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March 30, 1897 - Image 4

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-03-30

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A box of that delicious Peanut Brittle at and get the best service.
TrA.IILOIR!T ROWR' STO E Office and Stable, 32 Forest
Latest Novelties in Gents Sitings. afputeadcud,1 d2 et.Afwbxo Ave. Telephone 106.
_________Velvet Molases Candy, one, half pound 10 cents. BranchOliceA VINGSerPharmac
10 E. Washington St. - oUp Stairs THE ANN ARBORSAIG BANK
Capital Stck, i50,00. Surpus, $150,000.
it9 esores, e1 0.5
PHOTOGRAPHS o o d ee# ~ aniae nerh Gni sa~a~:Laen
CBf this Sate itceives deposits, bys d
--- pecat rto to enirs sG ?y B sr :oli-eachane oensthe pricipal citis af th
Sscttatae sse t n ' jr..' finated SttesiUefts cashed appeper
~1 .. Ll~t 3 F7E. detitaij. Safety iepsit bPaes to ret.
9 HATSOreetetde rma hitias Macti Pres.; . n
'Y'YY~a1 +C Harimaena, VTe-Pe.; Chias E. nfiseecok,
Berr man S ar redy.Cahise: Li. trit Assisat Cashier
. Huron stre-et DOES __________
Bicyce Enanelllg t TAR F -U~i te,1 lOte)Surteptus and Pretta, 000
Biyl nmln!TRY RED SAROIL--NO S MV3OKE,9i aa: tsttia geeorattakiagbstes
- Plain or Marbl Iced. Any color or ilieig ecitase tiegtin od uns
stye. ll ior giisruted.No Chlarred Nicks, NitOfesie Odor, No Fotlitig of (liiuieys. Sitatr ci-u0 ts.
styl. Al we",-gnarnted . i. NsI , ties. HARIS~SON SL,
A o N T1®AWhite ite -ursfreytothe latdropliof il i0 the lmip . '. Iit ViN. c esht es .
_ S. 1V.L<ON. A Light-Il itshterr
Will Tuker&Co, I N.I'etrthace -t'le tteis sprinig ater-i~oc1per galoi-Delts'ert-d il cute cels,
ioiiptiy-Soid lilyb I21tlC frhUi 1ri
IN THE EQUIPMENT Of A joa i~t~tet DEAN & COOM IL INY. SCOtt. a 11tittt, ,
STUD NT' ROO , 1-1 _ _ aitial i 00 Sitptc s :0,00. Tasc
!tgeclytt D N 'R at Lecenure on Heneiy Culer Aclene curesa aPrize -tetieral aakitghbusiness, Pie
It sgnrlyrly c i-d ted ali strne i it. 1tesr Pe P eC E c'. P t ea, Vc rs
stuetisiialtietwt in lte ncsiO.T 'tto. 11,. ocSE, Cshier.
itr e g o e ee't u'ra ,hyila ilteofridce itteie'tcct it(i 'i' titk^^i 't itti9tg I
i~xpat ind men ti-oic s t h ie "Bay 1it to sit leni' I- i'tto h 113 u t L 'Caiaii ., 01t0 l i i a t- ti t1rTl, it .
State'' icteaetent, the in iet it the world 1-eiiif lii'ciie i -}it Ittc . S C1iti0 a itt lnihent-t i e eti'l ateci's-ittcit
y51 ieln, ntumn s re l it t he-itteiesnI itt ii irh -hl- tt tiit Mhti ijii i -iiit20 S. STATE STREET
Ie ni adta o e o Ili Setto tiSettil inlt it tttate cii att510
BAY S A E $10.00 lc tittittit itt l tery itfWitattilu K i ' eta';ltitit o i'e, tiave'j l it-cite teals01 iBoud 25 tittt d upaitid.
5IiiM'USicne ansd PoEaic-e aeslibti. Lii-
a a p dees -t ith be iily it clitithsome"of t Itt nt,'liebyiCuiter tiliayet iiweL nPafo r 3ne s.C o olts
