c he . a Ahr EM pp ft * tit Lu VOL. VII. No. 133. ANN4 ARBOR, MtCIIIGA-N-, TIJESDXY, MARCH 23, 1897. FouR PAGES-3 CENTS. Received a full line of Novel- ties for Spring Suits, and Trouserings 1897 1O. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN, Vaselli-c! sIn collapsible tubes for tein cents is one of the handy toilet preparations we have. I We have a very fine cold cream pot tnp the same way for fifteen rents.7 0 PALMER'S PHARRMACY. 0 46 S. STATE ST. 0 A Shoe Well Fitted! ! Means donble the wear and there- fore a saving of 100 per cent, niot to mention the comfort and appearane which in themselves are of no small importance. We give special atten- tion to this feature of fit-in fart, we prefer to lose sales rathser than allow improperly fitted footsvear to leave our store. Wv. J. APRILLI 18 WASHINGTON ST., ANN ARBOR. 0 0 Freshs 0 N Strawberries for ' Crushes" ands 0'Sundays"o tonight.a First of the Season. m 0 0 C CALKINS' - i- PHAMY 0 0aaoam~aaaameaamagta WAHR'S BO K STORE. New and Secoud-Hantl Text- S. L. A. lIA' A DRAWVING CA IP..SIiutrodtnrcd as the grand-sen of Wt orhLcueo eeiy '____ias erFarsn O iigt Wi-laaHnyHrio.O iigt he fourth of the series of Ictores Ex-President Harrison the Speak- address the audience, hie said:-."I by Dr. MeAurrich on the subject of coSec fHivaer ant it understood that I am tietHeredity was delivered laot es-cuing graut-so f nbod. Ibeleveco-'rtoi a large audience composed chiefly Aensol tn nhs w trt. fs announced yesterday. ix-Presi- - s oftdical and genseral scientific stu- T1liso:has been his suaxhn through lif, uisentt aci-isoss stll arrh-c at unoin to- -dtenots. Several etrofessors u-err anmossg- (Lv tewiltiueranetbyteanad has 1usd much to dTo wt !a.H willsbe its sue- byth the audiience. As inidic-ated in his last Phi Delta Thisafi-ateruity and will IejllnHrio a enc1Iectrtefrtpr fbeIoi a leave ltmorrow -issocuisig A shosrt LcuasiiIoisihabes-It-ctte.hefrtatofiehorwo publcaneve sice he irt ofthedevostedto to aenueratlsiscutssio of ttte skh ofisitlilife(' followvs: tscellit(St iel-ements.-tiofti Ex-PesientHarisonwasbor atThe lecturer traceds the history of tihe wie ists 1i sthe casis.iiof s-t 551 .NorthsBeast], 5 this, Ag. 2t0, 1533. lHe - -' sistrisse atftev-elopmenscst, goisig backs to rc.- e -ctcthisedcsticationi 5ass y 'slsder ssc issisttus-tl sw i c-the timge of Harvet-y. Sonse timistias Isis fashes's rcof, ficst fromtsi gsss es-vsis-es: so a 1putlicsp teaiker-foi his party :pent in a discssisot ot Darwin's ess. sist fessas a 'Massachsetts o-l sts(eniiP ros-isional ttlypothesis of Psi aucuesto. Thes'cr'futstii lthatic'eisacte is 1856i1 _ . 1e gi- gisitusits-. sandsttisfrc it Igradc- 'Ti vstefrtter oatap b1st glit tsiiii isse' iossimseutis- foe- 'ts -so le frttei- to tcnt ite is'si MttarosallC'olsege-, Pt'syl-a-lluy-extplsin-ationiiositheuse sctetcspissof 5