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Th Oig lenig ar Hd O ewee lTo
~~ . he ly SleeDraing RomGar Line betwno
~~ ~ ~ ~~ oledondColumbiaus. Caleto
®hA Linae bepotweono Columbus and
Sla hmnsPic s. TLe Only DJaNwit Rioo rtLewaytdeey
-°- teteI To tt dtlu bu and io rtee.
THE OL LINE wth h Hewondeah wy doiy
$1.50aSHirts----------k)-----------------------------50 HEtit btwen TolcdO ittelo Hreein
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Other H ats - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - -- _ _ 6 b~VYINEo ith o oatr tte ayi lyW
DERIMC.New Stock Arriving Continually. THd heLOP LnOilot Tad. ona
Holcomb, So®n ( Co., SI-ll li
ST SD onttitt & tioretiet ttee, timet
TJNIE P'S COlD SAD - M --\AI N AgS E REP t. t n e eefllyfunihd y. n
_______________________MOULTON HOUK,G. P. A.
TE EFIN EST UILfl U Si-tNTOMay I, te tmArThi i Myv- il.oSal ln
LitlIitWillti1 (1open t- -the trvi'hIi r1 itt- SIal 7 -F sr l 5 stS - I t 5J I SG N T L
wiHE ~ IT ll ltitve Attst Arbor t 10115 a Fll ir'1 tc avs\IchiY.usrST..
- - - -L lefr tert srit. m~y Uret Its uA.alte ns o ts,:1.(11.p .M.
S. urchfilel d, h ioU 111ethis "r lo Itit palof , -hki,1 1 utt, icoutlv' oSaettle Es5ID Petit 8-.A
HURON ST., OPPOSITE UUT HUE 1ICsu, htthtoi R-i.i tl - 1 i -ii-gIvs O e : x .ee 1 10 h i'(t N - 5t
itjoytlittt t i ur p ttttns dttit~g pat ll.GR~ - t
t.o seosa, Will beo olenetle o 1 iii Nilta, itns12-Conel s. =t-li o. ?. ERo o,".W. HAYS,
~Ladies Tailoring Annex. 3abi l sit scale of maii Oivrnrc I' . Ott 'a G. P. & T. At. Cieag. Ag. Ann Arbor
13kintotito this costroy. Thulis o~i f RIF1IC ND InEAILROAI) RATES
1o~ hot iitelikl sn-ilis [Ti AnnwitArbor IIrodto iltili tllf +~. k
s toon Ooar ilpovltel tls sod dliio l i.t t it cd atos for it l the foe- - V
n1' I1 ottle Sisint rlts-y, e re lil'pus ar till in fcr ioii eIlllI 1'iiit i
711 / / jo Ii,1111t r I lllrmoutiStetn!titta i ttooWeno-h Ilars tIiYoungiteIlio nsi ono o le e Ite l,1
tiio totelr-oo~fr, oesitill iiii Tm ~ltttdScii, Jul iSHt~t
1151-d'ttMazee, gt airiitos t l w sriciy r osi os iu uto 1. clttI'21,11rp7. a
No Mowno entioReallyheaCicalell- Eptrat-itrLonlI Ie l ig al on-lt 0.10a
Wibetaee 09 eda - lult~o ,ST il.,ron y20toa a tgu ly o Io e e tosH Aab e hrORTHttO Told nl y
day Wll b strctly irstAlls.tDooon4:0 ailttetSn do.5p
AlGuitarlyexet n:L.Mandolin, Doo't delay your photo sittijogs. St llLa ke CtopiAssoiatio c.11p N.R.EGII , Agent
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lonec~et. Senior era les to tl retun 10, AMih, Jitl ))to Atgst 1l.
Pricest haterbeeeen sed down a e s utlt ef the J~
VOhbstto'enrmous popo~aitystht oliveOu ce n s f '1 . landalls Plo-to Sudio7S , Ntioal _A.sthiaioe Loal irI t I1-THE fKIDPRA RDEN BI[f l7 LIRd HALLgnieWahunofteveyltstdsg
From $1.00 Upwarul Is slinton Block. sl~rtoce geots, S. Lsuis, 1M., may 6Ii
Tile new WshaoMndio o ~line so rdical deprturee I )1N -k Ifraterooty 11100 000;Sobto 1.
TICKE MOseertylet. lot tis e neatest, ditoitest ye eal - -ll~! iI'~ibte a2
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Ot lol-ideteeryere t runser.wIn. fa110 t
rld.,'lyoocoe To1 h s ei I -ey by ey ted te o r tllsnotie and pJtIilg trshioto. ho d, Wrtw ol. a 0 t lorae ias oacs a
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Olor iti lg , oil Ossolioselill, oeth lelaeoly.Itta Subscribe for the Daily.. E. S. GILoMOR, Aett
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