c he . a
EM pp
ft * tit Lu
Received a full line of Novel-
ties for Spring Suits,
and Trouserings
sIn collapsible tubes for tein
cents is one of the handy
toilet preparations we have.
I We have a very fine cold
cream pot tnp the same
way for fifteen rents.7
0 46 S. STATE ST. 0
A Shoe Well Fitted! !
Means donble the wear and there-
fore a saving of 100 per cent, niot to
mention the comfort and appearane
which in themselves are of no small
importance. We give special atten-
tion to this feature of fit-in fart, we
prefer to lose sales rathser than allow
improperly fitted footsvear to leave
our store.
0 0
0 N
Strawberries for
' Crushes" ands
First of the Season. m
0 0
0 0aaoam~aaaameaamagta
New and Secoud-Hantl Text-
S. L. A. lIA' A DRAWVING CA IP..SIiutrodtnrcd as the grand-sen of Wt orhLcueo eeiy
'____ias erFarsn O iigt
Wi-laaHnyHrio.O iigt he fourth of the series of Ictores
Ex-President Harrison the Speak- address the audience, hie said:-."I by Dr. MeAurrich on the subject of
coSec fHivaer ant it understood that I am tietHeredity was delivered laot es-cuing
graut-so f nbod. Ibeleveco-'rtoi a large audience composed chiefly
Aensol tn nhs w trt. fs announced yesterday. ix-Presi- - s oftdical and genseral scientific stu-
T1liso:has been his suaxhn through lif,
uisentt aci-isoss stll arrh-c at unoin to- -dtenots. Several etrofessors u-err anmossg-
(Lv tewiltiueranetbyteanad has 1usd much to dTo wt !a.H willsbe its sue- byth the audiience. As inidic-ated in his last
Phi Delta Thisafi-ateruity and will IejllnHrio a enc1Iectrtefrtpr fbeIoi a
leave ltmorrow -issocuisig A shosrt LcuasiiIoisihabes-It-ctte.hefrtatofiehorwo
publcaneve sice he irt ofthedevostedto to aenueratlsiscutssio of ttte
skh ofisitlilife(' followvs: tscellit(St iel-ements.-tiofti
Ex-PesientHarisonwasbor atThe lecturer traceds the history of tihe
wie ists 1i sthe casis.iiof s-t 551
.NorthsBeast], 5 this, Ag. 2t0, 1533. lHe - -' sistrisse atftev-elopmenscst, goisig backs to
rc.- e -ctcthisedcsticationi 5ass y 'slsder ssc issisttus-tl sw i c-the timge of Harvet-y. Sonse timistias
Isis fashes's rcof, ficst fromtsi gsss es-vsis-es: so a 1putlicsp teaiker-foi his party :pent in a discssisot ot Darwin's
ess. sist fessas a 'Massachsetts o-l sts(eniiP ros-isional ttlypothesis of Psi aucuesto.
Thes'cr'futstii lthatic'eisacte is 1856i1 _ .
1e gi- gisitusits-. sandsttisfrc it Igradc- 'Ti vstefrtter oatap
b1st glit tsiiii isse' iossimseutis- foe- 'ts -so le frttei- to tcnt
ite is'si MttarosallC'olsege-, Pt'syl-a-lluy-extplsin-ationiiositheuse sctetcspissof
5<ar i 86. n hs emral tarvsi. 'ewst-seovsen years of it' of - titossiant though itws otpen to -ri--
ise liuhei Cacmpsaignu of510C}teass -t Is of lcsiis.it fuirniised he basis of stir
Suee or fIninaa a ighti.nsuiso iii eye-titiessof thiiieSelec d 'rusensithtudisstisteaaiigiofvthe
eiitiiitaotii ic iimoiinst Ii s i t iiissie gireat c-ssiiritsitioiis thast Datrwtiiihas
Iteldustiis of tsis posoitioni.ndtinu i
the' "T'ippecan-oiei" loliticsil C-on~te-st ;.so ~i se. to s-isiince, Di. -MeMuesis-is taut
re'masrkalest,. As ascuslt of his Ihcalthyst-he scisittet-i--'of tel htisieofsi110' mdm Is 5 ii'
tisi' tlitrainisgisasssithosstiine sntilasoster'thiliac-
issirses of tse Unissionaris ii stis h ts isst2 u saolil
itisi-ise' tsthyoiuth, ini Iis foturteenthwnihspnlsln yasi ~l
\Vssc of the Rtlssslison isastaffectedtiim eii te hsliisieoc i a-
year iswa55 stight to be' cosiserablt eigoe hsida eoeIegv
asotiss-s' sist sll pIssi ut is- citizesisanssi is
ini sis ese situihos t-yunsgtpsotple I lsiti ioissitsrtalt i tssc~ it Itisthe sworlsd. sittt
is-ie-- Ini consetsioin ts theseakesaita
I-s sis ii'issiisi'os-ioulsigoi i's inittioin. wst-us-is groaiisi ilstli' ar5 iotra tesio u
Pronl the hme schoolsi se ssvriitlisofIthesmre''St-irn.hIors--isis
-:it to ii l'sirisss's ol'slegse. '555 115 it, t'sssetliit ns iso 'et~isisani'o. 'Tius
ioui tis rsise' si rig-iltsei.'' IIs'dist next lec-liri' stilldeliw tts Fiss mtost,
stt i s'gsis'lssttfr -o' is siss' ). rsgissss'ss, sant tas -sisisi- m~odtienthsessit- siiris isits-if besei s
iltiioss itoistudsyssitgsenerstl gsoodt ;gradual _____evolution. ___
tisis. suitthenc'ss -sissei sithe O Sil isIt,- The University Bandi at Worik.
