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April 12, 1897 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-04-12

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i f I Jeffersonian Society Wins.- Y
Of 1 ff Last Saturday ev'eniing the Jeftrer-
- soC3litanSociety oathOte law departleut, ru 'Sc
Pa 'tithed Daily (Sundays excepted) durlng itet the literary society, Adelphti, 1ntia F'
the College year, at their first annulal dibte held in .Adel-
L EUNIVERSITY Of tMICHIGAN. phi Htll. Tlic ut~lci0u was R'Itn-
Oc;r o rETimsnbuilding, 7I S. MainS t. be- vc, That wrli aftaeis ntde-
teen Liberty ad William Sts. byi 11able." Xdelplit, iepreenlted by
0 .1AACIN G EDITOR 'sOunialo. Itrriason andi Muerrill, took the
J. F. TeeosAl, 97. at1iecliattecagainlst Santer, Sh~laahanli1
ASST HAN AGINta EDITOR anlld Dannenbery . The .feltoiaoio
S.Sic,'(8. Aron with 25 points, against Adeiphi's
ATHLE'TICEDIToO 53 The fialtt tanding «WOO Sai et', <
II. B. Snnorac, IsEIaan, Sthataani. IHarrisoni, Donnalau-
I PO.ES 31X NAG1LSOK berg and Aitiriil. Mrt. Ralner's work
0 IHn,'9.i". worthly at special ateltitai. His
EDITORS ltproducltiona showed crfuortiticplaolon
E. L. G-enason, '15 L. H. II. Coawac,'. 1 '111WO w'l.eivrd F. ok
F. AI. Ldoades, '198 r. aTL AnB, '00. L ws el lvoet Eie ar-,
I. A. CnAMPero, '00. ins of the ji(eesatre evidences at
ASSOCIATE 'DITORS I ,l- tt-tnrr't(t o rt ii
LV. W. lagiten '15. 5. W. Smith,'t i'97 los.'caitt.
IP. Iloril.'iti. G. 0. idt9. 00. Engineering Soity
___________________le'd cete. '(tO C. L, detix trot a ,l .
tntrtstnc iitres he'uu' iev' tlii aiecy tisettt'i LiIi tit I' ly P anLte t- .'Stcort Bosoino,
P ttii opeit back tand froiit I ottsti e .'c~ L sr k.ith ,Ni'te lNeinanti
3i Cuftft Batndsrcy 'icltt (tilI~iito spew ii 'r idtt -dicito sie I t ( ellt_ a nd
Theshbsnription peter of the Dl~cy is50.v30 i ih. 'iinc i ttlttiot "iff Xi iintroii 'i oe t hl s i
for te college ,year. with a regutar detisery Ngie rHr oon
befr ooLnac da y o. Notices, communlca- tt'.1"itsacleiltoft tthc" Mackinatwt =eginnora.ra
blans, asd other matter istendcdlfoar publica-' ,io' ll dres wi ol Ael
tiasnsmust bhancded in at tie Dtily office be- 4 (ttthhc-cIci eywl
foe 8 p.mD.. or matted to the editor hefore 3teitrs-ti to111tIvta"ootsaphpr'cialtecd liy .111 I V ,'k_7 * Ital. s
p. in., of the tday pteviousn to that on wshich.1C o iig o se
buoy are exptectcd to aippear. lpreseni. thndptroedinstruie ls islsocI
nubscriptions maey be eft it Thec Daihy_31SahKi tre-
Office. Ileye'sor Stofllet's Netanl, tie is eteitinitig. Zntitirctttctskt trhe '=a Taishss
with BuinesIlasagee. Sobereibers orwilcoil- tantSmtipsil tl iti tie lid'he tile. .7h-t
fernafavor by reportiso promptly at this-ofc n alr fcrir od~vrpprts1* etllc
' 100 i - I tt" c141, I tiittti hdll :ildrdr i nti
The Sophiaolres shoawed itta61' ga ortd.
to es' hitit(to r-t ('cdiitetthl t i Charges Net Sustained., .
lt~ltqlet S~rilis-itihit I (tc brt'i.. tt(;ctlist t, . It'. tt.tirt. owhio t''(l' ct'tt'tS4jrdf
ittl ht p tlS hos ,escedth e ( itc ste tn; c
senise (t t the St Ihia Icticri' r l'ldli( i t' 5 11"--'r't - iciss - t \scIt, -r
y'er ( heLIy stit'iti 1zt 1' r ftltltett itt- ?11itt 1,4di pih i t'e o ft 'l tl ttE ii' lt i; 1-I ' ° /4a
ht c'bteen hiit h itro e.I t o if l(. itl w r
lR" siiui-lti'cl city ticho c-icitei t 1.1 icits i~(ii holiicii'i tpinl
hplll ii hsdhftl -d.ttocdii hilt,' (ot iiti .i9t+ct7 ____
ty ul h eidd ai-F uthitit sceme, ittin i _______________r____ '-/t
iiap" Itii1s ic'ot. Seti'tocrlinte o d I i th' I\i(h h- \'t 'O
'liii' opoihno((tell('tli tihOotlrs lwill htldIiis
ii (3 i'ttt-t'tlcit lii itit(d i3 it i'f t XhdiiE''ll - hht : 'i hued o iici-t
The ' .1St. slitihit' itt.t h si-tiSiltlit. p.l._ ' o:,;i1",
t 1lgt'dt tar aun I - t e ' ice teh lostly tnt-u icrhyenItih- cc ttiitt I11 _lti-i csen- l eatotlostan Iyabrbiyhnno itr hcIcolrTssct.c
colicidrictl promitos toibco tilan altered tar Ileti woa -.nOurlicrc whleb' c'11si2thEcut ii '
a-tof ectir'ilh tt1 1tiz tns ity ,cttoir. b'O1c t ilsDbe.deothe ee r l o ectl o h s g n oito ofredaiiucnha hew ttorcttt n tf rcit ii.
e - OroleH A t hu'da contes;"t; ovetis fei t slii- sEtecit' by i ilg oof ti.iit g r ell co-npted C NTRAL8CYCETVBF U
deti -i i- u eeth) a rt rt. B. Itcricoui.p05.S.le i. .cAKo 1EN BCYLSomod-rwnwanT.IgenuieO -?;r r

