Dirake -iedl
houstan, of the Unmiversity, stoppied al
Linucoln, Nobroska, to take a look at
till University of Nebraska.
Michigan vs. 0. S. U. Thurs-
day, WVay 6, at 4:15 o'clock.'

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