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March 30, 1897 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-03-30

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Steio, Block aod awmmcslov h ws1 Eion Sprin g Su its
Are now in our stock and ready for your inspection. No finer or better made clothing in the country. You will find themr
only at our store. Golf Suits in Great Variety.


The leaden's in New York as well as in Ann Arbor are only sold by us and are the best hats ever produced for the money. All
the new and leading shapes. We also make suits to order, guarantee a perfect fit and a saving of 25 per cent. We have
the largest and finest line of GIOLF SUITS and. GOLF HOSE IN THE CITY.


37 South Main Street.

Grand Opera House. PIILIOSOPiIICA L SOCIETY. slittl1er said that the "Catoatridge X RTmXTGAN CY1YTu'o
ONE NIGHT ONLY____ idea'" was the law all1owving citizenis _._RA
T h u r d ay ri lTime Table (Revised FebtI 187.
( urda ,A rl1 Contttiued fromitFirst IPage.) i-f that towin to vote cacti yea,.- is t AT ET uso tia usin aealbci hte i~ls h11b Ilt~ oPMA
'-Tl tOper dietSuccess oftthe 5eascn." le feii-l(telol ir l t iwl ie ietesitib iai Itl ailand Ex ___0347 N Y. Spcia ___788Od
/ ld3 E'.x ros i~d il one ot the tout .' iit s" sell toai ittitg litlos. lhe 1ft;'l N. Y. 5leeal.. _4 5 Mail -- 5---- 9431
Whitney per. ., ~senE ___ u .Siie..
a' dwrl Prati ti. Thley ate egoismit. etermiint- tihat cachtisaer is coimpetlletdit tt t lootlte E . . acttF. I
to L5 ion,. ttttttleitalislt intlid-Itlisin. Ccii- es or no en this tquestion benicetie D. . Exress --- 506 estccn 1x ---- 15
v, R. Express---- -11-1-- -Ch-.-N-.-- - - - -- - - - - -S
Vt.1. otialilltii.tlisltl is tile saite its te attiltude whoile miatter tiomae to the soler's :olt- w.i GEx__ Sit_ 5
J. W o3f, H. Wt.er AY,
0f titter. Sotmeonle has givenothli-tel- scienlce. It is noe years since titis G. P. & 'P. Ant. Chi.^ago AgttAnit Arbor
PrIce BY5TcS 7c ~zAl v I ll;g as its motto, 'V'irttie is a ju - weii 1-ilt tbegan, aiti each year tin Y
dliu prutt f ipleasture'. lt- sice inti-salotn resoltlionthas beets carrietld -~'' 'i
att iltjtttili t ttittot.' Ilettlisit or'- ty oserss-ltelniiitlg Inlittilit's. Undetr f74,7 .. ..~
- 'l restlors lt t t'e arttitde ef setsict'.ttis iita.tibritdge' las bet-ente the ; -
: Otily 111iits siller'edcaintian lb0itt ar t i-t) Inthe worldt sithottat
reatlly mrl ie.Pudnia e 11!saonRAILROAD.
litra lft. rtdttii-l eistls ,oloi.ndtilits salutionlitilts idittbl T.ti..lu 0,00
- - - tNttltl titoteith1:ast' h rCi the ii' i I lilA sittee the moleeltielnt beetle, Tie ioh los-1so)
7 ...; 1 tfruit' his liter' itt-<Iittle. I dlers till- tit'ewhit-it tere' tt-ltely tiner the i tt 7:3at0
uF 'iltpO11:25 m 11:2id.a
- t cit lets i lt'tls'thetit' titsi t'rfec-t sil c ittiti )1ctti-l.I, re tiow ss- i ts ti' its ste p In 5 . t
"'nlhen tifcoo thec ceutltte maeli'. At the elose 0of 'ioun bettecen Aoo Arbor ond Toeononl'y.
"iYttit-d'onupiaclt" S etS Oasablorii." tI ofIrani'i'1itr'ti lti~lti itO lei s Altan Io xrtttta'
Ito Home is IReally Complete I"Tli't lletiiiofhtstlrett eItt uc he ~liia lu l~ l ran l xet ESunday.i Aen
iIal__ ___ OP t A To1icTio
Without a nnw 0897 Model !lie'in. thisNNEtt"' lieA.Toledo__
GiaMandolin, sittillalce'd siitin thy soil t ritlt U. OF H. CALENDAR. ?THE KINOERGAROEN BKLIARD HALL
Wash nur n jouitr Zither1. Ito est --ish -1t5 oteci oit d-W1
Prices late beeo sctated deon stareult of tbe sPartiy.itli'c ili o~ti I
Wtattiltrn's enocsrmo s oltc Sotit nw, uc otrtlr. ir extame", the tfatmil l~ lh. tt . I rdyA rl 1. -tis illS. L.,