ft-cc;c css-iv hir i ii; teelI titne spo~tt a WANTEDTsvsgood PAtty testio-otl
te~ss ereels iticldtrir i 55'ii'sO t - ti (ichkets, gallery llreferretd. Will lily
ectotdst'. nitei eoittru~it-r premoiumn. -Address Box (")0.,f'ty.
thent Av athe litisen atof ta enoil 0 A L
Cross-itat thee Ire ice gite Sat uradlo'; BayoCo 0CF
e leeitrig 5cto-~eeL heta Sirc - to All frdes of itrti tie aeft tCoil.
1110i-ys-iri'itadte.Macnaget' Alleinit Camel CGoa at oe.
is itiur-hi lhtl'rit bithe e othesis'io V. STAEBTJER,
shaoswn b' stilut8 geiueraiy -andtod al- Te~ltonee No. S. Ore.dotor FastteefAnsert-
iletts-cery faoaly 1)10thene r can Hltse.
that citet on) ev-ery dray to atye iihe Bicycle Repairing !
practice. In all braches neeatly cod praceptly dote.
Priesttteasona blc. Sunidrenatroc-k 'ottonm
VACGATION thAi I S .T Weicesr
Studenit ruthnlaoint Indianas liiis- W " J F ng r
nais and "Miasau]I canl get intirelan 8 N, FOURTH AVE. - ANN ARBOR.
to their tndvanotagec ill regard inosvac'-(' IMATNOnrnDietCcc
tion rates at 2 i'-N.SUivecrsity ave., . 11 nad Metallic Cathuets ana iner Grade
lioan S! Ctflns. Embalming a Specialty. No. 170

Adlit-. 01 lid.^s:.n cit
Ihy f , eN. Toti, c-, OMi l) rti hiti e'eliti dO(d;ejust isoued, iLathe
boat o '-ur .0 IlicaItt'iiiiiIi . iCttai(.-ce c circulacrs send ott application.
SPECIAL R E L T IIVE a a a a r e & e
55We at t few sveie(t l iinrtttiltheICollete. For teispostiotn
cyienitd ibooktdol stciit-i.l iii !iu sict olce torcipast'xerience.
RAND1, IcNLLY & CO., Chilcago..
e: c raid.

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