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May 03, 1897 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-05-03

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Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during
the College Year, at
GFFICE: Timee building, 79 S. lain St. be-
tween Liberty and William Ste.
J. F. THOMAS, 97.
F. S. SIMONIS, '98.
H. B. SsusLLMse, '98 I..
0. H. HlAYS, '90.
E. L. GEISMEn, '1 t.. 0. A. CAYresa., 'tO.
F. A. Poole, '03 E. A. CAoni'PBs,'l0)
G. D. BIDNOOO, '00. T. IR. WOODeROW, '93.
BTResLeon, '00. C. D. Jesoesoe, '00 iii.

sa11?e writer oo tile electric slinula.-
11011 (f the MALIVa11l-liuIHeart, wili
son .appear in thle lolillof t'oyelo-
Editor of U. of M. Dally:
Dear Sir-Thie annotuncemnent t11a1
lie lelloero of nos old tUniversity
wouldllmoeet iin debate with membersl'
of (be UivOersity of C'Sicogo, look me1
loolt eoening to Kent Theatre, tfo"
0.,"10 of tile debate,
1 Oatltel thIle (1011t10wit i a great
1(1alof intlerest01111wasoo-raitied it
11 earliest1 land atit 10presentationl of
ilit 0 s')ii00t by-itie Miclilio 11te. I
1n11 010hat,0 itiseOlhuma1i ntire 10 place'
tlhe c0a1se of def-at elsew'here 111100

For Bicy cling, and Outing is the most satis-
ffyinom Suit one can wear-it looks well,
wears well, anti is cfomfortable. We have
' everytlhing that is now anti swell at
$009$7.50 Dl 10.00.
NE W SHADES-In Byowrs, Reds,.
- ~S EAS,

(isceet on il y lort to erh' cloethlildcit
The aobscrlption price of ealoy , ft.01
for the college yeur, with waregulr eltvery . . (11 otfttejud~gto. yet, 110a0 MitiO
before noon each due. iNoticeso'ommunica-
tioes, and other matter intended for publieca- ,1t!l 1.'a11, I feel 11011thit leltion soa
gion must be haseded ia at she Only noefce be-
fore 8 p. in., or mailed to the editor before 3 cccli that in JllStiett o oul" rellreset-l
p. mn., of the day previous to that on which
they are expected to ofppear.tieIsolreserap tsttai,,
Subocriptions may be left at Tihe Daily 0 l~id"eot roet.gio
ofice, Meyer's or Stolet'x boston0 uor it.
with BusineassbManager. Suberibers wll con-
fer a favor by reportiag pronmptly at thee I at t lell te deb, Zit ill C o1jolny
offiee any failure of cerriers to deliver paer.e
10111'two y'l'Illg111110 tllsliIg Ostldt'8
We 'oave not tin least 1 Ii 11 ehat a ttiTnivtroity of ('tilago rinlltCell'
the dteciilon f lilt jud~ges 111 tile 011111 00-l'lO~ti'e'0 00111'tiltroally 0'eill, i (if
ig11 lttlg teb "'1ltytei'eel I.Ot, "Ozler til t 1,titi 00j,,1.s an
lieg 001 00feit 00 00 0 e c-o1oi 11101, ley' Wlli 0011 1 hniO'1rvit0 00.1Q
1£;, ws as <111 a sucha111101 1ilt31slit 'f '
c1o0111 it. There tis01alw1ys rotllifoo { lilftedJyolepilt, iiley joicle
11e11estdifernceofOpilill s o te 11 A-thI 101 tle iatyith' a iigl'lt the, 11
best ostde of a0 1i('t.llt. Ill ti n
cosirliltilg to find titl oan old Mtlclllgalioeoelt 11110 eg
i11.:10110woo spreellt lttheI (lltet .t lc debaterof 1111 tI llO'1'ct 1'of
0005 l~l~lI si00111 li" oti~e k;10 tago ae'lllttd 1t01110010'1'0es reetit-
Mellegeitllo liltel. 'Tle' c011111111111Cat1111111 y, buethen- leer1le clearly outllocloSI I

