luf , . VOL. VII. NO. 160. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MAY 4, 1897. FOUR PAGEu-3 CENTS. VOL. VII. No. 160. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MAY 4, 1891. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. i IReceived a full line of Novel ties for Spring Suits and Trouserings 18 97 y NO, 2 E. W ASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN. ORATORICAL LEAGUE. ' Seventh Annual Contst-Thle Vjarious Speakers. [helie Ol null ontest of the -North, J:1 (Isis trical League neenrs in Uice-i 11111allFriday evening,.,.5e*yi7 Tidei le1ague was formled at sheliga ia of Mlichig-an Seenyeair ,, 11,l.1 is hutisi-Outeset'was held in Ansa kr- tnese m)eeting at 2 is in. Fridayr and a- 41). in. the vieleing delegatiast wdl 1,; the guests of tse Oratorical Asso- (-latson at the Sophomocre-Freehosnr lvd gaimes. A Visit tifrnm the Capitol. flieu-aye and mieans coammiittee of tihe House of tlelires cntatives onex- iwectedly drotpted into toesn yesterslay Io loak 0ovor Cli needs ef the IJnir"- sityec wih51501 sal reference to tliii- - FRESHMAN-SOPHOMORE. Baseball Added to the List of Attractions at Their Meet. Theo annual Soishasnore-leree;hisiiain finch ansi(fieldiseetu-ill he hI-ld at thie AI hlr-tie Field next T-iiday after- noons, AMay 7, ansd if tile interest esoun h~y the iseislle-o«'Inatraining- is 7a cri- Iloisl, tle events are siche sti e etpirteds ~'- - - C i ~ ls -it-tFi asial c°nig; lis - -- - - - -lissi l Cossly3Tranteetedl. IBoth (l-lssee i''THAT TIRED E ~ lstugoraut pansi aii isstd ' all 51ai5 siesislaticngtthe115111 ciisg yo tae s gieisterl:itl1 tsiis shestfu lsllriosstheoiifir -iiel-id cciiie itionpoca lstrssgl1 s hesells-isolmsist fl;2-lt ee ;ortelin fact bos-tugl-ogr thsanshas ap- Boof, Iron and Weefr io aa10 e-os11cllsgss Ca~llo ll1113 llelreseiIatte s-ly.Sisil, sasei llyiscecians year. lii- 0"wi-5- at rll tonic. uWe massecit, It- s l p. *'Ileiis }yealrs struiggles- i - I' of11551 Co ts o hoe S and know its good. It ces se-i tsobe tis- cluessi er 12et - il- t--i isssss. f is te1si-i. o twiof Iatl elsisec1 e teta l .eo tese 0 in 50 ceat botties. f$ Obcsctil lclofus Io i1~Iisril atic is ss(1 CllIi.-eusl o~lt 50Ie n Th rp sn55ivsfr15 h (if5roi el sInsd cla-sselpirit is rsssiisg- ili 1. IXpSPHARMACY. fs-A~ests-gs-e ass-;sofsllsssse: l Svasslssi sssi PALI)%'S soils si lisle"liilesss iss ts lt-s otI ls iss-sdateofsiorais- al c-ageie h fisigto '1-6 5. STATE ST. IllsUivrsity sf 1I isosssssilses s otel rtrca 'eaiebil ~ + oet«il vt aor ll a I -- e tl-s Issai crTitsissil4 ccN-rve ti t I -110 Ig t of May 7iltse reloresel- ivc5 'Anlia Jinigo."' Mr. Atitl(1s1:s c i of Ills- differenisi tillsiicus ccill sall Is I ulsi 1i11)lat ti lsslas siiilin Afisar I E l 1 1 ~ S ! iss seesras l )i-l;llll l (]aolg 111155 lcsr i lslis-s hersslls. il5 55I i-il esaissifss- lhe psisIlo e of sfl"rst 1is o fr ths-Tlst foss-e y 1i esals. lis e l iise t-ure ls -sro-a1)ass ln ess i to- rys secii.s-sl so Are these Gieeon and Chocolate fhe scon te si assl oratsssoric-al coto-t hlcl tueiseetsOnhis-s iba--luof S i~lr us 11-11111 sleilon011 e o~l f ls1o sisi - - Culoted Shsoes fol Spriiag aiad iiit s--sli .(3lss-isg sasiise flist ily -r~ ley iei-tsirititei Suimmiei wear. The siassuaer sfts ixiiii.lii is or s.eilii 1 1 elt i -heis 1asse t endlse. s re i girl ewill iiot find it ihard to got IIweresil we1151 llFleasceist andse eardiI 155 - tst C atet('Ie*- iiiii-. lbe- lin thsgliat it se-bttler 1o gisielt iulilc a reot. Professor Wonley Honored. Pio-fossor Weinhoy issbeens invitetd to give tile tni-i BelataallAiddress0ill conncthion scwitli111ileUounuienceent, Exerces of Northlwestern Ulniveisity. lHe u-ill also give the omnmencemeont ,Vddlfess at the Stbate Nornmal St-heel, Ypsilanti. IllI; si 'z slhIi llleIC o is' sila 1:155zi tiC li publrss5ictlli 111-feldxv 1 Ills Issis 1sf thss-boi. Thle it' lus cio' piilly- s'aiiishsi (lilitnor osstinie-hil hias he--in Oil 11110 liIellfor z l(-ais- --m years.n Mountaineering in Alaska. Thisen'I~ing at S pus11iiiisl t-e(111n- guei-il l,11 il ilillIIProf. I. C. 1)tsieeU. ss111 delis-er a lectuire eiled el lfeu- tllm inlg in l tsl sl Mt. St.Eli-is' The entert'ainmnit i gisi 1111110liiith asices i00of the To.-lig Stlen's Cilil. Whlile oiltheirlveitholtt0hue Omalul tIg44-i School PurAfessors Dirake -iedl houstan, of the Unmiversity, stoppied al Linucoln, Nobroska, to take a look at till University of Nebraska. Michigan vs. 0. S. U. Thurs- day, WVay 6, at 4:15 o'clock.'