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March 22, 1897 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-03-22

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Stcio; Iock andl oFla ..m o hnrP rionlt
Are iiow in our stock sod rosily for your 1inpectionl No firm,0orlneti iimade i n L hi(; it il iYou iJl isil ti ell)
only .it oiii tor Golf Suite in great Vriety.


The leaders in New York as well as its AimaArbor a-c only sold h~yis and are the best hats ever producedl for the money. All
the new and leading shapes. W~e at-o make stits to oider. us r-antee a perfet it anwl a saving of 25 per cent. A-e have
the largest and finest line of GOLF SUITS and GOLF HOSE IN THE CITY.


37 South Main Street.


;a dOpera Zous 1 Merry War Is On.
TrHREE NIGH1TS i Prof. KnoIN-iiciiu1;>il f~ilCof a
A C 22, 23anid.24 1l1cl, fliii liro. i~iof t' lie I'lli-
vs i ofili i nie. iii eliel a
j(C it - s poinill iow'cll 11w A. A
A t laET ®o- AGNISGO0PE ( ( ""IJeop~ocec !n"l tlcW. rL\. A.
- -- ~~~~I'. Theloc al l-irl of c-elil-I .t .s
Prices, - 25c, 35e, and 50c iiet, donelli~ill- il lihiinpliite. tii
I ic i C tat liarth' iit -c t1PI t.) aic ll i

ny " O ln i5-ly he f c '
Ii 1Home is Rally Compre
, il uta new 897 Moli
t r Guitar, Mandolin,
'bj Banjo or Zither.
From $iS.oo Upward.

ofi Ie'IV. 0.1A... , iil ig liip c
two ii un liii- idris I liti 'goslow
P 10 A etgS iiei-A m ii ,.u ccIlliliaC
"Dur1.ingithe \j'i I iI li ("!ii ci ci Hi-
enmiic if ofAiiilei iA, Uei i Mcn l-
iiici riiinc toi .11 ii-; n I. iol 10l I
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iMen (ebiltosU aii icliel)lcls (q Uh-

ill1s Iately o ilelile , ciiies ae 1, r J H G
Ii lii'm tiiaeiir Athiletie Ui o Clwhiii lirEASdlWESI
Irye il ii i iii ii c sirlI leile interest"i M all and Ex___. 4 . N.YC. ai__ A 30
t-ci rlesi a-c t ho il(! eqiliil iii ,14 Si. Y. Spec." --- 4518 Mali- 5--_--843
iinslrrn Es- iC CC10v,,N.S.LimiteC C_ 925
k11111tlanl~c En--- , 77hM. Pacific LEn ---12 ia
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I~~~~~~~~~~~3 Raiofi fC.111 k -i llnn . n.Fxpri's _-_i1lo Cihi. Ni. Bx-s-is1
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to1) le ii nielil t I-i eg colo a, ililetle. ii-' P. &5 , 1. , i -aiieio. Agi:. Ann Arbor
111 not bells fcliijll-taiii liii' iiilllesIC iof
Nve i l at1Il lll-illgll' llllli w iill
be lie" t-cl eiiby i lie iiii( l l i
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All Irains dalycclii Sundaly.
ii. llst il 11 - 1.01 11, 111IIII 1 II iiiii~i'I.; . iL~nili'. Af eci I
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I;1, iii i"'Cll,..illill I llt:(1il~ N i.-I t HE kiNDERGARDEN BULLIAD HALL

his i21i%"e Iisl proved .1AC i ' 1111IeII
l' sciiili.21dills our 11iinoliI.-cillie
nI) I l IIill ll')do it)21 l' i l W

Whleal nisICigi-sn Tobaccos Cliii

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lcrtcriiiiiiiC:. C Se 'cond Frenhnman Parly.
le _et rn weI d t1,.tt i (_111( PhINe i. r tltiii'l .i - - Ilcarniniii
t I calsivlebyteI.i t ic C(kor. Main and Libertv Sts.
t ' h1 4 . lizr5C- .(7I ). 0 1 i l. _oil iii=1' 11 t l(g 1 t'- ( !Ili 5 i:'I A 'IilIi ' 1ill )'11 il<t
niiili,direfrl-; theii i' lilri ii -iirnz THEFINESTTAILORING
wcs cnwillh age .dCliil to Ihoi Wete rn-il lIilillil 1;.11iit i l i111 11 llll -ill oiite l oiii o
x a wi as ties yciiis;o .
iA . , 1PPeiil dliii fr l I Ii iiliI 1iloll t(ll i s 111 is .5 iillilll I. i' ______
73 AY .& ADAMS ST.. CNiC s0 1l1( i(ltt(X l:sl11olt l.C
ot oi 1 l ii siii i liI ii c l Nllt cw it1d'b flllil I xi CCI P ill 1111.-;IifI W
- i rlillrgliC li 1ml l."i iS s i'kel rrii hel neiitl" l--. We ciii llIii oN T, SI TECOR T Hf eld
"A a ~ I iipiil iii if Ithe We siel- III___or__ _I___old_____,
I'lillillAlslcirCiiii-c i li lllililllili11'lli lPIi ,- ,-~-Ladies Tailoring Annex.
Ill '1ii1iiie of Itie 1nirersilyIofii I llcsl-o 1111 prci ce olli 11lie' PililIC IS observingli j - -- -
111the coilllill I--1- 11'li' -11litonls 11111npol -bWhich thec ll ofINTERCOLLEGIATE
Spadle ing League Bal, lis,. li etc . ilti., CIPrale f lralile
sprcnl rs oleC Eey or spltes edte lo1ls I ried i. izt 1BUREAU FOR
snpe rcilraes.,Svark eisiteii'iir.TGnnis, . 11- i' i' 1-IlIl ii'Cr shall biinoilc'lilld ' lii1l. 111ICaps. Gowns and
slam Equipments and outfit.. (Crl 1pirCll II teli ito te ' -'s prcice'611:111 llot.i'clllencl 1' ill -I.I I. Hoods.
iteee.l "TiEC aI in e C nnrante" P.L I -e. uc II l 1111 lIilee i 1 iiirlI3 ):o1 1 'clociiik. 111d11 t tie11oe 1111 il- h llI(toi - cOTBELL & LEONARD,
A. G. SP.AS' IlIG & BB©OS., il.IvIgllt IC liiih' i'~l' IIeli lppl- 'C'i fellanea11t' the11' -i iel"i lmlliltryAlbany, N. Y.
ofc the 1.111 t sCa xsl)c '' e - C- . 5iii'iiti i., Seasnrer.
N wYork. Cirisags, Philaidelphia. ligi5Ii' AmatII'erAthlili c Assllclitili'. ' Ils ii4B.1vWillianm St
lllissioll it ilo lpr tiee tee wI + 1r - .
ANBALL THE PHOTOGRAPHER - li' t i :ii Ci il e 1111111 lnillud 11 >1111ir'Clbitiinil iSI'rI'1- miif .t LA _ -r, I " i 5111 1l,
Ann Arbor. outheIkeW'sler.1eiu ollc'iiig I lls 1111illsiustlbestrictly 'foillweli. I ANN ARBOR. MICH.
E Aad-p T° e ngrave visiting caids for ladies a111d1gentlelmen In their respetive sizes ini correct styles. Eingraived
E g ru v ino'Paeswl be kp b us for our patrons, unless we tire requestedl to return sanle.-
W edd ng I vita io0 Elegantliy engraved to order in sir
Prices quoted1anodsamples furnished on application.
Leading Booksellers - - - - - - - - 20 S. State Street. Ann Arbor, Mich.

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