ws ht : st listii tnivs-citt-, (tiforit.
lin 411101.i ers'heii' st-sograduteatr t i t?'Ise' ests i s t-ill attsndus eies 555:ng
I ' h isstlipasrt i I 'itiolone lsi rri-.ss's _
aeof st18. ItieIs is ecrest ssss-ss the ii'Iivsis ty iiiy t fui si sot es-cuing
acitivtser'v'5ice,'wstss'ss iin ii kii is-
e-lissi gasininsg fori'11sissitheisos sistiillshssbaii roomii uter ilsilkissi' Drug
aisd Isigis 's e it sitof igss aisssi<lat ,Stores., tiSiise 201 iicasbees wee-' in sit-
sississig stisiiiihstirs'o(itivi'lt histsis isis
anol h-n w r Olvr '.'oro I, s-sisis'- ti-se t he ~A t stmy ssits-sn san ietand soistc'sbte niwiss issti
aitf5ttersrdhGovernoiroust Indtiana nd sut'splayesitistisreheasrsal fur iine IT-
AV.t. I ioflhts-iswtiis whssoiinh 'Ilhit stissi' of tse bandst stheliiindiosr
i lto his otisstduring his sojurn ats uianieist orussiia 5its urtndtadota
II s st-s'usslItidr stssi- . Tl' ih~ss asllst
Msari. cositustions. It still tlyt- tttll of ish'
:i1 'its'- 0 rd,- i 1si 1Iisfosrs-i' sis-us' aitssg to isissisi'contests unders t he li a sis'
its marsk wstnsalsleuonituos ract. iinAthlet ic:Associstitoss. tush sill saidver-
550ly 20i1ith-1,turinothswell-cs'.siittiecth s tsocinibyspardngoftine
ti(esstgas a ublssssit- suke, i 'iljt515.bsses'b-tlla noucelntfth
(OooisntiestIls ourdsIllicitytandmain- bsebaIlgstmess. Net-cr before inl its
tsle tisrougisost. German Music at Vespers. itidislyed.
'Ths'yong otututitul il sirs-tSti.. B. ihPsilt, i 'th leader ofthei
li-is soi il te utus tutisiisuis tii Al to olitgi i s poursis toi' isandt sishies to annsoucte thasit 5hire is
legaleosirs-is-c'ty otIudist:li' still sluo ts'fr-tutufood"Stois a.twoti
sili--( tutn i 'j. NIrst-s-is '-
isiss it it hits cart- lits' herii'is iisone__________of___
i' 'us 'is (1 7t-1 Pr5 ehahs'o Dr. Heinrich Lutz.
strusggle, hopeusfchut nds'teu'rssiis al-I
Books for all departmsents. itusk eventifthoe retI mrai lioffestbd
Complete stork of law noks ttiiO entirely out of keeptiug Nvitil tis
for all cltisses. stuck accosmplishsed. His first tuacissec-
siti stas wstilsWilliamss Wuas's'. In
Second-Hand Books bought 1860 Mr. 1Wallace resigneds, mand, in his
and exchanged. stcsad, his college friend, WT. t1. ish.
bacek, because an assciate in la w.
'wYT AHR' S BOOK STODRE Some feur or five years before this
t .i~litimse Benjamin TIarrisou's political
Up Town D~own Town ecreer may be said to have roin! eng-
E55S. State sotl Oppsite Court Hous,'
Ann rlscq lainoh. ed. At a ratification -meeting leievas
's~i - Pgms 011ss1 Sess'et hs E ''tu'stic-isi
i's.'' ~.S"ituildin ''Just in isOi-A, suiuo i-
i~Thouii :-hsslt h is. ' thiss~':iAdtapst-
s-its. IlTussu, "When'ut1 surts'u- m.s's-
'-k-hsubs'ct. t{1i-1 _'$.1"l'llriu' (Ii-
soli," Mlss ini F.
I-eelttoteis. Senteice, "Savsiourc
sgsainsto ''1Thyclear naume iweraise."
Postludse, Ii'ragiioit trout Finale liltht
Symiphsony. Soloists, Mrs. Berrymsans,
M Aiss Beach, Am Povey, Mr. Webster.
tDr. tleimric-hs tutz sls it this citt
cii lasttFr'idayst-mosrninug. Ie st-So '5
t ut'ig- thscmsn o solu', haingtui scai'st-
lt tasssedthss'examinasstiosofor Phi).t
is. Tuibisgeni, (icrusamut, sthsose puurplosce
hsere wst- to learms thse Englishlm isn-
gumugi' std thmensdes-oleisslie Iio wtrk
ii thle field of classicaltphilology ems
Ihis side of time Atlasstic, 'as his terther
has teems doinug in Gerumny. MNasny
of Isis wtarinest friends u-err members
of ;time Gerwinsn department at timeU: