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April 02, 1897 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-04-02

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Are You Getting Them? Paying the Price Don't Always Get 'Em. We sell
better clothes than ever before and confine ourselves to three of the very best makes; viz: Ham-
merslough Bros.' and The Stein Block CO.'s which bear the labels of the makers, and
Michaels, Stern& Co.'s Clothing which specially made for use and bear our name-Linden-
schmitt & Apfel.* All these mnakes bear their respective labels under the coat collar which is a
positive guarantee that they are absolutely correct aud first class in every respect. When a
merchant tells you he sells Hammerslough Bros.' or the Stein Block Co. e Clothing and can't show-
the lablel don't believe a word of it. 'Be Careful.


37 South Main Street.

I OtherColleges. U. OF54 CALENDAR MC IA
ll I 'lhi O s t t'7r;4 111i . zIN 1 ( Ii i Apr'il 2, tiicsl -, , fe~or 1 l ire .4 I ef(Ite
This space is reserved iC1tvH l~l-(uing I1le collee ear, IY- a EST ~.
li-all Illii- -lli 15 i'i (i:i. 1l A -H . P lK s in I.. d 3l 4 7 N. 1Y. Ci cial--- 7 10 -lIliest o clt;lolaI wI
( ;x13 , Y.special-_ 41,8 Maili- 5---- .843
for the Grand Opcra((ff( e (1(f(i byIvlii baI i'dl A)l -iti 0AM. 'hr
H ri i I . 1 . 1cc . B M ik'x- tartli lii 10 Pacific Ex------12 15
IN Ppre -c- 0-5 0 WrsteranP. 155.i
t(ue.1 1 tn *1)), 1 iiw(ic l hsi,, a,hl -hile (piiia-o. ii (55s__ i 'S TE x -9105
t;.( itin, braid t I ;1) esite -ra ) I i 10, . iW. IHA-rcF,
T iY. TA.A..vPi.ST TAL . , hiE-ago. Act Arbr
ratln(I l and iiiiwill ibe ilaid Iup orisedgi 'dam_
Iti s (S- i~al-.i lili l the ' - iili f $10,lii £ shes 'ongreSstareei, Ypsiilanii, a h jft
.. itiii .ioo o-,ill is= ( igee(ie.7 io vr I 1h( ii,'8:20, 9:40. id 11:00 I.i. , n.2:0 22,F iii'.
anC 1.0i, :20{). 3:Il. 10 02,250 21
4a ti iiiii(a'i. . Less1-es court house at AiiiiArbor al
del.-i i l h tn arc" n d i u li ii 1,1ii(i- 7 '0i, 100,10:2_!)11( l 11:11-"f) a. In, llil 1 r 5 "lilu'J. . i,3 0i
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SINS)1.} tlp.I11.:5,s-a.isl
°IT 'coolly" gean iC1a e. " "( ie tve, i1sil,'iiiti a 92 n 04) i-,u1 iieliui-ciiAnin A aor aiiiToledo anly:
Nos Home is Really Complete A:l. 111- ' i 1C i., sllil 12:101 1:211,3:10, :21), 5:51, Aill trainsidSoly txcept fluilaa.
Wilkout a new 1897 Moldel 11lcl l iiiiiii i Ci 7:1. S::30 and :50 p. riiE. F. 5.GlLMli-I , A cu-u
1 i ~'. Tii ISNNET . P. A. Tolesa,0.
E 11trianoli, ie. I Ii H 1hush Ii. ihea il- Ii is vii 1 iLave,,AiiiiArbor at 10:00 liniiS11:20)~.-. -
Banjo or Zither. fii_ l iin-- lsle-ii.oD 5:1,2:i.221 :0 i11 H uOHA E 1W 0 HL
a a is a lcco a II lo o a roal a lio lii' ii hes.ii -lii- H .iihi-. .15 s r :"t0 :10l anl 10::;0 1). Ili.
Pr rosmhve een scadowas resl f h h li i(ef l it C il a N f ii I -s- isla 1,hiI___l.RIR AD TIOEw IK R
frio farimerostls. Itis r o etsto, dantieastail ion-oil nasthesAn-Arborlisiio I-itDt
lighitrst'Mandlin imaginable, aditsilotniapprachesica I 1.,111le of W l(ly (}ltY( lils e C ga ,T b cos ni
verneartolthatlofainoldCrema iViolin. Waiih - f ili li i )1 silill il" p (Iii l fi (ll s .;ciaets
bours areoold 0 atxdad uniorpia e s ia byh all firat- i:1' (I i55eal l'y i:a:-il ii:1 rc11:ii ilito I l i S<>.i1 -al 17."g Cd 'or nira" Ciaiuctes
cassisdeaerssoerysahcac. I" a71adLbet t