in anterelceolumin 00110e0 tie'seniti-
aoent of thie e'tirie studlent b 110 in 1110s
r£ 0"+1(001t.
The 0warmthll withi 00 1ch1 teoh-c'1101
of lilt Studenlts' Lectulre' eo'~t.1
00100 colIetLetll Btnoi'lay 0110100 1111.1
stdents are begilll-iMi to takecin in-
terest0 leill 0 1Wa 111.10r1 l'ganliollo
arce nlageti. Too oftfiteselectioni
of officers 10 left to a Cliqiue of lilvet
erate officc-holdersra 110sIcm001110 oiii
iosateronity. 't'lilas not tbl, 100 0l.o
Satuirday011.1 iant alliy ;gotel list
oaf eleetoro owas cils..oe, Alliongi tile
light -vas 00 close no hittertntos was
displayed anld no unpleascantnecss1took
placet. 'fT outgoing officers, at least
'hel neSiIDthle litereary d(,p'tll'lt
conducted the election in an emniently
fair aod implartial iC nler, and thus I
ovbviated thle least snegicion of nnfair
minlods. Tocot electicons, condcted
as they are, eannoot tbelie bitt give otrac.
hecal lessons for good to 111000 who ate
to make politics tairl chosen field in
after life.
Recent Publicationsn.
Aniong reent lpublictionsil from
ilicliiganiis a series of articleo in the
Mledical Newvs by Dr. Vasigohon 01' Tle
Tlioripeutic Applicatioii ef Yeast Ni-
leinic Acid in Toteerenlosebs, aiid a
treatise lay Dr. Cnlohly iD lao Journal
of Experinenteal Medicine, on The Ac-
tion of ties DigitaisoSeries oili tie
.unluatlie Heart A paper lay thte

by our1 0('11e'elltlio-e, te'iof who0m1
tO 11a toweof It tirleg~lin tlii .pre
1t101 0110U l'l-5"sity 10hano ctlase ho
%f el al 00(1 r 000e1res0u111, sloe' lit1
10010 unlfortunatellcto11ha1e01a 0 (it Ill r;g
ist ed againiot it ewiell oovictory 11111
b,.1nfairly Wooi.
I 1101AN-iite ltis ilia0spiit o1
110' to coil attenioto10tl~t"faA t1111
11 . Uiversity0of AMitlegail l010-it n
.',ita lk iillchoosinog 1itseebtltrs.
1 001 t hl~licly o~lgl'llatllale (ou
represetntaitive(s, 'Mr. T. S. Liaier-, Mr.
F'. X.t'ariiody 111111Mr. Aix. Al. Cbmnd-el
let. -roo ffeietily andellntbly upold
11h0 01111(00of 'iigaii.
Very' traly o'uer,
IT ('GO PAM, '11.
TO tIl2sT-One10snite of 000110. 20
S. Ingallo s1. $2.23.
This space is reserved
for the Grand Opera

The 1 897 BEN-IL BICYCLES embody more new and gentuine :+ provemsellI
in constrortion than any otlier bicycles nowe before thle ptiblic. Never before baeo
Ilueb excellcet velues been offered toe lbs money. Our newe line, consisting of eilit
siiereb liodels at $601 $75 and 1125 for single machines, and $1110 for tanials, weill
tie variouls olptions offered, is inch thaut the moat exucting purebaier can be eeiiiroiy
vuited. OENTRAL COCLE MEG. 00-3
Students and Teachers
can sectors pleasant and pfofltah'le work inltroducing onr
Public Libraries........
in towns and country aind forting Leadiing Clnbs. Just
the work for Students, Teachers and Ministers.
Wo also want a fsew energetc field manages, State age
and experience iii hook swork.
Address Dept. 'IS" RAND, M-CNALLY & CO., Chicago.
Wewlesenelon reeit
sian0 sta, a saseplse
any anddress.Pies:s1E .
ehnund, * t.1;; qay
Post- nid ts tloc,,eFree
n ;1,aRG, 1571 ultia

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