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April 02, 1897 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-04-02

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+ anmounit of time to active pa'lrticiphationAP
f C * t i the work of oar college organliza-
tions. i f ut
Pa )lished Daily (Sundays rxcepted) during Society Programs. " ""$ " 69 7 n $10.-
the otl..eyea, a _____We can show you at thooo prices New,
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. At the meettn~g of the Jefferooman. _ Stylioh, Rightly Tailored Suits, - in
0 ccr: Timeo bullling, 70 5. hMi St. be- Society Saturday nught the program Fr ~ New, Nobby Effects, Selection Large,
tecu Liberty and William Sts. Exclusive Clotios.
E~iTOOO wili he a parody oni te IUiversity
J. F'. THOMoAS, 07. oatorical conteot. It to ots follows:
Asoxor. ArtNC. EDITOR "Bcnjaon1in Franklzin," J. tt. Caooel- ,..o l
F. . 0.IO So, '0.
_- iHTif 1:1; "Castelor," .. Ctoznnalco; "Iis- Q
ATEiLETtUEIO C aD Oad arocanoent of If orope,," T. A. George;
H.B --LLNA,8L. ... A Largo line of Extra Panic in Stylisb
BUSINE'S LANAG 'so "Phillips. the Abolotionlot," B. Jlacob- J Checks, Fancy Chieviots, Correctly Tl-
0.. "HANo, '00. on; 'Jolln Browni," E. T. Toggarci; croci.
EDITORtS "Wteudcall Phillips," 0. S. Kepner; l
it. L.I.. Ooolco'00 L. H. H. CoowesN, 0. 'cNational tlls-tletRenoecdy," A. J.
I. Ali. Loois, '00. BUToLLAMB, '00{.
F. A. Fuci, '80. 0 . n. Siunt, '0. prsin t drau-d011ppit lom for Lasr~oEvery New Idea, made fromn Fide
W. F.no; AT798. G.D.j$dut'O. sion todrahwe, ticrorion laws tor ---drLight- eigYns apecillydaped±o
L. Loll. jr., 00 B.coorio for spring antI summn~er wear-A special
'dOtollby tile several s'tote legich-'Ici. .@:@: :e:.V@:®: job.
0 t ltirnllliol'.S. B ttslc>s cold$1.00 "Value at 50c per pair
1h areeiO~ic fIu ol od . I olnereil't'livl',B.V. tfolooult 11(ll ® S(Witho or oitbottfee t.
for the college yearowih a regular deliery ,l s7'
trfosanothermtterdo.intncc or pouboica-
tion mot eelhanded ino at thue Daily officebe- Tle legr'aool of lilet'WebsterScct
foee 5p."in., or mailed to the editor before 30
p. in.. of the day porevious to thcat 0onluhib for Saturyday oight is :as follows: 11.-
they arceoxected to appear.
S-obscriptons may be left at Thte Daily prlomtuilts, 'Messrs. toiulioy.isotes 011l0(]
Office, Meycro' or Stofets Neocstaed, or
with Biess looagcr Suberiboeroswill ctu.- Set'arlt,' eae IeoleTl x
fec a favor by reportingf promptly at tits ;oetoe fsl-tTo.e
office 00y failure of carriers to detive paper. Prt'siolentt Clevelanid's second itliiits- fa-
ni onis',to bt'eoiocucled,'' -llril-!
Iftfh111'noodern ttoliticilon coto It csee.
floe, Mr. Ile an~ td lr. Tlioitstto.
file t'videnocesot skillftoltooliticoal utah
ne gatli've,1. t.Finfrok oandi0Mr. Rablin-
agt'oooot {whicl hetit'colaiog eletionis
iii te o ti<lS ogoiltittiS 1100,'At ______us_________ -___
clue LUiversity rigto light, hl ougt Y. M. . A. Occi cers. /~
"lllilOtioi lotIecioo oo I i 'ill'i iversil- Y.0M. 1'. A. imet list , ;T e
waos s-t'r' itochi like talie'regllr colt- y iitcz oil, tScoto I'- toiti _ "~'*i4-,.,'.7,1
olcic' utodd titr loll. o ~r'<l<)t i11n17t Ii' i'ttiig cc'ft' t (hnd \f' j,
loot like to i'licoitllt he li"fol"otootio~nOltf i'~- ffc ('tor '97-1os: loesidieno. II.1/i\z r/6.2V i
plitical rillgs i-r ithe c'eolhlleat Of 'f E yitilis, "9'"; "sire itrosili _t t j:\
hit' b. itlf -s , t o >s-c'b liev'e thalt t re tro 110' ioolt (1 r'oooiog sor-ae
isiost of o{whichloarette -,oi sln of __________°______ -?

sitiriteod 01000inltorostiug tontest". lot'r
lernoro they to'il to giveon0000'rfl(coh-
lug solileb caoo'of be glinoti txco-it by
will list be secoreol ini(t'e ottOinote
run o of coliogo' "orkelanti herelo in'h
someoo'of the adotiotages wos-blo ti'leo
attfrloetltous offer. Indleedi a coitsidecrao-
ttiul of thive ooto'of actino 'effort in thut
college politiceal fldlot lolligs UpOlwto.
wii'loie oiater of outfsiole'attractisus.
No one swho koass anoythiog absout tub'
imaoter will tdeus-ot benefit to be rc'-
coiv'ed from minany of theseo. 'Tley- of-
fer a cdiversiono froim the routine of ois-
tintiovely college uwork, anod or" thus
a lteuns cf recreac~tonlas wsolcas o itf.
TIhey bring thue studen~t into ltoli~
ovithi isoile tinstead of boobscalonoc.
Thecy giv e him the opportunity to
stoucy oohun onature. In other wo-sds
ioc~ey aid in dev-elopluog a w'ell-rotunded
iuao,caod the well-roooiaded 10100, no
utatter whether be is to enter bucsiiness
or peofesciooal life or to becoome a
teaches, -is tile imanf ovwoo thcworld
a, ll filings, oo also tnnflue case of out-
oill thing s so also in the case of out-
side activities ii limit moust be set up.
One mot Ic eep in mind that be is here
prima-riiy to study; but 'there can be
Don inconsistency in devoting a p>roper

Classes iloolcing ibeet cop c to y
1ot. Special ratfe to thosoe wishinog to'
join onow-. frograinfor Tuoesday Ontd ,
Saturday eeloog classes uill - here-
fior staol of 5:30 ocloeck. Sloogie
ev'eninig admissionu 50e per coupile. Of-
lice :acadeeny and residence 6i Mfy-
nard s1. Priv-afe lessons by Mfr. or
Mies. Granger at hours not occuled bly
f010'f -lola, i>ii, diaondoiclshapieod,
einisoi antO white enamiel Withuttue
lelttees, "S. I'. 15. tindier retouru o10
Daily office.1
Don't forget oour ftemoval Sale.
Eoerythuing is going at a reduced price.
hfArLER'S Ff'ftNtTUtiE STOR1E.
K Babylon Ceat is T14E BEST.
AllOgrodeo of hord and seft Cooal.,
Camel Coal anud Cote.
9. ST eLER,
Telephone No. . One door Eosc of Ameri-
can House.
Bicycle Repairing !
In all branchoes neatly ond peouctly done."
Prices reosonatle. Sundries at rock hettem
Wi.J. Wen ger,
OM. MARTIN, Funeral Director, 01ot1.
u ad Metallic Castets and Fine GTrade
Coffns. Emblming a Specialty. No. 11
Fourth ave.

BE TRT 1397 BEN-HtUR BICYCLES embody more new and genouine improveiro a
uin costrtion thou ony other bic cles eeoc before Oboe publicev oer betoore boots,.
schi excellent valooes been otferedlfsr tile mooney. Oarmewe ine, coonsistigo iyebdlht$0 7 n 15frsnl ahns n ,5 o g conwt-Il
thoe varioos optionsofofered, is such that thoe moot exa cting5 porchaser caou be c sieci'7

COSIT bNetecunred with Rand. MlcNally a Co ,.thoot will bring gcod retorso
stoudsolo for tis work dori g vacation. W~e wsa Repuesentativcs on oor,
Atlasoes, Maps und otiher poblications.
All ABOUT THE BABY . . I , ,'I
By Robert N. Tooter, M10.,nof Chicago Mtedical College host issoed, la the-
boot for Mledical Students. Catalogne and circulars send on application,
W~eowant a few specia1l.rcprus etatoves i the College. For ttis position-
eoperienced booiomnnshoold wrote osat once stating paot.eprience.
RAND, McNALLY & CO., Chicago.
af1sete.a sam~ o.
pound,$e*nt-8a-. L.
Yoj ~e~e-ty Fl z er pond.. 40 et&.
Somo 000, m15 Fulmon,
Street Nv o oe'

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