lVaohbii co icar e l ac -aleged ostandard ofithei t Iii- ilte(:i i ll i Hi ftri' lil.l :t ( ii . l('n--ll.A-- I Illi27111,r toinand Li erylts
w-said. Thyare uisedlexalusivel ychladaing
Artisto, Techsiian d tGleeaclubs. Our newia- sh- Ii llli-'ui i ii ii i 'iii i l-l i
liiiooa ralolibsc':;aic aaelatilS iiogaiislcts il lsolasol o<1iiO~toliolo1;
midn citil ogucsiot iaig ta itsof oveir 100lAraitisj
andfl infcormaopi ces, enia d orliiilasemn s etc., i w iiilii)- lii i-i be II ioll i(':^ of-i Ba'll ..i. IIlill I al
setfe nrciptoappoiilicaton.dI orsaloal dealerCiaa: THE FINESTl at il T211(ll INGw"
A Washburn improves with age and makes a 1 V1.hr itlK .,:id ('lt 'rn
Git that increases in value as the years go by. t~ssiir lniisiurls ilo is i le
It is really iorth mn aytimes ito cost. g is-ailiog -Xii llt ,lll.I ill1lisi , lo ii al ii I E-F-THE CIT
Y LYON & AL<Y, t'lig (l)''ll'la ijiI s ).r"nIii)
Coll. 5A, 31-lAVE. & ADAMS 5T.. CHICAGO. Ii t':1117. 11as10 llel ~il l(i' iil ir ' iE.S.i 1. I)(ilE. Agent.-________
'I D yh-l" i,-l<1 I rai lonci. IoI( l i --5-11 TI MBs-.urchfield
!i ssii r 1ti(a:iriiige S ivitiis ) l l Iii icelsito- Schloalol a B iito---
three i i- silc aad it thie 'ld Oft ills liillgi- ea siiai:At se at $1.50 fur thei' HURON ST,} OPPOSITE COURI HOUSE.
tllii ii-ulie e trnl( oii rl--iie, ia-ia ' ii-in1der i falth-tlii- lii, snsiod i s' ________________
h( 11:1 (Iici ii'-oiiiliii f to the Nsorlili s. Tee(sI i clllegidla Ladies Tailoring Annex.
is- uw ls '1115 ' !toh aweaaek, iclln1____________________
.o tcies. 11lrict id is veryi fotiil11 - -e-i" irg1ii llit-
SUPPLIES teS _______ei,'1rorl111~a~r
IlL"i+ug icoedsiihatnilin(heSatlifi INTERCOLLEGIATE
1alfoth oiilLOI-iT--Oiie goBUREdAUn ii
Spaldlitig Lea'=ar) B il,.Ali 5, soi1s,etc isi -fo - lelisiasheath, d gakold i ovterhiltp. io li-lUR AU FO
I4tauiagara aiiao1.1 si iendfrsiapls 101---ti.iindiiil ul1 oo e
speciraa es. ae re(,iisift fartat ini, 51)1751))-, liOekellioikilk liti ltD St. t1 Pri-sti)-ia'nia l h iha1111 toreat Caps. Gows Y tand
Baif. Pricietl. Tru'akandtii eld, Oemiia- Hod
slum llqoiaiiaiiitsandtilout fit . Caiplete iolitalili Moriileiy. IOawner c~a get ;Ni. sa, Itiml'et-urinntIiDailyoafilce iar C Hoods
Catalogue at Spiat-limeot n 0 ei"uui o tslo .E by t"liiili "ig, tad lig) tIS 1'orpaest ma-e. 11awlrecesie"rcessl(Iu. COTREL & I.EOARD,
frpe."TheN tm the uaratee i )Albariy, NY Y
A. G. SPALDING & BROS., ilihis atlc(..Call a S al 8iMol. ,FRSLE .A(
It S LE I . lpoi ii.lOsurer.
Ness York. Chtiag4. Phlladr'pbl a. B ,s44 ., Vilim St1.
___________________________ i 'en dis r Ilt ca e are selling all j Piaysicilailieratinig clair, uc s iX
R ANDALL THE PHOTOGRAPHER oiuir goodis it law-er pirices ini ror to iloills. $10.51),cesot $75.00. Also RENTSiCII -'B
ri Waslhingmon BlockI, 1-creduce ousni-slek-befare Mlay 1st. miiircal books. Crouibie & Stone., H T C~P~
An3n Arbor. 1IIALT-iFES FURNITURE STORE1. IDruggists, Ypilanti. - AN41I ARBOR. MICH.
A"eWe engrave visiting cards for ladies and gentlfl in Ilheir respective sizes tn correct styles. Ilmgrav-ed
E no'ravtR1n p Pates will be kept by us for cur patroiis. unless ive trre requesteid to rettirit anme.
W edding Invitations Eleanutly' engraved to order in short _
Prics que i itlamples furnishled tin application.
SHEEAN &00.1y

Leading Booksellers

20 S. State Street. Ann .Arbor, Mich,.

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