S fdSivethavttstti-aistel ce r adtii'. it-Itt -it l i Ietteiti . 'WTerititiCti y, it Ic e t ul ver Ci ttitytt 01411att ,U
uatsInto tis sgI tia-a 1,-~t eS, 1sst
t nfeiii__________ta____pae, no ,1gcil3 iit tct h o il' ehri tilt' ietitt it r t he horses b:, i aliA TUTTL 'S 48hocoSates.
\Vrn a lrwit u ii . ti G.t fcurat , t littt" it ' tiiiltriiitlil al ie pItio i rl c tai 11c c-t c ki' -iltiHtit L un c h re ft.
Sedfi-In a d cat-t .o tite, iltol i A~. auirit's etcitirt's c- I is ,idectht ot itttteld toop alontria c-l h'60C n
ais 4c i t-ic a i tlitetti I tileI te k i i-tcclclge ss"it 0,le t' t he !l W AR N OL, 4LES. State ELE.
hill. ii'i latarl a, t' sobjci th t tel, thttitit tas u c lik, iN--ly cii _____r_______op________________
itN t it D o its uitt' seattiaseii li-ttiitdl li t tti tiitap erd otii h e i te itiit 0fi'
u-liCtnttieill t uctho thti' ~ th l1 ei m i thliltttha - is, e id ci o nisl
*t C l 5iV,i ' ' G aitkt~ttuu ltt e ti'tn colluc i ii 11ttithetoril- yesitiens 111th l t ili i c st~ 's111 ill27 tb O r p riceStrefet.
Si. tiOOtirAle -plotirstilittte hsat 'las ilt i 0 ttihtha tt t 'ee so I0ytilgt cc :i . hit- f .b ttn
tic kiea nselit'a te dSiliui ilergs ( n1 g- neta eies aoiuleetur )n 1hc i'l h -i'ls h ube t ofuglh touc f t i huut Jlloetlterntscd, w lle 5 e nit c sat
Seie I ful iu aUt sitS i el 13t0I tt i l c it iin iltl(thmtuch tiinohtligetl c liti (ii io , t- nd l teiti1ti itt-tt it L i} . o f 'ew P e e
IS HEt i l t ti n e ec il s 1th' subctliii a i lilt 1itt1t tndth ois ijo ttblck ccittc-hi cctt c ii ietii t t l a h s httl tusa - g
* p ttlhul- dfini ittv tld u ridiui - 111 w-h ite liii-forthtt' cl i e h'. T hoUeN IER SttthIT Yies S utiCH idO '
1 11 ttiaren id d le sa laoihi onhs o enttl i eaeitgin li; lata
COR. ASHIGTONAND OURTHAVE. y1, 01t '01(1ded t it i' lila',aliii nolntttlOposie .La B.iding.$3.0L untl & lyC O.
I tI h uuss totteitt inae.,ll Iet'ichil 1 55ste t, a Can
ho 0iiildithtant ih, sttles t ittui1'1 Th mpsonitreec
tuttn liihttisstsli~il illiikt'ns, lb ii 111011thai n Ilyttictu1 l e-ii ] Io l iiesi
tic atndluotsritheiDailya11111 thts cl-t-if 1 01then w ll is J secivetd a teia r u Eats
p r ledA-to"x01,)-nclsheuluticlepieI Jcty tl
Lairs J. It era LYaO )"S, cI.F30L.R&taX S
st. A It ,,w lie n be ofre ofi.i lput tllor"'a. 1e~t 1 s ie S tr ar 'li
to Tarsty p icca interestedisis tistint seeesuet
y ier arwiuheets tofwilsrestli ssu cteei,
e* .2S.alsttate s c aper BocheA.
WAGNERowOen A.ENTSCIeSmint7offli~gARi c10 otas o te Ct adsnse
( urproesioal liliersi~:1t tt*t uSIieta haal -it oseeneh itie ti r d
2! M-NS-*-- - h /cic~tct~yi l c r- >ll- 0 isausvsuhyatepape Atidrise
$ubsriTHfo tDAILYy. fwilt het'"1detpii-rered~s
-at Cmenini ERo- @@E, Oee_. O UTLINE00000000000Tr0u00 ttI aid Caittl eaiedinNe York.

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