bur a geruine Washurnofotle verytetOdesinRIRAtIKTFrmlgo~wr.tttl nl' ains oitte )Iy' .1bAtril
titt'lt teteite.ttooe ttls larg.ill11451 Itt tlt loISASat'-'rt-. Wholesale Cigars, Tobaccos andI
lightstManoaliitagtitahte,anod itsteone aptroatchesCiaete
ser rer tta t ofi a hine old Cremoae VIiio. Nashtti. titll ces told relaotitns w55ttl'tt 11tI t"'tr te ,.' l te r sat-atiotito etes tilt Cge t -
burcnsoaresld at fiedand uniorrices by all fiest- MianLbet
tiess, tiusic dealteto eserts lieee. so itteits 110Ase illettole city, sit t tittlb tostldt by the Anti Art'It tilrto~ttl to ( Cor'. Main and Lie t s.
Waslohuensoaad the aowliatedted tandard of the
woetltd. Ther are used extlusicely b h te leadi..g 11tho 'b t m 'ls rlto o I' td nspeelil rpl etl,.ll
Artiast, Teacerse andiGlee Clutbs. Oaronewe VasI.- - ' _ t ~ ii 'tti s tl'tl tts'tlig tr
andt ttll tinomtiono, tricts. endorseen~ts, etc., still he l. 5er cirt-le'is 0ion l nt e^s otf lrll~il111 7 li'lt trttltgA H FINEST TAILORING
senti tree on .receitpitof attlication. If yorlotal dealer !t idic -l pi 7h oalTEcno upyyuw ilsn ahursC .D h tia pol~l i1nsi et'l ' e)e'At~ ;
wih prviltegetofeaxaoinatio,directtfraothetfattor.
A Wvaahbarn improvrs with age and mnakeo a "T'ttlay the :sdinetto etehiics is lit- hti~ west of ihtttihe N. NY.. tulotiit.
Cifht inreasein ayluaIs tearot. ttbsot.id OF HECITY8
It th raty wrth man im les ia ot yearsgtuby. din till its foritis.'Clii'gieait N. Y., 1'ittbtorg, l't., NW'heeliongAV.
LYON & IIEALY, itliettil tfot' is is s-hiat thus tXeitt- Ott.. :ashtbtlandKy., and c1 t i i.notts II--- - - --____
COO2. "'a' 10ASHAVE. & ADAMS ST.. CICAG0O'.eset f tlltltiI terrtor i t a fore autd one-tthid tor
lthtticlit altng ethitl llies lins to di) hI. .11C)IIP ,Agetit. I$( v B!ro iea
A - iititlphilosopthy. Are we h to iside HURON ST, OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE.
sGCzoobyino o mnyscien, t a llii-field canidiates arc request-
., 'WOis ioo re11i left fer the study oef itrt'tti't t tis gyhlitistnorhiitiibAnnex.
SUPPLIES cotaypioohIilrti tsG .II F.ITROLGAE
I lcadea Nilb edtel- U USdiog Lee Bath. MiisS, Maths. etc 1et'0 SALUREAUFOR
Mianagers shoulid seno samsuisand ploiithitclthoutIlutto autnlege-t Physiia'esl aieftryrqustefreenoeratiug lhihr, used Six Capo. Gownsa nmd
Gait, Crichet, Teach Sod Fhld, Gymn- o i usoeni soul bty his sirTe to the mllonths. $+1.50, eost $75.00. Alst Hoods.
siom Eqipments and outfit-. Compluete fp
CataloguofSprt ig and Sommer Soorts 'ih' ,i i-ul. ,cdelbok.rriibc& ttcGTELL t& LEONRD,
tree. "Tue Name the Goarantee"Abn, .Y
A. G. SPALDING & BROS., Adidreseso Anti-SalooniLoogno., Iirnggits, Ypslanti. V,. Slrosor. lroesrr.
New erb. Clilogo.Phusde~p~a. Plot. Pea-body,ia hit leettire tietoe Ictetaittber liat se tre sellhigtill .m0F.ttamS
R ANDALL THE PHOTOGRAPHER te Anti-saleton League it thtehUnitat-our goods at low-cr pricest ii order' to RENYNSs I4l' OS
R ahngo Blok, a chu~irh iinthe tat-ning,-, t ow rt-eduet enr stoce0foeeflay 1ot. 0 0 " .. 1
AnAbo allilge iid itself ef saloonis. IThe SCALLEt'S b' Nt"'It'RE S't1511-. AN ARBOR. MICH.
E n turkm T n s Tecutlgr~ave visiting cards for ladies and gntles nin ll'ei respective sizes in correct styles. Eligrve
E i Ito Plates will be kept btyoss for our patroins. uniless we iPreeustetd to return same.
W. eddiug Invitationls Eknotvr engraveti to order in shlort
Prices uquaffed Sntu eanaplesfurnished on ipplicatioiis.
Leading Booksellers- A - .- J1 20 0 SrtteSre. n ror9ik

Leading Booksellers

- 20 S. State Street. Ann Arbor, Mich..

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